• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 651 Views, 2 Comments

I'm Coming, Manehattan - elementofknowledge

Coco Pommel writes in her diary as she follows her dream of living in Manehattan.

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I'm Coming, Manehattan

Author's Note:

I'm sorry to all grammar nazis, as the first few diary entries are wirtten by a five year old pony there are many intentional spelling errors. It's just part of the story.

Augist 23 1989

Dear Dairy,

Im Coco Pommel. I'm fiv years old, and today my parnts got me this dairy. they went on a trip to Manehatten and brought back tons of gifts! i got this cool bow and a hat too. They're sooper pretty! one's got a big feather in it and it matches my blue hair! My aunt actually sent the bow and hat from Manehatten, my parents didn't buy them. they don't approve, but they aren't going to no let me have my presents.

I want to right in this diary tons, but i start going to my school in a week so i might no have the time. i guess i should just right in it a bunch now while I can. How about I tell you more about what I look like? I'm a white filly with short blue hair. i don't have my cutie mark, but i think it'll be something to do with righting. Both my parents are righter, so i should be too. i have a little stuffed kitty toy that I named Petal, and i carry her aorund with me. She's really cute. My auntie got her for me too, but my parents don't mind her. my parents usually don't like stuff my aunt gets me, though.

my parents keep telling me about Manehattan. it seems so cool. they said there are buildings that reach the sky and ponies everywhere. there are big, long roads with cabs to carry ponies all over. all the stores have big, shiny windows with cool stuff on the inside that's so awesome it was worth a lot of bits. Maybe one day i'll save up enough bits from my books to buy all that stuff and giv it my parents.

My hoof hurts from writing. Mommy's a unicorn so she can write with her magic, but i have to pick up my quill with my hoof. i try to pick it up with my mouth but then I cant see what im writing and i want my writing to be relly neat like mommys. Mommy wants me to go to bed now, though. Ill right more later, dairy. when I get back I can right more about Manehattan. I'm coming for you, Manehattan!
-Coco Pommel

augist 24 1989

Dear Dairy,

today I met a filly named twinkleshine. She's really nice and shes my new friend. Shes really good at magic and we talk all the time about me learning magic. I wanna learn how to use magic, but im an earth pony so twinkleshine says id need some dangerous potion or whatever. But twinkleshines from canterlot! She likes to tell me all about her parents who thought it would be awesome to let her live in ponyville. I ask her what its like and she says that its only for unicorn ponies. That made me sad, but I think manehattans better because it lets everypony in. I'll be there soon enough, Manehattan.
-Coco Pommel

augist 27 1989

Dear Dairy,

twinkleshines coming to my school to! I told mommy about twinkleshine and she doesnt like her because she says canterlot unicorns are snooty. I dont know what snooty means but twinkleshine is really nice and I like her a lot. Im going to go to school with her and well have tons of fun!

Twinkleshine bought me a present today. Its a really pretty dress. Mommy doesnt like it because it costs to many bits, but I dont know why she would be sad about that. Everypony in manehattan has tons of money, so expensive stuff is good, isnt it?

I cant wait til I make enough money to go to manehattan with mommy, daddy, auntie, and twinkleshine. then I can show twinkleshine that manehattan is better than ponyville and canterlot! I'm coming, Manehattan!
-Coco Pommel

septimber 1 1989

Dear Diary,

I started school today. My teacher is really nice, but she says I need to write uppercase letters at the start of sentences and I was spelling diary wrong. Also it's write not right. Twinkleshine is really good at school, and she sat next to my today. I don't like school that much so far, weve only talked about boring stuff like math. Twinkleshine says school will get funner when we get farther into the school year, but its only the first day and im bored.

I asked my teacher about manehattan. She says shes never been there, but the statue of liberneigh is really pretty. When I grow up and move to manehattan, I want to live in a house right next to the statue of liberniegh. I'm coming, Manehattan!
-Coco Pommel

septimber 5 1989

Dear Diary,

I met a pegasus in class today. She got her cutie mark yesterday. Its a paintbrush with some colors around it. She was showing the class and asked me why I didn't have mine yet. Teacher got really angry at her, but I don't know why. I don't no why I don't have my cutie mark yet, but I don't really care because I know its gonna be something about writing. Besides, my parents say most fillies don't get their cutie mark until they're 11.

by the way, that pegasus is named Featherstroke. I talked to her some more and she told me she used to live in manehattan! She told me lots about it and said that only the prettiest ponies can go there. I'm scared now because i'm not pretty. How can I get into manehattan when i'm not pretty?
-Coco Pommel

