• Published 4th Jan 2014
  • 1,266 Views, 7 Comments

Carpe Diem - Helrael

It had been a fall longer than a few feet. It had been a fall from divinity. That crucial blow had damaged more than just her horn. It had shattered her reality. When a kingdom beckons and a queen prepares for battle, how do you pick up the pieces?

  • ...

6 - Shadow in the Mirror

Carpe Diem

Chapter 6 - Shadow in the Mirror

"When will she be at her most vulnerable? When addressing her supporters, or in private?"

The unicorn standing guard outside the room Princess Luna had chosen as her interrogation chamber, having exhausted all other sources of entertainment, listened idly to the scene taking place behind the closed door. His companion, an earth pony mare, had long since fallen asleep, but he could hardly blame her. In order to keep her methods as secret as possible, Princess Luna had chosen to interview the prisoners in the most isolated part of the dungeon; nopony ever came anywhere near the two guards, making for a very, very boring posting.

The unicorn pricked his ears up in an effort to hear the changeling's answer, but could only hear a strained grunt. At least it was a break from the endless string of 'I don't know' he had been spewing since he and Princess Luna were introduced to each other. For the first half hour or so, the princess had simply repeated the same two questions over and over: 'Where is the changeling queen?' and 'when is the invasion due?'. Now, however, as it inevitably happened, the princess had lost her temper and gotten violent, provoking a new range of answers from her prisoner. Already, he had revealed the time of the invasion.

"When her army marches, will she be in the vanguard?" The changeling sobbed in response to the question, and the guard shook his head sympathetically. The door shuddered from a heavy impact and not a second later, a sharpened stake broke through the fortified oak, missing the eavesdropping unicorn by mere inches. His eyes flashed blue as he almost faltered, but he regained his composure quickly, backing away from the stake with a swift step. "Answer me!" Luna bellowed, and the wooden stake, covered in a thin, sticky sheen of neon green fluid, withdrew, leaving a splintered hole in the thick oak door. The hole vanished as quickly as it had appeared, no doubt the princess using her powerful magic to repair it instantly.

"H-how would I know!?" the prisoner within desperately plead, his voice much fainter to the unicorn now that he had distanced himself from the door.

The princess muttered something in response, and the changeling screamed a string of insults at her before falling abruptly silent. The guard didn't have much time to wonder what had just happened before the door slammed open, just barely missing him.

With a confused frown, Luna strode out of the interrogation chamber, leaving behind the prisoner that, thanks to her magic, was now sound asleep. The sleeping earth pony standing against the wall just opposite Luna was quickly nudged awake by the unicorn, who cast his detection spell on Luna immediately upon seeing her.

The guardsmare who had been caught sleeping began muttering an apology, but Luna ignored her. "Is it sundown already?" she asked, once again feeling the tugging in her horn that had driven her to end her session with the changeling.

"I think you'd know better'n us, honestly," the unicorn replied, referring to the brightly lit, but windowless surroundings. "But it sounds 'bout right."

Luna nodded. "I am sorry to have kept you for so long. Bring the prisoner to its cell, and see that it is given medical attention. Once that is taken care of, you are dismissed."

"What happened this time?" the unicorn inquired, his tone making it clear that he was looking for an excuse to give the nurse rather than an answer to sate his own curiosity.

"The creature lunged," Luna explained. "I lowered my horn in defense."

The unicorn hid a grimace and nodded. "I see. Hope he gave you some answers beforehoof."

"Not many," Luna admitted, turning away from the guards and leaving them to their remaining duties as she started down the path leading out of the dungeons. While walking, she finally responded to the tugging in her horn. The restricting walls of the dungeon fell away all around her, and to her right, she saw the moon, pushing against the horizon as if it were an actual physical border preventing it passage. To her left, the sun looked as though it was hanging off of that same horizon, just waiting for Luna's touch to dismiss it. With a single powerful push, the moon rose and the sun fell away, giving way to night just as willingly as it had done for the past three weeks. By the time she had finished her celestial duty, she had left the dungeon, and was soon walking down the palace hallways, rapidly darkening under the onset of night.

The twenty-sixth day, Luna mused, going over what little information the changeling had provided her. She could only assume that meant the twenty-sixth day following the wedding. She had just brought about the eve of the twenty-second, meaning Canterlot had less than a week remaining until Chrysalis arrived with her bolstered army.

