• Published 16th Mar 2012
  • 1,001 Views, 46 Comments

Too Early, Too Late - Inkarus

How will the mane six teach Prairie Fire about friendship, and what will he teach them?

  • ...

Square One?

"Wahh!" She half-cried, and the sudden shift in focus instead teleported her on the outside of her front door, now having her face being knocked on with an orange hoof.


"Twilight-!" Applejack pulled her hoof away, looking momentarily thrown off, but quickly shook her head to straighten herself. Clearly, she had something on her mind, and wanted to get it out. "Nevermind, don't matter; I came here to ask yah not to mess with mah business! Let well enough alone, huh?"

Twilight regained her balance to stare at Applejack incredulously. Cautiously, she started, "But I wasn't-"

"Don't lie to me, sugarcube, ah know yer planning to do somethin about Prairie, and I know yer heart's in the right place, but I wanna tell you to stop right now."


"Twilight, I'm asking you as a friend!"

Twilight gaped at her friend, eyes like a filly whose lollipop has been taken from them. Finally, absorbing Applejack's stern expression, she relented.

"Fine, Applejack..."

Applejack heard the reluctance in Twilight's voice, and clenched one eye shut, opening the other one wide and scooting it close to Twilight's face, looking deep into her. "Pinkie promise me now!"

"Oh Applejack, I don't think that's neces-"

"Pinkie Promise!"

Twilight scowled. "FINE! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a stupid cupcake in my eye!"

"Foreverrrr..." The word seemed to drift organically from the wind, and Twilight shivered imperceptibly. Pinkie promises were forever. To break one was to destroy a friendship by the roots.

"Well alright," Applejack stated, apparently satisfied. She tipped her hat and firmly set on her way back home, without a pleasantry or farewell. Twilight sighed a moment before going back inside; Applejack never acted this way, except when they talked about Prairie. She was being... Well, kind of a jerk. Twilight didn't like this; it was like Applejack had a hole in her heart, and that hole was Prairie. She couldn't heal until she made peace with him, but she wouldn't let herself make peace with him because she had a hole in her heart! She pushed the door open to her home, heading upstairs again, muddled.

I wish I knew what to do... But who should I even ask?

A burst of green fire a few feet from her would answer her question. Now sporting a slight headache, Twilight pulled herself up from the bed she had barely just crawled into, again, and headed toward Spike, who was making a half-cry half-groan sound as he shakily handed her the letter, collapsing back in bed, mumbling, "Sweet, sweet sleep..."

"What in Equestria could the princess want this late...?" Twilight mumbled tiredly, using magic to open the scroll.

My dearest, most faithful student Twilight;

It has been brought to my attention that you tried to access the Public Records; pardon me, Royal Canterlot Library Royal Canterlot Public Records, earlier this evening. While it is not in my jurisdiction to authorize them to be sent to you, please do not hesitate to visit the Libra- (This part was scratched out,) -Royal Canterlot Library yourself this evening!
I understand that it is late, but between you and me, I also know that will hardly keep you from coming.

Signed, Princess Celestia

Twilight gave a sheepish smile at the scroll; Princess Celestia knew her too well!

"Wait a second..." She murmured, thinking of all the friendship reports she had sent to Celestia. "Of course! The Princess will know exactly what to do!"

With reinvigorated fervor, she jumped up, mind once again envisioning the big warm library; She had a feeling the princess would be there, and if not, it was a hop skip and jump to the palace. White sparks started again from her horn, and this time, without any interruptions-


Spike groaned and covered his eyes with the blanket after the bright blast.

"Why can't she have NORMAL hobbies?"


"-Sparkle, it is HIGHLY reprehensible behavior to teleport on top of the bookcases, now please come down before I have to-"
An angry voice was droning somewhere around Twilight, but she was too weak and disoriented to make much sense of it, or her situation. She slowly opened her eyes, trying to focus on what was around her.

"Doctor Stuffy-Saddle, I believe I can take things from here," came a gentle voice interrupting the shrill protests of a white librarian pony with no mane. With a humph, he trotted off, and into Twilight's blurry vision came a much taller white pony with flowing, pastel colored hair.

"Princess CelestiAAAH!" Twilight cried out as she tumbled off the high bookshelf that, indeed, she'd accidentally teleported to.

"Twilight, when I said you should visit the Library-"

"ROYAL CANTERLOT LIBRARY!" Came a shout from nearby.

"-that, I didn't mean to teleport all the way here. Your aim loses precision after a certain distance, and you could easily have teleported into a bookcase, and sustained serious injuries."

Twilight groaned, sitting up after the fall, and winced. She certainly hadn't realized that.

"I'm sorry, Princess Celestia..."

"That's quite alright Twilight, I'm sure you'll take it into consideration next time. So what brings my most faithful student to the Royal Canterlot Library at three AM?"

Twilight started; It was already that late? Er, early? She didn't have much time left!

"Well, you see Princess Celestia, I have a bit of a conundrum I'm facing with a friend of mine-"

"Miss Sparkle! This is a library, and you're being very loud and disruptive!"

Doctor Stuffy-Saddle was apparently not satisfied that she was in the company of the Princess, and still wanted to protest, but Celestia cut him off gently.

"Don't worry Doctor, Twilight Sparkle and I are on our way out. Right, Twilight?"

She winked at her purple pupil, who stared back for a moment, but then furiously nodded agreement, standing on wobbly legs to follow her out. Twilight resumed her explanation as they headed idly toward the inside of the castle.

