• Published 11th Jan 2014
  • 2,140 Views, 113 Comments

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Equestria - Boxo-pony

Zuruna thought she was dead right? Then why is she still alive in a mysterious forest...more to the question, why is she a pony? First a Human, then a Chimchar and now a pony. Will she adapt to her new life or will she want to go back?

  • ...

Awaken by multicoloured Ponyta's

"What a beautiful view, don't you agree Zu?"

"Why of course! It's wonderful~"

The two figures stood in amazement as they witness the true beauty of Fogbound Lake. Volbeats and Illumise illuminated the night sky as well as leaving a dazzling reflection across the lake.

"To think we have defeated Groudon. You know the legendary of all ground types!"

"That was a illusion created by Mespirit Kyle..."

"I know I know but still, to have fought our way and stood our ground was something. As well as to see this place is something as well!"

"Heh yeah..."

Even with the spectacular view as a form of treasure to the guild, there was another greater treasure among them. Something so powerful that even the most hardened criminal won't dare mess with it. The one that keep control the flow of time, a Time Gear.

The Time Gears that could alter the flow of time itself and lead to cause the world paralysis. The Time Gears that can even turn the legendary controller of time, Dialga to chaos and ruin. The Time Gears tha-


With that last image imbedded into her mind, Zuruna woke up from her slumber.

With wide eyes scanning the room she lay, her mind was occupied with the flashback dream back at Fogbound Lake and the Time Gears.

She was laying on a stash of hay in what look like the inside of a farm house.

"Oww my head!" Groaned Zuruna as she held her 'hooves' against her head.

"What's that smell? (Sniff) Smell like Wigglytuff perfect apple," quietly said Zuruna as she sniffed aroma in the air.

"Where in the world am I?" Questioned Zuruna before staying silent to recall her past experience in a thinking pose.

"Okay, I was in a forest, there was three little Ponyta's, there were wood type wolf's, a three headed beast and..." Muttered Zuruna in thoughts before being interrupted by a certain pink pony.

"And moi?" Excitedly said the pink pony.

"Yeah and you too!"

"And that you in a unknown world to you called 'Equestria'?"

"Yeah that was it!"

"And that you promised me that I can hold you a party?"


"Annnnd that you will become my loyal cupcake assistant for a week?"

"Yea- wait what?" Slowly replied Zuruna as sudden realisation hit her.

Zuruna looked eye to eye at a Pinkie Pie next to her with a cheeky grin plastered on her goofy face.

"Pinkie Pie?" Questioned Zuruna, eyebrow raised.

"Ding ding ding you got the answer! You win a cupcake!" Congrats Pinkie Pie.

"Not to mention there's a hyper active Ponyta by the name Pinkie Pie," thought Zuruna as a sweat bead formed around her head.

Suddenly, the door in the room busts open revealing three little fillies.

"Zuruna!" They all said in unison as they charged right up to Zuruna.

"Oof!" Gasped Zuruna as they landed on her.

"Ah sorry Zu, we just got excited to see ye'r awake and well." Apologised Apple Bloom as she and the two other girls jumped off her.

"Where am I once again?" Zuruna tiredly asked almost as if she's tired of waking up in unknown places to her.

"Well after your quick spar with our friends, you fell unconscious, probably from your wounds so we carried you here i-"
"In Sweet Apple Acres!"
Scootaloo answered with Sweetie Belle finishing her sentence off.

"Wounds?" Zuruna wondered as she look at her body.

Both of her front hoof's were bandaged up with bruises covering her body. She also noticed her fiery tail was rather dimmer then it usually is.

"Pfft, I had worse," bragged Zuruna ignoring the pain she felt from moving her hooves.

The girls looked at her in disbelief.

"An explorer doesn't fear 'pain' or 'death', not when there's undiscovered land and treasure to be discovered!" Continued Zuruna with a prideful look on her face.

"Beside, when you face experiences in a dark future where you are hunted till the death, then you can have worse painful times," a side of Zuruna thought to remember those dark painful days.

"Anyway, I must ask, who were this 'friends' of yours you speak off?" Zuruna asked, shrugging off her quick flash back.

