• Published 27th Nov 2011
  • 17,749 Views, 89 Comments

Lost in Love - Mazzyrazzy

Twilight and Rarity set out on a journey through a hedge maze to find something amazing. They will.

  • ...

Full Story

Lost in Love

By Mazzyrazzy

Well…This is awkward.

Here I was, trying to enjoy a quiet, normal day with one of my best friends in Canterlot. Of course friendship, being the ever-changing, mysterious entity that it is, cannot be satisfied until I've apparently learnt something. I think I'm beginning to understand the point of it all… It's hard though. Right now, my own racing thoughts are keeping me from approaching the situation logically, and without logic, how can I be sure of anything?

Oh, right – the awkwardness. It's very difficult to maintain a single train of thought, let alone manage the torrent of mixed emotions I'm feeling. Most ponies wouldn't think that 'Twilight – personal student to Princess Celestia and banisher of Nightmare Moon's eternal darkness' would get herself into a position like this, and I do literally mean position. Right now I'm on my back, staring up at my best friend Rarity, and we're blushing more intensely than the red spectrum of light would usually allow. She's situated awkwardly on top of me, no more than a breath away. We're staring into each other's eyes, and time itself has appeared to stop.

Have I used the word 'awkward' enough yet? Here, let me get it all out of my system. Awkward awkward awkward awkward AWKWARD!

This situation is getting worse by the second. What if Rarity doesn't want to be friends after this? Or worse! What if she still wants to be friends, but it slowly starts becoming more uncomfortable to be around me until she doesn't want anything to do with me! Then I'll feel like it was my fault, and my sadness will turn me into a shell of the mare I once was. The rest of our friends would inevitably have to choose between spending time with Rarity or me, thus weakening the bond between all of our friendships. Eventually, we might stop being friends all together! Do you know what that means!? It means the Elements of Harmony would be no more! What if another disaster strikes? What if Discord comes back with a vengeance and we're not united to face him? What if some giant, red-eyed tarantula monster starts rampaging throughout Equestria, and everypony was powerless to stop him!?

Truly the fate of all ponydom rests in Rarity and I preserving our friendship.

Calm down Twilight, breathe. Think back; what got you into this predicament? How can I fix this without ending the world?


Don't take anything I said out of context. All and all, today has been great! 'Cept this last part, but I'll get to that. Rarity was in town for a fashion show that was supposedly showing off one of her own designs. As her friend, I wanted to be here for her. It's strange how our other friends were all too busy to come: Fluttershy had to take care of Angel, who had fallen ill all of a sudden; Applejack remembered that she needed to buck a bunch of trees that I guess she missed; Rainbow Dash was on emergency cloud control duty (odd because I've never heard her have to do that before), and finally Pinkie was off visiting her parents. It seems like I was the only available, so I needed to cheer five times as loud for Rarity!

She of course was more than happy to have the company. It had been a while since Rarity and I have gotten the chance to have a little girl time. We've both been so busy lately, her with her designing and me with my studies, that we've hardly seen much of each other in weeks.

"We should go a day early." I suggested over tea. I was in Rarity's boutique as the sun was beginning to set. The evening light draped across my friend in an appealing way; there's no question that she certainly was dazzling, but I thought nothing of it.

Rarity used her magic to bring the small tea cup to her lips and took a quick, polite sip. "Mm, sounds interesting darling, but why?"

I shrugged. "I don't know… It might be fun to have some time to catch up. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages."

"Oh I know, dreadful isn't it? Work keeps me so incredibly busy." She sighed, letting the cup rest down on her miniature plate. "It might do us both some good to take a small vacation. I've never been one for exploration, but it would be simply delightful if you could show me around Canterlot!"

"My thoughts exactly!" Seriously, it was like she was reading my mind. "It would be my pleasure to show you around. I know how much you admire the city."

