• Published 11th Jan 2014
  • 779 Views, 13 Comments

Love Games: Flarity - Randomized

Rarity and Fluttershy love each other very much and there willing to take it to the next level. But when Rarity wants to plan a big wedding Fluttershy's not sure if it's what she wants.

  • ...

Well, this is how it went: Rarity

Rarity walked into her Boutique soaking wet, but she didn't care. What happened a few minutes ago was more important than staying dry. I hope Sweetie Belle got in okay.

"Sweetie Belle could you be a dear and please fetch me a towel?"

"I got it," yelled Pinkie Pie bouncing in the room.

"Pinkie dear what ever are you doing here?"

"I told the Cakes that I couldn't work today because I had something important to do," she said while handing her the towel.

"And what is that exactly," she asked while drying her self off.

"You told me I could come over to get my new Grand Galloping Gala dress fitted."

"Did I say that?"

"Yeah and you mentioned that it would be ten times better than the last one. After all the party of the year is nothing with out Pinkie."

"Oh dear I completely for got. My scheduled has gotten so busy lately with a shop here and in Manehattan, making time for Fluttershy, and now a wedding I completely forgot about our Gala dresses." She walked over to the Marehicans that were suppose to have their Gala dresses on them.

"Wedding? Who's wedding, and why wasn't I invited?" Pinkie Pie was now upset. She had stopped bouncing and Rarity could see her hair about to go flat.

"My wedding dear and no one was invited yet. Fluttershy had just proposed to me not a while ago."

Just then there was a knock on the door, several knocks actually. So many knocks that the door looked like it was going to break. Rarity quickly answered it before they left a dent in her door. Sweetie Belle was standing the soaked and angry.

"Oh my gosh Sweetie Belle how ever did you get out here?"

"It's Thursday! Thursday's a pick up day and you never showed," she screamed marching in.

"I'm so sorry I thought it was a walk home day, I completely for got. I've been so busy lately. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

"You can start by giving me a towel."

Rarity did as told and Sweetie Belle dried her self off. Wait if Sweetie Belle was at school, then who let Pinkie Pie in?

"I found out where you kept you spare key."

"But how did you know I was-"

"I heard you thoughts."

This officially proves that Pinkie Pie knows everything.

"So what were you guys talking about that was so important you couldn't open the door?"

"Your sister's wedding."

"Wedding! You and Fluttershy are getting married?"

"Yeah Fluttershy just proposed to her not long ago."

"No way! The girls are going to love this. Tell me everything so I can tell the story right."

"Hold on a minute," Rarity but in, "I didn't even tell my parents yet let along my friends."

Rarity walked over to the kitchen and put some tea on. Then she sat down on the couch and patted the empty spaces next to her.

"If i'm going to tell this we might as well do it right."

Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle sat on the couch and listened.

"Well, this is how it went."


It was a nice outside, perfect for Rarity's lunch date with Fluttershy. Rarity was just finishing up on one of the dresses for Photo Finish's summer fashion tour. She'd been really busy lately, everyone was saying it was going to be the summer of year. With a ton of the top fashion designers going on tour and Rarity's line is going to be featured on them. Plus managing her store in Manehattan long distance, with occasional visit's. Then there are people asking her to make there Grand Galloping Gala dresses, after what a disaster it was last time Princess Celestia changed it from boring to fun. And she has to make time for friends, family, and Fluttershy it's been stressful.

"Oh Opal don't you think it's just fabulous," asked her cat while putting the last finishing touches on the dress. "I think think Photo Finish will love it."

She put the dress with the others and then grabbed a few of finished dresses. I can drop off some of the finished Gala dresses and still make it on time for my lunch date. With that thought in her mind she locked shop and headed out. On her way to Sugar Cube Corner she stopped by the dentist.

"Hello Colgate I have your Gala dress," she said walking in.

"Fantastic! I'm sorry I can't pay you in money, but how does a free teeth whitening sound?"

"It sounds just perfect."

Next stop Lyra and Bon Bon's, Carrot Top and Berry Punch's, and Vinyl and Octavia's. It took her longer than she thought it would to deliver that dresses. When ever she brought some one there dress they would talk to long or invite her in. By the time she looked at the clock it was 12:30. She was late! Twilight's house was near by so she asked her to poof her to Sugar Cube Corner. When she finally got there she ordered tea and sat at an outside table. She waited, and waited, and waited. She's late again. Fluttershy has always been late this past week. I know we're both busy but at least I'm on time. She ordered another cup of tea, If she's not here in two minutes I'm leaving. Just than Rarity heard someone call out her name.