"Do you mean us perhaps?" Said a feminine like voice.

Standing by the doorway were five more Ponyta's, each of a variety of colours.

"You!" Snarled Zuruna as she get into a defensive crouch position.

"Whoa there partner, we mean you no harm." Assured the orange coloured one.

"Give us a chance of explaining ourselves." Suggested the purple coloured one.

Zuruna stared at the lot before giving a nod of approval.

"I believe we may have got off the wrong hoof, hi my name Twilight Sparkle," Twilight explained.

"Wrong hoof? Really?" Quickly thought Zuruna.

"Howdy, I'm Applejack," greeted Applejack.
"Rarity the name dear," introduced Rarity.
"Hi, I'm I'm Flutt- Fluttershy," stuttered Fluttershy.
"Rainbow Dash and you better remember that name," bragged Rainbow Dash.
"And I'm Pinkie Pie! In case you didn't know that still~" cheered Pinkie Pie.

"We apologise for attacking you out of the blue, but we got worried for the girls so we got a little over protected," apologised Twilight.

"It's not like you see a pon- I mean a poke-e-mon around here." Said Rainbow Dash.

"I guess the Cutie Mark Crusaders told you about me then?" Asked Zuruna.

"Just the basics." Answered Applejack.

Zuruna smiled and hovered a friendly hoof. "Zuruna," happily said the orange equine as well as accepting the Mane Six apologise.
Twilight happily shook Zuruna hoof in return.

"Thank you for helping the girls back at the Everfree forest."

Each of the mane six went and shook their new guest hoofs except for two ponies.

"Hi..." Meekly said Fluttershy who look like she trying to avoid Zuruna presence. Zuruna decided to ignore the strange behaviour and move on.

"Sorry, I only do bro hoofs," explained Rainbow Dash whilst declining Zuruna hoof.

"A Bro what no- yahh!" questioned Zuruna until yelling when she felt pain on her right hoof.

"This is a bro hoof." Smirked Rainbow Dash as she landed a hoof directly on Zuruna injured hoof.

"Whoops sorry, forgot about the injured hoof." Nervously apologised Rainbow Dash.

"Don't worry about it," cringed Zuruna with a light smile on her face.

Suddenly a rumbling noise occurred into the room.

"Heh heh, sorry, guess I'm a little hungry..." Zuruna embarrassly said as well as giving a nervous laugh.

"Now don't you worry about that," chuckled Applejack as she opened one of the barn doors revealing a table full of a array of luxurious looking food. Apple like food to be more precise.

Zuruna with wide eyes stared at the food arrangements with her mouth wide open.

"If only Wigglytuff was here." Thought Zuruna as one of her eye twitch in excitement.

Zuruna looked at the orange cowboy pony and asked "Are you sure?"

Applejack smiled, "Why go on right ahead, we have apple pie, apple cake, apple cider, apple soup, candy apples, apple flavoured cookie, appl- hey where she go?"

Applejack looked across the table to see the fire typed pony already helping her self to the meal.

"Mph tamks!" Muffled Zuruna with apples already stuffed in her mouth.

Zuruna wanted to try to act formal but the temptation of food was too much for her. Well she tried.

Every pony giggled as they saw the famished pony devour the food around her.

"Well lets dig in every pony!" Announced Twilight. Soon enough every pony in the room helped them self to the apple theme banquet. The Cutie Mark Crusuders moved right next to Zuruna with Pinkie Pie on the other side of her.

"So what do you think of the food?" Eagerly asked Apple Bloom.

"Gweat!" Muffled Zuruna with an attempt of giving a thumbs up, forgetting she has hooves now.

Applejack overheard this and smiled in triumph as her family apple recipes can even please somep- or something from a different world.

The mane six tried to start a casual conversation to Zuruna from time to time but it end with Zuruna using motion to speak or just her speaking with her mouth full.

"So according to Apple Bloom, you came from a world where there are creatures called Poke-mon? Not that you're a creature! I'm saying that is ther- oh boy..." Nervously asked Twilight.

