• Published 11th Jan 2014
  • 10,447 Views, 45 Comments

Joshua's Days in Equestria - jkreader

A group of one-shots that shows Joshua's days of growing up in Equestria

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*Joshua’s P.O.V.*

I had just woken up. Nyx wasn't in the bed this morning. I was confused. Where was she? I then saw a note on the bed.

Dear Joshua,

Nyx and I had something important to attend to this morning, but Spike will be here when you wake up to help you with breakfast. We’ll see you later today, though.



I got up, got dressed, and went downstairs to see Spike up and dusting the library.

“Good morning, Spike,” I said. He turned and looked at me.

“Morning, bro,” he said, “Would you like some breakfast?”

“Yes, please,” I said following him into the kitchen. Spike set out a cereal bowl and a spoon on the table for me. I went to the pantry to grab a cereal to pour for myself. After I had my breakfast, I went to brush my teeth. After that, I went downstairs and saw Spike was feeding Peewee.

“Hey Spike?” I said to him.

“Yeah?” he replied.

“What did Mommy and Nyx have to do?”

“They went to find their friends to talk to them about something,” he said looking at me with a smile.

“Oh,” I said, “I’m going to try and find them, okay?”

“Sure,” he said, “Just be careful out there, alright?”

That last part he said had me confused. Why would I need to be careful? I left the library and shut the door behind me. I started walking through Ponyville looking for Mommy and Nyx. I was walking by Diamond Tiara’s house when I saw her step out.

“Hey Joshua!” she said.

I saw Silver Spoon come up next to her.

“Hey girls,” I said.

“Do you mind coming inside for a sec?” Diamond Tiara said to me waving a hoof toward her. I walked towards them. When I got inside, Diamond Tiara closed the door behind her.

“Girls, have you two seen Nyx at all today?” I asked them.

“She came by here a few minutes ago. She left us with a rather interesting fact about you,” Silver Spoon said with a smirk as she and Diamond Tiara walked closer to me.

“What do you mean?” I asked getting nervous and backing up. I bumped into a chair as they got closer, both of them smirking.

“She said that you were... ticklish,” Diamond Tiara said as she and Silver Spoon pushed me onto the chair I had my back against.

“Oh no,” I said. I was now lying down on the chair, and the two fillies were standing on either side of me. I tried getting up, but they both placed one hoof on both of my hands and pushed me back down.

“Nice try,” Diamond Tiara said, “But you’re not getting away that easily.” She then looked at Silver Spoon and placed her other hoof on my chest. “Silver Spoon, how about we see how ticklish he really is?”

“Why not?” Silver Spoon replied placing her other hoof my chest. The two of them began rubbing their hooves on my chest really quickly, making me laugh.

“AHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!” I laughed, “Stop! I can’t take it!”

“What was that?” Diamond asked, “You can take it? Let’s double the treatment, Silver Spoon.”

“You got it!” she said. The two of them leaned their noses in and started nuzzling my cheeks, making me laugh harder.

“Please!” I said having a little trouble breathing while laughing, “Stop!”

They didn't stop though. They continued tickling my belly and nuzzling my cheeks for a little bit more. Soon, they lifted their hooves off my hands and chest and moving their noses off my cheeks. I wrapped my arms around my chest and continued laughing a little bit more until I stopped.

“You alright?” Diamond Tiara asked me after I caught my breath.

“Yeah, I think so,” I said getting up, “Why did Nyx tell you two I was ticklish?” They didn't answer; they just smiled at me. “She said not to tell?” They nodded. “Well, I’m going to find her and ask her myself,” I said standing up.

“Bye, Joshua!” they said as I walked out.

“Bye girls!” I said to them.

Later I was walking by Sugarcube Corner to see if maybe Mommy was there. She wasn't though. And neither was Pinkie Pie. I was about to leave Sugarcube Corner when I heard a giggle behind me. I turned around to see who giggled, but I didn't see anypony. I saw a piece of paper taped to the wall with an arrow drawn on it pointing upstairs. I was curious. I walked over to the stairs and saw more pieces of paper with arrows drawn on them all the way up. I walked up the stairs and saw the pieces of paper with arrows continued. I followed them until I found Pinkie’s room. Her door was wide open. I walked in wondering if who made that giggle downstairs was in here. Just then, I heard the door close behind me. I turned around and saw Pinkie had her hoof on the door. She also had her big smile on her face.

“Hi Joshie!” she said to me taking her hoof off the door.

“Hi Pinkie,” I said, “Was that you giggling a little while ago?”

“Yeppers!” she said, “and I’ve got a little surprise for you.” She started walking over to me.

