• Published 31st Mar 2014
  • 6,550 Views, 478 Comments

If You Give a Little Love... - Quillamore

Coco Pommel, now free from Suri's influence, decides to right what she did wrong by not only saving Babs Seed from a terrible fate, but taking her in as her own adoptive filly. Maternal sweetness spiced with Bridleway melodrama.

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Act II, Scene 14: Heroine in Distress

After a few seconds of caution, Coco placed her head back on the pillow to make sure what she was hearing was really true. Somehow or another, Scene had come back to her, even after she’d sworn she’d driven him away. While she hadn’t a clue what he was doing there, a part of her wanted to still wanted to think that this wasn’t a trick, that it was every bit as straightforward as it looked. The rest of her did everything in its power to refute it, because her experience over the course of the production had made her wiser about the way things really worked in Manehattan.

Once you drove somepony away, they didn’t just come back like this without reason. Forgiveness wasn’t always an option and was just as often a trick. Mosely had been in the hospital not too long ago, after all. Who was to say he hadn’t met up with his director beforehand and told him to act like this so she could feel just well enough to come running back into his arms again?

Any suspicion she might’ve had, however, was soon replaced by panic once she heard Scene’s last statement. The look of shame that crossed his face as he said it was unmistakable, the same she had made so many times when she realized how powerless she had become. That fact, at least, couldn’t have been improvised on the spot, no matter how good of an actor he might have been.

“What happened?” she asked suddenly, surprising the rest of the ponies in the room. “I’d always thought you two got along pretty well. You two always did collaborations and everything.”

“That was true for a while, but the key to everything was that I didn’t know who Mosely really was,” Scene confessed. “We’d been together for about eight years, but other than going to parties together sometimes and all, we kept each other at a professional distance. He didn’t need to know anything about me, and I didn’t need to know anything about him. I’m not really all that fond of digging for secrets unless I really need to, so I went along with it up until a month or so ago, just before you started getting involved with him.

“To be precise, if you had to pinpoint when Stealer-Orange really started to show its cracks, it would have to have been a few days after we met Bambi. If you recall, and if you’re willing to listen to my story, I’d abandoned my post in order to help you try to find Babs. I figured it was the right thing to do, so I took a chance I normally wouldn’t, and I foolishly assumed Mosely wouldn’t notice.”

“Are you saying that he did, then?” Coco questioned. “I thought Suri was supposed to vouch for us that day.”

“Well, you know how trustworthy she can be. Apparently she spilled everything, and yet amazingly, she wasn’t the pony I had the most problems with after that. So Mosely called me to his office back then and he threatened me to comply with him and his plans. If I didn’t go along with it, I would’ve lost my job with him, but at that point, I already had enough securities set up so I would’ve been hired by somepony else right away. After all, producer-director disputes happen all the time, so it’s not like I would’ve been in too much danger if it’d been just that. On the other hoof, he had a secret about me that was way worse, and if everypony else would’ve found out about that, there’s no way they would’ve been so lenient on me.”

“And what might that have been? The only ponies I’ve ever seen him threaten were those like me who started off in crime rings. You don’t mean to say—“

“No, no, not that,” Scene replied, shaking his head incredibly quickly. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that—I mean, not that I have a problem with you having been involved in those things, or that I’m too good for those sorts of things, or—“

“I’m okay, really. I’m used to ponies reacting like that about me, and honestly, I don’t really even take offense to it anymore. After all, I haven’t really changed from those stereotypes.”

“I really don’t want you to think that, but there’s something I want you to hear first that I think would comfort you more than anything else I could say to you. I saw Bambi at the party, and she told me you think I’ve been avoiding you because I’m tired of you mooching off me. And I want to say that everything I did to help you out back in the beginning, I did it all on my own free will. I didn’t do it just because I felt sorry for you or because that’s how I treat everypony on set. I did it because I could sense you really needed somepony in your life to support you, that you’d been out on your own for too long. I did it because I wanted to be your friend, and I still do. Please, more than anything, just remember that when I tell you what I’m about to tell you.

“When I stopped talking to you at work, it wasn’t because of anything either of us did. I feel like, if this had never happened, the two of us could’ve continued to get along just fine. But Mosely, on the other hoof…he felt like I was spending too much time with the costume department.”

“I thought crew members were allowed to be friends with ponies from other departments,” interrupted Coco. “At least, I’ve seen it before. I’ve seen you with the stylists an awful lot, and he never said anything about that.”