Finally Fluttershy had come, If I don't bring it up maybe she'll apologize for being late.

"Oh Flutter dear I hope you don't mind but I went a head and ordered some tea or three."

"Oh I don't mind."

"Why you soaking wet, what ever happened to you."

"Oh the weather ponies are behind scheduled so there's going to be a big storm coming this way in like 2 minutes."

That's funny the sky is as clear as day.

"Then come lets go to the shop, you know I hate the rain."

"Wait there's something I need to ask you first."

"What is more important than staying dry?" Your so stupid Rarity. 'What's more important that staying dry?' Umm like very other important thing.

"Rarity I'm serious."

This can't be good. "What is it dear?"

Fluttershy got down on one knee and took off her mothers ring from a chain around her neck. Rarity's eyes got big and she seemed breathless. Is this what I think it is?

"We've been dating for two years, and there were the best in my life."

Oh my gosh it is what I think it is.\

"I want to spend more time with you, and create lovely memories together. So will you make me the happiest mare in the girl in the world by taking my hand in marriage?"

"Oh YES! YES! YES! Of course I'll marry you."

Fluttershy put the ring on Rarity's finger and they united in and embracing kiss. Just then rained poured on them, the storm had came. But it didn't matter because it was the happiest moment in there lives. Rarity hoped it would last forever.

"Lets go back to the shop to talk things over," said Rarity.

"Sounds nice but um.. I have to go home and make sure everyone's OK."

Since when does that matter? There animals they'll be fine. "I'll help you."

"No that's OK I can do it by myself. I'm sure Sweetie Belle comes home early today so she won't get caught in the storm."

Why is she pushing me away? We just got engaged. "Your probably right I'll see you later then."


With that said Rarity rushed home as fast as she could for two reasons 1. to get dry and 2. to tell Sweetie Belle all about it.


"And that what happened," Rarity said while finishing her tea.

"Wow that was a super duper good story I just might explode," exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

"I'm so happy for you sis. The next thing you know Pinkie Pie and Twilight will get married, then Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Then I\ll grow up and marry spike and Apple Bloom will marry Scootaloo."

"Slow down there Sweetie Belle you have plenty of time to find the right person and get married to whom ever you wish."

"I don't think Twilight and I will get married. It took her a long while for her to except that she's gay. And she's not really big on same sex marriage."

"Uh all this talk about marriage is making my exhausted. Pinkie Pie I will devote tomorrow to making our Gala dresses and you can tell the girls to pick them up at 3:00."

"Got it I will see you tomorrow at three," Pinkie said and left out the door.

"Sweetie Belle after they get there dresses you and your friends can come over and tell me what you want to wear to the wedding."

"They'll be so thrilled."

"Now go and wash up for bed."

"Ok," she said and went up stairs.

Rarity cleaned up, locked the door, and turned off the lights. She tucked Sweetie Belle in bed then went to bed her self.


Knock knock Who is out here at this time of the night? Rarity went down stairs and opened the door.


Author's Note:

I hope this chapter was better than the last one. Please comment what you think and Favorite this story.


When I wrote

"I don't think Twilight and I will get married. It took her a long while for her to except that she's gay. And she's not really big on same sex marriage."

It was a sneak peek of the squeal Love Games: Twi Pie.

Comments ( 2 )

3775109 1.) Imagine it the other way around. What if it was your picture and someone was out there using it to advertise their fic without your permission? Especially since it's easy to credit the author. It would probably take you less time to add in a link/acknowledgement to the author than it did to make that comment about how you didn't have the time to credit him/her.

2.) Yes, she accepted the date, but that action in and of itself is out of character for Fluttershy (as is Rainbow making the dare in the first place, but one thing at a time). If the dare was made, Shy would simply stare at her hooves and say that she couldn't possibly do something like that. There's almost no chance she would accept it, especially for something as intimate and serious as proposing to Rarity.

It's one thing to explain why a character does something, but the why has to fit into who the character is. Having Fluttershy accept a dare of this magnitude is what one of my friends likes to refer to as 'character murder.'

3.) Never assume you have a story under control, because you are almost always wrong. I don't mean that in a mean/insulting way, just that stories have a tendency to buck any plans you may have had for them and take on a life of their own.

3799997 1. if it were my picture I wouldn't care if they used it if i put out in the world for everyone to see then there free to use it if they want.

2. it's too late now and i don't want to change it.

3. w.e. if you don't like my story and how i write it then don't read it.

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