• Published 11th Jan 2014
  • 274 Views, 4 Comments

Our Quiet Tree - Foxes33

Sometimes young Mavis needs to escape her everyday life. The stress of school and social living gets to her head and she just needs her quiet place. Her little place of imagination where she is safe, but what if somepony follows her?

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Our Quiet Tree

Sometimes the pressure is too much for me to handle, mostly in school. The social injustice that was school if you were me, the groups, the bullies and the complications. Every teacher says, "don't worry, school is safe." Not true, they haven't been in my shoes. I go out into the hallways and get pushed, glares and looks that say they want to talk. Well all the other young adult ponies are calm and fine, there is me. I feel like I am the only one being bullied sometimes, I know it isn't true, but it feels like it. I try to tell people, but I come home with no cuts, no bruises and they don't believe. Yes maybe I am a young mare and the other ponies don't feel right hurting me, but the mean words.

They're like cruel cuts that dig deeper into my skin. My sister is fine, the world of the young is always so innocent. I know she has her problems, but it feels worst for me. She lived in a world of imagination, her mind so innocent. She didn't get treated badly for she was always quirky. She loved to talk and ponies loved to talk to her. Her cheerful voice and her spirit made ponies want to talk to her. However her being my little sister, she annoyed me too much, its just, she won't leave me alone. So sometimes I need to get away from it all, I just need to get away. Away from the terrible pressures and social annoyances.

That is when I go to my special place, to escape my life, just for a while. However one day it all changed, and now I know how important somepony is. It was Wednesday and I was only half way though the worst week in my life. I remember the end of school, how yesterday had passed so fast. My only friend had gone on a special family holiday, leaving me alone. Her leaving made me feel exposed. I was like a prey surrounded by predators. They were everywhere, each face was a predator, some hungry to hurt me, others just ignoring me. My heart was beating, and I knew this whole time I was nervous.

Their evil eyes staring into my soul, make my stomach twist and ached. I walked lonesomely down the hallway, trying to weave my way towards my locker. I had to be getting close, I had to get away from this terrible place. Drawing closer and closer, my heart began to beat faster and my eyes darted around in hopes nopony was coming. My stomach felt worst and worst as I continued down the hallway. Heat seemed to come over me as my nervous mood gained and I bit down on my bottom lip. My breathing seemed to heighten and move faster and faster.

I just have to get to my lock. I just have to get to my locker. Just my locker. Please let me be safe, please let me escape this terrible nightmare. I just want to get away! I though frantically. I could feel sweat coming from my forehead, making me whip it every so often. I felt as though they all could smell my fear as they glanced at me. It only made me feel more and more nervous, until I saw my locker at the end of the hallways. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath, so when I made it I breathed out. I smiled and poked up my glasses up.

I began to twist the arrow of the pad lock that kept my door shut. I remember my code, after memorizing it for hours one day to make sure. I put in my three digit combination, 19, 52, 3 and the lock opened. Its click was comforting, letting me know I was finally safe. My breathing soothed and my heart seceded its rapid beating. I began to put my books into the top shelf, organizing them carefully. Text books to the left, binders in the middles and anything else to the small about of room to the right. My saddlepack hung from the hooks along with my thin jacket.

That was when it happened, there was a loud slam against the locker next to me. My heart skipped a beat, I already knew, I was in deep trouble. I winced and stepped back from the locker beside me, but came to a brick wall. It stopped me from going any further, making me suffer this terrible fate. My heart began to beat rapidly and I began to bite down on my lip once again. Shadows surrounded be, taunting the fact that I had been caught by the terrible truth that was being here. A large stallion stood over, a smile on his face as his friends surrounded me.

I knew who he was, everyone did, he was popular. He wasn't the worst though, he almost seemed miles from it. I was more concerned on why was he here? I was concerned it was because of his marefriend, he became more and more furious when it was about her. I knew he was going give me homework, I could feel it in my gut. I gulped and I felt nervous heat come over my face, as I shrunk against their massive size. His smile was mischievous and was the look of evil it seemed. I felt small and more alone then ever, my friend was always here. She stuck up for me, now I was alone, prey among predators.

The smile sent shivers down my spine, cooling my face. I was terrified and who wouldn't be? I looked at the faces of his friends, it was far worst. There leader was Marlin, and his groupies were Ghost and Fisher. At least that was what they were called around school.

"Hey my Mavy Baby. I need a little favor." Marlin said with a soothing voice.

"I am not your Mavy Baby and I am not-" I began to retort, but held my tongue.