“That’s just it: he’s okay with friends. But anything past that is unprofessional. Unless, of course, he’s the one romancing his staff members. Then, somehow, that’s okay. Don’t worry, though, I called him out on that even before he started dating you, and that’s how I ended up finding out some of his darker secrets. But to get back to the point, he threatened my job because he thought I was trying to flirt with you, harass you, that kind of thing. He thought I saw you as more than just another crew member.”

“I know it might not be the best thing to ask after that, considering the accusations got you into all of this, but is that how you really feel about me? I mean, if that’s why you were trying to help—“

“That’s not it!” he blurted out with a slight blush. “I mean, I didn’t start out liking you that way. I just wanted to be friends, but once I found out about what you’d done, the way you’d quit the criminal life and started out on your own, I really began to admire you. Even back then, Mosely had been breathing down my throat, asking for changes and taking control of everything. It’s a wonder I even take first billing in the collab name. But while some ponies may have judged you for getting yourself together so quickly, honestly, I was really jealous of how happy you ended up. You didn’t have to hide it with all that goofy stuff like I did, there was something more genuine about your smile when you were there. And it only brightened after you decided to adopt Babs. A lot of mares couldn’t have handled it all, but somehow, you did. At least, up until somepony else decided all that wasn’t good enough.”

“So you’re sure you haven’t been pursuing me all this time just so you can get something out of me, like Mosely did? I mean, I know we were friends, and I shouldn’t be asking this, but—“

“You have every right to be suspicious, and that’s okay,” Scene admitted. “I mean, think about it: somepony who’s been avoiding you for over a month suddenly coming back into your life and professing his love. Even without the manipulative producer, that’s pretty shady. Honestly, if I didn’t think it would help you out to know, I wouldn’t have told you. But after Bambi came to the theatre and told me how much you’d been beating yourself up, I figured you’d want to know that somepony loves you for who you really are. Not the twisted ideal mare stallions like Mosely would want you to be.

“I’m not going to force you to be with me after this. We can stay friends just like before, and I’m okay with that if it means seeing you in my life again. I get that you might not feel the same way, and I’m not about to resort to the same things my superior’s been known to do. But I figured I’d spent enough time just watching you and not doing anything. Especially when you consider—“

He was about to speak further when he noticed Babs curled up by Coco’s side, already tired out from her guard duty and trying her best to nap. Considering how she tossed and turned, the filly could likely still hear everything he was about to say.

“When you consider what?” Coco questioned in confusion.

“Depends. Does she know about Mosely? Bambi told me she told you about what he did, but I’m not sure if she can remember, she’s so young.”

“She only remembers the good times she had with him. We tried to explain to her before, and my mom was about to flat-out tell her everything, but Dad just ended up getting mad at her.”

“Then I guess what I can say in front of both of you is that I realized the more I waited around and watched, the more I realized I was becoming like him. I mean, sure, my job would’ve been threatened and everything, but I still wish I could’ve done more to help you. Maybe then you wouldn’t have felt so bad about yourself.”

“I appreciate what you’re saying, I really do, but know that even if you would’ve been there, things wouldn’t have changed. I still would’ve been conned into dating the one pony who’s hurt all of us more than anything, all because I was too naïve to know and too scared to do anything else. And, no matter how much I want to believe things will change after I’m let out of here, they’ll end up being exactly the same.

“I’ve made my decision, and no matter how much Bambi or my parents or anypony else may be against it, I feel like I’ve relied on others for too long. I mean, just look at Rarity; this is her third time in Manehattan because of something I could’ve stopped. That’s three times she’s had to take a train out of Ponyville, spend all those bits, and go out of her way to help me. So that’s why I’ve decided that I don’t want to be the damsel in distress anymore, always taking and never giving back. I’m going to be the heroine who gives everything she has in one move.”

She hesitated slightly as she continued, tears already flowing from her eyes.

“If it means saving everypony for good, then I’ll have to turn down your offer. Not because I don’t love you, but because I already have a coltfriend I need to stay with. But more importantly…because right now, you’ve left work and dishonored his agreement. There’s no way I’m going to just let you throw away everything because of me or anypony else for that matter. After what you said, I’m going to make sure he doesn’t hurt you anymore, even if it means he hurts me instead. I don’t want your dream to have to go to waste, and so I’m going to save you, too.”

