• Published 17th Mar 2012
  • 7,864 Views, 514 Comments

Interesting Times - Timothy48

A mysterious magical mist drops Equestria into the Human World at the start of the 20th Century

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Chapter 6 (Meeting the Neighbors)

Chapter 6

Meeting the Neighbors

Every man is surrounded by a neighborhood of voluntary spies.

-Jane Austen

Honolulu Harbor, July 18, 1908 10:14am

As the Marlin Spike steamed into Honolulu Harbor, Joshua looked out over the port bridge-wing rail at the scene before him. It was a hive of activity, with ships of every size and description going about their business. Small skiffs could be seen weaving in and out between the larger freighters and passenger ships as they slowly plodded along towards their destinations.

While the docks looked like an ant hill had been kicked over, further on large cranes could been seen loading and offloading cargo from those ships tied up to the wharves. Beyond that passengers ships were busy loading or unloading their human passengers and their belongings.

In addition, everywhere he looked, Joshua could see naval ships; some were at anchor, while others were slowly steaming along about their business, and all of them were painted a bright white.

Rubbing his chin stubble thoughtfully, Joshua mused. Hmm, looks like we came in at nearly the same time as the ‘Great White Fleet’ put in, wonder how those navy boys are going to react to my passengers?

Shaking his head, he turned away from the railing and walked through the wheelhouse. He gave a nod to the sailor manning the ships wheel as he made his way down the stairway.

As he made his way towards the ship’s galley, to see if he could get another cup of coffee to help pry his eyes open, he nearly ran into Fancypants, the Equestrian ambassador. Which, Joshua thought to himself, Is a rather strange name for a person who doesn’t actually wear pants.

However, he quickly pigeonholed that thought, and instead asked. “So Mr. Ambassador, how are you feeling?” Since they had left Manehattan, several members of the diplomatic team had come down with seasickness. Even Fancypants, whom Joshua had learned owned his own yacht, had looked a little green.

“Much better I must say. It has been sometime since I was aboard a ship. My responsibilities back in Canterlot have, up until now, kept me quite busy.” He gave a chuckle, “Though unfortunately, the good lieutenant has still not yet fully recovered from his…condition.”

The lieutenant in question, Lieutenant Shield, had become violently ill and had spent the majority of the voyage with his head in either a bucket or a toilet. Command over the security detail had therefore fallen to his second in command, Sergeant Hawk, one of the two pegasi guards assigned to the group, the other being Private Thunder Cloud.

The two of them were the only guardsponies who had not come down with seasickness during the voyage. Regardless, it wouldn’t be long before the Marlin Spike docked, and the poor ponies could feel firm ground under their hooves once more.

Realizing that his thoughts had caused him to remain silent for longer than he had intended, he responded slightly embarrassed. “Sorry about that Mr. Ambassador; I got lost in thought there for a moment. Anyways, I’m glad you are feeling better. I suspect you’re going to need to be in top form when you go to speak with the Territorial Governor.”

“Oh? Why is that?” inquired Fancypants.

“Well, I don’t know much about diplomacy or anything, being but a humble merchant captain, but I do know I perform better during a contract negotiation, when I’m fully rested and ready to go.”

The unicorn nodded his head in understanding. Giving a charismatic smile, he replied, “Well then, I suppose I had better go and ‘freshen’ up.” Turning to leave, he paused to look over his shoulder. “How long before we tie up Captain?”

Joshua scratched his chin in thought before replying. “No more than an hour or two I’d think. Even though the navy’s hogging most of the docks, there should still be a few open. If not, then we’ll just have to anchor out of the shipping lanes and row to shore.” He shrugged his broad shoulders while Fancypants mulled his response over.

Nodding his head once more, he said. “I suppose if it cannot be helped then we will have to make the best of it. Thank you Captain, you have been most helpful. I do hope that we haven’t inconvenienced you too terribly.”

Joshua merely shook his head in reply. After all, it wouldn’t have mattered anyways. I was going to be late to begin with. Chances are when I do make port, the company will declare me in breach of contract, and there’s a good chance that I won’t see a dime from them. Tightwads, he thought bitterly.

He had been due in Seattle three days ago, and according to his contract with the shipping company, every day he was late they knocked ten percent off his paycheck. So chances were, by the time he actually reached Seattle, he would be lucky if they gave him enough to cover his fuel costs.

Being a tramp steamer captain was hard work, and one wasn’t given much in the way of respect either. Although, now that Equestria has shown up, I might find good work there. He shrugged again, and seeing that Fancypants was looking at him with a rather odd look replied, “It’s alright Mr. Ambassador, the cargo will keep, and if it wasn’t for your land showing up when it did, I’d be on the bottom of the ocean right now, so thanks.”

Fancypants nodded his head; he still looked confused, but decided not to press the issue at that moment. Instead, he cleared his throat before replying, “You’re welcome.”

