• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 2,374 Views, 39 Comments

Discord's Family Vacation - DraconequusMaximus

Spike & Discord have happily been ruling the Chimera Kingdom for years & their son Draco is 5 years old now. While raising a child & running an empire are rewarding, it can also be tiring. So the trio decides to take a break & spend s

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Spike was the first of the trio to awaken, but saw Draco sleeping across his belly enjoying the warmth produced by his father. Spike looked over to see Discord snoozing comfortably, only Spike & Draco knew that Discord's magic could sometimes break free from the draconequus while he slept. Spike chuckled silently to himself as a string of Z's floated up from his husband & disappeared after a few feet. Discord's magical snoring was pretty adorable in Spike's opinion, but it seemed his chuckle had moved his stomach enough to disturb Draco. The groggy little dragon-like toddler floated up slowly wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Morning daddy" Draco said before yawning.

Spike sat up in bed & nudged Discord in an attempt to wake him. All this accomplished was causing the draconequus to grumble for a moment & his Z's to momentarily become Q's. Spike sighed in annoyance & moved to nudge him harder before Draco stopped him.

"I wanna try something. Please?" Draco said giving his father big adorable eyes. Spike shrugged in consent. Draco adopted an adorable yet evil grin before floating directly above Discord. He inhaled a large breath & before Spike could stop him he blasted his other father with his mightiest wintery breath yet. Discord shot up instantly his face literally frozen in a state of shock. He moved his mismatched hands across his frozen face frantically. Spike thought about scolding his son, but it wasn't often that Discord was caught so unaware. He couldn't help but bust out laughing. Discord crossed his arms & his tail moved out from under the blankets clutching a small mallet in it's grasp. He struck himself in the face with it freeing himself.

"What is it, pick on Discord day? I was sure my birthday wasn't until April first." Discord said in mock annoyance. But his serious face soon gave way & all three erupted into fits of giggles.

The trio took their respective turns in the bathroom before heading off for breakfast. Rarity & Coco were already at the hotel's restaurant when they arrived. The group dined together, & even timid Coco came out of her shell after a time. When the bill came however Spike insisted that they pay considering Rarity had payed for the previous night's dinner & show. The shopaholic mare nearly fainted when she saw the obsidian credit card.

"I thought those were only a myth! They told me that I could only go as high as diamond!" She said wide-eyed as she examined Spike's glittery black card. He smiled a bit at her reaction, he was surprised he had forgotten the mare's knowledge of the finer things in life.

"The obsidian card is reserved for royalty or high ranking politicians, even then they do a complete financial history check & you have to fill out a mountain of paperwork & keep a healthy credit score. I hear Blueblood threw quite a tantrum when his honorary title of prince wasn't enough to garner one." Spike said with a sly grin. Rarity's wonder turned to happiness at this news.

"Well, I'll be glad to remind of that the next time he gets high & mighty at a party." Rarity said as she moved her mane to hide the evil smirk she was wearing.

The trio said their goodbyes to Rarity & Coco & vanished in a flash of light from Discord's teleportation. The group reappeared in Canterlot Castle on the telepad Twilight had installed for easier travel for less magical beings. They were greeted by Twilight herself, Shining Armor, Cadence, & of course Celestia. The group greeted their visitors with warm smiles. Twilight managed to pull the much larger pair & Draco into a big hug.

"I'm so glad you three decided to end the week here! We managed to get everypony here at once!" She said motioning to the other royals as well as freeing the group from her embrace. Draco floated circles around the group, as seemed to be his new routine when meeting up with loved ones. He stopped after a moment with a saddened expression.

"Where's Auntie Luna?" He said with drooped ears.

"My sister will be joining us at sunset, we'll be trading places when we move our respective celestial bodies. I wish I could stay longer but our schedules still need one of us on the job at all times. She's taking over day court so I can spend time with you all, as I will do for her later." Celestia said in her smooth casual tone. Draco brightened a bit at this, but turned to Shining & Cadence with worry.

"Where's-" Draco was immediately cut off by a loud whiny filly's voice.

"Moooooom There's nothing to do here!" A pink alicorn filly with purple & yellow hair said as she trotted into the room wearing a annoyed scowl. This was Skyla, the nine year-old princess of the Crystal Empire & the bane of Draco's existence. Draco quickly dropped to the floor & disguised himself as the color of the marble. Shining & Cadence where too distracted with their daughter's whining to notice Draco's disappearing act. Draco silently crawled his way back behind his fathers & resumed his normal colors. Twilight however had noticed this & was staring in awe of her grandson's ability, as was Celestia.

