• Published 18th Mar 2012
  • 568 Views, 16 Comments

A newcomer lurks - FelixVerricht

Just a little slice of life. A new pony comes to town and feels slightly out of place.

  • ...

Enter Snow

A loud hissing noise filled the kitchen joined by the presence of steam as the water in the kettle reached the temperature correct temperature. Snow slowly walked over to the cupboard and one by one retrieved; some cheap instant coffee, a small pot of sugar . His house was a mess and he needed to buy sugar again. But disregarding these things he was happy. To other ponies his house would be classified messy but to him it was lived in and very functional. All the composed his house was his small bedroom, a kitchen and the required amenities. His life in Ponyville had been good so far no hitches of any sort. But so far he hadn’t made any friends; otherwise it was nice. He sat down at a small table near the kettle as he sat he accidently kicked his ice hockey skates which were under the table.

“Oh yeah that’s right no ice in Ponyville until winter” Snow sighed heavily as he began to sip his coffee.
Every week he had to take a train to Ponyval to go skating at their indoor centre. The train fee wasn’t expensive but going on it a couple of times a week was a bit pricey but definitely worth it.
Finishing off his coffee he stood up and headed to the front door to walk to the store and retrieve some more sugar. Stirrup Street was as usual bustling at this early morning hour. It may have been a bit odd to other ponies. A young colt such as himself with his own house he did get odd looks here and their probably as for now he was a bit of a shut in. He was a very social pony but was a bit shy when it came to introducing himself.

He was so busy with his usual day dreaming that he ran into a certain orange earth pony dropping the small bag of coins under the crook of his wing.

“Oh I’m sorry miss I didn’t see you there” Snow said
“Aw that’s alright sugarcube , just keep your head on the ground next time you looked like you were day dreaming.” Applejack said with a smile
“Yeah I’ve been known to do that from time to time.” Snow said as he continued his route down Stirrup Street.
“Hey how come ah don’t recognise.” Applejack queried
Snow turned around to face her again “ I’m pretty new in town.”
“Well that’s no reason to not introduce yourself” Said with a warm smile “Did yall move in with your parents?” Applejack queried
“Heh, well the thing is” Snow said rubbing a hoof across the back of his head. “ I live by myself down the road there.” Snow was almost as tall as Applejack how could she tell he was not older than 16 ?
Applejack realising she may have struck a nerve stopped her line of questioning “ Oh okay then. Well don’t be stranger okay. Be sure to say hello.”
“Will do.” Snow said waving a hoof over his head as he walked away.
“That’s a might odd. Ah’ll have to check in on him.” Applejack quickly snapped back to attention as a customer approached her stall carrying a basket of apples.

Snow had spent more time than he had planned to. He’d reached sugarcube corner and purchased what he needed but couldn’t resist some sugary treats as he had a massive sweet tooth. ( Probably the reason his sugar disappears so fast.) With some suggestions from Pinkie pie he tried some of the delicious cakes and other decadent and chocolaty treats. The cakes sure did know how to makes some good, well cake.

By the time he got home he checked his watch to see that it was 10:00 AM and he’d left at about 7:30. “Uh oh” Snow was all a fluster gathering up his hockey skates and running down to the station as he might miss his train if he didn’t hurry. As he rushed down he collided into a purple unicorn that was absorbed in a book. His hockey skates flew into the air and landed their laces getting tangled around her horn.
“Oh god I’m so sorry.” Snow apologised for running into someone for the second time today
“That’s perfectly alright” Twilight said staring at the tangle around her horn. “Hey these are ice skates aren’t they ?” Twilight said quizzically. “But what’s with their funny shape?”
“What do you mean” Snow said
“Shouldn’t they have a spike here?” Twilight said pointing towards the front of the skate that was exposed due to the covers falling off in the collision.
“Oh. You’re thinking of figure skates. I have hockey skates they’re slightly different the blades aren’t as long and you can’t do as many jumps with these.”
“Hmm interesting you’ll have to show me some time. Uhh wait who am I speaking to?” Twilight couldn’t see Snow behind the skates draped over her face she was confronted by the 16 year old colt with a multi coloured main and a dark blue coat.
“I’m Snow.” He said before realising his train was leaving the station. “Blast!”
“Well it was mighty nice talking to you but I gotta fly.” Snow quickly grabbed up the four hockey skates by the strings holding them in his mouth as he took to the skies hopefully he would get there in time.
“Guh fhy dedn’t I fly to skhating behure.” Snow said face hoofing. He was easily getting there before the train would so he definitely wouldn’t be late.
Both Applejack and Twilight met each other after their mishaps with the newcomer to town.
“Hey Twi.” Applejack said “have you seen this new fella bout town, he’s bout yay high with a dark blue coat.”
“Yeah I ran into him at the train station and he was carrying some odd looking ice skates even though it’s not winter very odd. “Twilight said with a quizzical look.
“Yeah ah say we give him a visit. Even though he’s so young he lives by himself. Which is rather odd?”
“Excellent idea it’s time to quiz this newcomer to town. But where does he live?”
“That new house that sold down the road he said he lived near the end of Stirrup Street.”
“Alright then we’ll pay him a visit.”