“What is it Pinkie?” I asked.

“Oh, nothing much,” she said as she stopped in front of me tucking in her forelegs. “Twilight came by today and told me something that I found cute.”

Uh oh.

“She told you I’m ticklish?” I asked.

“Mmmm-hmmmm,” Pinkie said slowly. I turned around and tried running away, not wanting to get tickled again, but Pinkie caught me in her forehooves and pulled me against her. “Oh, no you don’t!” she said. She then moved me around in her forelegs until she had me laying down in one of them like how you hold a baby in one arm. I looked up at her and she was still smiling. She then put her other foreleg on my chest and began tickling me with it.

“HEHEHEHE!!!” I laughed, “NO!!! NOT AGAIN!!!” I tried to take Pinkie’s foreleg off my chest, but she had it in place. I couldn’t move it. “STOP PINKIE!!! HAHAHAHA!!! NO MORE!!!”

“More?” Pinkie asked, “You asked for it!” She then pulled my shirt up and blew a raspberry on my tummy, making me laugh harder.

“PLEASE, STOP IT!!!” I said still laughing.

After another raspberry, she stopped. I was able to catch my breath.

“Wait,” I said, “If Spike said Mommy and Nyx were talking to their friends about something... Oh no, they told them all what they told you, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon.”

“If I were you,” Pinkie said whispering in my ear, “I’d stay hidden for a little while if you don’t want that.”

“That might be a good idea,” I said to her, “I’ll see you later, okay Pinkie?”

“Bye for now, Joshie!” she said opening the door for me.

After I left Sugarcube Corner, I tried to be careful of where I went while in Ponyville. If Mommy and Nyx told all their friends, I was in for a lot of tickles. I know Rainbow would catch me easily if Mommy told her. Also, if Nyx told Dinky I was ticklish, she wouldn't stop if she caught me.

While I was thinking, I found myself in front of the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse. I didn't hear any noise coming from inside. Either the Crusaders weren't there or they were hiding and waiting for me to come in. I decided to take a peek inside.

Big mistake.

I stuck my head in the doorway, when I felt somepony push me inside with their head. I turned my head and saw a pink bow behind the pony’s head. Apple Bloom. When she pushed me all the way into the clubhouse, the door closed. Scootaloo was the one who did that. Then, I saw Sweetie Belle come out from under the table. How did I not see her there?

Then, all three of them stood in a line in front of me. I gulped.

“H-Hi girls,” I said, “What’s going on?”

They didn't say anything. They just smiled at me.

“Nyx told you, didn't she?” I asked.

They nodded. Apple Bloom then grabbed one of Scootaloo’s feathers with her mouth and took it out of Scoot's wing.

“Ow!” Scootaloo said. Apple Bloom then turned back to me. They all grinned at me mischievously.

"Hold him down, girls," Apple Bloom said with the feather still in her teeth. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walked towards me. Then they grabbed me with their forehooves and laid me down on my back. Apple Bloom then put the feather down and began taking off my shoes and socks with her mouth.

"Not there Apple Bloom!" I said, "Please not there!"

She didn't listen to me. Instead, she, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all took a deep breath and yelled, "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS TICKLE MONSTERS!!! YAY!!!" Apple Bloom then took the feather back into her mouth and started tickling my bare feet with it. That spot is where I'm really ticklish.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" I laughed. I couldn't help it; they had me held down, and I was laughing too hard to concentrate on my magic to make them stop. Just then, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo each put a hoof on my chest and tickled me there while Apple Bloom kept on tickling my bare feet with the feather. "PL-PL-PLEASE!!! STOP!!!" I said still laughing.

They didn't stop tickling me, though; they kept going. After a couple more minutes, Sweetie Belle spoke up.

“Okay girls,” she said, “Let’s let him breathe.”

They finally stopped and backed away from me. I stopped laughing and sat up to look at the Crusaders.

“We should’ve tried this long ago,” Apple Bloom said, "That was fun!"

"It sure was," Scootaloo said, "Even if we didn't get cutie marks from it."

“You girls aren't the first ones to tickle me today,” I said to them.

“Who was the first one?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“It was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, then Pinkie,” I replied, “But you girls were really good in tickling my feet. I’m still trying to find Mommy and Nyx. Do you know where they are?”

“Nope,” Scootaloo said, “Nyx left just as soon as she came.”

“Well, I’m going to see if I can find them,” I said going to the door, “Bye girls.”

“Bye, Joshua!” they said.

After I got down the ramp, I felt myself being lifted off the ground really quickly.