"Draco! How'd you do that? Do you have any other new capabilities?" Twilight said already having summoned a notepad & quill which were furiously taking notes. Her inquisitive outburst had drawn attention back to Draco who was admitting defeat he floated up & changed himself a multitude of colors & blew his wintery breath into the air producing snow as the frozen breath fell back down the floor. Everypony in the room looked on in awe at the display except Skyla who no one noticed scowling. He's getting all the attention for some cold breath?! I'm freaking beautiful & perfect! He's some kind of lizard thing! She thought to herself. Discord however noticed her & looked at her with recognition, he knew that look. Draco had told him about being bullied by Skyla before but there was never any evidence to use against her. Discord grinned evilly while no one was looking & snapped his tails fur as he sometimes did when he wanted to be sneaky. Discord, being an expert at magic knew there was no such things as curses, but he had borrowed some of Twilight's books in the past years & came up with something just as good. He used his magic to create a large amount of negatively & positively charged quarks & other exotic invisible particles, & enchanted them with his own chaos magic. The positive ones now clung to Draco, the negative to Skyla. If she tried to do anything to Draco the probability altering properties of entropy would make whatever she did backfire. He could confidently enjoy himself without worrying about anything happening to Draco, a perfect situation in his head.

After Twilight's scientific curiosity had been momentarily sated, the adults left the children to play with one another. Draco kept up his best smile until they left, then he sunk back into his worried state. He turned to see Skyla scowling at him.

"Listen lizard boy, you need to stop stealing my spotlight. I'm a pretty pony princess, & I will be treated as such!" She said stamping her hoof to the floor emphasis. She had been born an alicorn, as such she grew into her power quickly. This included earth pony strength, as the cracks in the floor could attest to.

"I don't want all the attention, my powers just keep showing up one after the other. Plus I'm a prince, shouldn't we be equal?" Draco said taking a couple steps away from his cousin. Her scowl merely deepened at the mention of this, & she leaned in to glare at him intensely.

"I'm a pony, & you're the prince of the monsters! I only pretend to be nice to you because everypony thinks you're adorable for some reason." She said before backing off. "Now I'm going to stay on this side of the room, you stay over there." She said pointing to the far side of the room.

Fearing her wrath he floated over to the other side of the room & took refuge on top of the book case. She took a moment to stand there menacingly before summoning her bag. She took out a small box that looked to be a model & began working. Draco reached down grabbed a book at random. It turned out to be a book about his father's less than nice past. He had already read all about it & accepted it as truth after actually asking his father about it. He replaced the book & pulled another from the shelf, also to less than satisfactory result. It was about Nightmare Moon's rebellion. After a third attempt he got a satisfying book about the Elements of Harmony & the Tree. He happily soared through the knowledge, while unbeknownst to him Skyla was plotting.

Skyla was constructing a model catapult she intended to catch Draco unaware with. She retrieved a bag of small jawbreaker candies from her bag & loaded the miniature siege engine. the last piece was the rubber band which she needed to affix over a couple of the moving parts to get it to work properly. She used her magic to levitate it & stretch it appropriately. Neither of them noticed the faint sparkle over themselves as the "Curse" did it's work. The rubber band snapped & hit Skyla in the eye causing her to put a hoof over her eye & cry out in pain, garnering Draco's attention. He was wary of going over to her but was still concerned. He used his immunity to his own breath to shape his cold appropriately. He floated to the floor & slid the almost spherical chunk of ice over to him. She looked at it & then to her enemy.

"What's this for?" She said still holding her eye.

"You hurt your eye, so I thought you could use some ice." Draco said not making eye contact with Skyla.

"You wanna help me? Even though I go out of my way to be mean to you?" She said looking at him with her good eye.

"Daddy & papa told me that kindness is important, & that everyone deserves it. Papa & Auntie Luna used to be bad guys, but kindness changed them." Draco said holding up the book he had been reading & pointed to a picture of Fluttershy on one page. The opposite page showed a pink crystal & it's later form of a crystal butterfly.

"Kindness is my favorite element, without it papa would still be a statue in the garden here & Daddy would have left everyone behind & I wouldn't be here." Draco said looking at Skyla. His incredible IQ combined with the honesty & innocence of a child was a potent mix. Skyla felt as if she had been struck with an arrow of guilt. Right in the feel bads. Skyla thought to herself as she looked at her little cousin.