September 20 1989

Dear Diary,

Sorry that it's been awhile since I wrote last. I've been really busy hanging out with Featherstroke and Twinkleshine. Twinkleshine doesn't like it when I hang out with Featherstroke, and she says shes mean. I dont know why because Featherstroke is really nice and tells me what i have to do to get into Manehattan. I want to move to manehattan really bad. Featherstroke says its so great and that Ponyville is just a little town. I agree, Ponyville's really small and boring. There's no pretty statues, no big buildings, and no cabs.
-Coco Pommel

After I finished that last entry, Featherstroke saw this diary. She said diaries are childish and no 'immature brats' are allowed in Manehattan. You've been a good friend, diary, but Manehattan's more important than you. I'm coming, Manehattan.
-Coco Pommel

April 24 1995

Dear Diary,

I've missed you a lot, old friend. I recently found you, hidden in my old chest. I was looking through my old entries and laughing at how childish I used to be. I could hardly spell! I only capitalized half the time and I never punctuated correctly.

Well, I should give you a quick update of what's happened in the past few years. Featherstroke moved back to Manehattan, and Twinkleshine has a new baby sister. It's been a bit lonely without one of them constantly by my side, but now that I know a bit more about the world I realize that Featherstroke was manipulating me. Twinkleshine told me about it, and now I see it clear as day. I'm kind of glad Featherstroke is gone.

I still don't have my cutie mark, but I've been writing a lot more and I'm in and advanced grammar class in my school. My parents are very proud of my writing skill, but I still find it pretty hard and boring. I don't want to tell my parents, but I really don't think I want writing to be my career. But it's what my parents want, so I'm going to be an author anyway.
-Coco Pommel

July 15 1996

Dear Diary,

I know I don't really write to you anymore, but something really important happened today and I need a friend. Twinkleshine had to move back to Canterlot because she got accepted into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I never really made any other friends, so now I don't have anyone to talk to. I know I should be happy for her, but I'm more sad for me.

Twinkle moving away isn't what I'm sad about, though. I got my cutie mark today. I'm supposed to be happy, but... well, let me explain. I got out of class early and decided to take a trip to the spa. Twinkleshine and I used to hang out there all the time, and I really missed her. On the way there, I saw a yellow mare with a purple mane drop her bag. When the bag hit the ground, spools of thread flew everywhere and unwound. I immediately ran over to help her, picking up as many as I could. A bunch were tangled in a big, rainbow mess, though. She couldn't untangle it, so I helped her by loosening the knots with my teeth. She was impressed and gave me a pretty hat as thanks before trotting off.

I put the hat on, but I felt something inside of it. I took it off and looked inside, and I was so surprised! A spool of thread must have been left inside, but it wasn't like the others that she had dropped. It was a beautiful, shiny rainbow thread that was prettier than any rainbow in the sky. I ran to catch up to her, and when I found her again I returned the rainbow thread. Before she left again, I asked her if she could show me where she had gotten the thread. To my surprise, she didn't buy it, she made it! She took me to her shop and showed me how she spun different kinds of thread, and I loved it. She let me keep the rainbow thread.

Not only did she teach me how to make thread myself, but she taught me how to sew with it. The first thing I sewed today was a big pink and white hat. It took forever and it was hard, but she was happy to show to me how and give me the materials for free. When I was finished, she stuck a big red feather in the hat. She told me more about herself. Her name's Overstitch and she is going to teach a sewing class in Canterlot. I was just going to wish her luck and return home when I noticed something in the mirror: I had my cutie mark! It's the same pink and white hat that I made. I was really excited at first, but then I realized something. It wasn't an author's cutie mark, it was a sewing cutie mark!

I've been too scared to return home. My parents always wanted me to follow in their hoofsteps! How disappointed will they be now that I can't? That's why I'm moving to Manehattan. I'm going to cover my flanks with my saddlebags, go home, pack my things, then sneak out in the middle of the night. I'll leave a note to my parents, and when I'm a rich seamstress I'll give them lots of money and maybe they'll forgive me.

I'm coming, Manehattan.
-Coco Pommel

July 16 1996

Dear Diary,

I'm sheltering in an old shed for the night. I'm using a map from my geography class, but it's not very detailed. I do know that I'm heading in the right direction, but the map doesn't show any good hotels. All I can see are fields. I miss my family already, but I can't wait until I see Manehattan. I'll be there soon, Manehattan.
-Coco Pommel

July 17 1996

Dear Diary,

I can see it! I want to run right ahead to get a better look, but I have to describe this to you. I can see huge buildings that never seem to end, thousands of ponies walking around on roads, big glass windows, big signs pointing in all directions, and best of all a cafe! I brought some bits with me, so I'll be able to pay for a meal. This place looks magical, diary! I'm so happy to finally be here. I'll tell you more when I've been fed.
-Coco Pommel

July 18 1996

Dear Diary,

Manehattan was as amazing as I dreamed it would be! Everything was beautiful and the food was great. However, when night rolled around, I found the apartment building where my auntie lives. I thought I could spend the night at her place, but as soon as she found out I'd run away from home she bought some train tickets and and brought me home. My parents told me I was foolish for running away and that they would accept me no matter what cutie mark I had. I'm glad about that, but I'm still grounded.

