• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 864 Views, 8 Comments

Leave, Forget, Move - A-Pie-Flying

A few years have passed, Scootaloo's wings are still broken, and unable to fly. But she is used to it, and she's okay if she couldn't fly.

  • ...

Leave the Past

"It's already been about 4 years seen's the accident. I don't really care that much anymore."

"Hey Scootaloo!" Applebloom said as she waved happily to Scootaloo in the distance. Scootaloo saw Applebloom and ran to her. "How's life?" Applebloom asked.

"Bad." Scootaloo said, acting grumpy.

Applebloom tilted her head, "But ah thought..."

"Hahaha! I gotcha!" Scootaloo rubbed Applebloom's head, and messed up her hair.

"Hah, nice one." Applebloom said as she rubbed her head, so her hair is tidy and neat once again. "So, wanna help me and Sweetie Belle out with the farm?"

Scootaloo smiled "Sure! I got nothing to do right now." She followed Applebloom into the farm and saw Sweetie Belle bucking some apple trees, she stopped once she saw Scootaloo coming in.

"Huh. That's weird. Who is this pony?" Sweetie Belle joked.

Scootaloo laughed, "I don't know, who am i?" she played along.

The three ponies laughed, and then bro-hoofed each other. "So let's get bucking!" Applebloom said cheerfully.

Scootaloo was never the type of pony who farms, but she did try to help Applebloom out as many days as she could, for she have no job, and she help Applebloom out, because Applejack pays her some bits once she's done. Scootaloo was bucking an apple tree, and once she had kicked the tree, five apples dropped on the top of her head. "EIIOUCH!"

Applebloom went to see what was wrong, but it's just apples hitting Scootaloo on the head. Applebloom helped Scootaloo up and Sweetie Belle helped picked up the apples which dropped on the ground. "Still practicing?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo nodded, feeling a little embarrassed about what had happened. "Aw, don't be sad, Scoot. You'll get the hang of it soon. I know i do!" Sweetie Belle trotted off to another apple tree, and kicked it.

Few hours later...

"Looks like we're done here. We've bucked almost half of the orchard." Applebloom said, wiping off the sweat with a cloth. "So, what do y'all feel like doing now?"

Sweetie Belle looked at the clock which is in the barn, and she said "Oppsie! I have to go! Performance at three in the afternoon, can't be late! See ya gals later!" Sweetie Belle ran off as quickly as she could.

"Sweetie Belle and her music performance." Scootaloo said, rolling her eyes. "Why does Sweetie Belle's schedule have to be so tight anyways?" Scootaloo asked. But all she got is a shrug from Applebloom.

Applebloom just noticed something, "We never ever spend any time together with Sweetie Belle as much as me and you do." Scootaloo exactly knows why, and so does Applebloom.

Scootaloo clears her throat and tries to put on a squeaky voice, like Sweetie Belle's. "My name is Sweetie Belle, and i am a fabulous pony! If only i could spend more time with my friends..." she sighed as she finished her sentence. "You're right, Applebloom. Why doesn't she spend any time with us? I know she has all those performance and all, but does she have any day off?"

Applebloom didn't think so, so she just shake her head. They both sighed. "Ain't mad about yer wings?" Applebloom said, changing the subject.

"These little things? Nah... They don't bother me a bit." Scootaloo replied, poking her broken wings.

"Why are ya still wearing that bandage anyway?" Applebloom asked.

Scootaloo thought for a moment. "I have no idea."

"Do ya wanna take it out? Maybe, let yer wings come out and feel the fresh air."

"Yeah, sure, why not?" Scootaloo said, as she untied the bandage, revealing her not-so-broken wings, which is already grown to a full grown mare's wings, just like Rainbow Dash's. But instead, it can't be used to fly.

"Woah, that's beautiful..." Applebloom was impressed with the wings that Scootaloo had.

"Too bad it can't be used to fly. The doctor still says that the muscle for the wings are still weak." Scootaloo said, not feeling sad at all. She liked staying on the ground, as far as she knows. "I have to go now. My sister is probably waiting. See ya later, AB!"

"Bye!" Applebloom waved goodbye as she sees Scootaloo running along the road and slowly disappear.

Scootaloo reached to her house on the ground, and Rainbow Dash was inside the house, preparing some food, eventually. "So, what's for lunch?"