“WHOA!” I said. I looked down the ground was really far down below. I then saw two blue forehooves wrapped around my chest.

“Rainbow Dash?” I said.

“Yep!” said Rainbow’s voice above me.

“Why did you pick me up, where are we going, and did you see Mommy today?” I asked her.

“You’ll have to wait and see, my house, and yes,” Rainbow answered.

“Your house?!” I said now scared. Mommy told me only pegasi and alicorns can walk on clouds. Unicorns, earth ponies, and humans couldn't though!

“Don’t worry, dude,” she said, “Your mom took care of that problem. She put a cloud-walking spell on you while you were asleep.”

I felt better now, but I was still wondering why Rainbow was taking me to her house. Unless...

“Did... Mommy tell you?” I asked her.

Rainbow didn't answer me. I looked ahead and saw her house coming closer. When we were inside, Rainbow moved her forehooves to under my arms.

“Alright, first let’s see if it worked,” she said slowly bringing me down to the floor of her cloud house. When one foot touched the cloud, it sunk in a little but didn’t fall all the way through. I brought the other foot down, and it did the same. Rainbow then let go of me, and I kept standing.

“Hey, it does work!” I said.

“Now as for your earlier question,” Rainbow said as she landed next to me, “Yes, she did tell me. She told both of us actually.”

“Us?” I asked.

“Us,” said a quiet voice. I looked behind me and saw Fluttershy. She had one of her feathers in her teeth. I looked back at Rainbow and saw she had one of her feathers in her teeth too.

“Oh no, not feather tickling again!” I said.

“Somepony already got you with that?” Rainbow asked as she and Fluttershy got closer.

“Apple Bloom did with one of Scootaloo’s feathers,” I said.

“Well, now it’s time to get double the treatment,” Rainbow said smirking. I backed up until I fell backwards on top of something. It was a cloud that was as a little bigger than me. Rainbow placed stood on one side while Fluttershy stood on the other side. Both of them grabbed my hands with their hooves and used their feathers to tickle my sides, making me laugh again.

“HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!” I laughed, “I...I...I...can’t help it!!!”

“We’ll stop eventually,” Fluttershy said, “But Rainbow and I just want to have some fun with you.”

I was laughing too hard to say something else. Feather tickling tickled more than being tickled on the feet. After a few more minutes of tickling, they stopped. Fluttershy and Rainbow spit the feathers out of their mouths, and Fluttershy was next to me a second later.

“Are you okay?” she asked me as she pulled my shirt back down over me, “We didn’t tickle you too much, did we?”

“No, it’s okay Fluttershy,” I said, still giggling, “Everypony has been tickling me all day. It’s not that bad though.”

“Oh, okay,” she said.

"Hey," Rainbow said to me, "Sorry if I scared you by snatching you up like that earlier."

"You did scare me a little bit," I said, "But it's okay. I know you didn't mean to. Can you take me back down to the ground, though?"

"Sure," she said. She picked me up, placed me on her back, and walked out the door. I turned back around to wave goodbye to Fluttershy.

"Bye, Fluttershy," I said.

"See you later, Joshua," she said.

Rainbow flew me back down to the ground near where she found me and placed me back down. She then flew away.

"See ya around!" she said zooming off.

"Bye, Rainbow!" I called to her, "Now where was I? Oh yeah! Trying to find Mommy and Nyx. Maybe Applejack saw them."

When I got to Sweet Apple Acres, I saw Big Mac bucking apple trees.

"Hey Big Mac!" I said to him. He turned to look at me and smiled.

"Howdy," he said.

"Did Mommy come by here?" I asked.

"Eeyup," he said.

"Is she still here?"


"Did she talk to Applejack?"


"Is she here?"


"Is it okay if I go see her?"


"Thanks Big Mac," I said walking toward the barn house, "Bye."

"Bye for now," he said going back to bucking.

When I got to the house, I knocked on the door, Applejack answered it a few seconds later.

"Hey sugarcube!" she said, "You're just in time for lunch. Why don't y'all c'mon in?"

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Sure Ah'm sure," she said, "Rarity and Ah could use some more company."

"Okay, thanks," I said stepping in. I followed her into the kitchen and saw Rarity sitting at the table already.

"Hello there, darling!" she said smiling when she saw me.

"Hi Rarity," I said to her. I walked over to the table and sat down next to her.

After we all had lunch, Rarity and Applejack took me into the living room, and we all sat down.

"So Joshua," Rarity said, "What have you been up to today?"

"Walking around Ponyville," I said. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either.

"Anything else?" she asked again. My cheeks started feeling warmer when she asked that. Rarity and Applejack smiled and giggled at me. "I think I know what else."