As much confidence as she had in her sister's ability to deal with situations such as these peacefully, Luna had felt her resolve rapidly crumble with each confirmation of the invasion's date. There was simply no time for negotiations, no time to prepare against a full-on assault of Canterlot, no time for any other solution than the one that had been clear from the very beginning, and the window of opportunity allowing for the assassination of the queen was rapidly closing. For all she knew of Chrysalis' progress, it could be too late already.

Steeling herself for yet another confrontation with Celestia, Luna quickened her pace. If her sister had not yet found the hidden solution she claimed to exist, Luna would have to convince her that there simply were no pleasant options for dealing with Chrysalis.

Her progress through the palace hallways slowed somewhat as she became increasingly aware of the odd or downright shocked glances she was receiving from the castle staff. Guards saluted her, but, while looking at her, failed to make eye contact. Guests and residents of the palace alike went in wide circles around her upon seeing the princess, all looking nervously at...

Luna's eyes went to her front legs, and with a twinge of regret, she noted a light spattering of bright green standing out against her dark blue coat. It was not the only thing amiss with her appearance, Luna quickly found. She had been perspiring more heavily than she had realized during her sessions with the many changelings, and her fur and feathers looked unkempt to say the least, no doubt having looked as such ever since her return from the city sweep earlier that day.

The blood would certainly not do, Luna decided promptly, deciding to stop by her chambers before going to Celestia. Her sister would no doubt notice, and there would be no hope of reasoning with her were she to learn what Luna had been doing with their prisoners.

Her own prisoners, Luna reminded herself bitterly, and for a brief moment, she considered going straight to her sister regardless of how she looked. Perhaps the knowledge of what her little sister had been doing in her absence would finally bring Celestia out of her stupor and force her to finally take action.

It was hardly worth the scolding she would receive and the nigh certain mistrust between the two that would follow, however, and so Luna continued to her own chambers, ignoring the greetings of the guards stationed outside her door. Within moments, she stood before the mirror of her bathroom, a dampened sponge from her bath scrubbing away the blood on her legs. It didn't take her long to clean her legs, and she soon set to work on washing the sweat off of the rest of her body.

How would she convince a pacifist of her sister's caliber to kill Chrysalis? Even one such as Discord she hadn't dared kill, despite the thousand ponies demanding his head on a spike. Now, only Luna demanded murder, and for each of her arguments, she knew her sister would have ten to counter her. Celestia had the wisdom, she had the experience... she had the clean slate, the name untarnished by past mistakes; all virtues that weighed so much heavier than any logical argument Luna could offer.

"Speakest thou out of wisdom or fear, dearest sister? Equestria stands on the brink of oblivion and thy resolution fails thee..." Her gaze lifted from the running water in the sink to the mirror, but what she saw there caused her to leap backwards in shock, her eyes widening in disbelief and fear. "Y-you! What are you‒?"

"Did you miss me, dear Luna? I find life so very dull without my little puppet princess."

In the mirror before her, in the stead of her reflection, was a face Luna had hoped she would never see again. Especially in the mirror. Cold, cyan eyes sparkled with the excitement of a predator cornering its prey, and a swirling, ethereal mane so very much like Luna's pulsed with glee, framing the dark visage of the infamous Nightmare Moon.

"Begone!" Taking heart in the fact that the apparition, whatever it was, before her was nothing but an image in the mirror, Luna stepped forward again, her horn aglow as she scowled at her darker counterpart. "The Elements of Harmony banished thee!"

"Ah. Because they were so very effective in expulsing me the first time around," Nightmare Moon observed, sounding utterly unimpressed.

"You were destroyed..!"

"And here I am ‒" the black alicorn in the mirror gave her a dangerous smile "‒ answering my summons."

"I have not summoned thee, vile creature!" Luna retorted angrily. "Slink back into whatever darkness you came from! I will have nothing of you!"

"So dramatic, Luna. You can't spare a moment to talk with an old friend?"

"We are not friends," Luna hissed, her eyes narrowing. "And thy words are poison."

"Why won't your big sister listen to you?" Nightmare Moon cooed in a mockingly mothering tone, ignoring Luna's protests. "How come everypony asks how she's doing when you're the one slaving away every hour of the day? Why don't they trust you? Why does Celestia love Twilight more than she does you?"

"She does not!"

