• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 1,218 Views, 141 Comments

Ten Carriage Guns - Radon18

The tune of humanity fades on Equestrian soil.

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Ten Carriage Guns

“Resolved, that a swift sailing vessel to carry ten carriage guns, a proportionable number of swivels, and eighty men, be fitted with all possible despatch for a cruise of three months, that the commander be instructed to cruise eastward for intercepting such transports as may be laden with warlike stores and other supplies for our enemies, and for such other purposes as the Congress shall direct.

That a Committee of three be appointed to prepare an estimate of the expenses, lay the same before the Congress, and to contract with proper persons to outfit the vessel.

Resolved, that another vessel be fitted out for the same purposes and that said committee report their opinion of a proper vessel along with an estimate of the expense.”

“Resolution of the Continental Congress that marked the establishment of what is now the United States Navy.” - Source: Journal of the Continental Congress, 13 October 1775, in William Bell Clark, editor, Naval Documents of the American Revolution, Vol. 2, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1966): 442.

(Reminder that I own nothing!)

“Words in a foreign language.”


Twilight Sparkle dragged herself down the well-worn road towards her home of Ponyville. Canterlot, the place where she had been forced into servitude for the past several weeks, was slowly shrinking into the dust of the road behind her. The sky was filled with the same dust, and a bolt of unnatural lightning flickered across the sky. Maybe Equis herself was reflecting the sorrow brought down upon all of her children through the overcast sky and sporadic crackles of angry lightning.

Twilight’s eyes fell to the grey dust of the road beneath her hooves, and she suddenly took note of the state of her own appearance. Her hooves were covered in mud and dirt, as was her mane. She supposed that she looked pretty pathetic. Twilight shook her head and pushed the frivolous concerns out of her head. There were more important things to worry about than her own appearance. She took comfort in the familiar weight of the young dragon on her back, asleep and as dirty as she. Setting off again, she passed what once was one of the factory-like farms most of the earth ponies had been forced to work in. The ground was dry, cracked, grey, and spent like the rest of Equestria. She was too tired to feel the dark and conflicting emotions that she knew she was supposed to.

The road wound to the left. As Twilight rounded the bend, she encountered the burning wreckage of one of the quadrupedal war machines that she had seen in the past few days... She tore her eyes away from a relatively small corpse beneath the machine as the corpse’s hidden machinery sparked and sputtered. She had wondered what had happened to Lori. Twilight blinked the tears out of her eyes. She would mourn for the strange mare who, under better circumstances, might have been her friend, but she would do it once she was sure her friends were safe… once Ponyville was safe. Twilight had to force herself to start walking again. She wanted to rest, to lie down in the road and sleep, but she had to keep going.

A loud hum and a tremor that sent pebbles dancing across the ground drew Twilight’s eyes to the sky. There, crossing over the mountain behind her, was one of the human ships. Once proud and powerful like a dragon in their prime, now beaten and barely flying. It was distant in the sky despite being the size of one of the large buildings in Manehattan. It skirted the underside of a dust cloud, its once gleaming white hull blackened and melted to the point where she could clearly see the damage from where she had stopped on the road.


There was a loud crack as the Butchers found the vessel, and she shut her eyes tight, not wishing to see. The sounds told her the story just as well as if she had seen it. The loud screech of shearing metal, the hum that invaded her horn every time she came close to one of the human ships faded to nothing, and a faint explosion reminded her of all the death that had visited Equis. Too emotionally drained to care, Twilight pressed on to the tiny village she could see emerging from the haze.

‘Not anymore.’

Twilight trudged over the creaking wooden bridge that led over a small stream and into the town, pausing as she reached the apex. The town almost looked the same as she remembered. If it hadn’t been for the omnipresent dusty haze that blew through the empty streets and choked the few ponies that had already moved back into town, she might have been able to pretend none of it ever happened.

She could see her destination from here, the little library she had called home for so long, back when her life was unmarred by the cruelty of the universe. Setting off once again, she didn't remain unnoticed for long. The residents of her little town murmured as she passed, quickly leaving what they were doing to follow her down the street. Muffled, reverent murmurs of “Princess Twilight” followed her down the street faster than the ponies who uttered them. She screwed her eyes closed again and moved faster. She didn't deserve her crown... or her wings. She could never be a leader to these ponies.

Finally crossing the threshold into her library, she slammed the door behind her with a quick spurt of magic. Almost single-mindedly, she ascended the stairs up to her room. She was too tired to even notice the disarray her books were in, or the broken windows letting the dusty haze inside. Finding the door to her room, she quickly entered and placed Spike in his basket. That done, she eyed her own bed. It was covered in dust from the broken window, but she couldn't bring herself to care about that or even her own filth as she slipped underneath the sheets.

Before Twilight could slip away into the much sought after embrace of sleep, she heard a clunk from downstairs, causing her to groan to herself. She didn't want to deal with anypony right now. Reluctantly, she dragged herself from her now dirty sheets and opened the door to her room, so she could tell whoever was here to come back tomorrow. As she pulled the door open, a pair of ponies paused on the other side, both as filthy as she.

“Twilight? Is that you?” came a scratchy voice from the gloom of her hallway.

Rainbow Dash. It was Rainbow Dash. Twilight perked up a little, energy flowing back into her weary bones. She raised a hoof and placed it on Rainbow’s face, feeling, making certain she was actually there.

“Twilight, darling, you look terrible. It’s below the station of a princess to look so horrid,” the posh accent laced with a few giggles came from behind Rainbow Dash.

Twilight almost wanted to laugh at Rarity’s joke. Almost. Instead, she grabbed the two of them in a death grip. What was going to be a happy laugh instead emerged as a half sob. She tried to speak, but she just couldn't get the words out. Instead, all she could do was clutch her friends and vent her sorrow.

Author's Note:

Welcome to Ten Carriage Guns! I started this fic as a way to work through my writers block so expect updates to be infrequent. So far this is shaping up to be a colab with myself, Alan Smithee and, Admari.
As always edited by the talented JBL.