• Published 11th Jan 2014
  • 5,708 Views, 578 Comments

Pony Planet: Side Stories - Admiral Biscuit

Deleted scenes and side stories from Onto the Pony Planet

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Fragment: Minuette Takes the Train

Fragment: Minuette Takes the Train
Admiral Biscuit

Minuette stood on the platform of the Ponyville train station, watching with interest as a pair of mares unloaded boxes from the train into a waiting wagon. She'd gotten used to the usual travelers she saw on her usual commuting days, but since she was traveling a day late, everything had changed.

She was sure that they were regular visitors to Ponyville—in her experience, most tourists invariably started looking around and taking in the sights as soon as they'd detrained, but these two mares showed very little interest in the town, and were more concerned with ensuring that the boxes all made it into their wagon in good order.

Finally, the gray mare, who was already wearing a breastcollar harness, backed up between the shafts on the wagon, and the pink mare fastened them through the tugs on her bellyband.

She could have kept watching, but she saw the firepony swinging the water spout away from the locomotive, which meant that the train was almost ready to go.

Minuette hopped aboard the first coach. She liked sitting as near to the locomotive as she could, because that let her hear it working, and sometimes when she was bored she pretended that she was driving it.

A quick glance around the coach confirmed what she already knew: nopony that she knew was aboard. So she took an available bench on the right side of the train, and she slid into it far enough to pull her window down so she'd get a little bit of a breeze when the train started moving. With that task accomplished, she stretched out along the bench.

It had been pure luck that she'd had her camera with her, and she felt her saddlebags one more time just to make sure that it was still in there. Her mind was still replaying the meeting from the evening before. The excitement of meeting Dale and Kate hadn't worn off yet—in fact, she'd had trouble sleeping—and now she thought that there was a good chance that she might meet the Princess when she got back to Canterlot.

She unconsciously shifted her weight as the train rolled back then jerked forward, and her ears turned towards the locomotive as it began working. The station moved out of her view, and before too long the cluster of buildings outside her window was replaced with small orchards and a broad field of heather.

Her only regret was that she'd never gotten a chance to take some pictures of the inside of Dale's mouth. She'd wanted to, but every time she'd tried that before the picture hadn't come out right, and she didn't know why. When she was in dental school, she had seen some pictures of pony mouths, and those had turned out. Maybe her camera wasn't good enough, or maybe there was something she didn't know about taking pictures, but it seemed to her that if she could see it, her camera ought to be able to see it, as well.

Comments ( 80 )

I would've had expected her to be able to take her picture if she managed with Ponies. I doubt the ligthing is any better in their mouth.
Although with the angle, maybe she was not able to get the proper exposure?
Did she think of using a flash?

Shallower mouth should mean better lighting unless close enough to shadow things. More likely her magic camera is having problems in a non magical enviroment of Dale?

I kinda wonder how she would react if she saw Gray’s Anatomy and saw the stuff about the human jaw? That book is being hogged by the medical ponies without letting anypony else look at it.

Wonderful to see a new chapter in this universe! I was afraid it had been abandoned, I can't wait to see where the story goes. Keep up the wonderful writing


I would've had expected her to be able to take her picture if she managed with Ponies. I doubt the ligthing is any better in their mouth.

It hadn't worked (for her) with ponies, either. "She'd wanted to, but every time she'd tried that before the picture hadn't come out right, and she didn't know why."

Although with the angle, maybe she was not able to get the proper exposure?
Did she think of using a flash?

You're exactly right. Not enough light, and she never though of using a flash.


Shallower mouth should mean better lighting unless close enough to shadow things. More likely her magic camera is having problems in a non magical enviroment of Dale?

Nope, it's just the lack of light inside a mouth. Her camera's not magical in any way, and in this universe, humans aren't entirely non-magical, nor do they suck away the magic from other things.


I kinda wonder how she would react if she saw Gray’s Anatomy and saw the stuff about the human jaw? That book is being hogged by the medical ponies without letting anypony else look at it.

Oh, man, she'd love to get her hooves on the book. I can't remember off the top of my head how detailed it is in terms of dental anatomy, although I have to imagine that's as detailed as everything else in the book.

She'd sure be confused about how there's lots of living stuff inside the exposed part of the tooth, since that's nothing at all like a pony tooth.

Medical ponies ought to be making the book available to anypony who's interested.


I haven't been very good about updates lately, but I haven't abandoned the universe! Stay tuned tomorrow for an update on OPP!

Ah. The way it was phrased made it look like she was talking about Dale's mouth. But I guess it do make more sense like this.



So basically...... Minuette has no education on how to properly use a camera? She just tweaks the lens assembly until it works for focusing and never bothered to experiment with the apeture or exposure, or flash?

Great to see you return to this fic universe.:D

Playing with the lense is probably more then the average person even do.


So basically...... Minuette has no education on how to properly use a camera? She just tweaks the lens assembly until it works for focusing and never bothered to experiment with the apeture or exposure, or flash?

Yeah, basically. She's a dentist, not a photographer.

