• Published 11th Jan 2014
  • 707 Views, 3 Comments

The Black Scroll - Spartan-Guy 88

Twilight and Rainbow Dash find a mysterious black scroll.

  • ...

The Only Chapter


“This is the final straw! How is it that my dear sister is able to install of these cursed trap doors and walls without my knowledge? Does she not realize just how sacred this castle is? It once housed the Three Rulers-Commander Hurricane, Chancellor Puddinghead, and Princess Platinum as well as their rightful heirs and families- for generations long before the cruel rein of Discord. Yet Celestia seems to find great joy in these practical jokes of hers. How dare she desecrate a place of honor? I thought I had my temper under control; but now she has installed a new trap ON MY OWN THRONE! No more! I shall show my dear sister that she’s not the only one with a massive sense of humor. First I’ll need to find Starswirl the Fourth and have him-”

“Ugh!” Rainbow Dash groaned as she set her ninth book aside; “Another freaking diary! How many of these did Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have anyway?!”

“Well they did rule over Equestria for over two millennia before the first Nightmare Moon incident. So it was only natural that they would have to get new diaries when they didn’t have any more room to write in their old ones.” Twilight responded from the other side of the room.

Rainbow Dash scoffed as she grabbed another book; “Yeah? Well did most of them have to be about the numerous pranks they pulled on each other? Seriously, I bet there’s enough prank logs in these things that would make even Pinkie Pie blush; and you KNOW how much she loves pranks.”

It was a little bit past Noon in the Ponyville Library as the lavender Alicorn and the light-blue Pegasus sat in the main study reading through the numerous books and scrolls they’ve brought back with them after their first visit to the Old Canterlot Castle. Twilight was determined that whatever clues that would lead towards the location of the six keys needed to open the mysterious chest from the Tree of Harmony, or information regarding the chest in general, could be found in any of the old writings of the castle.

Many would question Rainbow Dash- a Pegasus whom thrilled for speed, dreamed of joining the Wonderbolts, and captain of the Ponyville Weather Patrol- and her decision to aid Twilight in her long and tedious task of finding any information. The speedy Pegasus however still to this date felt guilty over her part in what has been named, “That Time Twilight Freaked Out Over that Certain Exercise Tool that Shall Not Be Named”. Knowing full well that she would be missing out on other more fun things to do for what was supposed to be her day off, Rainbow felt obligated to make it up to Twilight’s past mental torture and help her read through all the books and scrolls.

Their concentration was broken when Spike entered the room with a tray containing a couple of daisy sandwiches and two glasses of iced tea.

“You two have been in here for a while, you’re gonna have to take a break sooner or later. Preferably sooner.” Spike said as he set the tray down on the center table.

Rainbow Dash was more than eager to leave her station. “Couldn’t agree with you more!” She said as she trotted over to the table to get her sandwich and tea.

Twilight gave the book she was reviewing one last look before leaving a book-mark on the page she was on, closing said book, and trotted over to the table to join them.

“Spike, you never cease to amaze me.” She said with a smile.

“It’s no problem at all.” Spike replied, “I’m just glad you two aren’t mad at me for that comic book thing anymore.”

This caught the attention of both mares as they gave him a slightly confused look.

“Whoa, hold on a second;” Rainbow Dash said, “We weren’t mad at you at all!”

Spike for his part gave her a disapproving frown, “Oh yeah? Then why did you two and the others look so cross with me after I mentioned just where I got that comic from?”

Twilight explained, “That was because we were more agitated with the comic book store itself for not putting a clear enough disclaimer on their comics for being enchanted. Oh Spike, we’re so sorry for giving you the idea that we were mad at you.” She finished with an apology.

“Yeah,” Rainbow added, “I guess we didn’t really make that clear when we left the castle. Sorry about that.”

Spike thought over what he had just heard, then sighed and replied, “That actually makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. As long as you girls weren’t mad at me, I guess we can move on then, right?”

“Exactly.” Twilight spoke. She then gestured over to a small tray containing several scrolls; “Whenever you get the chance, could you send those to Princess Celestia. They’re my reports on the mysterious chest and the keys that go with it.”