Rarity giggled giddily, like soft xylophone notes. "Oh, how fun! Twilight and Rarity – friends living it up, as it t'were. Of course, I'll need to make all the necessary arrangements. I'll have to make sure Applejack knows that Sweetie Belle will be arriving a day early. Bless her heart; I hope the little ones don't cause too much trouble. Now, about sleeping arrangements…"

I waved my hoof at her. "Oh, you don't need to worry about that Rarity, I've got that covered. Well actually, Princess Celestia has that covered. She got us a decent room in the Inépuisable de Confort. Have you heard of it?" She lit up like the sun.

"The Inépuisable de Confort!? Of course I've heard of it! I hope it lives up to its reputation as one of the finest hotels in Canterlot!" Rarity was brimming with excitement. Unexpectedly, she bounded over and gave me a hug. "Thank you, Twilight. This is exactly what we both need."

I smiled unconvincingly, even though I knew she couldn't see my reaction. After a few moments of hesitation, I hugged her back. I wasn't nervous or anything, I was just caught a bit off guard by the sudden physical contact. We held the embrace for a few moments before she finally parted.

I've always been able to connect a bit more with Rarity than the other ponies. Unlike with most of our friends, I was used to the class that my friend displayed; I grew up around it my whole life. I mean sure, Fluttershy did have her moments with Rarity at their weekly spa visits, but Rarity and I have something physically bonding us: Canterlot, and it was wonderful to think about spending time with her again.

Over the next thirty minutes of so, I sat patiently in Rarity's workroom, every now and again taking another slight sip of my tea. Quite frankly, the place was a mess but with good reason, and Rarity was busy trying to tidy up before out departure in the morning. Torn cloth, adjustment pins, and different sewing supplies crowded every surface including the floor. I was there mostly to provide company for Rarity; I couldn't really do much to help. She was the type of pony that liked to do things herself, which I respected.

By the time she was done, it was already getting late and I needed to get home. Spike would be expecting me soon; he always gets a bit worried when I stay out too late.

"Thanks for the tea, Rarity. I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow!" I smiled brightly, excited for the next day to come.

"Yes dear, I look forward to it!" She returned.


It was hard to believe that so many hours could go by so fast. After arriving in the Canterlot the next day, time melted away as I showed my friend around. I was even allowed to show her parts of the royal palace! She got a huge kick out of that. Stuff that used to seem mundane to me were almost exciting through Rarity's eyes. Celestia knows how many times I walked up the tower to get to my old library, but we stood on its patio for ages admiring the wonderful view of Canterlot below.

I must say, I wish I had somepony like Rarity living here when I did. She seemed right at home in the shining city! Looking over to her now, I can't help but feel a warm bloom in my chest feeling how lucky I am to be friends with her in the first place.

It was already getting later in the day when Rarity and I were at a small restaurant for dinner in an outside gated section. Against my protests, Rarity insisted that she buy a small amount of cherry wine. I had never tasted wine before; it was an interesting experience to say the least. A bitter cherry flavor bubbled across my tongue and slid smoothly down my throat. It made my stomach warm and my spine tingle…Overall a pleasant experience! She and I sipped from our cups sparingly throughout the meal.

"Oh Twilight, this is something we should have done far sooner!" She beamed, taking another bite of her wheatgrass salad. After swallowing, she let her excitement fill every muscle in her body. "I can't imagine being here with anypony else."

The compliment made me blush, though I think I managed to hide it from her. "I'm just glad I could show you a good time. I thought you'd get bored of me after a while, especially from all the dull places I used to go to."

"Dull places!?" She quoted overdramatically, aghast contorting her face. "My dear, I've enjoyed every second of every minute of it. You were a flawless tour guide, and don't think for a moment that I don't mean it!"

Go away, blush! You are not welcomed!

I felt my facial features soften. Her compliments were really making me feel warm inside. "Aw, thanks Rarity. You were a good tour…guided…pony…thing." I threw on a cheesy smile, though not purposefully. It was more out of embarrassment for my lame attempt at a compliment.

