• Published 12th Jan 2014
  • 2,560 Views, 116 Comments

Red Eye - Fonypan

After an undead creature attacks Apple Bloom, Princess Celestia sends Fluttershy to attempt to reform the assailant. That brief contact leaves an irreversible mark on Fluttershy's life. Follow her descent into a whirlwind of misery and despair.

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Session 21 - The Ghosts of All My Guilt

Rainbow Dash stood before an open casket, her lost love lying within. She hid her eyes behind a foreleg, but the tears streaming down her face defied concealment. Twilight lay amidst a silken liner, her eyes closed for all eternity. Her wedding bracelet still rest on her left-front ankle, and Rainbow Dash still wore its match.

Rarity approached Rainbow and rest a hoof on her shoulder. “I can’t begin to imagine what you’re feeling right now. If you need a shoulder to cry on, your old friend Rarity is here.”

“Thanks Rarity. Are you sure it’s okay for you to be up and about like this?”

“I’m not that sick, it's just the flu. A few hours outside won’t kill me. Twilight was a dear friend of mine, I owe it to her to be here. She deserves a proper send-off.”

“Just don’t overdo it. I don’t want you to end up in a casket, too.”

Surprised murmurs from the other funeral attendees distracted Rainbow Dash. She looked to see what the fuss was about, and glowered. Red Eye shambled down the hill, making her way towards the funeral gathering. Blood seeped from her stitches, bordering patches of fabric grafted onto her flesh. Her blood had already begun to discolor the thick canvas.

“What is that doing here?” said Rainbow Dash.

Though Red Eye did nothing to call attention to herself, everypony at the funeral was soon staring. Her gaze remained on the ground, her head hung low. She could feel how unwelcome she was, and silently pleaded for the glaring to stop. The hate and fear hung thick in the air, so intense as to be palpable.

Red Eye stopped in her tracks when Applejack stepped in front of her. The farm pony had foregone wearing her favorite hat, but had a black shawl draped across her shoulders. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo stood on either side of her. Prairie Song was a short distance away, standing protectively in front of Red Streak.

“I thought I told you to stay away from Ponyville, monster,” said Applejack

“Applejack, please, I don’t want any trouble,” said Red Eye.

“I haven’t bucked in a while, but I’ve got two good work horses here who’ll gladly kick you to pieces. Now get lost!”

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo advanced, menacingly. Red Eye cowered and backed away. Scootaloo suddenly rushed forward, but stopped mid-charge at the sound of a voice.

“Stop! Everypony just stop!” said Rarity.

“You saw what that thing did to Apple Bloom! I ain’t lettin’ Red Streak get sliced up!”

“That thing killed itself, decades ago,” said Rarity. “I seriously doubt Fluttershy is going to hurt your son.”

“T-thank you, Rarity!” said Red Eye.

Rarity glared at Red Eye. “Don’t think that I’m happy to see you, just because I know who you are. Do you have any idea how insensitive it is for you to come here?”

"I don't understand."

“You’re immortal. There’s a reason the princesses didn’t show up. We’ve all lost one of our dearest friends, but you’re alive beyond death. Then you come here and just flaunt it.”

“But I’m not fl—“

“How do you think we feel, trying to cope with the loss of a friend when you show up? How do you think Rainbow Dash feels? Twilight Sparkle is gone, but you’re dead and you’re still here. You’ll be around forever! You’re going to watch us all die!”

Red Eye quivered, and a stream of blood dribbled from her tear duct. “B-but I—“

“And just look at you! What’s left of you hasn’t aged a day! We keep getting older, but not Fluttershy! Oh no, you just let all that aging nonsense pass you by! All in the same glance you mock us with your youth and remind us of our impending death.”

“I didn’t ask to be like this!”

“But you’re enjoying it, aren’t you? You even had my niece patch you up with fabric she stole from me. It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know those sewing lessons I gave her are going towards making you into a walking doll. Do you feel pretty in your fake skin? I can’t believe you when you pretend to suffer. Not when—“

Rarity suddenly broke into a violent coughing fit. Sweetie Belle approached and began thumping her on the back with a hoof whilst staring daggers at Red Eye. The other ponies at the funeral continued to glare as well, though Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had refrained from attacking her.

“Why is everypony being so awful to Fluttershy?” said Timpani. “Leave her alone! Twilight Sparkle was her friend, too!”

“Quiet, Timpani,” said Sweetie Belle. “The grown-ups are talking.”


“Quiet, Timpani!”

Rarity recovered from her coughing fit, but it left her voice a hoarse croak. “You’re dead, Fluttershy. No amount of talking and fabric is going to change that. Stop trying to re-integrate. Just let us mourn in peace. Nopony wants to remember you as a hideous revenant, but you aren’t giving us a choice.”

Red Eye turned away from her former friends. Tears of blood ran freely down her face, accompanied by quiet sobs. She started up the hill, but stopped when Timpani rushed to her side.

“Fluttershy, wait! Don’t let her talk to you like that!”

“Timpani, get away from that thing!” said Sweetie Belle. “I don’t care what Rarity says, I still don’t trust it!”

“But mom!”

“Right now, or you’re grounded!”

“But I didn’t do anything!”

“You need to learn the difference between right and wrong! Get over here this instant, or you’re going to be punished! This is for your own good, that thing is dangerous!”

“Listen to her, Timpani,” said Red Eye. “Your mother just wants what’s best for you.”


Red Eye resumed her march uphill, sullenly dragging her hooves. Timpani returned to her mother’s side, and watched Red Eye leave. The little filly trembled with rage, but dared not speak out against her mother more than she already had.