Nightmare Moon smirked, that same smile playing across her lips again. "Oh? Really? Have you noticed how much... brighter," she spat the word contemptuously, "the sun has become lately? Since Twilight came? She's been doing more for Celestia in half a day than you've been doing for three weeks! Of course, you came along and ruined that, didn't you? It’s no wonder she prefers her company..."

"Your lies will not incense me," Luna told the apparition dismissively, ordering her hooves to take her away from the poisonous mirror, though they did not obey her. "Leave."

"It's obvious she's been pushing you away," Nightmare Moon insisted, sounding a lot more serious. "Ever since you failed her."

"I did not‒"

"'I shall be just fine on my own'", Nightmare Moon said, her voice imitating Luna's perfectly and echoing the words she had spoken upon the morrow of the wedding. "'Enjoy the wedding.' I think I'll just lie up here, in my cottage in the clouds, far away from the noise of the wedding, and sleep through an invasion! You let that sorry excuse for a queen take over Canterlot and strike down your sister!"

"I had been guarding Canterlot every night for‒" Luna started defending herself, but instead snorted at her reflection. "I need not justify myself to the likes of you!"

"So you were tired." Nightmare Moon pursed her lips and nodded her head in understanding. "Good thing Celestia had Twilight around, I suppose. And what's your excuse for these past weeks, I wonder? Why are ponies still afraid? Why don't they trust your reassurances? Why haven't you dealt with Chrysalis yet!? Instead, you're yelling at a mirror, trying to convince yourself that you're not jealous of your sister's favorite little student."

"I have served the kingdom dutifully and diligently in my sister's absence," Luna retorted confidently. "No other pony, not even Twilight, would have lasted two days in my stead."

"So where's the appreciation?" Nightmare Moon challenged her.

"In due time, it will come."

"In due time..." Nightmare Moon echoed, tapping a hoof against her chin thoughtfully. "Where have we heard that before?"

"Be silent‒"

"Oh yes!" the black alicorn exclaimed as she remembered. "A thousand years ago. Wasn't that what Celestia said about your night? That only took, what, a millennium? We both know you're not a patient mare, Luna. How long before resentment starts filling up that pretty little heart of yours?"

"You know nothing of me, filth!" Luna insisted, her temper flaring. "I will not say it again! Leave!"

"You're speaking to a mirror," Nightmare Moon reminded her smugly. "We're one and the same, so I'm afraid you're stuck with me. The only difference between us is that I shoulder the blame. All those ugly emotions of yours, they're all my fault, right? They're what brought me here in the first place, you know. They're what will always bring me back, no matter how many times the Elements of Harmony blast me to pieces."

The alicorn chuckled darkly, and Luna felt oddly vulnerable under her gaze, as if she were being read like an open book. "Twilight Sparkle. You're so very good at being jealous, Luna, that's what I like about you. We both know she's going to replace you. The stars for a cutie mark, our sister's affinity for her, her plans for her ascension... She needs a companion to help her get through eternity, and goodness knows it isn't you."

Luna glared at her counterpart, but words failed her.

"You know what Celestia is going through," Nightmare Moon told her, her voice cutting into her mind deeper with every uttered word. "After her defeat, she has felt so utterly weak and helpless. Never before has she been struck such a blow as that insect dealt her. She is at her most vulnerable since... why, since she was but a little filly. So when you offer her a helping hoof, why does she shy away from it?"

Luna could offer no answer. She desperately wanted to just turn away from her reflection, to flee from her own shadow, but she knew the effort would be futile.

"I'll tell you why. She's afraid. What are you to her but the very mare who stabbed her in the back? She doesn't trust you, you foal. She never will. How could you truly believe she'd forgiven you? No, she prefers Twilight over a treacherous, false sister! Who wouldn't!?"

Luna shook her head desperately. "You lie!"

Nightmare Moon laughed. "Ask her then! Watch your sister as she stumbles over her words and inevitably lies to your face! If she trusted you, if she loved you, she would have accepted your help!"

The sound of raised voices from somewhere outside her chambers distracted Luna from Nightmare Moon's cruel words, and, finally released from the trance she had been in, she pointed a hoof at her reflection. "Y-you... you are a trick," she told the apparition, gaining a small measure of confidence from the accusation. "The changelings are trying to sway me, for-for some reason."

"The parasites will take over Canterlot in less than four days," Nightmare Moon groaned with exasperation. "They don't need to trick you. You need to destroy them before they get here."

