• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 759 Views, 17 Comments

In Her Element - TLATopHat

An unexpected letter sends Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash to Canterlot on the kind of adventure nopony ever wants.

  • ...

An Unscheduled Arrival

“Chin up just a teensy bit more, darling. Wouldn't want to nick you, now would we?” Rarity intoned. Twilight complied, lifting her chin a few centimeters as the bobby pin drifted uncomfortably close to her throat. The specific chain of events that led up to her modeling swaths of blue satin with lace accents on Rarity’s fitting platform was a tad murky to Twilight. All she knew was that she had barely gotten two words in edgewise before the fashionista took total control of the situation.

“How did I get roped into this?” she grumbled morosely.

“Well, after leaving Sweet Apple Acres, you asked me where to go next. Then I said, ‘To Carousel Boutique to visit Rarity.’ Then you said—”

“Spike,” Twilight interjected, giving him sidelong glower, “that was rhetorical.” Spike gave her a blank, uncomprehending stare. She rolled her eyes in turn, lowering her head with an exasperated sigh. Rarity clicked her tongue in disapproval.

“Twilight, dear, I must insist you stand still. The sooner I can get the shape and layering of this dress right, the sooner I can—”

“Rarity, I’m really sorry to have to cut you off.” Twilight hastily shrugged out of the layers of cloth, leaving Rarity visibly disappointed. “On any other day, I’d be thrilled to help you finish up your designs, but Spike and I are on a bit of a tight schedule, and there’s still a number of stops we still have to make.” This seemed to placate Rarity, as she immediately set her sewing tools aside.

“Come to think of it, Twilight, why did you stop by this morning? Is there something I can help you with?”

“Actually, there is. I’m updating the library today, and when I went over the records, I noticed that the book you borrowed is overdue. I believe it was called ‘Pre-Classical Fashions and Frippery’. Do you happen to have the book on-hoof, Rarity?” Rarity pensively tapped her chin with the tip of her hoof.

“I... do recall borrowing a book by that title, yes,” She answered at length. “Marvelous reference, if I recall correctly; very detailed. However, I don’t think it’s on the premises anymore, I’m afraid.” Twilight’s eyes narrowed.

“What do you mean? Where is it?”

“I lent it out, darling; to Fluttershy, I believe. Yes, she saw the book on the table over there and asked if it was okay to borrow it for a while. I didn't see any harm in it, so I agreed.” Rarity smiled apologetically. “I do hope that doesn't complicate things for you, Twilight.” Twilight, however, was already levitating her saddlebags over as she listened.

“Not at all! Actually, that makes things easier. I’ll be able to grab both books while I’m at her cottage. C’mon, Spike.” Spike hopped up on her back as she turned to leave. “Sorry about the dress again, Rarity.”

“Oh, think nothing of it, dear,” she replied, levitating the half-finished dress. “I have mannequins for a reason, after all, so I’ll make do. Good luck with the library project!”

“Thank you, Rarity! Have a good day!”

“Bye, Rarity!” Spike added, waving enthusiastically as the pair trotted back out into Ponyville proper. Once out on the thoroughfare, Spike pulled out the list of overdue books. “So I guess the next stop should be Fluttershy’s cottage, so we can pick up Rarity’s book as well as–” he squinted at the list “–’Obstinate Ostriches and Other Troubled Birds’?” Twilight giggled at the name. Yes, that was definitely the sort of book Ponyville’s resident animal specialist would have.

“Well then, we’d better get started. Fluttershy’s cottage is on the other side of town from here.”

It was one o’clock now, and the streets and byways of Ponyville were noticeably emptier than they had been earlier in the morning, as most ponies had gathered in their homes and favorite haunts for a midday meal. As she navigated her way across the town, Twilight caught the scent of cooking on the wind. She felt her stomach rumble hungrily at the thought of food, and made a mental note to swing by the café on their way back through town.

She wasn't the only pony still going about their business at this hour, of course. A few of the more dedicated stall vendors were still hawking their products, hoping to catch the late-lunch crowd and a few extra bits in the process. One particularly vocal farmer was still promoting his cabbages to a mostly empty street.

It was this particular lack of ponies that made the rainbow contrail that appeared overhead all the more noticeable. It flew past Twilight, clearing the nearby buildings by dangerously close margins, sweeping up the street towards the end of town. “Why is Rainbow out practicing at this time of day? Isn't she the first to go get food at mealtimes?” Spike pointed out, watching the contrail pull into a vertical climb.

