• Published 21st Mar 2012
  • 930 Views, 13 Comments

The Continued Adventures of Tyro - RainbowsAreMagic

Tyro got his Element, but now an ancient evil is loose in Equestria, and must be stopped.

  • ...

Closing the Breach

Chapter 9: Closing the Breach

Twilight's high spirits dropped as she walked back to the library. Tyro wouldn't forgive her, not really. He clearly wanted her to feel better, but nopony could so readily forgive something like what she had done to him. She had wantd to hear those words so much that she hadn't heard the lie behind them, but now she had realized the truth. Tyro hadn't really forgiven her, and he never would. What they'd had was lost, and would never come back.

It was as though she had lost her friendship with Princess Celestia. For that matter, what would Celestia think of all this? Of her letting her emotions get the best of her, until she tore apart the pony she cared for? Twilight's spirits sank even lower.

As she entered the library, Spike saw the look on her face, and

wondered what to do. Quickly scanning the shelves, he pulled out a book he'd hoped never to need. Troubled: Dealing With Crazed Unicorns. Opening it, he began to read.

Twilight paid no attention to her assistant as she ascended the stairs to her bedroom. She just wanted to be alone with her sorrow. Sitting in front of a window, she watched as a scheduled rainstorm began. The falling water matched her mood perfectly. She didn't know how many hours she sat there, watching the rain fall.

* * *

After less than a day in the Ponyville Hospital, Tyro was told he could go home. You have no idea how wrong you are, he thought, with a sudden pain.

Returning to the library, he went to talk to Twilight. She would understand what he was feeling. "Twilight, I need to talk to you."

There was no response, so he ventured up the stairs, to find her sitting in her bedroom, staring out a window at the light rain falling outside. "Twilight?" She still didn't respond. It must be the guilt again. Tyro was sure of it. Walking up behind her, he sat down next to his friend and put a hoof over her shoulder. "Twilight, I understand that you feel terrible about what happened to me. But stop blaming yourself for what wasn't your fault! It doesn't change how I feel about you, and it better not change how you feel about me."

Twilight looked at him, really seeing him for the first time since her breakdown. There was no deception in his face. What he said was true. She turned to the window again. "Tyro, what I did to you was unforgivable. You offered forgiveness, but I don't know if I can accept it. You deserve better than—"

Tyro stuffed a hoof in her mouth, silencing her. "Twilight, stop this nonsense right now. For a ridiculously smart pony, you're being really dumb about all this. I don't care about what your Nightmare did to me before. What I care about is this." He reached out, wrapping both his forelegs around her, and just held onto her. She tried to pull away, but he just tightened his hold around her. Eventually, she stopped resisting, and slumped sideways into his embrace. The dam broke, and she held him as close as he had held her, as if to make sure he wasn't going away. Night approached, as the two ponies sat by the window, holding each other, in silence. No words were needed.

Finally Tyro's stomach rumbled, and they both laughed. "Sounds like we're going to have to get up, aren't we?" They laughed again, and went to make something to eat.

Night found them sitting outside together on the balcony outside her bedroom, Twilight teaching Tyro the names of all the stars. Dawn found them still together, Twilight's hooves wrapped around Tyro's flanks, both of them smiling in their sleep as they lay on Twilight's bed.

Spike walked into the room. Twilight didn't seem to be awake yet, and as Spike glanced at the two figures in the bed, he figured out why readily enough. He coughed gently, and Twilight woke up.

"Uh, hi Spike," she said awkwardly.

"Hey, Twilight. Looks like you slept pretty well, didn't you?" teased the young dragon. Twilight blushed.

"Any particular reason why you're waking me up and making me miss out on this?" She snuggled up a little closer to Tyro's still-sleeping form.

"Um, Applejack is downstairs. She says she wants to see Tyro. She specified both alive and in one piece." At that, Twilight just groaned.

Resigning herself to the inevitable, Twilight shook Tyro to wake him up. His eyes opened slowly. "Good morning, Twilight..." A moment passed, before he realized his current situation. "Twilight, what the hay is going on here?"

"Applejack's downstairs and wants to make sure you're still alive and everything," Twilight explained.

"No, I mean what the hay is going on with this?" He touched her hoof hooked over his body with one of his own.

Twilight blushed, as Spike watched with interest. "Well, apparently my unconscious mind is still worried about losing you. That and this feels really nice." She let her eyes close partway as she rubbed against Tyro's back.

Tyro grinned. "Your justification is acceptable," he told her. "Spike, tell Applejack... tell her I'm busy." He arched his back against Twilight as she smiled at his response.

Spike dubiously left the room, tactfully closing the door behind him, then walked to address Applejack. "Tyro said to tell you he's busy right now, but would be willing to talk later."

The earth pony blushed. "Ah... ah don't think that will be necessary, Spike." She quickly left the library as Spike chuckled and closed the door behind her.