• Published 18th Mar 2012
  • 779 Views, 10 Comments

Sweet and Spicy - Dragonlord Daoka

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Peppers and Players

The afternoon sunlight filtered through the dust and smoke that hung over the Market, giving anything more than thirty feet away an ethereal quality. Two young ponies made their way through the throng, careful to stay out of the business ponies. As they walked, the rosy mare and dual hued colt kept up a stream of animated talk.

”And that’s how I saved Nightmare Night!” Pip concluded happily, glancing up to see Pepperdance’s reaction.

“That’s awesome, Pip.” she replied, grinning “I would sure like ta meet the Princess.”

“I bet you will next year!” Pipsqueak told her “She promised to come back and visit.”

“Sounds mighty fun. An’ here we are!” they stopped in front of her family booth, where Dug was haggling with a customer. Rather than interrupt, Pep led her new friend around back to wait.

“Whoa… I’ve never seen so many peppers!” the colt exclaimed in astonishment “Did you grow them all yourself?”

“Nah, I jes help out ‘round the farm. Only the jalapenos are mine.” Pep dragged the tub of peppers closer, beaming down at them “These lil beauties are my pride n joy.” Pipsqueak watched in fascination as she picked up a particularly large, shiny green specimen. He eagerly jumped onto a nearby box for a better view, as Pepperdance picked up a knife, and expertly sliced the jalapeno into small circles. Recognition dawned in his bright eyes as Pep spread them out.

“Oh, those things! My uncle eats em all the time.” he grimaced “I tried them accidentally when I stole a bite of his sandwich.”

“Reckon you learned your lesson bout not taking food from other ponies.” Pep giggled and set her knife down.

“Sure did! I had to drink a whole pint of milk to get rid of the burning in my mouth.” the rosy mare popped a piece into her mouth, grinning at her little friend’s reaction.

“Ya get used to the burn. Someponies like it, if’n they’re crazy like I am.”

“You called?” a familiar voice asked from the booth front.

The two friends turned to find Pinkie Pie grinning at them, her eyes twinkling. Dug was still helping the Pegasus customer, so Pepperdance gestured for the party pony to join them in the back.

“Hi again, Pep! Hey there, Pip!” Pinkie greeted

“Hi, Miss Pinkie.” the friends chorused. The pink pony giggled and said

“So Pep, you said you had a sample for me?”

“Yup, hang on a tick.” Pep replied, trotting to the wagon and rummaging through a small blue bag.

“How’d you end up here, Pipsqueak?” Pinkie asked while they waited.

“I was playing hide and seek with some other colts and fillies, and I guess I hid too good.”

“They didn’t find you at all?” Pinkie asked

“Nope. I hid in an empty trash bin, and didn’t get found til Miss Pep came along.”

“And threw my cupcake wrapper on his head.” Pep added. She placed a small earthenware flask on the counter, and grabbed a couple pieces of bread from the bag. “He can’t remember how to get home, so I figured we could play until you came. Cuz you know everypony.”

“Miss Pep is really cool!” Pip said “She’s my new best friend.” the farm mare blushed slightly

“Sure am.” she agreed, nudging the little colt playfully.

“Aw, that’s awesome! New friends are the best, but so are old friends.” Pinkie bounced happily. Pep uncorked the flask and poured a couple drops onto a slice of bread.

“There ya go, Miss Pinkie. Try that an see whatcha think.” the party pony bit off the sauced end and chewed thoughtfully. A look of ecstasy passed over her face as the spicy liquid hit her tastebuds. Pipsqueak watched curiously as Pinkie ate another slice with sauce, and Pepperdance joined her.

“Oh my gosh! This is REALLY good!” Pinkie exclaimed “You’ve really outdone yourself, Pep!”

“Thanks, Miss Pinkie.” the rosy mare replied “Auntie Cayenne helped a bit, but I made most of it.”

“What is that stuff?” Pip asked

“My family’s secret hot sauce.” Pep told him, winking “Made from Bhut Jolokias, more commonly known as Ghost peppers.”

“Cause if you’re not expecting the heat, it’ll turn you into a ghost!” Pinkie added.

“Ain’t that the truth.” the deep voice of Pep’s Pa agreed. “I still remember when yer Ma put some in my soup when I was courtin’ her.” the younger ponies laughed at the grimace he wore “Tol me it was a test, t’see if I could take it.”

“And not only did he pass, but he developed a taste for em.” Pep added

“Best tastin’ soup I’ve ever eaten.” Dug agreed. They all laughed again, and Pep recorked the flask, handing it to Pinkie Pie.

“Glad ya liked it, Miss Pinkie. So can ya help lil’ Pip get home?” the older mare gave a sudden shiver and replied

“I could, but it won’t be necessary.” the others stared at her quizzically. “My Pinkie Sense just told me that somepony who is looking for him will be here soon.” she attached the small flask to a leather cord and flung it over her head.

“If you say so.” Pepperdance said dubiously.

“Miss Pinkie is never wrong!” Pipsqueak told her confidently “I’ll wait a little longer.”

“I’ll wait too!” Pinkie said “That way, I can see Pep’s reaction!” the farm mare stuck her tongue at the party pony, and Dug turned to help a waiting customer.

Half an hour later as the Market was closing down, Pinkie shivered again and said

“Oh look, here comes Pip’s guide home!” the other two turned to see her pointing a unicorn colt who was walking towards the booth. He had a deep teal blue coat, and a short seafoam green mane and tail. Pipsqueak gasped in delight and rushed around the booth to greet the newcomer.