Honestly, how many kids these days would have any idea how to adjust F-stop or any of those other things people did before cameras were in cell phones? I vaguely remember some of that stuff from back when I had a mostly manual camera (it had a built in light meter, though), but I took my share of bad pictures because I didn't have the right setting.

Thanks! I do plan on one day finishing OPP (and it's updating tomorrow, yay!)

Is it because his teeth are different? Or is it because hes had fillings?

Or is it because unlike equines humans don't steadily grow a hole in their teeth


There we go, need my realistic pony 'crack'

Still cheering for purple smart to make the connection

the other question is did she aim it via the viewer or did she position it from the side, who else here remembers having to aim a camera via a little window instead of a screen or image preview?

His teeth are essentially the same in outward appearance to an equine's (and here I'm using 'essentially the same' rather broadly). He's got incisors, canines, and molars that aren't overly different than a pony's teeth. But the fillings did confuse her (completely unnecessary on a horse), and of course she's got no idea that filing down teeth is not good dental practice on a human.

There we go, need my realistic pony 'crack'


Still cheering for purple smart to make the connection

She's pretty much got all that she needs.

Ooh, I do! I used to have a non-SLR canon camera . . . not sure of the exact model, but it dated to sometime in the 70s.

She would have figured that out--her problem is that she doesn't realize that film isn't as good as the equine eye and can't see inside of mouths without a flash (or a really long exposure time).

That's the best news I've heard all day!

I would like to thank you for posting this and not the main story, I managed to read "side stories" before I squee'd in public.

Oh yes, cameras are a bit tricky to get a handle on. With more practice though, and maybe some training...
Keep going! ;)

and a broad field of heather.

Heather Rose has certainly made her mark on the landscape.

a vary nice side look.

HA! I bet the reason her camera won't take a picture of the inside of Dale's mouth is because it's scared of his meat-eating teeth.

I 'member!

We had a camera with both. There was the screen and the viewfinder!


Ehh... That struck me as wrong and when I fact checked, equine teeth are just as "complete" as human teeth. The only outstanding difference is the crown is fully developed and roots grown in over years while it's kinda the opposite for humans.


I would like to thank you for posting this and not the main story, I managed to read "side stories" before I squee'd in public.

Figured it would give people a chance to get back into the universe without being too demanding. Or squee-inducing.

There's one other discarded section I'm not sure what to do with at this point. I might just publish it as a blog post, I don't know. It got dropped when I remembered I'd already written the scene. :derpytongue2:


Oh yes, cameras are a bit tricky to get a handle on. With more practice though, and maybe some training...

Minuette maybe isn't who you want as a professional photographer, but what she lacks in skill, she makes up for in enthusiasm.

Keep going! ;)

I shall!


HA! I bet the reason her camera won't take a picture of the inside of Dale's mouth is because it's scared of his meat-eating teeth.

It's not his meat-eating teeth. Fact is, equines have canine teeth, too.

And they know how to use them.


We had a camera with both. There was the screen and the viewfinder!

Pfft, I had a Canon with only one.


Ehh... That struck me as wrong and when I fact checked,equine teethare just as "complete" as human teeth. The only outstanding difference is the crown is fully developed and roots grown in over years while it's kinda the opposite for humans.

I can't remember if Equine teeth keep sprouting, or if they just wear down over time (I'd have to look it up again). But the part of the teeth that's exposed above the gumline can be constantly worn down by grazing, and good dental practice on a horse is to file the teeth to get rid of sharp ridges and whatnot, and that's good for the horse. Any human dentist that suggests filing human teeth down should probably have their licence taken away from them.

Superficially, though, they are quite the same. Minuette would of course notice small differences, and the quantity isn't the same in humans and horses, but for the most part, they wouldn't be weird and alien to her.

Dale will probably object if she suggests filing his teeth smoother, though. :rainbowlaugh:


Could be worse, a Diamond Dog dentist would say don't bother brushing at all, just gnaw on this bone. Still, there's some glaring differences between Earth equines and these adorable ponies, the lack of that gap stands out the most.

And omnivores wouldn't be too terribly alien, at least to Fluttershy or any pony that knows about animals. All the ponies are missing to compare to human dentures is the "ripper" canines where the gap would be in a horse's mouth.

On a side note, has anyone else noticed ponies have a rather sugary diet? Yes, Pinkie's is all sugar apparently, but for the rest it's still a lot of sweets and punch. Even the "hard" drinks like cider is pretty sweet. Where the heck are they getting all that sugar? Are there vast fields of nothing but sugar cane somewhere?


Could be worse, a Diamond Dog dentist would say don't bother brushing at all, just gnaw on this bone. Still, there's some glaring differences between Earth equines and these adorable ponies, the lack of that gap stands out the most.

Yeah, and that's actually an interesting topic. I wonder if brushing would actually help dogs out or if it really doesn't matter much? Can dogs even get cavities? So many questions!

And omnivores wouldn't be too terribly alien, at least to Fluttershy or any pony that knows about animals. All the ponies are missing to compare to human dentures is the "ripper" canines where the gap would be in a horse's mouth.