She giggled harmoniously. "Thank you, I suppose." She finished eating and gently put her napkin on her plate. She let out a content sigh, fluttering her eyelashes gracefully. "That meal was simply perfect after a day on the town."

"Mhmm!" I agreed with my mouth still full of my last bite of food. After I swallowed, I mirrored Rarity and put my napkin on my plate. "You know, it doesn't have to be over just yet."

Rarity gave me a curious glace. "What do you mean, darling?"

I gestured towards the sky. "It's still light outside, and it won't be getting dark for at least a few more hours. I think it's too early to call it a night just yet." I saw her mull it over thoughtfully.

"Do you have something in mind, Twilight?" She asked, giving me a gentle smile.

Actually, I did. During today, I've been showing Rarity places that I frequented while I lived here, which isn't much to say the least. If I was showing my friend the city, I want to show her the best it had to offer. Still, I didn't want her to know that I already had been thinking about it, so I pretended to ponder it over for a few moments.

I gave a nonchalant shrug. "The palace gardens are beautiful around this time. Is that something you'd be interested in?"

She gasped, nearly knocking the table over. "How marvelous! Oh, of course I would!" We both giggled as we downed the last of our wine glasses. It took some encouragement from Rarity, but I finally managed to finish it. I put my hoofs down on the table and cast my gaze around my environment. Straight lines, no wooziness, thoughts clear… It looks like I wasn't too much of a lightweight, which I was thankful for. I don't know how embarrassed I would've been if I got tipsy after only one measly glass of wine!

Out of the restaurant, side-by-side we made our way back towards the palace. We weren't in any big rush, and on the way we stopped at any shop that tickled our fancy. Rarity spent a good amount of time in this jewelry shop, gasping dramatically at the different pieces they had to offer. Every now and again, she'd grab me and point out the 'largest emerald she'd ever seen', only to have another beat it a few seconds later. This is a situation I know Applejack or Rainbow Dash wouldn't enjoy; they'd probably be bored stiff. I thought it was cute how Rarity let her inhibitions flow free. She was like a little filly, and this was her candy store.

When we finally reached the palace, about two hours until sunset, we were both in high spirits. She was in full-fanshionista mode, going in to great detail on how she'd utilize the emeralds, rubies, and other assorted gems we saw in the store. She lost me on the technical terms, but that still didn't stop me from listening with interest.

I think her brain started moving at too fast a pace for her mouth to keep up, because she started talking so fast that she was no longer forming coherent sentences. I finally decided to step in, giggling softly. "Rarity, if you keep talking so fast, I think you're going to faint."

"Oh," She finally caught herself, blushing slightly, "I'm sorry dear; I tend to get rather excited when it comes to the fineries of life."

"Well, I just wanted to bring something to your attention." I smirked.

She cocked her head curiously. "And what is that, darling?"

I gestured forward. "We're here!"

Rarity snapped her head forward and took a sharp, inward gasp. Nearly a mile of cobblestone pathway extended before us, and on either side were wonderful displays of flowers. Trimmed trees, vibrant flowers, rushing water fountains, and beautiful bushes spread as far as the eye could see in either direction, all placed with a master's grace and coordination.

It seemed like Rarity's mind had all she could handle, and she couldn't do much more then look around numbly with her mouth wide open. I chuckled silently to myself realizing how charmingly silly she looked. I didn't want to spoil her fun though, so I remained quiet while we slowly strode down the pathway.

"Wouldn't you simply die if this fragrance came in a perfume?" She asked me, leaning over a red flower with yellow gilded edges. She took another deep whiff of it, closing her eyes to enhance to scent. "Mmm!" She moaned happily.

My eyelids contently shut halfway as I watched my friend. This was nice. No complexity to it, no stress, no worldly inhibitions. Just nice. I walked over to Rarity where I inhaled the flower's aroma. It was sweet with a bit of spice to it, like a rose with a hint of cinnamon. I too felt my whole body relax as I let out a sigh of pleasure. "Mmm. You're right on that one. I wish I had some candles that smelled like this! The scent would fit well in a library."

