• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 3,019 Views, 13 Comments

Through The Crystal Mirror - lorettafox

Twilight and Discord go into the Equestria Girls world in order to stop King Sombra from taking control of the world of Canterlot High and gaining later control of the Crystal Empire.

  • ...

But How Did You-?

“So, the Crystal Empire has returned?” Rarity questioned as the train pulled on. “What is the Crystal Empire? I've never heard of it.”

“Celestia tells me it was an ancient society filled with crystal ponies, but they were lost in time when this legendary mirror that leads to an alternate dimension gave off a powerful burst of magic that suspended this empire and made it become lost in time.”

“Did you just say crystal ponies?” Rarity spoke excitedly. “I thought those were just mythological ponies!”

“Celestia says they're real.” Twilight explained. “And they all live up here in Northern Equestria, home of the freezing snow. My brother is there, waiting for us.”

“Crystal ponies though.” Rarity spoke excitedly. “I never thought I would be able to see actual crystal ponies!”

“In due time, Rarity.” Twilight said as she looked outside the train window, seeing the ground covered in snow and a raging blizzard whipping by. “And it seems we're in the right place. Girls, Discord, grab your things, this is our stop.”

The train agreed with Twilight's statement as it stopped at a small train station. The doors of the train opened as everypony was met with the freezing snow. Twilight instinctively covered her eyes with one of her wings as she stepped outside of the train and onto the snow-covered train station. Everypony else followed suit with Rarity stepping out last, a large pink scarf blowing in the wind.

“And you all thought it was silly that I packed a scarf with me.” Rarity laughed.

“Twilight? Is that you?” came a voice from the distance. Twilight glanced in the direction that the voice had come from. On the distance stepped out a pony wearing protective snow gear. Twilight knew it was Shining Armor. “Thank goodness you got here alright. We have to move though. King Sombra awaken and wants that Crystal Mirror.”

“How far is the Empire?” Rainbow asked.

“Not too far.” Shining spoke. “But we have to move quickly. Cadence has a barrier to keep Sombra out, but I don't know how long she can last now. Let's move.”

The group quickly began galloping after Shining Armor in order to get out of the bitter cold. Discord simply floated along above the group, sporting winter wear, not seeming to be bothered at all by the freezing blizzard.

Still going through the snow, the group suddenly froze when they heard an evil laugh and a voice saying the word, “Crystals.” Shining immediately turned around to see where the voice was coming from and he saw a shadowy figure approaching the group at incredible speed.

“Its King Sombra! You have to get to the Crystal Empire quickly!” Shining shouted. “I'll stay back and stop him! Go, now!”

“I can't leave you here, Shining.” Twilight countered him.

“Twilight, get to the Empire, now! You have a foal to think about, remember?” Shining reminded her. “Now, go now! I'll be there soon!”

“Shining, I-” Twilight was cut off when a burst of magic surrounded her and the group. The burst left a second later so that Twilight could see that she was someplace that was completely devoid of snow and ice. “I-Is this the Crystal Empire? Where's Shining Armor?”

“O-Over here.” Shining said as he rubbed his head. “What just happened?”

“If you must know, I for one was getting tried of being in that snow and ice.” Discord spoke as he poof up a lawn chair and tanning fan. “Besides, I needed to work on my tan anyways.”

“True that.” Screwball spoke as she sported a giant pair of sunglasses.

“What about King Sombra then?” asked Twilight.

“As long as Cadence has that barrier up, he can't get in here. It repels dark magic.” Shining spoke. “We need to get to Cadence anyways.”


“Twilight!” Cadence spoke happily as she rushed to see her favorite sister-in-law. “How are you and the new family? The foal alright?”

“We're fine, Cadence.” Twilight spoke.

“I heard you ran into King Sombra.” Cadence spoke as she quickly shook her head and let out a yawn. “He didn't cast any spells on you, did he?”

“He might have but Discord teleported us all out of there before Sombra had a chance to attack us back.” spoke Shining Armor. “How are you doing, dear? Are you ok?”

“I'm alright. Tried, but fine.” Cadence smiled at Shining Armor, the bags under her eyes now more noticeable.

“Cadence, what happened to you?” Twilight questioned.

“She's been using so much magic to keep Sombra from entering the Empire that its completely zapped her strength. Cadence won't eat a thing either.”

“I have to make sure the crystal ponies are safe. I cannot let the Empire slip away again like it had before.”

“Mind if I interrupt your lovely get together?” came an evil sounding voice. The entire group turned around in shock to see the shadowy figure of King Sombra hovering there.

“How did you get in here?!” Twilight yelled as she looked out the window. The barrier that was protecting the Empire still stood, strong as ever. “The barrier-”

“I'll give you the quick details. I am a shadow and magic cannot travel underground. I simply traveled under the ground and popped up. And here I am.” Sombra sneered. “But, I really must leave.”

“No, you will not!” Shining threatened as he blasted a bolt of magic at King Sombra.

“Why you!” he yelled. He quickly lunged himself at Shining Armor and wrapped his shadow energy around Shining's horn, covering it in what appeared to be dark crystals. “That ought to stop you.”

“You will-” Cadence started when she felt her energy take a temporary drop. “-not win.”

“This has all been good fun but I really must be going.” Sombra spoke as he went through the doors of the throne room.

“You won't win this!” Twilight yelled as she pushed open the doors and took off flying after King Sombra.


“Get back here, King Sombra!” Twilight yelled as she flew at top notch speed. “You will not win this battle!”

The shadowy pony simply gave the purple princess an amused look. “And what are you going to do in order to stop me, hmm?” he taunted.