"Somethin' is tellin' me that you don't want to say what it is though, right?" Applejack asked me. I nodded. "Well, Twilight came by earlier and said somethin' intersetin' about ya to us."

The two of them got off their seats and started walking toward mine. I didn't try to get away, because Rarity would probably catch me with her magic. I just pushed back into my seat. When they got close enough, they each put a hoof on me and started tickling me. Once again, I started laughing.

"NOT AGAIN!!!" I said laughing, trying to curl up to stop them, but it wasn't working. They kept on tickling me. "PLEASE!!! STO-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HOP!!!"

"What was that, sweetie?" Rarity asked, "Keep going?"

"Well, he asked for it," Applejack said. They then placed their other forehooves on my chest and tickled me more, making me laugh harder. I was laughing too hard to say anything else. Soon though, they took their hooves off, with me still giggling.

"Sorry about that darling,"Rarity said, "We couldn't help ourselves." She then nuzzled my belly, making me giggle again.

"If you're wonderin' where Twilight is, she went back to the library after she finished speakin' with us," Applejack said.

"Okay, thank you," I said after I finished giggling, "Bye, Rarity. Bye Applejack." I gave them both goodbye hugs before leaving the barn. Just then, I heard somepony galloping toward me.

"Oh Joshie!"

Uh oh. There were only two ponies who called me that: Pinkie and Dinks. And that was not Pinkie's voice.

I turned around and saw Dinky running to me.

"Better get ready for a big tickling, Joshie!" she said getting closer to me.

"You'll have to catch me first!" I said starting to run away.

"You're not going to get away that easily!" she said running after me. Dinky chased me all over Ponyville while I tried to get away from her. I got back to the library, went in, and closed the door behind me. I saw Mommy and Nyx inside when I got in. They looked up when I came in.

"Hey, Joshua," Mommy said, "What's up?"

"Dinky's coming for me!" I said running to the stairs, "If she gets me, she won't stop!"

"Stop what?" Nyx asked me.

"Tickling me!" I said closing the bedroom door. I then ran over to mine and Nyx's bed and crawled under it. A couple minutes later, I heard the door open.

"Joshie?" Dinky called out to me in a sing-song, "Where are you?" I heard her close the door to the bedroom behind her. "You can't hide from me. I'm going to find you." Her voice was right near the bed. I saw her hooves standing right in front of my face. Her face the appeared in front of mine as she looked under the bed. "BOO!" she said.

"Ah!" I yelped. I tried backing away, but her hooves caught one of my hands and she pulled me out from under the bed. I tried to pull away from her, but she then pushed me down onto the floor on my back. I tried to cover my chest, but she put her hooves on it before I could.

"Nice try, but you can't avoid getting a tickle from me," she said, "And before you ask, yes, Nyx told me."

I tried to put my hands on her hooves to lift them off, but she started tickling me before I could.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I laughed, "D-D-Dinks! I've been tickled all day! I don't think I can take any more!"

"Huh?" Dinky asked playfully, "You think you can take more? You got it!" She started tickling my chest more and started nuzzling one of my cheeks making me laugh harder.

Just then, I felt my shoes and socks being taken off. I opened an eye and saw Mommy standing there using her magic to take them off. Dinky looked back at her and winked. Mommy smiled and walked back downstairs. I then felt Dinky's tail brush against my bare feet. It was starting to become too much for me.

"NONONONONONO!!!" I said still laughing, "Not there, Dinks! HEHEHEHE!!! Please not there!"

"Did you say tickle you there?" she asked, "Okay, if you say so."

She started brushing her tail on my feet faster, making me laugh even harder.

"P-P-PLEASE!!!" I said laughing with tears falling out, "STO-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HOP!!!"

She tickled me for a little bit more, and then she finally stopped. The both of us were laughing and rolling on the floor after she finished.

"Oh boy!" she said, "That was the most fun I've had in a long time!"

I was still giggling after she said that.

"Y'know Joshie," she said looking at me, "If you wanna know, I'm pretty ticklish myself."

I smiled mischievously to myself. I looked over at Dinky, sat up, and started tickling her. She burst into giggles as I did. I tickled her everywhere I could, on her chest, her sides, and the bottom of her hooves. She seemed giggle even more when I tickled her on her hooves. Probably because my fingers tickled more than hooves did.

What a day this has been. Being tickled by my friends, Mommy's friends, and my filly friend. I hope I would get a break from it for a while.

Author's Note:

Another big thanks to xd77 for the idea for this chapter.

CMC - Now You're In For It Vector by Firestorm-CAN on deviantART.