"Mph!" Zuruna answered with no distinction if that's a yes or no.

"Soh howh lonh wes (gulp) I asleep for?" Asked Zuruna as she finished a apple cake.

"About a entire day, it's morning now," answered Twilight.

Zuruna just stared at her empty plate.

"A day? I don't have time to good off around here, I need to find a way back home..."

"Want some more sugar cube?" Asked Applejack as she offered a plate of candy apples.

"Huh, oh no thank you." Replied Zuruna as her thoughts were interrupted.

Zuruna stared up at the ceiling as she imagined herself back at the guild. She still pictured it clearly, at the end of adventure filled day, she and Kyle would head to the guild with the rest of the members to fill up their empty stomachs. Wigglytuff, Chatot, Sunflora, Corphish, Loudred, Dugtrio, Diglett, Croagunk, Chimecho, Bidoof and Kyle would all be round a table telling jokes or about their day.

"Would they be worried or sad that I'm gone? How is Kyle holding up? Is the world safe?"

Many thoughts were occurring through Zuruna head but as she were unaware of her surroundings, a certain pony noticed Zuruna distraught look.


It wasn't long till everypony had their fill and the table was cleared completely.

"Ah~" Sighed Zuruna in a happy tone as she pat her belly ignoring her worries. Zuruna concluded that she see how things go and not rush her actions just yet. She is still a long way from home.

"So how about going out for some adventures now?" Asked a eager Apple Bloom as she scoot closer to Zuruna.


"Yeah let's go for some more adventures!" Encouraged Scootaloo.


"Lets go find if our Cutie marks involve treasure finding!" Also encouraged Sweetie Belle.


"Don't forget I have to throw you a party yet!" Added Pinkie Pie as she hopped around the room.

"Girls, I'm sure Zuruna had enough for today." Informed Twilight.

"Awwwwwww," Said the fillies and Pinkie Pie in unison.

"Then again, I would be intrigued into knowing more about your world Zuruna. It would make a fascinating report!" Continued Twilight.

"Huh?" Zuruna looked in confusion as the lavender unicorn magically spawned a quil and a scroll on her hoofs.

"Now Twi, don't get carried away. Peharps later we can fill in with each other." Applejack assured.

"Yeah you're right." Agreed Twilight as the quil and scroll disappeared.

Whilst the mane six began discussing with one another, Zuruna zoned out.

"This really is a weird world, but that just make me more eager to explore i- no no! My task is to find a way back home. Zuruna deep thoughts told her.

"Huh?" As Zuruna touched her neck she felt if something was missing.

"My scarf!" Gasped Zuruna.

"What is it Zu?" Asked Apple Bloom.

"Where's my scarf?" Replied Zuruna as her tone of voice got tense.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo shrug their shoulders.

"Oh Arceus where did I leave it?" Muttered Zuruna as she began to look up and down.

Twilight noticed Zuruna strange behaviour and approached her with concern,

"Hmm is something the matter Zuruna?"

"Scarf scarf scarf scarf scarf scarf..." Muttered Zuruna as she was scouting around the barn.

"Ok then..." Quietly replied Twilight as she took a step back.

"Gah! Surely it can't be harder to find then to find a needle in a haystack!" Complained Zuruna as she was looking through some hay.

"Oh perhaps you looking for this dear~" Calmly said Rarity as she approached Zuruna with a red scarf.

Zuruna gasped in joy as she took the scarf to place it around her neck. The orange mare noticed that the scarf looked clean and undamaged then it previously did before.

"I noticed your scarf seemed a little worn over time so I patched it up till its good and new again~" Answered Rarity as she read through Zuruna expression.

"Thank you. You're just too generous umm Ramity?" Smiled Zuruna but couldn't remember the pony name.

"Rarity the name and oh you wouldn't believe it." Smirked Rarity.

"That scarf seems pretty precious to ye'r," Commented Applejack.

"Yeah it is... It was my first gear since I became a explorer with my trusty partner back at the guild." Recalled Zuruna which left most ponies in the room baffled.