“I'll return you back to your ice-cold prison, where you belong!” Twilight threaten.

“Be careful, Mommy!” Screwball spoke as she flew after Twilight and Discord behind her. “Think of my little brother or sister!”

This outburst was enough to make King Sombra stop and grin evilly. The sudden stop didn't give Twilight enough time to stop and ended up crashing face first into a door. “And this princess is pregnant as well. What very valuable information.” he mused. “Princess Twilight Sparkle, I have a proposal for you.”

“Whatever is it, the answer is no! I've heard the bit a hundred times before.” Twilight yelled as she got up from her face meeting the door.

“I think you may like my idea. Why not you and your unborn foal join me and rule the Crystal Empire along side me. Your unborn foal can know the wonders of what real royalty is like and I can have a successor to my throne.”

“Forget it, King Sombra! I'm already married and have an adopted daughter!” Twilight yelled again. “And I am already royalty for I am Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“Are you sure, Twilight? I can be better then Discord here. I have far more power, more than he can ever dream of.”

This statement was enough to make Discord giggle like a school filly. “You have more power then me? I'm afraid we haven't met then. I am Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony. I am the very essence of chaos.” he stated as bolts of lightening from cotton candy clouds appeared and disappeared.

“Go Daddy!” Screwball cheered as she clapped her hooves together.

“The spirit of chaos eh?” King Sombra. “Very amusing. But if you will not simply accept my offer, Twilight Sparkle, I will be getting the one thing I came for and you just located the room for me. Thank you ever so much.”

“What?” Twilight said as she looked at the door she had crashed into. The door was covered in special violet crystals lined in an arch with a single, large blue crystal hanging in the front. Twilight had managed to miss it when she had the honor of meeting the door with her face. “You will not be getting that mirror, Sombra!”

“Good luck trying, Twilight Sparkle!” Sombra laughed as he darted literally through the door.

Twilight immediately tried opening the door, finding instead that she was able to cross through it just like Sombra had, and in the process turning into a crystallized version of herself. “Step back away from that mirror, King Sombra!”

As soon as she had gone through the door, she realized that King Sombra was no longer in shadow form, but was a full unicorn king, formal robes and all. The two of them glanced at each other in confusion. “It seems the Crystal Mirror's magic is more powerful then I thought.”

“B-But how did you return to-” Twilight asked when Sombra simply smirked at her.

“The same way it turned you in a crystal pony princess. The mirror's magic is more powerful then anypony knows and its still pulsing through, even after it disappeared for a thousand years.” Sombra sneered.

“Mommy, we're coming!” Screwball said as she too went through the door, turning into a crystal pony herself. “Get back away from my mother, King Sombra!” she shouted, at a full defensive stance.

Discord also came through the door, except he didn't have any affect like the others had. “Enough of these games, Sombra, old chap. You must be getting quite bored with them.” he spoke in a fake posh voice,

“You're right. These chasing games are getting so old. I think I'll just take the mirror I came for and be off.” Sombra spoke as he turned to the mirror, only to have several of the crystals that were lining the mirror to start glowing and sending a beam of magic directly at him, knocking him back. “What the?”

On his back, Sombra could see Twilight's horn glowing the same color as the one's that the crystals emitted. Twilight blinked in surprise when this happened, not realizing she had been capable of it. “What just happened?”

“It seems the Crystal Mirror trusts your magic for some reason.” Sombra stated as he climbed onto his hooves before giving a sneer. “No matter, I've encountered this pesky problem before. The only way to resolve is easy.”

“Whatever it is, I won't allow you!” Twilight said as she used her magic to blast yet another beam from the mirror's crystals, knocking Sombra back again.

“Oh enough of these silly games!” Sombra yelled angrily as he once again returned himself to an upright position. “This has gone on far enough!”

Turning around at breakneck speed, Sombra spun and ran towards the Crystal Mirror, putting up a protective spell just as the crystals began to emit a ray of magic at him. Running closer and closer towards the mirror, Sombra could feel in his muscles that the mirror's magic would soon be his, all his. “It seems you lose, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Not yet, Sombra!” she threatened, her crystallized horn still glowing.

“I think you have.” he started as his hoof touched the mirror. Instead of magic pulsing out of the mirror, the mirror instead sucked him in, acting as if it were some kind of portal.

“You will not escape!” Twilight yelled as she ran towards the mirror, herself getting sucked through it as well.

The sight was enough for Screwball to enter panic mode and go running off at full speed towards The Crystal Mirror in order to save her adoptive mother. Discord also worried since he had heard of what the Mirror could possibly do, but never had a chance to encounter its magic fully. Right behind Screwball he flew, and both of them traveled through the Mirror, getting sucked in through the portal like opening.

The four creatures were all traveling down a spiral like portal, not knowing where they would head. Screwball quickly spotted Twilight in the swirling area and was able to push herself towards her mother in an effort to save her from Sombra.

“I'm coming, Mommy! I won't-” Screwball started when she was interrupted by a blinding light that seemed to render everyone to slip into unconsciousness.

Comments ( 9 )

Um... What? I read the description and I'm wondering why...

I'm not sure how to react :twilightoops: oh well, just get to the sombra parts :derpytongue2:

I can not go on in life if u dont post more please finish what u started

Must have more! This is really good. Why isn't there more?! :raritydespair:

im happy i didnt read this. if this was as good as the last two id be puling my hair out lol

I might waiting for you to write more for the story it is getting very interesting to read keep up a good work update soon. :twilightsmile: please update.

It's a pity this was canceled. I wanted to see discord new kid.

I don't understand why this story was canceled it's amazing

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