• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 1,883 Views, 50 Comments

Friendship is Shining: Boasts and Brag - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

A new unicorn comes to Ponyville making outrageous claims and humiliating whomever challenges her

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Odd Morning Visitor

"Shiny? Shiny wake up."

"What is it Twiley?" Shining Armor asked as he opened his eyes enough to peek out from between the lids. Standing on the bed looking him was his little sister. Twilight was nose to nose with him, her big purple eyes wide as she looked at him.

"It's almost time to open the library," she told him. "And," turning she pointed toward the door, "there's a pony standing outside waiting to come inside already."

"What?" Shining moved to sit up and look around. "Are you sure?"


"That's odd." He moved to get out of bed. "We don't get many visitors, and I don't think we have ever had a pony waiting to come inside first thing in the morning." Crossing the room, he went to the window. Unfortunately, he could not see the front door from it, so he could not see the waiting pony for himself.

"Maybe it's a great and powerful unicorn from Canterlot who is looking for a mysterious and obscure spell," Twilight suggest, hopping off the bed.

"Why would a unicorn come here from Canterlot come here to look for a spell?" Shining asked. "The would have access to The Royal Library."

"But maybe it's a spell that they can't find in the library there," Twilight continued, "so they are traveling to every library in all of Equestria in hope of finding the book that they need."

"What could be so important," Spike asked from his basket, "that a pony would travel to every library in Equestria?"

"No distance is too great for knowledge," Twilight retorted. "Maybe... OH. Maybe they're looking for a spell that will let them grow facial hair!"

"Facial hair?" Shining and Spike both asked in confusion.

"Yeah," the filly continued. "That way, when Nightmare Night comes around, they can be Starswirl the Bearded with a real beard."

"First of all," Shining said, "I'm pretty sure that they have spells like that in Canterlot already. Second, I don't think anypony would travel town to town for a spell just for Nightmare Night, which is months away."

"I bet I would look great with a mustache though," Spike added. He stroked a claw along his upper lip as he imagined it.

"Oh." The unicorn filly rubbed her chin, thinking again. "Maybe... Oh!" She looked up at her brother. "Maybe they came all the way out here looking for you."

"Me?" The young stallion raised his eyebrow as he looked down at his sister.

"Yeah," she continued. "Maybe they have an idea for a really amazing new spell that will change magic as we know it, but they can't cast it. So they need the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria and Celestia's personal student to help them."

"I don't think I'm the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria," Shining Armor said. He shifted as his face heated up and turned a bright shade of red.

"You know," Spike spoke up, "instead of standing up here and speculating, we could just go downstairs, open the door, and find out."

"...Right..." Shining agreed. "Okay. Spike, Twilight, you two go ahead to the kitchen and have breakfast. I'll go open the door and see what our visitor wants."

The young dragon and the unicorn filly turned and headed down the stairs as quickly as they could. Shining Armor moved at a more casual pace. Where the younger two headed for the kitchen when they reached the bottom, the young stallion turned and headed for the door.

"Welcome to The Golden Oak Library," Shining said as he opened the door.

The pony standing at the door and stepped inside. She was a sandy yellow-brown in color. It was hard to tell what type of pony she was though. The floppy grey hat she wore covered her head, hiding a horn if she had one, and a large purple cloak covered her body. Her rose colored eyes looked around through the large red-framed glasses.

"Can I help you find something miss...?"

"I'm looking for information on an ancient legend," the mare said as she looked around. "A set of artifacts called The Elements of Harmony."

"Well I know quite a bit about The Elements," Shining said. "If you can tell me what you want to know, I might be able to answer."

"Do you know any legends saying where they might be located?"

"Oh those would do you no good. They're in Canterlot with Princess Celestia."

"What?!" the mare shouted, turning to face Shining Armor. There was a flutter of the purple cloak.

"Oh..." Shining's ears dropped back as he looked at the mare, giving a smile. "I guess I should have started with explaining. Some friends and I found The Elements of Harmony during The Summer Sun celebration. Princess Celestia took them back with her to Canterlot for safe keeping....

"Do I know you? You look familiar."

"Well if The Elements are with the princess," the mare said to herself, "I guess they're safe." She turned her attention back to Shining Armor. "Where were they?"

"Well they were in the old castle ruins in The Everfree Forest."

Before he had even finished saying "Everfree" the mysterious mare had turned and started running for the door. With that, she was out and gone, leaving Shining Armor standing there blinking in confusion.

"Wonder who that was."