"-And now, I'm caught between helping Applejack make amends with her brother, or following my promise to stay out! I don't know what to do!"

A distraught unicorn and tall white alicorn entered a room of the castle that Twilight had not seen before; Nor was really seeing now, as she was too distracted.

"Twilight, have I ever shown you the Royal Gallery before?"

"...No?" Twilight responded, feeling a bit let-down. Was the Princess even listening?

"Well, this room is set aside for monthly exhibits of artists around Equestria. This month is one of my favourites of the millennia, a budding artist named Buffalo Paintbrush."

"That's great, Princess. I'm sure his art is lovely. But what do I-"

"Princess Celestia!" A colt's voice came from the other side of the gallery, and Twilight looked over to see a green-yellow coated pony bowing before the Princess. The alicorn smiled benevolently at him.

"Hello, Buffalo; Lovely to see you."

"Ah, but the pleasure is mine, Princess. I'm surprised you're not getting your beauty sleep, your majesty; This is Luna's time, no?"

"You're quite right, but I had some important matters to attend to with my student." Her eyes twinkled as she glanced from Buffalo to Twilight.

"Oh?" He asked, his gaze also moving to Twilight, who impatiently shot back, "Yes, very important matters, if you don't mind?"

He stepped back a bit, face falling, and nodded his head. "Of course..." And moved away to give them their privacy.
"That was a bit rude, Twilight. You never know when another pony may have the answer to your problems." The princess's eyes danced with amusement, but Twilight didn't notice.

"I'm sorry, but I have a crisis on my hooves and could really use your help!"

Celestia moved to a small section of the gallery with upwards of thirty framed scrolls; Very strange art, it seemed to Twilight.
"Twilight, do you remember when you learned about truth and promises?"


Celestia pointed at one of the scrolls; Suddenly, Twilight recognized Spike’s manuscript. These were HER scrolls!

Dear Princess Celestia;

Being a good friend means being able to keep a secret.
You should never be afraid to share your feelings with a good friend.

"Keep a secret...?"

"No Twilight," Celestia gently prodded, "Being able to share your feelings. You're obviously very concerned for your friend's well being. I believe Applejack will understand when you tell her that you're worried about her, and can discuss why you think it's a better idea for her to make peace with Prairie Fire."

Twilight's eyes were wide; Of course! Applejack would understand, Applejack HAD to understand!
"Oh thank your Princess Celestia, that makes so much sense! That way, I don't have to break my promise, and I can still help Applejack!"

The princess just smiled as she watched her student race away to act on her new inspiration.


"What do you MEAN no?"

A frustrated Twilight banged her hoof on the table she and Applejack were sharing the next afternoon, knocking her delicious apple tarts right off the plate and onto the grass next to her.

Applejack chewed stoically, clearly upset that the "relaxing lunch on her day off" had turned into yet more bother about that mule who shall go unnamed.

She swallowed her bite.

"Yeh heard me Twilight. And y’all also promised me y'all wouldn't go pokin around in mah business."

"What? But, I told you I wouldn't go looking for your brother, not that we'd never discuss it! I'm genuinely worried about you, Applejack, this whole thing seems to really be affecting you-"

"Yer right, Twilight, it is affectin' me."

Twilight started to perk up, thinking her friend was finally seeing sense, but that was quickly nipped as Applejack continued tensely, "So that's why we should let this drop. Got it?"

"But, Applejack, I think if you just-"

"UGH!" Applejack yelled, backing up from the table forcefully. "Ya know what Twilight? Do whatever yeh please. Yer clearly on Prairie's side, so go right on ahead, find him, be best friends with 'im for all I please!" Applejack turned rudely and started heading back home, though she turned her head back to the stunned looking Twiligh to remark, "Don't expect 'im to be the new element'a honesty, though, that colt's talking with his tongue outta his hoof!"

As Applejack made her point, and her exit, Spike turned to Twilight, confused.

"Tongue out of his hoof? That's gotta taste gross."

"Oh Spike," Twilight moaned, ignoring his remark, "What am I gonna do?"

Applejack was starting to remind Twilight of Discord days, when she’d turned pale and cruel.

"Well, maybe you should listen to her," Spike looked hopeful, but he knew Twilight; It was wishful thinking, little more. Still, no reason not to try. "Applejack is upset because you all keep bringing the subject up. If you let it all drop, maybe she'll let it get out of her head and will calm down again."

Twilight lay her head on the table, irresolute. "Maybe..." But just then, Rarity passed by with Sweetie Belle. They were talking and laughing, and Twilight's thoughts bore again heavily on her heart. What would Rarity be like, if Sweetie Belle had just left one day, for two years? Even more confusing and painful, to pop back up for a night, then leave for another couple years? How could anypony sleep well at night with such a burden on their chest?

Twilight lifted her head up from the table, shaking it.

"No, Spike. We have to fix this."

A soft groan came from the little green dragon, and Twilight as usual ignored it. She knew what needed to be done. She didn't know how, but she needed to find Prairie Fire. And she would have to make Applejack, bucking and screaming, face her brother. But where to start? She stood up from the table, resolute.

"Come on, Spike, we're heading back to the library!"

"Wait a minute, miss!"

A stallion's voice came sharply from the restaurant, and the two looked up in surprise. A tall brown pony with a waiter cutie mark blinked, and suddenly looked sheepish.

"Well, if ya don't mind... Would you please not leave a mess at your table?"

Twilight glanced down at the ground around her, surprised. She'd forgotten about that; There were apple tarts, spilled cups, napkins and cutlery littered all around her.