Mental note: find spell to harness different fragrances.

Nearby, a mother duck lead her ducklings across the pathway towards a tiny pond. It managed to take our attention off the flower as we both squealed, having miniature cute attacks. "Aw Twilight! Do you see that one on the end? He twipped over that wittle cwack in the path." Rarity gushed, letting her voice slip into a motherly tone.

I couldn't help but snicker, and then we both cheered on the little duck as he got back onto his webbed feet and ran to catch up with his family. An inspiring tale of a duck who just wouldn't quit! It would make a good letter to Celestia: When life gets you down, you have to get back up! Heh, get it? Pun? 'Cause of the…duck…falling… ahem, never mind.

We both waved to the family of ducks before continuing on the path, giggling to ourselves. It went on like this for a little while, and I enjoyed every minute of it. We'd both stop every now and again to study something that caught our interest. The air itself was alive with an orchestra of aroma; it was enough for any mare's legs to go weak. I couldn't help but feel that this would be the perfect place for a romantic get-away.

Sub-note: At the time I first thought about it, I gave it almost no heed. Thinking back now, WHY DID I HAVE TO CONSIDER THAT!? It only makes the situation I'm in now so much more awkward. Anyway, where was I?

Rarity and I finally decided to take a short rest at a sparkling fountain. The sound of rushing water was relaxing as we took a seat on a nearby bench. We talked a little, but mostly we just remained silent as we enjoyed the world around us. The bench itself was small, so there was barely any room between us. I could hear her breathing in and out slowly, each lungful taken like a gift from the wondrous garden. Honestly, I could sit here forever. Well, okay obviously I couldn't sit here forever; I'd eventually starve. Okay, let me set a more realistic time limit – I could sit here all night. There, much better.

Rarity unexpectedly broke the silence. "Thank you, Twilight… For being here, I mean. Even though my big day is tomorrow, I wish cherish this one forever." She smiled kindly, her cobalt-blue eyes soft and expressive. For the second time today, I couldn't help myself as blush spread across my face.

Ok, blush, you are slightly more welcomed this time, but I'm watching you!

"It's been my pleasure Rarity, really. Today has definitely been a day to remember. I'm glad I could be here for you; I don't think it would have been this fun with anypony else." I risked a slight scoot closer to Rarity. "I haven't done much study on the subject, but I think this is what it feels like to have… a best friend."

It was Rarity's turn to blush. "I suppose it is" she seemed to purr. We leaned against each other as the setting sun dowsed the land in hues of orange.


I either spaced out, or fell into a light sleep, because next thing I remembered was Rarity nudging me gently. I opened my eyes leisurely, first noticing that the sun had gone down. Candlelit lanterns hung like streetlamps, spaced evenly along the pathway. It had gotten a bit colder outside, but I wasn't uncomfortable. I don't think Rarity was cold either, she wasn't shivering or anything. Eventually as I slowly rejoined consciousness, I looked towards Rarity. "Well aren't you just the cutest light-sleeper ever!" She quipped. "I didn't want to disturb you, but when the sun set I thought you'd want to know."

I was too embarrassed to meet her stare, so instead I looked past her. Oh how I wish I had the courage to look at her right then; It might have saved me all this drama! In the distance I spotted walls of vibrant, green hedges. I remembered it before as the Canterlot Hedge Maze; the very one we had to look through when we were challenged by Discord. Although going back there would bring back some hard memories, I couldn't help but recollect the stories of how beautiful it was at night. Tales of rare lunar flowers that supposedly grew in the center, only blossoming under the guidance of Luna's moon. I had never witnessed them myself, and I found myself having a curious itch; a desire to experience them.

"Hey Rarity, look at that." I stated, pointing at the hedges. I saw her glance over thoughtfully.