It was scary trying to stand up to them. I couldn't risk rumors, I had to wait. My friend would be back right on Monday, then I would be free from my curse. I would be under her protection.

"Oh, yes, don't snap Mavy. Listen to my favor. My beautiful flower Lotus needs her homework done and I told her I would help her out and strike a deal. So how about it Mavy? Oh wait, you don't get a choice!" Marlin laughed at the end and his groupies followed, then he smiled once again. "Have it done by Friday."

They soon left, only saying those few sentences, getting me wound up into homework. Luckily, I hardly get homework, I was the smart filly. I was at the top of the honor roll and every year I could be, I was the first on the list. Teachers asked me to tutor the lower students and often told m to put my hoof down when I wanted to answer a question. I answered too many anyways, but it was nice to be told, I felt better. I wasn't trying to mock the others, but sometimes, I just needed that little sentence to brighten up my day.

Yet at last, school was done and I couldn't hear the sentence to make me feel better. I had to take the papers Marlin had given me and pack them into my saddlepack. I kept it beside me and put on my light purple jacket on and opened the large doors into the stairwell. I had to pick up my sister and tell her to go home, because I had to go somewhere now. The only place that would comfort me and take me away from this terrible day. Mom wouldn't mind if I didn't come back yet, Rose was old enough to walk home by herself.

Mom didn't mind when I took her to the river once to look at the fish. Rose loved it so much and couldn't stop talking about it for a few months. That was 2 years ago and now she was now more annoying. Yes she was only 10, but she was tough and knew how to get home. I slowly walked down the stairwell that leading down to the exit. Going down the stairs I felt like my head the throbbing from all this pressure. School was hell, that was all I can say. It was a nuisance from the constant judging and rude looks. It never stopped!

No pony knew what I went through when I was there, no pony. Yes my friend knew, but she didn't know it from my point of view, its different, very much different. I looked down as I wandered down the stairs and towards the front doors. The chilly air washed over me, but didn't break through my purple windbreaker. I looked over at the right where the little school was, at least that was what we called it. I walked down the path, letting the wind embrace me. My breath turned to steam and weaved in the wind. I continued down the sidewalk to the other school where Rose would be waiting.

I looked on the other side of the fence where the daycare attached to my school. I was still a young student there, but I was bullied and teased constantly. I couldn't help, but to sigh just thinking about it. I just looked in at the fence, remembering the good days when my class wasn't divided, and now, it was torture. I got absorbed in staring at it, remembering the past, it hurt.

"Mavis! Mavis! Mavis!" I heard the cheerful chanting and snapped out of it.

My head swung left and saw my little sister. She was jumping up and down excited. Her eyes as bright as day and she seemed unharmed by the chilly wind that made breath freeze. She was smiling at me and I smiled back, but only briefly.

"Mavis I-" I cut her off.

"Listen Rose, I have to do something. Sorry. I will see you at home." I explained and began to walk the opposite way of home.

I would normally wait, but I was anxious and couldn't help it. i wanted to get to my special place as fast as possible. It was quiet and helped my mind to clear from the say clutters. I could do Lotus's homework later that day anyways. It was easy probably, I didn't need to look at it to know.

"Mavis-" Rose began once again.

I glanced back not even noticing her speak. I was excited to go to my special place, I was safe there. I could be free there and only there. I wanted to get there that I cut my sister off several times.

"Love you sis, bye." I said quickly and began to walk down the sidewalk.

The grey fence of the playground to my right as I continued forward. I knew mom wouldn't mind, it was mom's nature to let me do my thing. This was one of the things I needed to do. I needed my quiet place where I can be free and let myself be free. School was my terrible reality, but there was the definition of free. No bullies, no worries, it was like my home. I could only hear my hooves tap on the pavement I hurried towards my location. Yet I found myself paranoid and constantly looking behind me. I wanted nopony to know, not even my friend knew. It was my quiet place.

I walked down the sidewalk passing ponies until a dirt road out of town appeared and I went down it. Yes it was cold, but that no longer matters. I wanted sanction for a while, pure heaven that was my secret place. I looked at the trees and grass, it was far still. I couldn't take the agonizing wait. The dirt path was far from my desired location if I walked, but if I ran it came faster. My heart began to beat with the desire of getting there, it was now. I sped up, quickening my pace as I ran down the dirt path. If I cart came I would be in trouble, but that no longer mattered, I had to get there!