Nodding his head once more, he walked out of the corridor leaving Joshua alone. Standing there for a moment, Joshua shook his head and continued on his way to the galley.

When he finally reached his destination, he found that his first mate was pouring himself some coffee and whistling an old sea tune between his teeth. Walking up next to him, he picked up the coffee pot his first mate had just set down, and pouring himself another cup, remarked. “Seems we put in at an interesting time, wouldn’t you agree Mr. Fitzgibbons?”

Taking a sip from his cup Patrick nodded. “Aye, looks like the whole damned navy’s sitting in the harbor, doesn’t it sir?”

“That it does, hope we can find some dock space to tie up to, otherwise we’re going to have to anchor offshore and row in.” He grimaced at the thought of trying to negotiate the busy harbor with several ponies in the long boat with him and the crew. He gave an inquiring look at his second in command, who merely nodded his head in agreement. He too could see that it would be a very difficult experience for all involved if they had to do it that way.

“Well I suppose I should head back up to the wheel house and see if I can get us some dock space.” Patrick absently waved goodbye as he bent to refill his coffee cup once more.


It was nearly noon before the Marlin Spike finally docked. The few tugs that were in the harbor had been busy with the naval ships. Moving them from the refueling pier or nudging them back into their designated docking spots. Joshua had finally managed to signal a tug and the little boat had shepherded the freighter like a dog would a sheep.

Once the Marlin had come as close to the pier she dared, Joshua had ordered the engine room to cease all forward movement with the engine telegraph and the little tug had done the rest. Though she looked small, she was powerful and within no time the Marlin Spike was tied up next to the pier. Breathing a sigh of relief at yet another successful docking maneuver, Joshua gave the helmsman a pat on the back and left the bridge.

As he exited into the noonday sunshine, he took in the sight before him. Fancypants and his wife were standing near the railing and a small crowd had gathered to gawk at the two ponies from the dock below.

The rest of the diplomatic team was getting itself sorted out near the starboard hatchway. Joshua spotted Lieutenant Shield inspecting his soldiers; he still looked a little under the weather. However, he seemed to be in possession of most of his faculties and finished the inspection without incident. Turning he spotted Joshua and waved him over, speaking in a hushed voice he asked. “Well, what do we do now?”

Turning his back so that no one could see or hear him speak Joshua replied. “We wait I guess. I’m sure that word is even now making its way to the governor as we speak. We should probably inform the port authority on what’s going on. However, since that crowd on the dock keeps growing, I think it might be a wise idea to keep the gangway up until the local authorities arrive to help keep things under control.”

The lieutenant nodded his head in agreement and replied, “I believe that would be wise. I will instruct my stallions to maintain watch over the delegation, and when we do finally leave, to make sure no one is separated from the group.” When Joshua nodded his head, Shield continued, “Will you be coming with us Captain?”

Joshua thought about that for a moment and replied, “It would probably be a good idea, yes.” Looking down at his wrinkled and dirty clothing, he gave a sheepish grin and said, “Might also be good idea to change into something a little more…respectable. I think I might have some clean clothing around here somewhere. If you will excuse me I think I’ll go and freshen up.” Shield simply nodded and turned back to his subordinates and began barking out orders.


It was nearly an hour later before a horse drawn carriage arrived at the docks. Still standing by the railing with his wife, Fancypants noticed the carriage approaching. He was taken aback by the sight of the two dun colored ponies, their harnesses jingling as they walked, pulling the carriage behind them. Neither one had a cutie mark on their flanks. Nor did they exhibit any kind of intelligent, independent thought beyond what the driver, with the use of the reins he held, told them to do.

Quickly schooling his expression into one of calm, he looked over the carriage itself and its occupants. It was all black with a pair of brass lanterns to either side and had a collapsible awning that afforded the passengers a small degree of protection from the elements. In addition, it had two spacious seat benches arranged in a vis-à-vis style.

The driver, who appeared to have a darker skin color than that of his passenger, who rode in the back of the carriage, was a well-dressed man in a top hat and black swallowtail jacket. In addition, he wore a cream-colored waistcoat over his white shirt and a black bowtie.

Looking at the sole passenger in the carriage from his vantage point, Fancypants could see that the passenger was also male. He wore a stylish black three-piece suit, with a top hat perched upon his head. Unfortunately, that was all he could make out from his current position.

Turning his attention away from the carriage with its mysterious passenger, he looked out over the still growing crowd. It looked like there were people from all walks of life standing there on that dock. Fishermen to prosperous businessmen, stevedores to policemen and looking more carefully at the crowd, he could see scores of young children, many of whom seemed to be working down here on the docks.

Shaking his head at the thought of child labor, he turned and spotting a newly cleaned up Joshua and called out to him. When Joshua walked up to stand beside him he asked, “I say Captain, are those children down there working?”

Looking out over the rail Joshua spotted the children and replied with a shrug. “Probably, though from the looks of it, all they're doing right now is just gawking at you.”