Snow had tired himself out after skating he had returned home at about 4:00PM after a couple of hours of skating. He still had some ice in his mane and had some wet spots and small grazes on him from falling over on rough ice after being dared to do a cartwheel by one of the better skaters there that could do one which he still marvelled at the ability to pull on off. He could have easily done something more impressive by using his wings but it didn’t feel right to use them. And he was the only pegasus that ever went there but regardless he was welcomed into the group of people there and he still has friends there so he didn’t feel quite so estranged as he did in Ponyville.
He was flying over ponyville but he was too exhausted to keep going so he landed at least two blocks from his house. He quickly threw his skates which were dripping with water from the recently melted ice over his shoulder. He slowly walked to the door and reached for the key finding out that it was already unlocked. Snow shrugged “I’m forgetful sometimes forgot to lock the door.” As he walked inside he noticed another peculiarity the lights were on.

When he reached the dining room he was greeted by Twilight and Applejack. Much to both of the mares surprise he walked past them and grabbed and rag to dry off his skates with. After he’d finished he turned and issued the two mares.
“Well what can I help you two with?” Snow said hitting the button on the kettle.
The two mares looked him over with quizzical looks he had small grazes here and there and had water on him. The first question was issued by Twilight
“Well things with you seemed a bit out of place to the two of us so we decided we’d come and ask you some questions.”
Snow opened his mouth and let out a long yawn “shoot” he said grabbing a mug out of the cupboard and putting it down next to the kettle. The sugar was there and so was the coffee from this morning. He grabbed the coffee and put it away and replaced it with some tea.
Applejack was the first to question Snow “Where are your parents. This morning you said you lived by yourself but you couldn’t be any older than 18.”
“My parents are in Canterlot and you’re right I’m only 16 years old but I decided to move out here to; well it may be my sense of adventure or pursuing my future ambitions I’m not really sure. My parents were totally alright with it it’s just sort of a choice.”
“There must be more to it than that.” Twilight persisted
“Well I didn’t really fit in at school I suppose. I was never really myself always pretending to be someone else. Most people in my class earned their cutie marks years ago but I only earned mine recently as I was pretending to be someone I wasn’t instead of pursuing things that interested me.”
“And what’s with the ice skates there’s no ice until winter.” Twilight said firing off another question.
“You’re right so I went to Ponyval to their indoor ice skating centre.” Snow said shaking some ice out of his mane. “Actually that’s where I earned my cutie mark ice skating. I found I had a real flare for ice skating and I only started last year that’s when I earned my cutie mark right there on the rink.”
Snow began to pour the drink as both the mares gave each other these dumbfounded looks.
“So no dark history?” Applejack said
“No running away from your family?” Twilight said
“Not really just a feeling of social awkwardness then finding friends on the ice and finding my special talent. So I didn’t really feel I needed to stay in Canterlot and there’s not much to do there. Sure it’s fun for occasional visits but living there isn’t so great.”
“Well don’t we feel a might silly setting this whole thing up.” Applejack said looking rather embarrassed.
“Yeah sorry about this Snow” Twilight said with the same look
“That’s okay. Well one good thing came out of this.”
“What?” Both the mares said in unison.
“I met some nice ponies. Things are looking up I’ve already made friends.” Snow said with a smile.
“ Aww thank you Snow that’s mighty nice of you.” Applejack said wrapping a single hoof around snows neck. She quickly came into contact with a wet patch on his back and pulled back a bit.
“Oh yeah ice skating isn’t exactly safe or clean so I have some scrapes and bruises from someone daring me to cartwheel.” Snow said with an awkward smile. Ignoring the wet patch Applejack just put her arm back down.
“Well this has been a bit awkward and unnecessary. Sorry if we caused you any inconvenience Snow.”
Both of the mares started heading towards the door leaving Snows cluttered home.
“Oh and my names Snow Star. I’ll see you two around okay. I’ll try catch up with you tomorrow.”
“That’d be nice Snow see you tomorrow.” Twilight said
“Oh and Twilight is there a book store or a library around here when I left home I didn’t grab any books.”
“Sure swing by the library tomorrow. It’s the big tree in the centre of town.”
“Okay thanks bye”
“See ya Snow” Applejack said exiting the building.
“I’ll see you early tomorrow okay Snow” Twilight said.
“Okay see ya.”