"I'm sorry." Skyla muttered without making eye contact. Draco could barely make out her apology but figured he shouldn't push his luck with her. A few seconds after her apology left her mouth the both of them began glowing slightly before it flickered & eventually dissipated entirely. Discord's enchanted particles dispersed themselves when the two began getting along, as he had planned unbeknownst to the pair.

"Did you do that?" Draco said looking to the alicorn filly. She merely shook her head negative, she had been about to ask the same thing of him. They looked around for the source of the glow but gave up after nothing could be found.

"So... what do you do for fun anyway? I've never really taken the time to learn anything about you twerp. Everypony is always going on about how smart you are, but I usually tune them out after they get that far." She said rubbing the back of her head with a hoof.

Draco ignored being called a twerp, because they were at least making progress.

"I like art, reading, & stuff like that. I learned how to swim the other day, & we went & saw a play with auntie Rarity last night. I really liked that." Draco said listing off what came to mind. Skyla was very uninterested in almost all of those things, but said nothing about it. She hadn't learned to swim either, as it was too cold to swim in the empire.

"So you're like five right? What do mean by art? Do you hoof-paint or something?" Skyla asked expecting his interests to be foalish.

"I finger paint." He said holding up his stubby digits. "I made that painting over there." He said pointing to the far wall of the room. Skyla looked at the painting, it was an amazingly huge detailed depiction of a castle. She looked from painting to Draco & back several times.

"Okay, there is no way you painted that with those stubby things on your arms." Skyla said pointing to the magnificent work of art.

Draco rolled his eyes & floated over to it, motioning for her to follow.

"You have lots of magic right? Take it off the wall, Daddy had me sign the back before I gave it auntie Celestia & auntie Luna for Hearth's warming." He said pointing to his masterpiece. Skyla was not one to admit her faults, she had excelled in flying & had plenty of earth pony strength. However, her magic tended to give out at inopportune times. She gulped nervously but wouldn't back down from a challenge. Her bright yellow aura surrounded the painting lifting it off the wall enough her to see the writing on the back. It read "Draco age 4 1/2" centered around a little hand print, such a small print had undoubtedly come from Draco. In her surprise her magic faltered sending the painting downward onto a surprised Draco. The young Draco was too shocked to move & Skyla wasn't able to summon up her magic quick enough. The painting clattered to the floor.

Skyla couldn't open her eyes, she had just accidentally squished her innocent younger fragile cousin. Mom & dad are going to banish me! Then Aunt Twilight will sink the place I was banished to into the ocean with super magic! Then my uncles will save me from drowning, only to turn me to stone, crush me with a hammer & throw the pieces into the sun! Skyla thought to herself as tears streamed from her eyes. The Sparkle family overreacting tradition was still going strong, given the situation the intensity of the panic was understandable. Or it would be if Draco hadn't spoken up.

"Skyla? I'm okay, but I don't know what's happening!" Draco said in a panicked tone. Skyla opened her eyes to see Draco... Who was see through? Draco's upper half was above the painting but was... missing, all but a faint semblance of himself was missing. He was experimentally passing his hands through the painting in front of him, his expression seemed to be a mixture of fascination, terror, & confusion. Skyla seemed to be adopting the patented eye twitch of her aunt Twilight as she struggled to process the scene.

"A-am I dead? Am I a ghost?" He said passing a hand through himself. This seemed to stop Skyla's ongoing panic for a moment.

"N-no way, aunt Twilight says there's no such thing! & she's smarter than anypony." Skyla said reassuring herself more than Draco. Though Draco liked the idea she had given him.

"That's it! We'll go see Papa & Grandma! Grandma's smart & Papa's so old he's seen everything!" Draco said floating up out of the painting, still mostly transparent. He floated to the door & tried to grab the knob but passed through it. He deflated a bit but floated through the door regardless. Skyla tried to keep up, but Draco could float without his wings. There wasn't a lot of room to maneuver in the hall, so she had to run. As a princess she had little need to do so, & was practically tripping over herself.

Draco floated around as fast as he could sticking his head through each of the doors to the many rooms in the castle. The adults were discussing what had happened on Discord & Spike's vacation, as well as the events of their various kingdoms & lands. Celestia was in mid-sip of her tea when Draco flew through the wall into the middle of the circle of seated rulers. Unfortunately for her his path went through her. She spat her tea into the face of Discord who was opposite her as the indescribable sensation shot through her body. She was nearly two thousand years old, but that was the most disturbing thing to ever happen to her. Being cocooned in changeling slime was a close second.