“Shouldn’t they be in school, or at home with their mothers?” asked Fancypants, taken aback by Joshua’s calm dismissal of young children performing difficult labor.

“Many families can’t afford to do that, once the kids are old enough to work, they send them out to get a job. Take me for instance; I started my career working down on T Wharf in Boston. I’d help unload the daily catches that the fishermen brought in. After doing that for a few years, I signed up on a fishing schooner and worked my way up the ladder, and well, here I am.” He waved his arm to indicate his ship.

“How old were you when you started working?”

Joshua rubbed his freshly shaved jaw for a moment in thought and then replied. “I figure I was about six or seven when I started, why do you ask?”

Fancypants felt his mouth hang open at the statement, Six or seven years old?! From what Joshua’s told me about his species that is quite young, and they let young children work at that age? It’s, it’s. When he couldn’t think of a word to describe how he felt, he simply shook his head in wonderment.

Joshua looked at him with a confused expression on his face, finally he asked. “Is there something wrong with a child helping to support their family?”

“Not inherently, but back in Equestria we have a number of laws against such things for a variety of reasons; protecting the youth from exploitation being one of them. Of course, that's a long and involved discussion best saved for later.” replied Fancypants. Joshua noticed he sounded slightly uncomfortable talking about the subject and simply gave a nod, letting it go.

Looking back over the crowd, Fancypants spotted the carriage as it finally came to a stop. The lone passenger stood, staring up at Fancypants and his wife for a few moments before visibly shaking himself and stepping down from the carriage.

Joshua had already given the order to lower the gangway and as it was being lowered, Lieutenant Shield and his squad stood close by, ready to be the first down the ramp to secure the area.

When the ramp was secured, they charged down, their metal shoes generating an intimidating amount of noise. Immediately, the crowd back away from the charging ponies, leaving a large open semicircle around the bottom of the gangway with the carriage at its apex.

As Fancypants slowly made his way down the ramp, he noticed that the human had climbed down from the carriage and stood patiently waiting. Drawing closer. he took in the man’s appearance, he stood nearly as tall as Joshua did and his black, well cut suit and top hat gave him the air of authority. In addition, he sported a pair of wire-rimmed spectacles, a large mustache and chin beard that completely hid his mouth from view.

This, in Fancypants opinion made him look like he had a small furry creature glued to his face. His hair was a dark brown with some white hairs beginning to show and his eyes were a warm brown in color. While Fancypants had been looking over his appearance, the man had been doing the same, and to his credit, he hid his emotions fairly well.

Coming to a stop before the man, Fancypants bowed his head respectfully and said in his best diplomatic voice, “On behalf of Her Royal Highness’s, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Co-rulers of Equestria, and Regents of the Sun and Moon. I solemnly and respectfully request that, I, Fancypants, royally appointed Ambassador of Equestria, Be allowed to open diplomatic negotiations with the government of the United States of America.”

Even before he had finished speaking, he had noticed that the crowd had gone deathly quiet. The man who he had just addressed had a look of pure shock on his face. Which given the circumstances was understandable. After all, if what Joshua had told him was true, animals in this world did not have the same kind of intelligence as those in Equestria and they most certainly did not talk!

However, the man quickly composed himself and replied in a slightly strained voice, “I am Governor Walter Frear and on behalf of the United States of America. I welcome you to the territory of Hawaii Ambassador Fancypants.”

When finished speaking, the crowd, which had remained silent throughout the verbal exchange, exploded into a frenzy of noise. Some cheered, others yelled words that were lost in the general bedlam. However the majority just talked loudly with their neighbors over this new revelation they had just been witness too.

Either way, Fancypants thought, This is going to be interesting.

Washington DC, The White House, July 18, 1908 7:12pm

President Roosevelt, having finished eating dinner, sat down in a comfortable chair in his private sitting room. Relaxing further, he reached over to the nearby table, picked up a book and opening it began to read. However, he had barely read half of a page before a soft knock sounded on the door interrupting his reading. Suppressing an irritated sigh, he called out, “Yes what is it?”

An aide walked in, holding a telegram and handing it to the President, replied in a hushed tone, “It’s from Hawaii, Mr. President.” Opening the telegram, Roosevelt began to read. What was written on the message made his eyebrows climb towards his hairline.

Scarcely believing what he had just read, he turned to the aide, an incredulous look on his face. “Are you sure that the message wasn’t garbled?”

The aide nodded and replied, “Yes Mr. President, we had them reply three different times and it is the same message. In fact, as you can see the telegraph is ‘signed’ by no less than three different individuals, all claiming this to be true.”

Roosevelt sat in his chair, stunned at the news he had just been handed. Quickly the gears in his mind began whirring as he sat there. If not only the Territorial Governor and the Chief Justice claim this to be true, but also Rear Admiral Evans, then as hard as this is to believe, it must be so!