Manehattan was so close. I was inside it, and now I'm all the way back in Ponyville! But I'll be coming back, Manehattan.
-Coco Pommel

December 30 2009

Dear Diary,

I'm a grown mare, and I know I shouldn't write to you anymore, but I had to today. I'm on the train to Manehattan. I love my family and I'm glad that they accept me even though I don't want to follow in their hoofsteps, but it's time I live out my dream. I'm coming, Manehattan.
-Coco Pommel

December 31 2009

Dear Diary,

Around noon, I finally arrived in Manehattan. I had gotten off the train to rest in a nearby town, then I overslept and didn't get back on the train until today. When I got off the train and into Manehattan, I dropped Petal in the street. When I walked back to go get her, I found she had rolled into a puddle and everypony was just stepping on her to avoid getting their hooves wet! When I picked her up, some stallion sneered at me and called me childish for having a stuffed animal. I know it's a bit immature to keep a stuffed animal, but Petal's a fillyhood friend of mine. I shouldn't feel ashamed for keeping her, should I?

After that, I asked for directions to my hotel, where I'll be staying for now. Most ponies simply ignored me when I asked them, and finally someone rudely told me to just get a cab. I tried to call a cab, but they were all taken. I decided to wait until the lines grew shorter and entered a dress shop. There, I bumped into a pink mare with a purple mane. At first she yelled at me and told me to watch where I was going, then she noticed the hat and traveling cloak I was wearing. When she asked where I had bought them, I told her the truth; I made them myself. She introduced herself as Suri Polomare and told me that if I was in need of a job just to visit her at her shop.

I eventually found my hotel room, and now I'm too tired to write any more. I'm here, Manehattan.
-Coco Pommel

January 1 2010

Dear Diary,

I was so tired after yesterday that I completely forgot it was New Years! No wonder everypony was so rude, I'm sure they were just busy because it was a holiday! I think I'll just go for a walk and enjoy the sights. I'll write more in a bit, diary.
-Coco Pommel

I'm going to be Suri Polomare's assitant. Let me explain what happened after I left the hotel room yesterday.

I was going for a walk, and nopony seemed to respond to my greetings as I walked by. I thought it was a bit rude, but I didn't mention it and just fell silent. I was concerned, because I didn't see anypony exchanging friendly words or doing small favors like I used to see in Ponyville. Well, I didn't mind being kind. I saw a stallion drop his coffee in the street, so bought him a new coffee. He just walked away without thanking me at all. Not that I mind, but I would like at least a nod of the head!

It only got worse. All day ponies were shoving me aside to get to their New Years parties without so much as an 'excuse me'. Tired of this, I found a seat at a quiet cafe and thought about things. Is Manehattan just a colder, meaner place now, or has it always been? Was I just blind when I was younger? Is Manehattan even mean, or is it just the stress caused by a holiday?

At that moment, something similar to the coffee incident earlier happened. A cafe employee, distracted because of his muttered complaints about how work was the only way he could escape his family on holidays, dropped the dishes he was gathering. Not only did he drop them, but he tripped and knocked the food off of a customer's table. This caused a loud shouting match between the two, so I ran over to break it up. I helped the employee clean up the fallen dishes and offered to buy another meal for the customer. I asked what he had been eating and bought him that meal before returning to my table.

Just then, I noticed a familiar mare sitting nearby. It was Suri Polomare. She looked over to me and said, “You know you just spent twelve more bits than you wanted to on that guy?” I asked what she meant. “He was just eating the salad, but you bought him the most expensive meal on the menu. He just tricked you out of your money.” I was outraged! I had half a mind to stomp over there and demand my money back, but I never would. “You came from Ponyville, didn't you, dear?” Suri asked. “You can't be that kind here, m'kay? It's everypony for herself in this big city. They'll just take advantage of you.”