“Rainbow’s a grazer like most pegasi, Spike. She eats a lot of small meals instead of three large ones like we tend to do, so I wouldn't be surprised if she’s already had her lunch.” Twilight watched the rainbow left in Dash’s wake vanish into a cloud overhead. “Although, I do have to wonder what stunt she’s trying out this time.” Twilight cantered closer to the middle of the street as she continued towards her goal, so that the surrounding buildings would not block her view of the aerobatics on display. Rainbow’s contrail reappeared, descending in a near-perfect vertical dive; a dive that showed no signs of stopping even as it rushed to meet the ground. Twilight watched as the leading edge of the rainbow trail vanished behind the rows of buildings ahead and winced, waiting for the sound of the nasty impact she was sure would shortly follow. Instead, her ears were greeted with a dull roar.

Straight ahead of her, and bearing down at an unbelievable speed, was Rainbow herself, kicking up a cloud of dust behind her as she tore down the street, mere inches from the dirt, directly towards Twilight. In that exact moment, Twilight knew she was going to collide with Rainbow if one of them didn't move, and she could see from her shocked expression that Rainbow had come to the same conclusion. Rainbow flared her wings and tried to stop her momentum, but it wasn't enough. As the two ponies were about to smash into each other, Twilight’s horn winked to life and she vanished in a flash of violet light. Rainbow touched down, hooves skidding along the dusty road for a good distance before losing her balance and tumbling head-over-hooves straight into the cabbage vendor’s wagon.

When the dust cloud settled, wood and cabbages had been scattered down the street in all directions, and in the middle of what was left of the vendor’s stand lay a very dazed, but relatively unharmed Rainbow Dash. Twilight reappeared a short distance away, Spike still hanging onto her neck, and galloped over to her friend. “Rainbow! Are you alright? Are you hurt?”

“I think I’m good, Twi,” replied Rainbow with a grimace as she used Twilight's outstretched hoof as leverage to extricate herself from the wreckage of the wagon. She flicked her wings experimentally and winced, turning to inspect her right wing. “Or not so good. I think I pulled something.” She gently stretched and flexed it. “Should be good to fly on, but I’ll have to back off the flashy stuff,” she sighed, “...again.”

My cabbages!” the farmer lamented loudly, gesturing at the smashed and scattered vegetables that lay strewn all over the street. He rounded on Rainbow, eyes narrowing accusingly. “I hope you’re prepared to pay damages, young lady!” Dash swallowed nervously.



Rainbow Dash flapped slowly alongside Twilight and Spike, leaving the irritated farmer behind counting bits. “Thanks for the bailout, Twi. I owe ya big time for that one.”

“I’ll say.” Twilight eyed the inside of her coin purse before putting it back in her saddle bags. “That came out of my library upkeep stipend, not to mention that I’m now even further behind schedule than I already was.”

“Hey, Twilight! I know a way Rainbow can return the favor. She can fetch the books we’re missing, while we… you know, grab a bite to eat,” Spike suggested hopefully. Twilight’s belly grumbled again at the mention of food. She had to admit, it was a good idea. Rainbow could collect the books much faster by flying than she could on hoof; not to mention it was now pushing two o’clock and they had to meet the train at three.

“That’s a great idea, Spike. Think your wing can handle some light errands, Rainbow?”

“As if a pulled muscle would keep me from helping out my friends! Of course I can handle it! Just say the word, and I’ll get it done.”

“Good. I need you to swing by Fluttershy’s cottage and pick up two books from her—she’ll know which ones—and drop them off at the Library along with your copy of ‘Daring Do and the Hippogriff’s Claw’. Then, meet me at the train station at three o’clock to help me deal with a new shipment of books. Do that for me, and we’ll call it even.” Rainbow Dash snapped a salute.

“I’m on it! I’ll have those books back to the Library in ten minutes flat!” Without waiting for a response, Rainbow shot up and away towards the edge of the Everfree Forest. Twilight let out a sigh of relief. Time to enjoy a well-deserved meal. She turned around and headed back towards the center of town with a little more bounce in her trot. Everything is still going mostly according to plan.


It was just before three, and the trio stood patiently on the platform as the distant plume of smoke and cinders announced the arrival of the three o’clock Pony Express. The brightly colored train pulled into the station with many a squeal, squeak, and hiss as the brakes strained to stop the mass of metal. However, the highly competent conductors of the Equestrian Railroad Company knew their trade well, and the train came to a rest precisely where the platform markings said it should.

Twilight, Rainbow, and Spike, who were standing just outside the cargo unloading zone, scanned the crowd for anypony who matched the description they were given in the letter. “Excuse me, miss. Would you happen to be Miss Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes, I would,” she replied as she turned to face the voice’s owner. “I’m guessing you’re—” She caught herself mid-sentence. The pony before her certainly matched the description, but still, he was nothing like what she expected. The Earth Pony was far younger than the letter seemed to indicate. When the letter said he was grey-maned, she expected an older stallion, but this was a pony not much older than she; blue-grey coated with twinkling turquoise eyes. Twilight mentally shook herself and smiled. “I’m sorry, you must be Phineas Bookworm. I must admit, you’re not quite what I expected from the letter I got.” Phineas nodded.