“You don’t have to save me,” Scene whispered back, using his hooves to wipe the tears off her face. “You were already my hero just by being in my life. And even if you weren’t…for Celestia’s sake, even if you were on Suri’s level, you wouldn’t deserve this. Your friends and family want you to stay away from this guy so they can help you recover, and you just think you can help them by tearing yourself apart even more? Is that really what you think, that in order to help others, you have to sacrifice yourself?”

“That’s how I always thought it had to be, yes. I mean, Rarity went out of her way to get this job for me, and—“

At that, the aforementioned unicorn mare suddenly felt the need to engage in a conversation she’d previously wished to reserve for the two potential lovers.

“Is that why you haven’t talked to me all this time?” she questioned. “Because you’re afraid I’ll think less of you if you walk out?”

“Um, yes. You gave me such a big chance to prove myself, and I don’t want to squander it.”

“That’s just it, though, I didn’t do that so you could prove yourself, dear. I did it because I wanted you to have a second chance so you could be happy. If you’re not feeling safe there—and I don’t presume you are—then you have every right to leave. I could always vouch for why you quit to other producers, and I’m sure they’d be delighted to have you.”

“You really don’t have to, though.”

“If it means seeing you out of the hooves of some scoundrel out there, I shall definitely help. That’s what friends are meant to do.”

“You mean even after all of this trouble, you still see me as a friend?” Coco responded. “Even after you found out what I was willing to do just to keep my job?”

“Of course. The way I see it, you couldn’t have helped it. You merely got involved with another pony who wished to take advantage of you and he had you convinced nopony else would want you after what happened. Even if you feel you went against Babs by dating him, you still stayed because you wanted to provide for your family. Quite simply, you were provided with no good way out, and so you’re far from a bad pony because of that. Just being involved with other bad ponies doesn’t make you bad. If anything, staying good around them makes you stronger for it.”

“Thanks. I’m glad you still see me that way. I just always thought I was just an apprentice or something to you, and that you’d think I wasn’t good enough if I disappointed you.”

“That was never how I saw you at all. Just know that you don’t have to be afraid of letting me down anymore. And trust me when I say it’s all going to be all right. As soon as you get out of the hospital, the lot of us is going to find out a way you’ll never have to be with him again.”

“But it’s a week before the show, so I can’t get away from him quite that easily,” Coco protested. “There’s a lot of celebratory dinners and stuff I have to accompany him at, even if I don’t want to. Plus, I’m sort of afraid of making him any more suspicious than he already is about you guys knowing.”

“And there’s nothing wrong with that at all. We shall just have to be by your side at all times. I’ll just tell him I’m thinking of getting a job with him for the next production he puts on and that I’ve asked you to show me around at work. He’s already tried to get me on his team before in the position you ended up taking, so he won’t suspect a thing. Plus, even if Scene still can’t directly speak with you at the dinners, he can still keep an eye out since they should be open to the cast and crew. At least anyplace he’ll take you this week will likely be related to the play.”

“As for after that,” Scene spoke, “I’ve already made up my mind. I have a plan for how Coco can deal with everything after opening night. This might surprise all of you, but I’ve decided I’m only going to keep working on this play until its first public showing. I’ve planned it as a last resort for a while, and I’ve already started looking at other director positions opening up on Bridleway. I didn’t think I’d have to go that far, but after I found out about your accident, Coco, I couldn’t keep deluding myself into staying. The only reason I’m still there to begin with is so the actors don’t have to suffer because of disputes they don’t even know about. I want them to be able to at least put on the play for a week or so before Mosely finds another director.”

“You think he’d find one that fast?” Coco questioned. “I mean, that isn’t what should really surprise me about the whole thing, but you were an irreplaceable partner to him. Besides, if you were to leave Stealer-Orange, I’m sure it’d be all over the papers and such.”

“Exactly what I’m counting on,” he continued with a wink. “Once I get the job with whichever producer’s willing to take me, I’ll come up with an angle for exposing everything. Most directors don’t stay with one producer for as long as I have, so ponies in the industry would already figure something pretty serious would had to have happened to make me quit working with Mosely. So I’d head straight to the media circuit and spur some investigation into how he’s been handling things. I’ve already done my research, and it turns out that while Bridleway ponies can certainly date on the job, what he’s been doing to keep you by his side is highly frowned upon. Just one suggestion of it would make most of the other producers turn against him. It’s a pretty serious offense, and not many ponies make false accusations of it, so if anything, most ponies will end up sympathizing with you.”