"Oh, you know, normal diasy sandwich." Rainbow Dash replied. "Here ya go, kiddo."

"Thanks sis." Scootaloo said as she begins munching down the sandwhich Rainbow Dash had gave her. "So, how's your work today?"


Scootaloo kept munching down the sandwich and said "That doesn't sound good at all." She said as she accidentally spitted out some daisy flowers. She gulped down the food in her mouth. "Opps... My bad."

"Did you tell Applebloom about your wings?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No, not yet." Scootaloo said. "I just want to keep it a secret for a little longer."

Rainbow Dash nodded. It wasn't her for decide, it was for Scootaloo. Scootaloo helped Rainbow Dash wash her plate and once she's done, she went out. "I needa go to see Sweetie Belle's performance now. Wanna come along?"

"Nah, i rather stay here and rest, i'm bushed!" Rainbow Dash said.

Scootaloo just went along with it and left. Running as fast as she can to the town hall, she made it just in time before the performance starts. She sat beside Applebloom, and they both watched Sweetie Belle's music performance. It was so graceful, yet sad, even Scootaloo shed a few tears, but Applebloom just cried everywhere, but held in her voice.

At the end of the performance, Sweetie Belle's fans got off their seats and quickly ran to Sweetie Belle as fast as they could.

"May i have your autograph?"
"Do you mind singing another song?"
"I really love your song!"

Sweetie Belle just teleported her way out of the crowd, and to where Applebloom and Scootaloo were standing. "So, what do ya think?"

"It was... It was..." Applebloom begins to sniffle a few times. "It was amazing! You done a great job!"

"I can't help but agree with Applebloom. You did an amazing job." Scootaloo said happily.

"Come on, ah'll treat y'all to a cupcake at Sugarcube Corner!" Applebloom said.

"Oh yeah!" Scootaloo said.
"Woohoo!" Sweetie Belle said at the same time Scootaloo said.

They walked together in a group, and walked to Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie was baking a few muffins, and some cupcakes when they reached there.

"Oh hey there girls, how are you doing?" Pinkie asked, giving a huge smile.

"We're doing fine, Pinkie. Do ya mind giving us yer best cupcake?" Applebloom said, looking back at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "Me and Scootaloo had asked Pinkie to make a very special cupcake just fer ya."

Sweetie Belle happily bounced up and down like a child, "You both are so kind! I could just hug you both!" But, eventually, she hugged Applebloom and Scootaloo anyways.

"Ouch... I can't... breathe.... help... me...." Scootaloo said, trying to catch her breath.
"Tooooooo.... tight!!!" Applebloom said as she tries to loosen up Sweetie Belle's tight hug.

"Order up!' Pinkie said as she bounced back to the kitchen.

Sweetie Belle walked up to the counter and saw a tray with one special cupcake, decorated with white sprinkles, purple and pink cream, with a picture of her cutie mark on it, a heart and a musical note. "Oh my gosh! It's so amazing!" She sniffed the cupcake, to get a good smell of it. "Mmmmm... Blueberry Vanilla, how'd you know it's my favourite?"

Scootaloo stared at Applebloom, who stared back at Scootaloo.

"Let's just say that we both know at least half of your favourite things." Scootaloo replied.

"Hah, you both make a good team actually. Not to mention, you both really plan a lot of things for me by working together." Sweetie Belle said, eating the cupcake.

"Yeah, good team. Maybe ah should make a cape that says 'TEAM!" Applebloom joked.

The three ponies laughed and giggled.

Few minutes later...

"It's kinda getting late. It's time for us to go back home." Sweetie Belle said, about to leave.

"You're right, we should really be going." Scootaloo agreed with Sweetie Belle. "Ya coming, AB?"

Applebloom snapped out of her thoughts, "Huh? Eh, no. You both go along first. I needa stay here fer something."

"Okay, see ya tomorrow then." Scootaloo said, closing the door for Sugarcube Corner.

Scootaloo walked home, and was greeted by Rainbow Dash, "So, how's your day at Sugarcube Corner with your friends?"

"It's amazing! Sweetie Belle liked her cupcake, and you should have seen her performance, it is totally spectacular!" Scootaloo said happily.

"That's awesome, kiddo!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I can't wait for tomorrow, it's gonna be a blast!" Scootaloo said, as she went to her room.