"Don't worry, we can fill in with each other like you say Applemack." Assured Zuruna.

"It's Applejack." Stated Applejack.

"Hey, it's not like I can remember everybody name in a instant!" Chuckled Zuruna.

"Everybody? You mean everypony?" Corrected Twilight.

"What is this alien language!?" Zuruna thought sarcastically.

"Say how about we go show Zu around Ponyville?" Suggested Apple Bloom.

"Wish I could but I simply must get back to working on my commissions back at Carousel Boutique." Rarity said with disappointment.

"Same here cause I need to help out the family because its Applebuck season." Applejack too said with disappointment.

"Oh me too! I need t- uh um help somepony with something..." Nervously said Pinkie Pie as if she's hiding something before whizzing off towards a random direction.

"Then I guess the Cutie Mark Crusaders must guide her around Ponyville then!" Answered Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo with pride.

"Oh no, you three aren't going to miss Ponyville Schoolhouse today. I will be taking you there right away now." Claimed Applejack.

"Awwwwwwww!" Replied the trio with discouragement.

"I suppose me, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy will take you around Ponyville then." Concluded Twilight.

"We are?" Questioned Rainbow Dash before taking a look at Twilight glare.

"Oh yes we are!" Continued off Rainbow Dash.

"Oh dear..." Quietly whispered Fluttershy that no pony can hear what she said.

As Zuruna stared at her multicoloured guides, her thoughts were

"How did I even get into this situation?"


As Twilight, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were taking Zuruna to Ponyville, the ex Chimchar was thinking of her current situation.

"Hmm I wonder if this village be just like Treasure Town?" Thought Zuruna.

Zuruna took a quick glance at the yellow mare with the pink hair named Fluttershy only to have her look away.

"The look on that shy mare face looks like fear?" Zuruna thoughts questioned.

"But yet, I don't expect these ponies to all trust me since its normal to be afraid of something strange." Her thoughts continued.

"Can I ask you three something?" Asked Zuruna.

"Sure what is it?" Replied Twlight.

"Why do you and everybod- I mean everypony don't look at me in fear? I can see that we come from two completely different worlds, yet for me it is normal since there's different types of Pokemon where I come from. I may look like a pony now but I am a mix hybrid of my previous form. A pony with a fiery mane and tail." Explained Zuruna.

"Well to be honest Zu, at first we saw you as a kind of a fiery monster back at the Everfree forest." Twilight admitted.

"Like you were something from Tartarus, no offence." Said Rainbow Dash.

"None taken (whats a Tartarus?)." Replied Zuruna.

"But we dealt with this kind of situation before. One time, a zebra called Zecora came into Ponyville and everypony reaction were that she was a witch. No pony saw her kind before and we jumped to the wrong conclusion, like judging a book by its cover. But now she's our friend who help us if we don't know the knowledge to something. She is very wise." Twilight told to Zuruna.

"Where is she now?" Asked Zuruna.

"Oh she now living in a hut in the middle of the Everfree Forest. " Answered Twilight.

"Hmmm perhaps I should visit this Zecora later on." Thought Zuruna.

"Besides, you did after all help Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo back at the Everfree forest. You didn't know them, but you still and defended them from the creatures at the Everfree forest." Cheerfully said Twilight.

"Oh shucks, don't mention it. I do what I well do!" Zuruna replied with glee.

"Can I ask a question um Zuruna?" Spoke out Fluttershy which caught Zuruna off guard.

"Sure!" Happily said Zuruna who still surprised to hear the yellow timid speak to her.

"Can you harm a living creature without hesitation?"

Those words definitely surprised Zuruna.

"What do you mean?" Questioned Zuruna with a eyebrow raised.

It looked like that Twilight were going to say something but Rainbow Dash stopped her.

"Back at the Everfree forest, did you intentionally harm the Hydra?"

"I- uh um-" Stuttered Zuruna.

"Not only that, do intend to kill a living thing?"

It was almost as if each word spoke, Fluttershy eyes got wider and wider with her eyebrow lowered. Zuruna felt as if her body was paralysed by a powerful presence but she can still move her mouth.