No, they're really no mystery to Fluttershy at all. She thinks that he eats carrion (and she's not far wrong) because he hasn't got good teeth for tearing into raw flesh; if she hadn't learned from Lyra that Dale ate meat, she'd probably assume he was a herbivore or a fructivore.

On a side note, has anyone else noticed ponies have a rather sugary diet? Yes, Pinkie's is all sugar apparently, but for the rest it's still a lot of sweets and punch. Even the "hard" drinks like cider is pretty sweet.Where the heck are they getting all that sugar?Are there vast fields of nothing but sugar cane somewhere?

Yeah, and it would probably kill a real horse in fairly short order. Although my go-to statement on that is that we don't know that their food is super sugary. It looks like it is, and the human analogue certainly would be, but it's possible that they use very little sugar in their baked goods. It's possible that the cider has nothing but the natural sugar from the apples in it.

8925908 See, if I declared war on the ponies, they'd all die... along with everything else on their planet.

There's a reason anime makes scientists all insane psychopaths who experiment on children... because it's the secret reality! WE'RE COMING FOR YOUR WIDE-EYED ORPHANS!!


If I remember which state you're from correctly, there's probably so much heavy metal in your body from just living there, all the ponies would need to stop you is a big magnet.



I'm not sure about the cavities, but dogs definitely get plaque and tartar and gum problems, like humans, and brushing is recommended by e.g. the American Veterinary Dental College. A previous SO brushed her dog's teeth often enough that we kept a brush and special doggie toothpaste for him in my place, along with her stuff for stayovers.

8927886 FOOL! Heavy metals do not possess enough of a dipole moment to respond to any magnetic field not strong enough to suck the iron out of blood!

I AM INVINCIBLE!! :pinkiecrazy:

It makes sense; animals in captivity tend to live longer than those in the wild and therefore tend to have issues that a wild animal wouldn't (in many cases, because they simply live longer). I'd never thought of that being a big problem, but it makes sense that it would be. It could also be somewhat related to how humans breed dogs in different ways than they'd tend to be in the wild.

Did you say 'use a strong enough magnet to suck the iron out of your blood?'

I'm sure such a thing might actually exist. Although now that I think about it, I wonder if that would be what actually killed you, or if it would be something else that got you instead?

Related: I was watching a video debunking some of the frothing at the mouth loonies when it comes to things that are radioactive, and the narrator mentioned that if you ate enough pure uranium to potentially get a fatal dose of radiation, you'd actually die of heavy metal poisoning before the radiation got to you.


Hah! I was trying and failing to read SO as a military rank, before I realized what it actually meant!

8930299 Oh yes, they exist. But they'd be utterly impractical to use as a weapon since they're massive electromagnets that weigh TONS.

And yes, the magnetism would actually kill you at that strength. It would scramble lots of things in your brain signaling, most importantly changing the flow of charged ions across membranes and through channels, which would severely disable the nervous and neuromuscular system.

Fields stronger than that, such as those around pulsars, are so powerful they'd actually warp the shape of the electron orbitals around each atom, completely altering how chemical bonds would work. It'd eventually shut down every function at every level in the organism as the field intensity increases.

We can only create a field up to 100 Tesla thus far, and neutron stars routinely have fields 1000 times more... or much MUCH more when you get to young magnetars, the strongest of which has a field of possibly 100 MILLION Tesla.. or 1 QUADRILLION Guass, outrageously stronger than a typical old neutron star. At fields that high, atoms are stretched into bizarre spindles thinner than the wavelength of individual electrons and photons can split or merge randomly. All the incoming atoms are crushed, stretched, and mutilated at the quantum level along the tightly-packed field lines, and are incapable of even forming any molecular compounds. The field is so strong it has the energy equivalent mass density of 10,000 times that of lead! It is even capable of polarizing a vacuum!

Compare this to Earth's tiny 30-60 microtesla geomagnetic field.

Even at 10 Tesla (100,000 Gauss), life can be altered if the field in maintained near the organism. Fruit flies growing up near such artificial fields in the lab showed many mutations. For comparison, the strongest rare-earth magnet ever made had a field of about 1.25 Tesla.

BUT, it's not just static magnetic fields that can be an issue. Rapidly changing a strong magnetic field cyclically will create resonances and shifts within the electron orbitals of all your atoms, excess energy which then must be shed as radiation for the electrons to resume their stable equilibrium orbits. Basically, it'd be the same as being inside a really powerful microwave oven.

Anyway, any super-magnet my enemies attempt to use is FUTILE! I can just blast them to slag from a distance with my TOTALLY ORIGINAL ATTACK called the... uhm... Sammy-hammy-ho! It's a RED beam, so it's original! :raritywink:


Any human dentist that suggests filing human teeth down should probably have their licence taken away from them.

Actually, there are cases where filing human teeth is necessary, usually due to sharp edges that can lacerate the inner cheek lining. Those are usually due to jaw mis-alignment issues. It's rare but it happens.

Huh. I did not know that.

The more you know!

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