“Uncle Roleplay! What are you doin’ here?”

“Searching for my favorite nephew, of course!” the unicorn replied in a similar accent “Imagine me traveling all this way from my new home in Baltimare, only to find you missing. Bad form, Pip.” he scowled in mock anger. Pinkie laughed at Pep’s expression.

“Well, my job here is done. Bye Pip! See ya, Pep! The look on your face is priceless!” she bounced off to parts unknown as Pep closed her gaping mouth with a blush.

“Told you so!” Pip giggled. “Miss Pinkie is ALWAYS right.”

“What are you talking about, old boy?” Roleplay asked, puzzled.

“Oh, well, I was hiding for a long time, but nopony could find me. Then Miss Pepperdance threw a wrapper on my head, and we became friends! Then Miss Pinkie showed up, and she was going to take me home, but then she said somepony else would come, and next thing we know, you showed up!” the little colt breathed deeply as the older ponies chuckled at his outpouring.

“You found my little nephew, eh?” Roleplay asked the farm mare.

“Yup, and he’s been chattin’ my ear off since.” Pepperdance laughed.

“He tends to do that.” the unicorn agreed, nudging his nephew. “I’m glad you’re safe, Pipsqueak.” he bowed slightly at Pep. “Thank you, Miss, for putting up with the silly foal.”

“Uncle!” Pip protested

“Twas my pleasure. And please, my name is Pepperdance.”

“I’m known as Roleplay, for my small skill in acting.”

“Yeah, real small!” Pip said, giggling

“Everypony’s a critic…” Roleplay sighed, rolling his eyes. He noticed Dug watching them intently, and gave a friendly nod. Pep followed his gaze and smiled

“That’s my Pa. He’s a tad overprotective.”

“Ah. Well, I’d say he’s got reason to be.” was the unthinking reply. The mare blushed slightly, though it was hardly visible. The dappled colt giggled again

“That means he thinks you’re pretty.” he told Pep in a stage whisper. An embarrassed silence followed this pronouncement, as neither of the older ponies knew what to say.

Roleplay cleared his throat, glancing back towards the booth.

“So, you and your father sell vegetables?”

“Sure do!” Pepperdance perked up, seizing the change of subject. “Family’s been raisin’ and sellin’ peppers of all kinds fer generations.”

“A worthy talent.” the unicorn nodded “I’m afraid that I’ve more of a brownhoof than one of green.” Pep snorted

“That’s alright. I’d prolly be the one to die, if’n I had to perform fer anypony.” they both laughed and the farmer asked

“What about you, Pip? Anything you’re good at?”

“Do you think there’s a Cutie Mark for hiding?” the colt asked.

“Sure, y’could be a spy or somethin’.”

“Hmm. I’d say he’s very good at causing trouble for his family.” the older colt laughed “Like staying out past supper.”

“Or stealin’ bites of his uncle’s jalapeno laced sandwich?” Pep put in. Roleplay chuckled wryly

“Told you about that, did he? I tried to warn him…”

“Not hard enough!” Pipsqueak protested “My mouth was on fire the whole day.” he stifled a yawn, and his uncle winked at him.

“Seems as though tis somepony’s bedtime. But before we go, have you any jalapenos in stock? It’s been ages since I’ve had a fresh one.”

“Sure, we got a few left.” the trio walked the short distance to the booth. “Hey Pa, could ya grab the last o’ the penos fer me? Pip’s uncle wants ta buy em.”
“ Sure thing, Pep.” the stoic stallion replied, his tense expression relaxing. He grabbed up the small tub and placed it on the counter. “We’re gonna need ta pack up soon, so we can make it home afore nightfall.”

“Aye, aye, Pa.” Pep saluted. Turning to the colts she said “Here we are. Grew these myself.” Roleplay gazed down at the remaining fruits in admiration.

“And they look delicious.” he said, levitating one out. Popping it into his mouth, he closed his eyes in pleasure. “Oh heavenly fire, how I’ve missed thee!” he proclaimed. The others laughed and Pip yawned again. He squeaked in protest as a teal aura enveloped him and he was levitated onto the older colts back. “How much for that bit of paradise, plus the others?” Dug quoted the price, and the unicorn set the bits on the counter. “Twas a pleasure meeting you sir, and you Pepperdance.” he bowed slightly.

“And you, young un.” Dug replied. Pep grinned at her new friends

“Pleasure was mine, friends. You two have a good night.”

“G’bye, Miss Pep.” the dappled colt said sleepily “Thanks for playing with me.”

“Anytime, Sir Pip.” the rosy mare replied with a wink. “Careful with those penos, now.”

“Will do.” Roleplay said, “Good night and safe travels.” as he trotted off into the dusk, Pepperdance noticed that his Cutie Mark was a silver mask that was crying on one side, and laughing on the other.

“An actor’s mark, fer sure.” she chuckled, turning to help her father pack up the remaining produce.

In the deepening shadows of a nearby alley, a pair of bright blue eyes watched the friends part company. The observer shuddered as a wave of premonition swept through her.

“Ooh, this is gonna be good.” she giggled in anticipation.

“What’s going to be good, Pinkie?” asked a familiar voice. The party pony turned to find a lavender unicorn passing behind her.

“Hi Twilight! Just watching destiny in action.” Twilight Sparkle looked puzzled and curious

“How do you watch destiny?”

“With my eyes, of course!”

“Whatever you say, Pinkie Pie.” the librarian continued on her way, shaking her head. The earth pony giggled again and bounced off towards Sugarcube Corner, eager to taste more of the fiery sauce that Pepperdance had given her.