"Isn't that the maze where…"

"Yes," I responded quickly, "but there's a story that says there's something really beautiful at the heart of the maze." Rarity's eyes flashed.

"Is that so? Well what are you suggesting?" She was being cautious; I could tell by the tone in her voice that she was somewhat frightened of the network of hedges.

I cleared my throat. "Well, I say we try to make this memorable night a little more memorable." There was a pause, then Rarity unsurely glanced towards the ground.

"I-I don't know Twilight. I mean, it's getting awfully late…"

"Oh – no problem. Yah what was I thinking? You must be getting tired…" I gave a weak laugh as I held back a sigh. Truthfully, I really wanted to explore it. If anything, just to see the mysteries within. Besides, I didn't really want today to end; I had this hard pit in my stomach that said when tomorrow comes, this would all end and we'd go back to barely speaking to each other.

"…On second thought," Rarity began, resting a hoof on my shoulder, "I'm sure the maze would be lovely right now, lit with those peculiar lamps." My heart fluttered in excitement; she was actually saying she wanted to go in the maze with me! I must have been wearing a disappointed face or something. It made me feel bad that I might have unknowingly guilt-tripped Rarity.

I gave a polite smile. "Thank, Rarity, but I don't want to if you don't want to."

She waved her hoof at me. "Nonsense, I don't want to hear another peep about it. You've piqued my curiosity and it must be sated. I must know this mystery prize at the center that my best friend calls beautiful." I think Rarity got the same idea that I did. She figured out that today, however memorable, might be the last time we get to spend a full day with each other, at least for a while.

I gave an adventurous smile. "Well then," I hopped off the bench, stretching my legs, "last one there's a rotten egg!" I started to run, but hesitated unsurely. I turned to Rarity. "Umm, best friends do that, right? Race sometimes?"

I could see Rarity try to hold in her laughter, but she ultimately failed started giggling. "You are just too cute sometimes, Twilight. Race, you say? Why no; I don't believe best friends do – BYE!"

Before she even finished her sentence, she sprinted off. I stood there, mouth opened like a dummy, watching her gain distance. Oh, it's on, I thought competitively. In a flash, I took off at a gallop as fast as I could. Was this why Applejack and Rainbow Dash were always competing? It was so much fun! The wind rushing through my mane; my hooves clacking off the path; my heart racing! I poured on the speed trying to catch up to Rarity, which sounds a lot cooler than it actually was… I'm not a very fast pony. Suddenly ahead, I noticed Rarity starting to slow down. Soon I had caught up to her and we were running side-by-side. She glanced over to me and gave a friendly wink. We had slowed down to a trot when we eventually reached the entrance to the maze. We took positive measures to walk around the stone statue garden to avoid a 'certain somebody' that we might have frozen in stone. Without even a second glance, we walked through the hedge arch into the labyrinth of hedges.

First thing I noticed was how peaceful it was. Seriously; take out the fact that my friends and I were in peril last time we were here, and it's actually quite a lovely place. The hedges themselves were vibrant and well-trimmed, as if they had just been watered. Vines spread evenly across the hedge-wall, providing an extra layer of foliage. It's really what made the maze so beautiful; every now and again, flowers bloomed out of the vines in wonderful arrays of reds and sky blues. The lamps that hung outside the maze now dangled overhead casting the warren into everlasting brilliance. The light itself was unwavering, casting a natural feel over the area. It was bright enough to make out every lively color our surroundings had to offer, but dull enough as to not hurt our eyes.

At first I was paying attention to our route, but it soon became a blur in light of Rarity's stories. We started talking about our good times in Ponyville, some fond memories that we've shared along with our friends, and she even told me stuff about her past. I was always a bit curious why Sweetie-Belle was living with her and not with… Well her parents. "Oh, it's nothing too serious," She began in a light tone, "Our parents travel around a lot, and they and I agreed that it wasn't the best life for Sweetie-Belle. I had plenty of room here in Ponyville, and I love my little sister. She's been under my care for so long that it would seem weird without her." I was surprised how open so was about it. I would've figured something like that would be a touchy subject, but she told me as if she was talking about the weather tomorrow.