Shaking his head at the absurdity of it all, he turned back to his aide and said, “Alright, if this is true then the whole game has just changed.” Sighing, he continued, “Arrange for a train to take me to San Francisco and from there, a ship to Hawaii. I want to be there as soon as possible. I also want you to arrange a meeting with the Vice President, Secretary of State and the Secretary of War and the Navy immediately.”

“Right away Mr. President! Do you want me to send up some coffee for you sir?”

Roosevelt simply nodded his head and rubbing the bridge of his nose said, “And send up some aspirin too, I feel a headache coming on.”

“Of course Mr. President, do you wish to meet with your advisors in the Oval Office?”

“Yes.” was his reply. Nodding once more, the aide left Roosevelt alone with his thoughts, as he hastened to carry out his orders.

Sighing once more, Roosevelt set his book down on the nearby table, and rising to his feet, walked over to the nearby window.

As he looked out over the White House grounds, a quiet thought entered his mind. Small, cute looking magical horses, well this should prove interesting!

Canterlot Castle, Celestia’s Office, July 18, 1908 2:32pm

Accord sat and contemplated the ink blotter on his desk. The only sound in the room was the ticking of the wall clock and frankly, it was getting on his nerves. He had managed to catch up with the backlog of paperwork that had accumulated in the absence of the Royal Pony Sisters, and he’d even managed to keep up with all of the new paperwork that always seemed to multiply like parasprites when one wasn’t looking. However, he now found himself with little to do and if there was one thing that drove him nuts, it was not having anything to do.

Sighing, he rose from behind his desk, deciding to go and see how Celestia and Luna were doing. Opening the doors with his magic, he trotted out of his office. The two guards coming to attention as he passed them. Giving them both a nod, he continued on his way.

It had been nearly a week since he had been ‘released’ from his prison. In that time, he had not only forsaken the ways of chaos, but had managed to become Celestia and Luna’s chief advisor and regent in their absence.

He found it somewhat surreal, for as long as he could remember he had been an enemy of the two sisters and now here he was, helping them run their kingdom.

Shaking his head as he trotted along, he looked around at his surroundings. Most of the damage had been repaired over the past few days. However, the throne room would take a while longer, as there were some major structural repairs that were required, such as the massive cracks in the floor and ceiling. Of course, that was insignificant compared to the other events that had occurred during the past few days.

The first shock had come shortly after the diplomatic team had left. Celestia and Luna finally admitted that they were no longer in control of the sun or the moon respectfully. Accord had had his suspicions when he had seen the sun and moon continue with their celestial dance as normal.

However, as it was beyond his control, he simply decided to not worry about it. Instead, he had focused his attention on helping Luna write her upcoming speech and organizing the event.

Her speech and the whole purpose of the event had originally not been much more than her making an appearance to help calm those ponies still worried over the health of at least on of their monarchs.

During the speech the following morning before a crowd of nearly five thousand ponies, many of them nobles and other high-class individuals with a smattering of lower class individuals, she gave her address. It hadn’t been anything overly dramatic nor long, but apparently it had struck a chord with her subjects. Stopping by a large window, Accord closed his eyes and recalled the events of that day.


A large crowd of ponies stood waiting in Canterlot Square for Princess Luna to make her first real speech since returning from her banishment on the moon. The sudden sound of blaring trumpets cut through the crowds chatter, silencing them almost instantly. The eyes of every pony turned, nearly as one, towards the large platform that had been hastily erected at the far end of the square, just in time to see the small group of figures who were now ascending the stairs.

The first was Princess Luna. Her casts had been removed the previous evening, though she still sported a limp. Following close behind her was Accord. However, Princess Celestia was notably absent, as she was still confined to bed. So in her place, she had sent her most faithful student to represent her instead.

Looking back over his shoulder, Accord saw that Twilight looked a little nervous as she followed closely behind him as he walked across the platform to stand next to Luna. He couldn’t see what the deal was. After all it wasn’t as if she had to give a speech!

Banishing those thoughts to a faraway corner of his mind, he instead turned his attention back to the large crowd of ponies, watching as Luna slowly strode forward, taking her place behind the simple wooden podium.

Setting her notes down in front of her, she made sure that they were in their proper order. “Citizens of Equestria,” she began. Her voice easily carrying across the large square, “I have been given the honor of addressing you this fine summer day.”

She paused a moment, looking down at her note paper. “Many of you are probably curious as to the recent Event that has left much of our beautiful land in ruin. You are probably wondering what caused it, why it affected us the way it did and what kinds of long term effects it will have on our fair land. Rest assured, my sister and I, along with many of Equestria’s brightest minds are addressing these questions even as I speak.”

As Luna’s words rang out over the square, Accord could see many of the ponies look to their neighbors, their faces no longer etched with fear and worry. Unfortunately, there were still many who stood staring up at Princess Luna, their faces a mask of worry and fear.