“And if not, I can always help with that,” Bambi pitched in. “Not just as a reporter, but as his daughter, too. Ponies do tend to believe the family members more than the accused himself.”

“In any case, you don’t need to worry anymore. Also, if it helps any, I’ve already put a few good words in for you with the other producers I’ve been talking to. I haven’t exactly told them whether or not I’ll accept their offers, but I told them there was a skilled designer who’d been treated badly at her past job they could sign. They said that, if you don’t feel comfortable staying after opening night, you could apply along with me. I mean, I know you might not want to be in the same show as me again, but I thought maybe this could be a chance for us to start over as friends without all the drama.”

“Thanks. Honestly, even if you hadn’t done all this for me, I’m just glad we can be friends again. I’m not sure how I feel about you romantically, though, and honestly, I’m not quite sure I want to jump straight into another relationship right after all this.”

“You don’t have to figure out your feelings for me right away. Honestly, I feel like you still need some time to heal yourself after everything you’ve been through, and just know that I’ll keep being there to help you alongside everypony else in your life. I already feel bad enough for not being there for you then, but I can definitely be here for you now, and that’s what matters. Whether it’s as a friend or as something more, I just want to keep supporting you.”

As the stallion was about to leave before the other ponies at work noticed his absence, he dropped a small glass bottle on the dresser. The object was leaf-shaped and decorated with a large red bow.

“Is that pancake syrup?” Coco wondered in confusion.

“Nope, it’s authentic maple syrup, so it’s even better! The shopkeeper told me it was straight from Vanhoover.”

The hospital room that had been so full of revelations that day suddenly went quiet for once after he said this.

“All right, I was in a rush and I figured you were already up to your ears with expensive stuff, considering the way Mosely seems to think he can just make you love him that way. To be honest, I wanted to try to find a flower like the one your mentor gave you before, since I was afraid he’d made you throw it away or something like that.”

“No,” she answered, “I still have it.”

“But I couldn’t find the store that carried it, so I just went into a grocery store and ended up finding this. I thought it’d be funny since the red flower you used to wear kinda sorta looked like a maple leaf.”

“Kinda sorta?”

“Kinda sorta. I feel like I’m embarrassing myself enough already, and I want to diminish it. That’s why you told me you did that.”

“How do you know that if you weren’t there when I moved into Bambi’s?”

“Simple: you’ve been doing that for a lot longer than you realized. You talked about it even before then. But even if it is a dumb gift, I figured you and your family could use it for pancakes even if we do end up going our separate ways. And I thought the glass would remind you of who you were trying to be when you started the job.”

“It is silly. But, come to think of it, it did kinda sorta look like a red maple leaf. I can see the resemblance.”

“Kinda sorta?” he asked this time.

“Kinda sorta,” she responded, a smile finally crossing her face.

Setting the ukulele for ‘love’ down, the one that he’d never intended to keep for himself, Scene couldn’t help but think once more that Coco had been giving far more than she’d ever realized. It was time that he started giving back in whatever small ways he could, and if it meant freeing her from Mosely, anything would be worth it.

It didn’t matter what she could take from him, because no matter how much she did, his heart would always grow back larger than before. That was, quite simply, because she had never wished to hurt him, and she never would.

Enraptured by the moment and finally having the unbearable load lifted off his soul, he didn’t even notice the mysterious yellow-and-orange mare watching in satisfaction from afar. By the time he did, she had vanished just as quickly as she appeared.

When he went back to the stage and told his coworkers that he’d seen a strange pony without specifying where he’d found her, they only responded by saying that same figure had been around the theatre for quite some time. After their own investigations had failed, somepony else had discovered that she happened to be the enigmatic Pink Lady, the same mare who, in spite of the movement protesting the play having failed, continued to haunt it as if doing that would halt production.

In years past, perhaps Scene might have given some care to the matter. But considering all her spottings happened to concern Mosely or the crewmates he’d hurt, he thought that perhaps her intentions were for the best. If it had been anypony else at any other time, he wouldn’t have let her go. But in such a time as this, when he could finally say he’d done what he’d set out to accomplish, he found it would be better to get back to the play he’d sacrificed so much to stage.

“Just one more week,” he said to himself, just as he had right before encountering her at the hospital.

Back then, she had given a reply so quiet not even the ponies near her could decipher it.

“…and then Mosely Orange shall be out of the picture for good.”

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