"I will unveil your deceit!" Luna insisted, opening the door leading out into the rest of her apartment. "If you are what you claim to be, only I can see you, and if you wish for me to believe you, you will still be here when I return!"

"Don't take too long!" Nightmare Moon called out after her as Luna purposefully strode through her chambers, tearing open the doors leading into the rest of the castle.

In the hall just outside her chambers, she found the source of commotion to be Twilight Sparkle, frowning at the unicorn guard finishing a detection spell on her. Upon Luna slamming open the doors, however, both Twilight and the guards flinched, and the lavender unicorn gave the princess an apologetic look.

"S-sorry, Princess Luna, I didn't mean to shout right outside your quarters, it's just, I've been scanned a dozen times walking from Celestia's study to here." She gave the guard an annoyed look as he finished his spell. Her sister's student was wearing the Element of Magic on her head, and Luna briefly wondered whether Celestia had thought of a solution before shoving the thought away.

"Twilight, join me in the restroom."

"Whu-whaaah!" Twilight's stuttered question trailed off into a surprised yelp as Luna pulled her through the doorway with her magic, leaving the guards standing outside to exchange looks of utter bewilderment and apprehension.

"Now!" Luna ordered flatly, pushing the smaller unicorn across the floor of the large entrance hall and into her bathroom, shutting the door behind the two as soon as they had entered.

"Wh-what's going on!?" Twilight demanded as soon as Luna's magical grip on her ceased, blushing furiously.

Luna didn't immediately answer. Upon entering the bathroom, her eyes were instead drawn to the mirror. To both her relief and despair, the image of Nightmare Moon was still there, her lips curled into an arrogant smile as she watched the two ponies enter.

"Look in the mirror," Luna told the flustered unicorn, gesturing at Nightmare Moon. "Do you see her?"

"Who?" Twilight asked, growing only more confused as she craned her neck to look into the mirror adjusted to a pony of Luna's stature. "I-I see you."

"Me?" Luna pressed worriedly. "Princess Luna?"

"Well, uh... yeah." Nightmare Moon shook her head at Luna with an 'I told you so' look in her eyes. "Why? Am I supposed to see... something else?"

"Boo!" Nightmare Moon exclaimed demonstratively, her face momentarily growing to fill out the entire mirror while she bared her teeth menacingly. Luna took a guarded step back, but Twilight didn't even flinch, oblivious to the princess' tormentor. "You see?" Nightmare Moon laughed, waving a hoof at the unicorn still staring intently at the mirror. "I'm not a spell, I'm not a trick. Your jealousy sustains me, draws me in. How could I resist showing up, the way you envy our dear Twilight here? Lucky little unicorn. Gets to be loved by everyone around her. But you‒"

"Silence!" Luna all but screamed at the image, and Twilight stumbled backwards in surprise. The princess turned towards the fallen unicorn. "Art‒ are you sure, Twilight? Absolutely sure?"

"It looks just like an ordinary mirror to me," the unicorn admitted, visibly shaking under Luna's crazed gaze. “Sorry.”

"You will always have me," Nightmare Moon cooed soothingly, as if to assure her. "Even when the remnants of your own sister's love for you wilts and dies, I will be at your side."

"A-are you alright, Princess?"

"I can help you, Luna. You know how. I do the things you don't want to do, but that we both know you deep down really, really want to do. Destroy the changelings, not just their queen. Assert yourself towards Celestia. Gain the respect of your subjects."


"And we could take care of little miss Perfect here while we're at it," Nightmare Moon promised Luna, and they both turned their gazes to the worried Twilight. "Are you just going to stand idly by while she takes your place at Celestia's side? Your sister would never tell you the truth, but we both know why she wants Twilight as an alicorn."

"Luna, should I call somepony!?"

"She's going to take away your sister, she's going to steal the crown that's yours by right, she'll even take the night! Everypony is going to love her and soon, nopony will even remember your name. They forgot it once before; they'll do so again," Nightmare Moon promised her, her voice dropping into a tantalizing whisper. "We don't have to hurt her, but we can. We don't have to kill her, but accidents do happen. Especially in the dungeo‒"

Nightmare Moon's enthralling voice was finally cut off as the mirror exploded, sending sparkling dust flying everywhere. Twilight yelped in surprise yet again, but Luna sighed in relief, closing her eyes and enjoying the newfound silence. Her glowing horn pulsed once more, and the disintegrated remains of the mirror were drawn into a nearby garbage bin.