What Luna said next, did little to lay their worries to rest. Cutting right to the heart of the matter, Luna said, “What we have been able to determine so far is that Equestria, and portions of the surrounding lands, have been displaced from our homeworld into a new one. Ignoring the obvious problems such a situation entails, we have also come into contact with the native species of this new world. Calling themselves Humans, they stand upright much like a Minotaur, are more or less furless, and as far we can tell, the do not seem to possess any magic.” An incredulous murmur spread quickly through the crowd at the thought of a species completely without magic.

Luna waited a moment for the crowd to quiet down before continuing, “It should also be noted that these humans have a large number of nations spread across the face of this planet. That, however, is where we are concerned. From the little information we have acquired so far, the current political climate of this world has far more in common with pre-Equestrian times than what we have today. Simply put, there are wars, have been wars, and most certainly will be more wars between them...and, we fear, us.”

Another concern tinged murmur ran through the crowd at Luna’s latest announcement. Accord thought that it was understandable that they would be concerned over finding out that their cozy lives were now for the most part, now gone. Accord knew that the next words that Luna spoke would either send the crowd into a panic, or pull them back from the brink and set them towards a purpose.

Taking a deep breath, Luna squared her shoulders and said, “However, we are not without means of defense. The Royal Guard-”

“Was useless during the Changeling invasion! The only reason we’re not Changeling food right now was because of Princess Cadance and her husband!” shouted an unknown pony in the crowd.

Accord couldn’t see Luna’s face from his current vantage point, but judging from the way she was grinding her forehoof into the stage’s floor. He figured that she was using every ounce of willpower to restrain her frustration.

After half a minute of silence on her part, Luna raised her head high and declared, “Yes the Guard was not up to the task of repelling Queen Chrysalis and her Swarm. That is why changes are being made. From now on the Guard will no longer be Equestria’s sole defense force. Instead it will be joined by the soon to be reestablished Royal Army and newly created Navy, both of which will begin immediate expansion programs in order to properly safeguard our nation. Furthermore, my sister and I have found it necessary to delegate many of our lesser duties to others whom we deem capable of assuming the responsibilities. Therefore my sister has since created the Office of Chancellor and named Legal Accord to be its first Chancellor.” she said, turning to wave Accord forward with a hoof.

Slowly, he made his way over to stand next to the lunar princess in acknowledgement of her announcement. “And now I will turn the podium over to Legal Accord.” she said. Stepping aside and allowing Accord access to the podium.

Giving a slight nod of his head, he took his place behind the podium and clearing his throat, said, “Thank you Your Highness. As Her Highness said, I have been called to the newly created Office of Chancellor. This post will act as an additional layer in the running of Equestria, with its primary function being that of lightening the day to day workload of our princesses so that they may better focus on more important matters.”

He paused for a minute, looking out at the crowd before him. He could see that many of them looked uncertain, some even looked a little scared. However, here and there, he could see those whose faces were not of fear or uncertainty, they looked almost...determined. Determined to face whatever life may throw at them and willing to meet it head on and overcome it.

Realizing that he hadn’t said anything for a time, Accord gave a small shake of his head and said, “I am sorry, I seemed to have lost my train of thought there.” A small chuckle echoed through the crowded square. Clearing his throat however, Accord quickly moved on. “I am sure that many of you still have questions over what will happen and what will be expected of you over the next few months. Rest assured, there will be instructions sent out to the various towns and cities around the country, you can find them at your local post offices, libraries and town halls. In addition, the news service will have a column dedicated to getting the necessary information to you in a timely manner.”

Sparing a quick glance towards the sun, Accord finished his small speech saying, “The road ahead will not be an easy one to travel. However, ponykind has been down this road before, and we have persevered through hardships similar to those we now find ourselves in. All that is needed is for us to band together and help one another if the other should stumble. Thank you for your time, I yield the podium to Princess Luna.”

Bowing his head, he stepped gracefully to one side as Luna resumed her place behind the podium. “Thank you Accord. After this speech is concluded I shall swear you in as the first Chancellor of Equestria in the palace throne room.”

Luna turned her attention from Accord back to the crowd. “I thank you all for coming here this day.” Lifting a hoof up, she made a small sweeping motion with it as she finished her speech. “I ask that all those who have been invited to attend the swearing in ceremony please make your way towards the castle now.” And with that, she turned and made her way towards the stage’s exit.

The crowd broke out into a murmuring buzz as ponies slowly made their way to the square’s exits. Each lost in their own musings and discussions on what lay ahead.


Opening his eyes as the memory faded from his mind, Accord noticed that one of the castle servants was looking at him oddly. Giving no sign of his embarrassment, Accord continued on his way towards Celestia’s chambers. The doctors had decided that she was well enough to leave and thus, she had been released from the hospital the previous evening. Accord quickly found himself face to face with one of the Royal Guard. The guard coming to attention as Accord asked, “Is Her Highness accepting visitors at this time?”