We paced ourselves, taking lefts and rights as they came before us. We took turns deciding which way to go. We'd giggle every time we hit a dead end (happened A LOT), then turn around undeterred to find another path. As minutes flew by like seconds, I found myself telling Rarity stuff that I never told anypony. I could never talk about my studies with others; the subjects flew right over Applejack's and Rainbow's heads, and Fluttershy, however innocent, never took an interest in magical studies. Can't blame her though… I wouldn't be able to listen about animals for an extended period. But with Rarity, I could actually be myself, talk about what I've learned, and know without a doubt that she understood what I was saying. Rarity may have a diva side, but she was incredibly smart when it came to magic. Granted, it wasn't her forte, but the intelligence behind her vibrant blue eyes was undeniable.

Once in a while, we'd turn a corner and she'd brush up against me, and I'd notice how close we were walking with each other, despite the fact that the path through the maze gave us enough room to be at a comfortable distance apart. I wouldn't even notice it until those turns, and then I'd snap out of a trance-like state and scoot a few inches away from her, only to have the same process repeat 5 minutes later. What was causing us to gravitate closer? Perhaps as I was getting closer to Rarity emotionally, my mind was subconsciously pushing me to get closer physically? It's an interesting idea…Unconscious processes motivating behavior. I made another mental note to study up on the subject.

We'd been in the maze a while now, I'd say at least an hour. We still hadn't found the center yet, but our demeanor hadn't changed. Why would it? If we were having a good time, why call it quits? Besides, at this point, we're as likely to end up back at the beginning as we are in the center. Honestly I could just teleport us to the middle and to our prize… but something kept me quiet. After pondering, I figured out what it was: I was having fun!

Our conversation soon died down as we simply walked side-by-side, enjoying each other's company. Well, I was at least; I can only hope she felt the same. A few moments later, I heard her sigh in contentment. I glanced over to her to see that she was already staring at me. "Something up, Rarity?" I asked kindly.

She scrambled to refocus her attention. "Oh, what? Oh…no my dear, I'm just having a wonderful time, is all." She threw her gaze elsewhere, gesturing towards the path before us. "I wonder how close we are to getting this surprise that you told me about. The anticipation is killing me!" She shivered with delight.

"It can't be too far now…" I started, slowly drifting off into deep thought. A devious smile spread across my face as I came up with an idea. It was something the little filly in me always wanted to try, but I never really had many friends when I was younger. Looking back now, it was pretty foalish of me, but made perfect sense at the time. Rarity finally noticed my stare and raised an eyebrow.

"Ehh, Twilight? What are you, um, staring at?"

Without a word, I slightly picked up my pace, but not enough to cause any suspicion, until I was slightly in front of Rarity. I lightly whipped my tail, brushing it off her nose softly. The next three words would live in infamy – words of chaos, irrationality, and quite possibly the rhetoric that will bring the end to all Equestria.

"Tag. You're it."

I bolted. I let the little filly in me take over as I giggled in delight. I didn't even look back to see Rarity's reaction. I'm sure it was a mixture of disbelief and shock. I was nearing another turn when suddenly I heard a shout behind me. "It. Is. ON."

Quickly I dashed through the labyrinth of flora. I wasn't inconsiderate… I didn't want to lose Rarity. I kept my pace down so that she'd be able to see what turns I took, even if it was just my tail slipping around a corner. I giggled to myself as I glanced back to see quick flashes of Rarity. Although I wasn't a fast runner, I was slowly gaining distance somehow. I started to feel fire in my lungs with every breath, but that didn't slow me down. The adrenaline coursing through my veins gave me the drive to continue forward, in a childish attempt to evade Rarity's touch. My mane whipped back, blowing in the breeze my sprint was creating. I didn't run for very long; I'm not known for my athletic endurance. Before I tired out, I raced around a sharp corner and was immediately plunged into darkness. I halted, confused at first, wondering where the lights above had gone. It took me a few moments to cast my gaze forward.