"I- I only attacked the creatures to defend me and the fillies. But I do not kill! An explorer is not a killer, we can fight till both sides have fainted but not kill!" Bursted out Zuruna.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash who were both speechless watched as their timid friend talk quite aggressively back at their new fiery friend. It was surprising to see Fluttershy get slightly mad over something, but in her case, they understand.

"Ah I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me..." Suddenly said Flutteshy as her mane covered half her face again.

Zuruna remained silent.

"It- it was when I saw that Hydra all burnt up. It may have tried to eat you but it's natural for them to be a predator. All living creatures shouldn't be harmed when we can find a much more peaceful solution." Continued Fluttershy.

Zuruna still remained silent.

"You see, Fluttershy personality trait is kindness. She is very caring and she loves all living creatures. We don't know what world you live in but please understand." Twilight approached Zuruna and informed her.

"Oh I understand." Zuruna simply said as she approached Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash look like she was going to interfere but Twilight stopped her.

"Hey, I don't intend to cause harm to anyone in this world. By anyone, that doesn't just include ponies, it's every one. Back in my world, when chaos break loose and Pokemon goes evil, we sometimes just need to slap them back to their senses!" Zuruna expressed with the thought of the Pokemon back in the many dungeons.

"Heh, I'm not good with this kind of talk bu-" Zuruna continued before being stopping when a hoof reached out to her.

"I'm sorry for my rude behaviour Zuruna. Can we start again please?" Fluttershy said with a smile on her face.

No words were needed. Zuruna happily accepted the gesture.

"Well now that we got that sorted, shall we proceed to Ponyville?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah!" Yelled Zuruna with her hoof raised up.

Everypony stared at the sudden energetic mare. "Oh what? I thought everyone was going to do that?" Nervously said Zuruna. Everypony giggled with Zuruna from her attitude.

As the group made their way to Ponyville, Rainbow Dash walked up to Zuruna.

"Hey, at least Fluttershy didn't use the stare on you!"

"The what now?"


"...And so that's the story how each of us got our Element of Harmony." Twilight informed Zuruna.

Zuruna been very keen and intrigued on listening and learning more of this equine world. Elements of Harmony, A Princess controlling the sun itself, magic is literally friendship and learning there's no such berries called Oran Berries here (the horror).

"But it's best if you heard the girls own view on their harmony. Mines the best, but it still good to hear from the others." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Wow! To think you lot defeated nightmare itself! That's crazy!" Complemented Zuruna.

"With the power of friendship!" Added Twilight.

"Hmm if me and Kyle could have taken down dungeon bosses with the power of 'friendship' ourselves. That be a whole lot better! Thought Zuruna as she formed a grin on her face.

"Oh that reminds me, could we go to the Golden Oaks Library first girls? I need tell Spike I'm out for the day helping Zu adjust to Ponyville," asked Twilight which the girls responded with a nod.

"Plus I can send a note to Celestia about Zuruna."

"Oh and Zu?" Added Twilight.

"Ya," replied Zuruna.

"Please try not to burn the tree down~" Jokingly said Twilight.

"Hey! I have you know I can control my fire type body!" Laughed Zuruna.

"Hmm now that I think about it, I'm actually adjusted to my new body."

As Zuruna was laughing along with her new friends, she was unaware of a shadow lurking around the corner. Then again, it blend in so well with it surroundings that she never noticed it all the way back at the Everfree Forest. It can take it time, there's no need to rush plunging two worlds into darkness just yet. Nothing will stand in its way.

Meanwhile back at a certain beach in a certain world, Kyle stood among with some Krabby's blowing bubbles out to the sea. As the sun was rising, the sunlight reflection against the sea gave it a wonderous look.

"Beautiful view, don't you agree Zu?" Asked Kyle to another.

"Yes it is. Yes it is..." Replied the other figure.

Author's Note:

Thanks for waiting and reading~ ;p
Let me know for any mistakes or your opinion on this chapter! Sorry though if its shorter then the previous chapter. >w<
Hope you enjoyed it and a thanks to Luminous Paradox for the pre read!