“Yes sir, in fact, Princess Luna, Twilight Sparkle, and Her Highness’s personal doctor are already inside. From my understanding sir, the doctor is going to remove her eye bandages today.”

Nodding his head in thanks, Accord opened the door with his magic and walked through. The first thing he noticed was that the room was dark, with only a small amount of light creeping in around the edges of the closed curtains. Peering into the gloom he called out, “Your Highness? Why is your room so dark?”

A soft chuckle emanated from within the gloom. “Ah, Accord. I am glad you could make it. The doctor was just about to take my eye bandages off. That’s why the rooms so dark.”

A second voice spoke up. “Yes, her eyes have been in the dark for over a week and we didn’t want to place any undue strain on them. Hence, the dark room, it will allow us to remove the bandages without unnecessarily risking further damage to her vision.” A soft rustling and soft sniff followed before the doctor continued, “Now, if you would be so kind as to shut the door I can get started.”

“Oh sorry.” Feeling his embarrassment rise, Accord carefully shut the door and after allowing his eyes adjust to the gloom, made his way to Celestia’s bed.

He managed to make out the shapes of both Luna and Twilight on the other side, and looking to his right, spotted the doctor. Unfortunately, he couldn’t make out any kind of detail, as the room was too dark for him to see him as anything more than a pony shaped shadow.

Moving carefully, the doctor began the process of removing Celestia’s bandages. After several minutes the process was completed. Celestia slowly blinked her eyes. Even with the low amount of light in the room her eyes still needed to adjust to it. She groaned in pain as she felt a headache coming on, the doctor asked, “Tell me what you see Your Highness.”

A few more minutes passed before Celestia replied. “Dark fuzzy shapes,” Blinking further in an effort to clear her vision, she turned her head towards one of the curtains and asked, “Would somepony please stand near the curtain over there so that I can see you in the light?”

Accord walked over and stood next to the drawn curtains, pulling an edge back a little he allowed a small amount of warm sunlight to play across his coat. Celestia lifted her head slightly and squinting remarked, “I fear that my eyesight hasn’t fully recovered doctor. All I can see is a fuzzy pony shape standing by the window.”

The doctor gave a tired sigh and replied, “That's to be expected. After so long in the dark, it will still take some time for your eyes to readjust now that they are being used again.” Turning to Accord he asked, “Mr. Chancellor if you would be so kind as to slowly pull the curtain back so that we may gauge how bad her eyesight really is, I would be grateful.”

Accord nodded and slowly began to open the curtains, stopping when Celestia hissed in pain at the light. “Do not look at directly at the light Your Highness; turn your head so that you are looking towards the darker side of the room. Then slowly turn your head until you are completely facing the window.” Celestia did as the doctor instructed and after nearly an hour was able to look at the window without too much pain.

“Very good. Now, please tell me what you can see, has it gotten better, worse, remained the same?” he asked softly. His tone both respectful and professional.

Squinting, Celestia replied, “A little better, everything is still fuzzy, but I can more or less tell who is who based on size and color.”

“I see, would you please read me the three letters on this piece of paper Your Highness?”

He gave Celestia a simple piece of note paper with the letters A, C, and D written on it in large bold print. However, after several minutes of squinting futilely at the paper from various distances, Celestia admitted defeat. “I am afraid Doctor Heart that I can not read them.”

Letting go another sigh, Doctor Heart replied, “Well I guess that’s that then.” Reaching into his bag he said, “I thought something like this might happen, so I brought along some test glasses for you to try out, just in case.”

Lifting out several pairs of odd looking glasses, he proceeded to lay them out carefully on the nearby bedside table. Grabbing the nearest pair in his tan colored magic he said, “So let’s try out a few pairs and see which one works the best for you.”

It was a little over an hour later when he finally finished his examination. “Well Your Highness, it seems that you will need new glasses for your near vision as I understand you already use reading glasses on occasion?” At her nod he continued, “Well in addition to that, you’ll also need glasses for your distance vision too, I’m afraid.”

“I see.” she said simply.

“I’m sorry Your Highness, but it looks like you will need glasses for the rest of your life, or at least until they develop a spell that restores eyesight. Whichever comes first I suppose.” He shrugged his shoulders before carefully placing the test glasses back in his bag.

Pulling out a pencil and paper he jotted down some notes and nodding his head said, “If you will excuse me Your Highness, I will go and arrange to have your new glasses made. They will be ready in a day, no more than two at the outside. In the meantime, I recommend that you continue to remain in bed. However, if you promise to be careful, you can get up for a few minutes every three or four hours.”

“Thank you Dr. Warm Heart, you may go now.” Nodding his head, he quickly took his leave. As soon as he was gone, Twilight let out a sniff. Turning her head, Celestia gave her a loving smile and said soft cooed, “Shh, it is alright Twilight Sparkle, I can still see. Albeit not very well, but I can still see and I am alive that’s all that really matters right now. Besides, I’ve heard glasses are in vogue this season.”