She returned her gaze to Twilight, but the fear in the little unicorn's eyes was more than she could deal with presently. "I'm sorry," she muttered, then turned and left the bathroom.

"Luna!" Twilight called out after her, following her out the door and running up to stand in front of her. "What happened!? What did you see?"

"Nothing that need concern thee," Luna brushed her off, changing course so as to distance herself from the unicorn. "You can go back to my sister now."

"Well, she asked me to check on you. You missed dinner."

"As you can see, I am quite fine!" Luna bit her lip and nudged open the door to her living room, not bothering to use her magic. With a sigh of exasperation at her own hostility toward Twilight, she plopped into a chair facing a window. Twilight, however, seemed intent on uncovering what was bothering the princess, for she heard the unicorn step through the door after her, quite uninvited. Luna bit down the anger she knew wasn't entirely her own. She couldn't let Nightmare Moon turn her against her sister or anypony else.

"No offense, Princess, but you look far from fine. Wouldn't you like to talk about it? I could tell Celestia‒"

"No!" Luna exclaimed, nearly slipping into the royal Canterlot voice as she did so. She brought a hoof to her head and sighed again. "Please, do not tell my sister about this." Her eyes went briefly to the unicorn on her right, who silently nodded, obviously waiting for her to elaborate. The wait lasted almost a full minute before Luna finally surrendered. "I saw... Nightmare Moon."

"Nightmare‒ Wh-what did she do!? How come she's in the mirror!?"

"She attempted to poison my mind, as she did a thousand years ago."

"Attempted?" Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. "So, she didn't succeed, right?"

"She lives," Luna replied sourly. "That alone is more success than I will grant one such as her. And it is all my fault..."

"How come?"

"'Tis my jealousy that sustains her," Luna admitted, wrinkling her nose.

"What, your sister?" Although she was staring at her own hooves, Luna heard the unicorn approaching with tentative steps.


"Then... who?" Twilight asked.

"No one." Luna grimaced. "Nothing! Leave Us alone, Twilight Sparkle!"

"I-it's not me, is it?"

Luna whirled on the unicorn, her eyes aglow as she jumped clumsily out of the chair. "Don't mock me!" The force of her voice bowled over Twilight, but Luna was too frustrated to care. "It isn't fair! Do you know what I have put into ruling Equestria in my sister's stead!? I have not slept in days! I have traveled the length of Equestria time and time again! My horn burns so hot that headaches are a pleasant memory! I have done everything in my power trying to please my sister, and she will hardly look at me! You, on the other hoof..." She turned away from the unicorn and shook her head, taking a deep breath. "What have you done to earn her favor? Is it because you helped defeat Chrysalis? Discord? Myself?" She wiped a lone tear from her cheek. "Is it because you have never hurt her..?"

"Have you tried... talking to her?" Twilight offered, shaken by the other's outburst. "That's all I've done."

"Yes," Luna snapped, still not willing to face the unicorn. "Every time we have met, she has pushed me away. She would rather speak with you."

"I'm sorry," Twilight apologized. "I'm sure she doesn't mean to ignore you. With all that's happened, she's just having a hard time looking past herself. I don't think I've ever seen her so... out of it before. Since both of you are dealing with this crisis so differently, it's no wonder you're not seeing eye to eye about a lot of things."

"And how am I dealing with all this?" Luna challenged the unicorn sullenly. Tired of standing, she sat on the floor, looking out upon the early evening sky, her back still turned on the unicorn.

"You? Well, I suppose you're just the opposite of Celestia. Aggressive rather than passive. I mean, you flung a table across the dining room. Not that I hold that against you; the stress of everything you do must be driving you crazy."

"I am torturing changelings in the dungeons," Luna told her bluntly. "I see things in the mirror. I suppose you are right."

"I, uh... what?"

"Perhaps I am crazy. A lunatic if you will. I have yet again come to resent my sister and I have not let go of the Nightmare. How much longer until I grow obsessed with the beauty of the night and once more betray my sister!? It is no wonder she prefers your company... you, who are untainted by the darkness that has driven us apart."

"You shouldn't listen to Nightmare Moon," Twilight urged her, recognizing the source of the words. "You aren't crazy."

