• Member Since 9th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Quite frankly, I'm a simple person who enjoys watching the show from time to time, and an avid reader/writer.

Comments ( 32 )

it good so far I like:scootangel: and I will be watching you
and yes it 5:33 in the morning as I comment so I have poo brain


Very well done so far, The main character has a interesting concept, could be better but I won't complain. The story is alright as well, a little cliche with the human in equestria concept, but a concept can be done a million times, the only reason it be good is they try something different and interesting each time. The pacing is very well done to, not to fast, not to slow. Now at this part of the story is a win or die situation, most people would just write at random and add so many characters, concepts and unnessasary information that usually does not go well since it gets confusing and outright annoying. So far you are doing very well and sticking to the lore to the MLP series and not making things confusing. Overall I can't wait to read your next chapter.

P.S: I am not sure why this story is getting so negative reviews, most likely its the spelling mistakes, I usually don't mind that much, as long its not constantly happening and very often. I suggest getting a pre-reader just incase. Another thing could be the human in equestria concept, but I am not entirely sure?

P.S.S: Another Thing I would like to add is I have a blog with 3 videos I have found, that talk about expostion, word use for character and character creation which I beleive would be benificial to your writing. Yes it is on gaming, but the principal is the same.

P.S.S.S: On last thing is a few suggestion to the story, you dont have to follow them, but it would be nice. Please do not have pinkie pie break the 4th wall, that is very annoying to see in a story. Do not make the alicorns immortal, they are just very powerful with magic.
Lastly when it comes to romance, becareful on how fast they fall in love, let the romance build up.


Often times, I would allow myself to begin thinking through several recent occurrences in the world, from common car crashes to full blown wars, and, believe it or not, curse human kind for its stupidity and negligence.


and the story itself is also just another ''human goes to Equestria'' in the way we've seen it (literally) more than a thousand times before.

I understand, it was a slight slip up on my part. I was up pretty late when I wrote that part, ergo, often times. I also understand that human in Equestria stories are not uncommon, I simply wanted to try my hand at it. However, that does not nesecitate an overreaction of such caliber. I appreciate constructive criticism, but not negativity. Nonetheless, I thank you for pointing that out, and will get to rewriting that faux-pas posthaste. (Hilarious picture btw.)

this story seems interesting so far. cant wait to see what you have in store for next chapter.


This is exactly the kind of criticism I prefer from readers. On various other sites, I have often asked people to be honest with their criticisms, though they often turn brutal. I greatly appreciate the help, and thank you for not being one of those, as Pinkie Pie would likely say, "Meanie Weanies".

P.s. The guidelines you wrote about some things I should avoid are BEYOND agreed with. Though I find it comical whenever Pinkie breaks the 4th wall, it loses its charm rather quickly, breaking me out of my submergence into a story, as for immortal alicorns. They. Just. Live. Long. Once again, the concept you suggested is agreed with. I do not want to continue to think about the fact that an Alicorn will end up outliving a human by an eternity and forget about them in the next lifetime. Personally, I feel better off with a large life expectancy rate then just flat out immortality. Everything dies, wether powerful or not. (Though I'll never understand how nightmare moon survived so long on the moon with no food, water, or oxygen. Pinkie Physics on the moon?) Finally, love does indeed take time. Several stories I've read in which a character just magically falls in love with the other in such a short pace. If the relationship is well specified and paced, like detailing a date for example, then its fine however I truly do not want love to be over/under paced. Thank you again, your writer, Brightlight.


Np, Im glad to be of some help. If you have the time take a look into those videos, they are of some great help. Especially expostion, since almost every writer has this problem when explaining the lore or background in the story.

good chapter and I miss the old game reference and mad becomes am looking at it I know I am but I don't see it

Thank you, and as for the video game reference, if you, or nobody else, manages to get it by the next chapter, I'll post it in the author's notes of the next chapter.

am so fucking piss at that I had just beaten like one hour before I read the last chapter man that suck
also Kairi say it full quotes There are many worlds, and they share the same sky - one sky, one destiny but
axel is my fav
got it memorized


Very well done you have progressed very well. I can see myself reading this for a long while. Keep up the good work. Ya I am not sure why this story is getting so low on scores, maybe people misassumed what it is. Could be you might need to update the summary.


Like I said, kingdom hearts fans, begin your rage. Also, the reason I didn't put in the exact quotes was because it wouldn't have fit Richards character, plus it would be kinda obvious. Other than that though, glad you could enjoy the reading and the reference.

P.S. "Got it memorized?" I see what you did there. :3


Thanks for the support GMP. Perhaps a change of summary is necessary though. I'm open to ideas.

Comment posted by Brightlight24 deleted Jan 20th, 2014

I enjoyed the interaction between discord and Richard

oh and please try not to make pinkie too annoying like some fics do

Thanks, and don't worry, I already talked this over with another reader and informed them about how I felt about Pinkie breaking the fourth wall or anything like that.

You're missing an italic-end tag somewhere, sir. Nearly the entire chapter is in italics.

Comment posted by Brightlight24 deleted Feb 3rd, 2014

"What!?! You went out for a walk and came back with a job!?!" I could tell that this was going to be a long night. :rainbowlaugh:

Should I take this a someone getting the joke, or constructive criticism?

sorry :twilightblush: I just thought it was hilarious

Why does this have so many thumbs down?

I'll admit the beginning wasn't all that impressive, but I've seen far worse. The rest of the story flows pretty well, minus the odd typo or two. Well done.


Why so many dislikes :applejackconfused:? I love it :raritywink: and I hope you keep working on it

3925820 I like your story. Why does it have down votes?


"Um... Hello. My name is Richard. I'm a human, and an avid reader/writer. It's nice to meet everybody, I suppose."
"Everypony!" Pinkie Pie corrected.

:facehoof: I really dislike Pinkie Pie's correcting, everybody to everypony, but its canon?. (my character in the story i working on is gonna have some choosy words regarding that (chapter ~20 when i get to it, still working on chapter 1:twilightsheepish:(2014-07-17))).

"Humans are omnivores." Surprisingly, neither she, nor any of the others reacted negatively to this, as if it were normal behavior. She simply nodded, before continuing to scribble on her notepad.
"Wait, you're all okay with that?" I asked, confusion and shock clear in my voice. They all chuckled, before Spike decided to speak up and shed some light on the issue.

:yay: This is the only story i read thats don't have the ponies freaking out about humans eating meat. (really strange when there's griffons m.m. eating meat & fish)


Looks interesting. Why hasn't anyone commented on this yet? Y'know, what with all your other stories and such. :twilightoops: meh.

i have to say, when ive seen so little likes and so much dislikes to this story i wasnt much optimistic about it. but i was really pleasantly surprised. its quite realistic witch slow enough pacing with quite good main character thought process. i have to say this is definitely above average quality of human in equestria fiction.

i really wonder why this have so little likes compared to other absurd inconsistent shit people produce here.

but there is one main negative to your story... i was told there would be sex!

i really hope you will get back to this someday, because this shows promise. and don't forget to add sex

How come this story doesn’t have more likes?!
It’s awesome and well written!
Need moar!!!

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