Twilight gave a slight hiccup before smiling and saying, “I remember Rarity mentioning something along those lines the other day. But still,” Celestia gently placed a hoof to her student’s lips, quietly shushing her.

“I know Twilight. It will require some adjustments to be made. However, I have lived through change and adjustments for millennia. Change is normal for me and I will become used to this new one in time. So please don’t fret over something as small as this.” She gave a maternal smile and letting her hoof fall to her side asked, “Tell me Accord, has there been any reply from either the griffons or zebras?”

“No Your Highness, there has not, they’re still mulling our proposition over at this time.”

“I see. Well then, how are things progressing with the military?” she inquired.

“So far nothing major to report. Princess Luna and myself showed the Catacombs to the local guard commanders, Shining Armor in particular showed a keen interest in the items stored there.” Replied Accord. “In addition, the task of bring everything to the surface and making sure it still work’s will take a little time. However, the work is progressing smoothly and we already have a small selection of weapons and other items ready for a demonstration in the next few days.”

“Oh? Why so soon?” asked Celestia.

“Well, it was actually Shining Armors idea. He’d just received the initial reports from Manehattan regarding the humans and was of the opinion that the sooner we familiarize ourselves with the ‘new’ equipment, the better. Right now he and a group of hoof picked guardsponies are pouring over the recovered training manuals.”

Celestia gave a small nod and motioned for him to continue.

Clearing his throat before he continued, Accord said, “In addition, the more…sensitive parts of the collection of books and material have been moved to a more secluded section of the Catacombs and sealed off. As per your standing orders on the matter.”

Celestia nodded her head in acknowledgment. Accord, however, sensed that Celestia might be more comfortable if he changed the subject. Turning to Twilight suddenly, he asked, “So tell me Ms. Sparkle, how goes your research with the Stone Warrior?”

“Hmm? Oh that. Well I haven’t really had time to look at it properly since it was moved from the Catacombs. But I did get a chance to look over some of the texts and I must say that I am impressed at its potential. I mean, while it was designed to be used primarily as a weapon of war, it has so many other application potentials. I can’t wait to get to work on it. I would like to start either today or tomorrow at the latest.”

Her face assumed a far off expression, as if looking at only something she could see. “Just imagine it; we could use them to lift heavy loads without the use of a crane. Or carry loads over ground unfit for a wagon or cart, maybe even use them for mining or construction!” Accord let Twilight continue speaking, and as she transitioned to less sensitive topics, he noticed that Celestia began to relax.

By the time Celestia had finally drifted off to sleep, the sun had begun to set on the western horizon. Twilight however was still going, oblivious to her sleeping mentor.

Quietly walking around the bed, Accord placed a hoof on the unicorns shoulder, cutting her off mid sentence. When she looked up at him, he tipped his head towards Celestia’s sleeping form. Twilight, upon seeing her mentor asleep, let out a soft gasp and smiled sheepishly up at him. “I think we should go now, let her catch up on her sleep.” he said quietly.

“I think you’re right.” Turning to look at the princess of the night, Twilight softly asked, “Are you coming with us Princess Luna?” Luna shook her head. Placing a hoof on her sisters head, she gently stroked her returning mane. Twilight and Accord quietly left, leaving the two sisters alone together.

Out in the hallway, Accord asked, “So, I heard that several of your friends are going to return to Ponyville?”

Twilight nodded her head. “Yes, Applejack and Rarity. They said that they had responsibilities that they needed to see to. Applejack with her farm and Rarity with her boutique. Fluttershy mentioned that she could stay here for a few more days, to help keep Pinkie Pie company. Though, she said she’d have to return home soon, so as to tend to her animals. As she said that Angel Bunny couldn’t do it all himself and Spike really can’t take care of both the library and help with Fluttershy’s animals at the same time.”

“I see, and what about you? Will you return to Ponyville or will you remain here?”

“I will probably remain here; Spike and Owloysius should be able to take care of the library for a few more days. Though, I should send a letter to Spike with detailed instructions.” She sighed, “Oh who am I kidding? Spike can’t do it all by himself and with the way things are going, I’ll have to spend most of my time here in Canterlot. I suppose after I’ve finished a few things up here, I’ll head back to Ponyville and get my affairs in order before moving back to the castle.” Twilight's head hung low, as if its weight were too much for her neck muscles to hold up.

Sensing the need to say something, Accord remarked, “Twilight, I’m sure it is…difficult for you, moving back to Canterlot from Ponyville and all. Especially after all of the things you and your friends went through together. But that doesn’t mean you can’t visit them occasionally or write them letters. In fact, if you want, I think I could arrange for you to have a train pass so that you could go and see them whenever you wanted to without having to worry about your bit purse.”