Luna held up her front hooves to her face, looking at them reproachfully. "Then why do I enjoy torturing my prisoners? Why has the euphoria of inflicting pain been the only thing carrying me through this horrible day?" She closed her eyes when she felt them watering and lowered her hooves.

"I managed an hour's sleep after... I don't even remember what paperwork I was going through last night. You saw what happened during breakfast. Trottingham... Trottingham demanded Celestia's presence... I lost my temper when somepony in the crowd called out my... other name. I returned to Canterlot, ready to sleep, only to learn that a prisoner wished to see me... It tried to spit on me and mocked me until I broke its leg. I learned of the invasion and wanted desperately to tell my sister, but of course, she had hidden herself away with you in the labyrinth, and I needed to attend the sweep of Canterlot. You cannot imagine how tired I was when I dragged myself into her study this noon, but she brushed me off when I told her of the invasion, told me to return to her royal duties. She wanted time alone to think of a solution, and I respected her wisdom... until she called you in." Luna shook her head. "Court was no better than Trottingham. There are countless matters that require my attention before I retire for the day, but I have found myself drawn to the dungeons instead."

"That does sound like a pretty terrible day," Twilight replied understandingly, nodding her head.

"Every day is much like this," Luna grumbled. "For every day Celestia is missing, they get worse."

"What? The ponies or the days?"

"Both. Everything." Luna gave a bitter snort. "I will never be the princess my sister is. She ruled a thousand years alone, but without her, I am losing control after nothing more than three weeks!"

"It's not been made easy for you," Twilight observed comfortingly. "I'm sure even Celestia would have trouble dealing with everything that's been going on. I'm sure she'd show you her gratitude if it wasn't for... well... she's been really preoccupied with Queen Chrysalis."

"We all have," Luna sighed in concordance.

"Celestia hasn't found a solution yet," Twilight revealed. "We've been thinking of using the Elements of Harmony somehow ‒" she tapped the tiara on her head "‒ but I don't think they'll work against an invasion."

"Has she seen reason, then?" Luna asked, raising an eyebrow at the unicorn. "Realized that we can't resolve this without bloodshed?"

"She hasn't. But I'm starting to," Twilight admitted. "I was thinking... if you were to... kill Chrysalis, you might finally snap Celestia out of her depression. Not only that, but all the ponies who've been spreading those nasty rumors about you would be forced to acknowledge that you're some kind of hero, right? By now, the only one who doesn't want to see Chrysalis dead is probably Celestia."

"I will not go behind my sister's back, Twilight."

"I know, neither do I, but... what if Celestia doesn't find a solution? Wouldn't she rather have Chrysalis' death on her conscience than whoever the changelings decide to kill and enslave when they conquer Equestria? She thinks there's another way, but if we all stay here waiting for her to find it, we'd be doomed if it turns out there isn't. You have a small window of opportunity now, from what I've understood."

"That is true. What is it you suggest?"

"I think we should keep your option open. If we don't, I think even Celestia would come to regret it," Twilight explained. "You could go to the badlands, either alone or with a squad of guards, and I could cover for you back here. I think it'd take you two days at the very least to find Chrysalis, so we could use that as a sort of deadline for Celestia to find a peaceful solution. If she does find one, I'll figure out a way to make her send you a signal. She could do something with the sun, I guess. In that case, you'd just come back to Equestria, and your sister would be none the wiser."

"And if the solution was to elude her, she might come to accept the death of Chrysalis in exchange for the lives and freedom of our subjects," Luna finished, torn between nodding and shaking her head. "It does not seem right to deceive my sister so, but I have been telling myself there would be no easy way of resolving this matter." She sighed and rose from her seat. "I will heed your advice, Twilight. I shall leave tonight with a platoon of royal guards under the pretense of retrieving your brother and sister-in-law. Once there, I will find an excuse to stay behind and then leave for the badlands."

"Sounds like a plan." Twilight nodded her head. "Guess I'll get back to Celestia and tell her you're going. Good luck, Luna."

"I thank you, Twilight. And... I apologize for my outburst. I should not for a moment have trusted the picture Nightmare Moon painted of you."

"Don't worry about it," Twilight assured her with a smile. "Once you... do it, I'm sure Nightmare Moon won't ever show her face again."

"One can only hope."

Comments ( 1 )

Aww, I wish this story would continue but it doesn’t seem like it. It was an amazing story. I loved every part of it. Keep up the great work!!!:pinkiehappy:

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