Spike replied as he began to walk out of the room, “Sure thing, I just need to help Lyra Heartsrings find books about mystical creatures from alternate worlds.”

Twilight and Rainbow sat in silence, both eating their sandwiches for several moments. Rainbow Dash finally broke the silence.

“So, any luck on any of the stuff you've been reading?” She asked.

Twilight shook her head; “I’m afraid not. All I got were a couple of outdated cookbooks and some blueprints of some additions they planned on making onto the castle before the First Nightmare Moon incident. I couldn't find anything concerning the mysterious chest.”

Rainbow Dash gave a small huff before saying, "Well we'd better find something soon. Look Twilight, I know we had to give up the Elements to save that tree and stop the Everfree Forest from invading Equestria, but I still don't like the idea of not having the very things we'll need in the event that either Discord decides to have a party or if something or someone decides to show themselves."

Twilight sighed, "I know it was a huge risk Dash but-"

"I know Twilight." Rainbow cut in, "It was the only way to save the Princesses. You know I don't blame you for that. The same thing goes for the others."

"I didn't think..." Twilight started before staring at an object behind her friend, "...Hey, look at that scroll behind you."

Turning her head, Rainbow Dash saw what Twilight was referring to: A rolled up scroll with black parchment.

"Huh." Rainbow Dash injected, "I didn't notice that one until right now. It's not like the other scolls we've seen."

Twilight replied as she grabbed the scroll with her magic and floated it towards them, "Looks like it. This could be it right here."

Rainbow Dash nudged her, "Well let's open it!"

Ignoring her friend's impatience, Twilight unfolded the scroll and held it out in front of them both.

The only problem was that the scroll was blank. No words or images were visibly seen. Twilight held the scroll up to the light, refolded and unfolded the scroll once more, checked the back end of it; yet all yielded the same result as the first time they've seen it.

"Seriously?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "Now we're dealing with blank scrolls and books?! That's exactly what we need right now..."

"Wait! Look! Something is appearing!" Twilight cried as she pointed towards the scroll.

Sure enough, a small image was slowly coming to surface of the scroll. Twilight and Rainbow leaned in closer, trying to get a better view of the still growing image. The both remained still, waiting for something to happen...


















"You spin me right round baby right round
Like a record baby
Right round round round"

"You spin me right round baby right round
Like a record baby
Right round round round"

"So...what did you say you needed these for?" Spike asked as he handed a third book over to Lyra Heartstrings whom was in the process of skimming over the other two.

"For my research into discovering the truth." Lyra responed without looking away from her reading material.

Spike cocked his head, "...The truth about what?"

Lyra this time did turn towards him, "Humans and where they live. They all laughed at me back at Canterlot; some laugh at me here in Ponyville; my parents laughed up a storm; even my closest friend Bon Bon finds it all amusing." She said with an incresingly crazed look in her eyes; "Well when I do find one, I'll put it in a glass cage for the world to see. We'll see who's laughing when they see it!"

One short pause later...

"Oh, and do you by any chance have anything on interior decorating. Bon Bon wants to hang up new wallpaper in our living room." Lyra asked, her tone changed back to normal.

Spike rolled his eyes as he replied, "I'm sure I can find something like that around-"



Spike and Lyra both jumped in surprise at the sudden loud noises coming from upstairs. Turning towards said stairs, they both bare witness to a scroll rolling down the stairs; folding back up in the process. After landing at the base of the stairs, the Unicorn mare and the baby dragon approached the scroll. Spike picked it up and found some text written on the side.

He turned towards Lyra and asked, "Hey Lyra? Do you have any idea what 'Meatspin' is?"

"No idea." Lyra responded.

Author's Note:

Yeah... that just happened. The Internet is a scary place children. Tread lightly.

Comments ( 3 )


But this was awesome.

I facedesk'd after they opened it.. just... wow.
Really? I mean... really...
Who thinks of stuff like that?! :rainbowlaugh:

I demand more of this awesome

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