"Papa! Please tell me I'm not a ghost! I tried shutting it off just like with the colors but I can't!" He said looking at his wet & confused father. Spike jumped from his seat sending the chair falling to the floor. He rushed to his son trying to take hold of him, but passed through & was left feeling just like Celestia. Discord stood up, as did Twilight. Discord seemed less concerned than Spike, He snapped his fingers & faded out into the same semi-transparent state as Draco. He tried touching Draco, much to everyone's relief he succeeded in holding his son close to him. Discord snapped his tail tuft hand making them both solid again. Draco freed himself from his father's grasp & touched down onto the floor, seeing he didn't pass through it he smiled.

"What just happened?" Twilight asked Discord who seemed to be the only one with the answer.

"That was an advanced ability that allows extremely powerful magical creatures to become immaterial, essentially becoming a spirit for a short time. Draco doesn't have a good grasp on his abilities yet & doesn't seem to be able to channel energy like me, or an alicorn. More like some dragons or an earth pony, his powers are semi-passive only effecting himself. I'm just rather confused as to how he managed to do it." Discord answered before turning back to his son. "Just what were you doing when this happened Draco?"

"Skyla dropped my castle painting on me." Draco said without thinking about it. All the adults turned to see the door open, the aforementioned alicorn filly stood in the doorway panting. She received several mixed expressions upon entering.

"It was an accident, I was trying to prove I made the painting." Draco said floating in front of his cousin, coming to her defense. Discord lowered his hand & Spike unclenched his fist while Shining & Cadence looked relieved that their daughter hadn't tried to murder her baby cousin, possibly starting an international incident or even a war.

"Skyla, you know you aren't as adept at magic as you think you should be. You didn't bother to tell Draco that, did you?" Cadence said giving a motherly glare at her daughter.

"No... But I hate looking weak in front of others." Skyla said looking at the floor. Cadence merely sighed before trotting over to her daughter.

"I know that, but you could have crushed your cousin. I'm going to let your uncles decide a fitting punishment for you, understood?" Cadence said to her daughter with a loving but firm tone. Skyla nodded & trotted before her uncles with her head held low. Discord & Spike looked at each other before entering a huddle. After about three minutes of whispers they turned back to her.

"You're off the hook." Discord said pulling a fishing hook out from behind her ear & tossing it into a nearby wastebasket that erupted with bubbles afterwards. Skyla completely ignored the strange occurrence & stared at them in confusion.

"Discord used magic on you & Draco, apparently anything you tried to do to him would backfire on you. Draco's complained to us about you being a bully before so he did it as a precaution. I knew he had done something, but didn't speak up when nothing bad happened. Consider us even, Discord won't use magic on anybody without permission & you make sure Draco stays safe next time okay?" Spike said to his niece. Shining Armor was about to speak up but Cadence stopped him.

"Did the spell activate?" Cadence said to Discord who was looking a little guilty, though he picked up on it. He looked Draco & Skyla over with a pair of 3-D glasses.

"There isn't any trace of it on either of them. It was designed to dissipate if they got along alright." Discord said before eating his glasses. Skyla would normally leave it at that but, she decided it would be better if she came clean in the long run.

"Actually... before that glow happened, I was sorta trying to hit Draco with a jawbreaker with a tiny catapult. But the rubber band broke & snapped me in the eye. He gave me some ice for my eye & made a really deep speech. It had pictures & stuff too, it made me feel really bad & we started getting along after that." Skyla said guiltily. Cadence looked at her with a paradoxical mixture of pride & disappointment. Shining took the initiative on this one however.

"We're proud of you for telling the truth, but since you really have been bullying your cousin you don't get any new toys until your birthday next month." He said inflicting the harshest punishment he could imagine. Skyla could live with that but still pretended to be saddened by it.

The group settled down & began talking with one another & Discord was trying to teach Skyla & Shining a spell to make vegetables taste like candy when a booming voice blasted the door to the room across the room.


Author's Note:

I picture Skyla being almost as snobby as Diamond Tiara for some reason. I hate DT so I had her have a change of heart. This will be the last of Draco's powers, & he won't be using it anymore until he's older in the next installment of the series. Which I haven't thought of yet.

Next chapter may be the last one unless I make an epilogue.
Next Chapter: Canterlot PT.2