Suri continued to explain how mean Manehattan was. I sat next to her and she told me about how she couldn't visit family for New Years because she was to busy with her work. She said she could really use an assistant, and that if I accepted the job she could teach me the ways of Manehattan. I accepted. It's always been my dream to make it in Manehattan. This is just one little bump, there's not reason I should stop chasing my dream because of this. I'm working on it, Manehattan.
-Coco Pommel

January 3 2011

Dear Diary,

It's been over a year since I moved to Manehattan. I've enjoyed being Suri Polomare's assistant and the money I make lets me live pretty comfortably. She's taught me a lot about how to survive in Manehattan, and I've been taking her lessons to heart. But I'm starting to wonder if it's okay to be this coldhearted.

I heard Twinkleshine had moved back to Ponyville a couple months ago, so I decided to catch up with her when I visited family this New Years. Ponyville seems so different after being in Manehattan for so long. It seemed strange to see how happy and friendly everypony was. When I saw Twinkleshine we visited for a bit, walking around town and sharing memories. I noticed that the whole time she seemed to be growing annoyed with me, but I wasn't sure why. Then I saw a mare drop her bag and the contents spill everywhere. I simply turned away and motioned for Twinkleshine to follow. When she didn't, I turned around and saw she was helping the mare gather her things. I rolled my eyes and continued walking, waiting for Twinkleshine to catch up with me. When she did, she was very angry.

“Why didn't you stop to help that mare back there?” she asked, glaring at me. Surprised by my friend's sudden anger, I told her that I don't help others and reminded her about Suri Polomare. “But you help others! Or you did, but now Manehattan's turned you into a jerk!” Twinkleshine yelled at me. “Actually, no, you haven't changed at all. You're still being easily manipulated by jerk. This is Featherstroke all over again! Can't you see?”

“But Suri says everypony in Manehattan will take advantage of my generosity if I show it.” I responded.

“But this isn't Manehattan anymore, Coco.” Twinkle told me. “And the only one taking advantage of you is Suri.”

But Suri's not wrong, diary. When I was generous before, no one thanked me. But Suri's taught me how to survive in Manehattan. It's everypony for themselves, isn't it? I'm not sure what to think anymore.
-Coco Pommel

May 12 2011

Dear Diary,

My parents want me to come home for a week or so. They say they're concerned about me. Maybe it's because I haven't written to them, and I left so suddenly after New Years. Or maybe Twinkleshine's right and they're concerned that I'm a heartless monster.

I don't want to talk to to anyone. I told Suri about Twinkleshine, and she said that Twinkle was wrong and there's nothing wrong with working for yourself. She said what she always tells me: if you're kind, it'll come back to bite you. I don't want my kindness to come back to bite me. I don't talk to anyone but Suri anymore. I know she won't take advantage of me.
-Coco Pommel

January 4 2014

Dear Diary,

It's been years, diary.

Fashion week has kept me busy, but I wanted to tell you something. There's a unicorn here for fashion week, Rarity. I've seen her be so kind and generous, it was like nothing I'd seen before. Not even in my Ponyville days had I seen somepony so kind. Suri gave me some really fancy fabric to sew with today, and told me all about how she had gotten it. She had fooled Rarity to giving it to her, and was now going to steal her fashion line. I've never felt more guilty to help in one of Suri's plans.

Rarity's actions really makes me wonder of Suri's right. Do I have to be cold and mean to survive in Manehattan? Maybe Twinkleshine's right, and all this time I've just been manipulated by Suri just like I was by Featherstroke. Maybe it's time I stop being manipulated. Maybe it's time I be who I want to be. Maybe I can be the kind pony I once was, no matter what town I'm in.
-Coco Pommel

January 5 204

Dear Diary,

They say Manehattan is like a large path. It leads ponies of all kinds to becoming a new them. At first, the new me seemed to be cold and heartless, like Twinkleshine said. But Manehattan seems to have made me even kinder.

I quit working for Suri Polomare. Rarity and her friends... they were so nice and generous. They made me realize that friendship is worth more than succeeding in a big city. I'm going to be kind no matter where I am. I'm going to start talking to ponies again, and I'm never going to take advantage of anypony's generosity towards me. I'm going to get in contact with Twinkleshine again and apologize to her for how foolish I've been.

To thank Rarity, I gave her my rainbow thread. The rainbow thread. Yes, the one that Overstitch gave me all those years ago. I don't think Rarity knows the importance it has to me, but I think she knows the heart behind it. It was best thing I could do for somepony who helped me find myself again.

I'm here, Manehattan. You've helped me remember myself.
-Coco Pommel

Comments ( 2 )

Felt a tad, eh at the end for some reason, but you earned your like for your clever writing in the begging by purposely making it bad.

This is very good. The entries seem a bit spaced and a lot is left up the imagination. What you did is, in my opinion, an accurate portrayal of the conflict portrayed in the episode and a nice back story to the character.

I'm surprised that this story isn't more popular considering how much Coco has exploded in popularity.

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