My mind was set, I had to. I ran, as fast as I could. My heart beat sped up and I could feel the blood pumping through my veins. I could feel the excitement down to my hooves as I turned the last corner to a skinny old dirt path. That was when it opened to a hill, too steep to climb though. Manehatten in the distanced, I marveled its beauty. My eyes watched it as I heard the quiet breeze and the tree against my back. The old apple tree, nopony came here. They didn't like it, there were better views of Manehatten and they ignored this one. I had been to the others, too me, this one was perfect.

It was peaceful and beautiful, it was my favorite place in the disappointing world. This world unleashed everything on me, but this was where I could sooth. I didn't want to get angered by the common world troubles. I wanted to feel free every once in a while. There was maybe nothing special, but I could sit here for hours and just look over the city. here I felt was the place I belonged. Who didn't long for a place where they felt like they had freedom? Not everypony got that, but mine was limited. I felt bad for the ponies who had none, at least I had this tree. This tree, my only freedom in this world where I am social dirt.

A smile fell upon my face, I couldn't help, but think perfect. This was my sanction, my perfect sanction.

"Mavis!" I heard from behind me.

My perfect vision snapped and looked to see my little sister. I was horrified, she had followed me here! I wondered how, I was faster then her, but then I noticed the deep indents. My running made tracks, easy to follow ones on these barren paths! My sister scampered towards me, and looked up at me.

"Rose! What are you doing here? I told you to go home!" I screeched.

Rose looked down for a second then back at me. Her eyes looked so innocent that day.

"I wanted to know where you were going. I am sorry." She whispered in a sad tone.

My eyes softened, she was my sister after all. Who was I to yell at her and tell her to leave? I certainly wasn't going to, I smiled.

"Its okay, nothing to be sorry for." I crooned.

She looked up at me and smile, her smile enough to say thank you. I knew though that it wouldn't be nice to tell her to go away. I had been trying to avoid being mean to my little sister and certainly avoid swearing. Then again I didn't swear much anyways. I looked back over Manehatten and watched as my sister's face lite up with astonishment.

"Wow," she breathed, a big smile upon her face.

I had accepted the fact she knew quickly only not to snap at her. I didn't want to be a mean big sister. It was goal, besides, if I made her mad, she would tell her friends and I would lose my special world. I would have to tell her to keep it quiet, not was the best time, before she got adsorbed into the scenery like I did.

"Listen, Rose." I started, keeping it calm.

She turned away and came closer to the tree, sitting next to me. She looked up at me with her big innocent eyes.

"What is it Mavis?" She asked in such a sweet way.

"Don't tell anypony about this place. This is my special place. My quiet tree." I explained.

"But Wisp and-"

She almost said, but my scowl of disapproval cut her off. She looked at me, smiled and nodded in agreement. My sister maybe was annoying, but I knew she would keep a secret, the fish wasn't a secret, but me losing my lunch one day was and she never told. I soon began to look at the scenery, my sister actually staying quiet. I was happy with her here.

"Mavis," she said in a worried voice, a concerning frown on her face.

"What is it?" I asked, concerned myself.

Rose looked at her hooves for support, what was wrong? My sister often came home happy, not sad. What made the difference now was all I could wonder.

"There is a bully at school." She admitted, tears welling in her eyes, "He won't leave me alone, an-and calls me a cry baby. I-I never cried at school."

I looked at her, maybe her life wasn't so easy. Being called a cry baby wasn't a big thing, but it was still rude non the less and still bullying. It had to be dealt with. Knowing my sister she probably told a lot of ponies, but nothing worked. Some bullies were like that, persistent. Then the teachers don't believe and you doubt your parents will, then you have nothing. This whole time I had been wrong, just because my memories when I was young were good, didn't mean hers were. I no longer knew what to say. I had the same problem, but I remembered what my friend told me. I remember.

"Stand up, tell him that your not, stick with your friends." I tried to help.

"I did, " she sniffled, "but he keeps saying it and he pushes me in the hallways knocks my books down. I can't get away!" She cried.

"I-I," I didn't know what to say, what was I to say?

"I need help. Please Mavis, help me," she cried, snuggling up close, tears flowing from her blue eyes.

I looked at her, I knew what it was like to need someone and not know who to turn to. It was the same, younger or older, it was the same. I frowned, but soon smiled and wrapped my arm around my sister. She needed me.

"I will. I will protect you." I crooned.

My sister perked up and lifted her head, tears still coming from her eyes. She smiled and looked at me in a sweet way. A way that made me feel warm inside and gave me a better desire to help. I had to, I didn't want her to swirl into misery. I was already far down with no chances of seeing the pale light at the end of the dark tunnel.