“Don’t worry, Ms. Sparkle. I understand your surprise. Grey manes are not usually associated with ponies my age. Quite frankly, I was just as surprised when I was told you were the Ponyville librarian. Seems a rather modest station for the two-time savior of Equestria.” Rainbow cleared her throat poignantly, drawing Phineas’ gaze. “And you must be her friend Rainbow Dash.”

The one and only!” Dash replied with a cocky grin.

“I probably shouldn't tell you this, but my son is a pegasus who thinks the world of you. He’s always zooming around outside, pretending to be off on some adventure or another with you.” Rainbow’s grin grew wider as she struck a heroic pose.

“Don’t encourage her with undue praise, Mr. Bookworm,” Twilight interjected with a smirk. “Her head gets a little big for her shoulders often enough as it is.” Rainbow stuck her tongue out at Twilight, drawing a laugh from Phineas. “In any case, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Bookworm.”

“Phineas, if you please.”

“Alright then, Phineas,” Twilight agreed with a nod, “I believe we have a manifest to comb through.”

In that moment, there came a cry of alarm from above and behind Phineas. Rainbow was the first to react. “Incoming!” she shouted, diving away from the train. Both Twilight and Phineas took a brief moment to glance at the source of the alarm before taking action themselves; Phineas stepping back into the train car behind him and Twilight taking a short hop backwards just in time to avoid a speeding blur of grey feathers as it tumbled head-over-hooves across the platform between them.

The mass of grey turned out to be a very familiar blonde-maned pegasus. Rainbow Dash was the first pony to help the mare to her feet. “Derpy, how many times do I have to tell you: watch your approach speeds!” Derpy Doo smiled sheepishly as she placed her mailmare cap back on her head.

“Sorry, Rainbow Dash. I was in a hurry because the letter I’m carrying needs to be delivered before three-fifteen.” She turned to look at Twilight with her good eye. “Hey, Miss Twilight! The letter’s for you, by the way.” Derpy reached into her mailbag with one wing, producing a rather official-looking envelope. Twilight took hold of it with her magic and brought it in for closer inspection. She frowned at it with concern. It bore the seal of the Equestrian Parliament.

“You said you were told to deliver this before three-fifteen today?” she asked, breaking the seal and opening the envelope. Inside was a folded letter and two train tickets.

“Yes, Miss Twilight. The instructions were really clear that it had to reach you before then,” Derpy replied emphatically. “When you weren't home, I kind of panicked. I had to ask around town a bit to find out where you were. That’s why I was going so fast. Sorry for cutting it so close.” Twilight nodded her understanding as she unfolded the letter.

To: Miss Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic and Royal Protégé, Golden Oaks Library, Ponyville

You are hereby summoned to Canterlot immediately by Parliamentary Order for reasons that may not be disclosed in writing; per Department of Law Code 43, §7, ¶4(c), amdt 2. You are permitted to bring one (1) close friend or acquaintance in whom you can place your trust. You are not permitted to bring a member of your family, immediate or extended, nor any person directly in your care. Enclosed are two (2) tickets for the Pony Express’ three-thirty departure from Ponyville for you and your selected friend. Failure to arrive in Canterlot aboard that train will be considered a single (1) misdemeanor count of Failure to Heed a Parliamentary Summons. Once in the city proper, an escort of Royal Guard will meet you on the platform to accompany you and your selected friend to Harmony Hall, where the purpose of these summons will be explained in person.

The duration of the summons is seven (7) days. The length of this summons may be extended at the discretion of the Ministers involved, should the purpose of the summons remain unresolved by the end of said period. Room and Board will be provided for you and your chosen friend for the duration of the summons at the expense of Parliament, the specifics of which will be disclosed upon your arrival to Harmony Hall.

Pending the outcome of the summons, you and your chosen friend may be entitled to back-pay, damages, and/or other forms of financial compensation for any inconveniences incurred as a result of being absent from your destined professions. Return transportation will also be provided, if necessary.

Signed and Sealed on behalf and with the authority of the Department of Internal Affairs,

Minister Top Hat, Ministry of Disaster Response, Department of Internal Affairs, Harmony Hall, Canterlot

Twilight read the letter over a second time, brows furrowing in concern. “I’m being summoned to Canterlot, and I have to leave now,” she announced to the gathered ponies.

“Summoned by the Princess?” Rainbow asked, stepping over to get a look at the letter.

