• Published 18th Mar 2012
  • 1,809 Views, 19 Comments

The Invitation - Purple Thunder

Pinkie Pie receives an invitation from a mystery pony.

  • ...

The Baker

It was a normal day for Pinkie; she rushed around the kitchen, grabbing ingredients and tools. She whizzed around, juggling eggs, letting them fall into the bowl, shells vanishing in a blue aura. Wait, the shells normally crack and fall into the bin!

'Rarity!' The pink mare said, without turning around. 'I'm a bit busy at the moment but that's okay because I'm only making muffins for when Ditzy comes which should be soon, speaking of her why do you have that letter?' The letter in question was dirty and trodden on, the writing on the front barely legible. It floated over to her, resting on the counter.

'I f-found this on the street, Pinkie,' Rarity fidgeted, 'I have to go now,' she blurted, 'You know.. Making clothes!' She galloped out of the store, sweat on her brow.

'How did it go?'

'Not very well! I need to go get washed up now, I feel positively disgusting!' Rarity cantered away, leaving the mare in her wake.

Inside, Pinkie continued spinning around the kitchen. Absent-mindedly, she itched. When she put the blueberry muffins in, she noticed.

'GASP!' What Pinkie Sense was this? She'd never had it before. It was totally new. What does it mean? Distracted, the oven's alarm went unnoticed. The smell of burnt muffins cut through her trance like a hot knife through butter. Biting into one, she spat it out.

'This is not going to work. Hehe, I sound like Rarity!' Her pink mane bobbed around the kitchen, making another batch, while simultaneously cleaning up. Working on auto-pilot, the pink pony let her thoughts wander. Hmm, maybe I should talk to Twilight! But then she'll hook me up to the crazy machines again. Oh no, the muffins! Balancing the hot tray, she set them on a cooling rack expertly. Skipping around the kitchen once again, this time leaving it completely spotless. Satisfied, she returned to her earlier thoughts. Maybe this itchy hoof has something related to an itchy mane? That'd be that someone was about to reveal a secret! Ooh, I wonder what that secre- A thoughtful expression on her face, she hopped out to the counter.

'Hey Pinkie! Are the muffins ready?'

'Yep!' A box that wasn't there before had suddenly found it's way there. The mail-mare laid down ten bits on the counter, right next to the letter. Oh yeah, I have to read that! Maybe it'll have something to help me with this new Pinkie Sense! the door swung shut, informing Pinkie that Ditzy had gone home for the night. Picking up the bits, she dropped them into the bit register. Her eyes lingered on the letter. It was time. Between her teeth it felt dirty. Too dirty. She sneaked past the twins' room, waking them would just make this more difficult. Opening it, she prepared herself for it.

Phew. It was just your plain old ordinary dirty letter. No pranks from Rainbow. Tentatively, she took the paper out, and read it, her itchy hoof becoming normal without her realising.


Dear Pinkie,

Would you like to meet for a talk in the park at seven?


The letter dropped to the floor, nopony in the room. The kitchen was a flurry of activity.


Twigs and stones poked Pinkie's stomach. Lost in thought, she didn't feel a pony sit down.

'Pinkie,' The pony started.

'Twilight?' Her head tilted to the side

'I came up to meet you to tell you I'm sorry,' Twilight leaned towards her.

'Wh-' Eyes widening, then closing, she tasted magic. Magic in it's pure form, more powerful than the Elements of Harmony. Passionately, she kissed back. Coming up for air, Pinkie whispered.

'You don't know how lovely you are,'

'I tried to pull your puzzles apart. But questions of science don't speak as loud as my heart. I tried to figure you out, but figured out something about me,' Their minds flashed back to when Twilight had tried to figure out the Pinkie Sense. Pinkie looked down, her hoof not itchy anymore.

'Huh. I guess itchy hoof means I have a forgotten invitation. At least that's one puzzle solved,' She nuzzled the lavender mare. 'These are for you,' The box was warm from the delicacies inside.

'Oh, you shoul-' A sharp intake of air caught the scent of the cupcakes. A munching sound caught Pinkie's ears.

'I'm glad you like them!' Chuckling, she let Twilight dig in. They sat there, together, looking at the stars for hours, and Celestia's sun graced them with morning light. Music floated on the wind towards them. Something about it seemed familiar...

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are

I had to find you
Tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart

Tell me your secrets
And ask me your questions
Oh, lets go back to the start

Running in circles
Coming up tails
Heads on a science apart.

Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard

Oh, take me back to the start.

I was just guessing
At numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart

Questions of science
Science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart

Tell me you love me
Come back and haunt me
Oh, and I rush to the start

Running in circles
Chasing our tails
Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard

I'm going back to the start...


Celestia smiled at the two ponies on the hill. Deciding not to disturb them further, she continued into the Everfree forest.

'Celly, hurry up! I've been waiting for ages! I'm not staying here for 1000 years!' The corners of her mouth twitched up into a smile, and the two immortal beings met at the cliff, where a cotton candy cloud dripped chocolate rain. They sat down, watching the sunrise, together.


AN: This is just a short little story that I wrote, if you have any constructive criticism, please comment!