"You promise," she asked in a croak.

"I promise and I always do." I assured, hugging her.

She smiled wider, it stretched across her face she snuggled against me. It felt good to have done something good. Most ponies would think it was out of pity, but no. That was only one part, yes she was annoying, but she was my sister. I loved her like she did me. She needed my help, so that is what I would do, help.



"Why did I see you one day in the playground? Why were those other ponies talking to you? Why were you scared, your my big sister?" She asked.

That was 5 days ago and I was surprised. I didn't know she was there. I remember it all. Strike, another one of the many bullies, confronted me about getting one answer wrong. I got it wrong on accident, I was pressed for time because Mr. Flake had to assign us a lot of homework. Reason being that school was cancelled due to technical problems. Most learning was online now, so it only made sense to close school, well for the school board. It took 3 days to be fixes because of old broken cords under the ground. I had servery misspelled the final answer since I didn't have much time left. Strike had told his parents he would get 100% and were surprised at the misspelling on the final answer.

Strike maybe seemed like a no brained jock, but he was surprising good at spelling. So he had gotten angry and I had cringed instantly. He threatened me and next thing I knew, I was begging for him to give me another chance. I didn't know my sister was watching the whole time. I took a deep long breath. Raking my mind, thinking of what to tell her.

"Its complicated."

She looked up at me with nice eyes. Her eyes were soft as she looked at me. It was as though she was begging me to explain. I knew then, she would understand, we were more similar then I had once thought. Maybe she would. I never talked to her about these things. I always thought of her as my annoying little sister who understood nothing. Somepony who I had to treat nicely even though she annoyed me so much. Somepony who I shared a bond with although we weren't that close. I gazed at her, looking her in her blue eyes.

Her fur was still soaked from the tears she had shed. The sadness that I helped her get through.

"Please tell me," she begged.

"They make me do their work. They bully me Rose. I can't do thing about." I explained, frowning and looking at my hooves.

She looked at me, smiling with bright blue eyes. She cheered me up a little, but not enough to make the frown dissipate from my sad face. I was depressed to think of the horrid days that haunted me through my life. They were a never ending struggle, I couldn't break free. I was bound by shinning steel chains, ones that wouldn't rust in the sweet rain of freedom.

"Don't worry I will protect you. Your my hero." Rose crooned, snuggling up to me once again.

I smiled, and felt tears wanting to come to my eyes, but stayed strong. We had never been this close and this hour or less had been the best. By far this was what was great in this world. Life was nothing without family or friends to support you. I knew now I was allowed to be free. I just had to be the change. I had to stand up and I knew now, I would.

"Mavis, can I come back to your quiet tree with you?"

"No, because that is no question you need to ask. For this is our quiet tree." I answered, smiling.

That one day changed my life. People commit the act of suicide because they feel lonely or depressed, before the thought may drift my ever searching mind, but our quiet tree saved me. My sister saved me. I no longer felt alone and as the days went on I stood up for her against the rude stallion who had bullied her. I set her free from the bindings that were bullying. Soon after, the next time I was told to do work, I said no. They said I wasn't sane, but I walked away. I wanted freedom, I wanted to be happy, not bound by the steel chains. I was no longer to be their slave dog. Yes rumors were spread, but I shattered them with proof it never happened.

I knew I had shattered there dark and evil illusion. It would take a while until I regained friendship with some of my lesser friend, but I no longer cared. I had my one friend and my sister. When my friend came back she was proud, she said I did a good. Soon enough with the support of Rose, I told my parents, and they heard the story and believed us. They told us they were proud. They said we bonded and I believed it to be true. I knew it was true. Not many realize what one day can do. We have the power to change the world.

My sister and I work together now, we made a support club to help foals stand up to bullies and to create friendship. Where they can learn was to do. No matter what, we vowed to believe them and help them in their time of need. Besides, everyone in this world needs a friend, somepony to turn to at the very least. When the teachers gave up, we didn't. We were there for the young foals in need of help to defend against the injustice that is bullying. We helped, there was less reports of bullying. All of this, because we stood up. I never thought I belonged in this world. Until that day under the quiet tree, where my sister showed me, I am never alone, because I always have my sister.

Comments ( 4 )

I think the word you were looking for is "peers" (over the city), unless it's a pear tree. A very big pear tree. :pinkiehappy:


Oh kk, I will fix, thanks :twilightsmile:


Thanks, I don't do many short stories.

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