“No, by Parliament, or at least a group within Parliament.” Twilight looked up at the station’s clock. “Shoot! The train leaves in fifteen minutes, and I’m supposed to bring someone I can trust with me!” She began pacing back and forth fitfully.

“Okay, who’s the best choice? That would be Rarity. She knows how to deal with Ministers and the like. Oh, but she has that trip to Baltimare tomorrow. What about Applejack? She’s level-headed, honest; but Sweet Apple Acres is too far away to fetch her and be back to the station on time. Well, there’s always Pinkie.” She paused mid-stride. “No. Definitely not Pinkie.” She resumed her pacing. “Fluttershy is way too demure to deal with professional politicians, not to mention that she’s all the way over by the Everfree Forest and—”

“And what am I, a side of hay fries?” Rainbow frowned indignantly at Twilight. “I’m right here next to you, y’know. A trustworthy friend, on the platform, ready to go.” She gestured towards the waiting train.

“Sorry, Rainbow. I didn’t mean to make it sound like I don’t trust you. It’s just that this whole business with the Ministers might be a bit, well, out of your element,” Twilight explain with an apologetic smile. Rainbow snorted.

“Look, you’re probably right. It sounds unquestionably, undeniably uninteresting, and I’ll probably wind up flying circles around some fancy-shmancy room out of pure boredom; but I’m your friend, for pony’s sake! Plus, you've got about ten minutes left to get on this train, nopony else can make it here in time, and I can’t let you leave by yourself; not when I’m right here.” She cracked a smile. “Besides, I still owe you for that bailout earlier today with the farmer.” Twilight smiled back. She had to admit, Rainbow was right. Neither of them had much choice in the matter at this point, and Rainbow was the Element of Loyalty. That had to count for something.

“Alright, Rainbow. Go on over to the ticket office, and I’ll meet you there shortly.”

“What about me? Can’t I come, too?” asked Spike.

“Sorry, Spike. The letter said that I couldn't bring family or somepony for whom I'm responsible. Otherwise, I’d take you along in a heartbeat. So instead, I’m leaving you in charge of the Library while I’m gone. Help Phineas go over the manifest for those books we need and get them back to the Library. Show him around the town and help him get settled in at the hotel.” Spike hopped down off her back, taking the list of missing books with him. “And don’t forget to have fun at Lyra’s Birthday party later, too.”

“You can count me, Twilight! I'm your Number One Assistant, after all. I’ll take care of everything, so don’t worry about a thing!” He gave Twilight a parting hug around the neck, drawing out a smile. “Take care of yourself, Twilight.” Twilight returned the hug with an affectionate nuzzle. She raised her head to address the other librarian.

“Phineas, it was a pleasure to meet you, and I’m sorry to have to cut our meeting short so unexpectedly and on such short notice.”

“It’s fine, Ms. Sparkle. You’re quite the important pony after all, and I wouldn't want to hold you up on account of a handful of books. Best of luck to both you and your friend in Canterlot.”

“C’mon, Twi! We need to get on the train now if we want good seats for the trip up to Canterlot,” Dash called from over by the ticket office.

“Alright! I’m coming!” Twilight tucked the letter and envelope into her saddle bag and cantered over to her friend. She hadn't wanted to say anything out loud where Spike or Phineas could hear, but it wasn't the summons itself that had her worried. There was a lot of odd wording in the letter that just didn't sit right with her. Unfortunately, the only way to get her answers was by following its instructions. Hopefully all would be made clear when they reached Harmony Hall that evening.

Comments ( 6 )

“I’m on it! I’ll have those books back to the Library in ten minutes flat!” Without waiting for a response, Rainbow shot up and away towards the edge of the Everfree Forest. Twilight let out a sigh of relief. Time to enjoy a well-deserved meal. She turned around and headed back towards the center of town with a little more bounce in her trot. Everything is still going mo
stly according to plan.

I think you might wanna fix that. Sentences don't usually end up murdered, cut in half with their lower legs down in the sewers.

Aaaah you're so much better at writing than me!

YOU SAW NOTHING! :flutterrage:

Lies and slander, my good sir! You do yourself a disservice. You are an excellent writer; do not let anyone, including yourself, tell you otherwise.:twilightsmile:

Sorry. It's a thing that my mind tells me that I suck. As an artist, I'm sure you understand what I mean, right?:twilightsheepish:

edit: and yes, I'm sure i saw something!

Comment posted by TLATopHat deleted Mar 21st, 2014

Thanks for catching them pesky typos! And since this story is supposed to follow the same tone as the show, your comment makes me extremely pleased. :twilightsmile: I'm glad you enjoyed it so far!

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