Twilight’s head came up, a hopeful smile quickly forming on her face. “Really? You would do that for me?” Accord simply nodded his head in reply. Twilight surprised Accord with a squeal of joy and hug. “Thank you, thank you so much! This means a lot to me and I’m sure it will mean a lot to the girls as well.” Releasing him from her embrace, she blushed slightly as she realized that she had just hugged a pony that she barely knew. A moment of awkward silence falling over them before she asked, “So, you mentioned earlier that they had begun emptying the Catacombs?”

Clearing his throat slightly, he replied, “Yes I did. Shining Armor wanted to inspect the weapons and acquaint himself with their functions as quickly as possible. He seemed quite eager to get his hooves on the ‘new’ training manuals.”

Twilight gave a soft chuckle. “Well he is my brother, and while he was never as interested in reading books as I am, if it has something to do with the Guard or protecting ponies, it has his undivided attention.” she said simply.

Accord gave a chuckle while nodding at her reply. “That’s good to hear Ms. Sparkle,” he came to a sudden stop, his chuckling fading as he looked out a window. The setting sun turning the sky a bright crimson. “We will need ponies like him all too soon I’m afraid.”

Twilight looked on silently as Accord let go a tired sigh. She slowly crossed the short distance between them, coming to rest next to him. Neither one said anything for a time. Finally however, Twilight looked up at him and quietly asked, “Mr. Chancellor-”

“Accord is fine when we’re alone Ms. Sparkle.” interrupted Accord.

“Only when you call me Twilight in return.” she replied playfully.

Nodding, he said, “Deal.”

Giving a nod in return, her smile growing just a little, Twilight took a deep breath and picked up where she left off. “Accord, you were aware that Discord has returned right?”

Caught off guard by the unexpected question, Accord hesitantly asked, “Um, w-why do you ask Twilight?”

She turned her gaze back to the window, staring out across the palace gardens as the last rays of the setting sun grew dim. “He came to visit me a few days ago. While I was in the hospital.” she said simply.

“Oh? And, um, what was he like?” asked Accord uncertainly.

Twilight cocked her head slightly in thought, pondering his question. Finally she replied, “I’m not sure, at first he acted like he did the first time we met, but as time went on he sort of...mellowed. But that wasn’t what I wanted to ask you about.”

Accord suddenly found himself sweating a little. One of the things that had been discussed between Luna, Celestia and himself had been that his existence as Discord was to be kept as quiet as possible.

As such, in less than two days, with the general outline he had given to Raspberry the day after his binding, Luna had seen to it that Accords papers were ‘in order’ as she had put it. Birth and medical records, school grades, doctored photo’s, even library fines, nothing was overlooked, except to tell the Elements of Harmony.

“Oh, and just what did you want to ask me then?” he asked warily.

“Well it’s been several days since I last saw him and I had some questions that I wanted to ask him.” she replied nonchalantly.

“I see. Well, um, I’m afraid that Discord is currently...unavailable right now.”

Twilight gave him a quizzical look. “What do you mean ‘unavailable’?”

Clearing his throat in an effort to buy him so precious time, Accord smoothly replied, “Princess Luna and Celestia decided that it would be better if word didn’t...get around, about his reappearance.”

“You mean he’s been reimprisoned?”

Accord shook his head. “Not quite, after giving his word that he would behave, the princesses decided to have him moved to a more...private location, away from prying eyes.”

Twilight gave him an unconvinced look. “I find that difficult to believe.”

“Because of the fact that the last time he appeared in Equestria, he nearly plunged Equestria into eternal chaos. I’m not sure that the princesses would be very trusting or forgiving with his track record. No matter what he said, promised or did in their presence.”

“Well...Luna did place him under a Geas spell, to insure his good behaviour.” he replied, a sour look on his face. When Twilight made to ask him another question, Accord cut her off. “I’m sorry Twilight, but that’s all I can tell you without further approval from the princesses. I know you’re an Element of Harmony and multiple time saviour of Equestria. But I can’t tell you any more than that, and I would ask that you keep even the small amount I have told you quiet.”

Letting go a defeated sigh, she said, “Alright, I guess I’ll just have to ask Princess Celestia the next time I see her then.”

Accord breathed a mental sigh of relief at having dodge that little problem. However, he didn’t let any of his relief show as he and Twilight resumed their slow walk down the castle hall.

Author's Note:

Oh my sweet Luna! How this chapter sucked! (Parts of this chapter might not be to the highest quality and if there's something that doesn't mess with the previous chapters, well I suppose just chalk it up to me taking so long to freaking fix this chapter.)

I am really sorry that this took so long guys, but thanks to school and me restarting my previously dead social life. I ran out of creative juices for this story. I found I didn't have the will to work on this story. So I started another! Huzzah! The fun has been doubled! As well as the work load. But hey it was a silly idea and I ran with it. Anyways, if you guys find any errors that my editor and I missed let me know.

As always special thanks goes to my editor Shoggoth.