All I could do was open my mouth in awe… I had found the center of the maze. Encircling the half-acre of beautiful mosaic pathways and fountains was the true prize: deep blue flowers, the color the edge of the night sky gave when dawn was approaching, dotted with luminous specks of white. Each flower sparkled and glowed as if the flowers were fabricated from the night sky itself. The full moon shone down upon the lunar garden, showering it with soft mood-lighting; just enough to see yet dark enough to require some exploration. In the center, on a slightly-raised platform, was a unspoiled, white-painted wooden gazebo with a double-layered shingle roof. This garden just might be the most amazing, inspiring sight that I'd ever seen. My brain was slow to process, but after a few moments I remembered that Rarity would soon be here, so I turned so shout for her…at the exact wrong moment.

Just as I turned to face behind me, I saw a flash of white as Rarity spun around the corner, full-speed and not expecting a certain unicorn to be standing right there.


Darkness. My mind swirled in confusion, trying desperately to figure out what happened. Still nothing; darkness overtook my every sense as the collision knocked me out.

The next thing I remember was a taste. It was my first sense to return to me, and the only one I could process. I was thrown back to earlier today when Rarity and I were eating dinner. It was if I was tasting a memory; the remnants of the red cherry wine I drank bubbled across my lips and warmed my mouth. Being completely out of it, I welcomed the sensation fully as a relief from pain. I could almost feel the smooth wine flowing down my throat and into my stomach. The next thing to return to me was my sense of smell, which engorged, almost complimented the taste. It was a butter-lilac perfume with a hint of vanilla; without question, I knew it to be Rarity's scent. That left my scatterbrained mind even more confused. Why were these two sensation-memories mixing together? Like it or not, I was about to find out as my sight finally returned to me.

My eyes fluttered open hazily, the world spinning. I felt a pressure over my entire body which instantly made me remember what had occurred. It was dark, but I could distinctly make out that when my friend and I collided, she had fallen on top of me. Wait…Why could I still taste the wine?

My eyes shot down as my vision cleared. My eyes shots open as I realized Rarity's lips were pressed against mine. We. Were. Kissing.

Rarity's eyes shot open at about the same time, and came to the same realization only a moment after I did. She quickly pulled away from the contact, looking completely mortified. She sprang off me with surprising agility while a hard blush formed across her face. I felt my own cheeks sting as I slowly got up. We stood awkwardly for what seemed like an eternity; I didn't dare look at Rarity and I know she was probably thinking the same.

"Twilight, I-"

"It's okay-"

"No really, I'm sorry, it was-"

"An accident. I-I understand-"

"yes, completely. This shouldn't-"

"Spoil our night-"

"Yes, exactly-"

"Umm, a-are you-"

"Yes I'm fine, how about-"

"Me? Never better."

I froze after our short intermittent conversation, realizing how bad my last statement sounded.

"I-I-I-I mean, you know, um… I'm not hurt."

"Oh – yes! That's what you meant."






"Yeah um," I desperately tried to think of something to say, but my humiliation flushed out any rational thoughts. I just kissed my best friend! How was I supposed to feel about this? I hope the answer is sporadic chaos, because that's what my jumbled mind was right then. Then I remembered why we had collided in the first place, "oh! We uh, made it. To the center I mean." I half-heartedly gestured to the moonlit treasure trove. Rarity cautiously looked up, and then gave the same reaction I did when I first saw it. I risked a glance at her to note her reaction. Her mouth was slightly open in wonder as her eyes sparkled angelically.

"Oh my…" She muttered, blush lightening on her face. My spirits boosted when the distraction worked; maybe we'd be able to just pretend this never happened.

Red cherry wine…

I caught myself halfway through licking my lips, and I worriedly retracted my tongue, hoping to Celestia that Rarity hadn't seen. Luckily, she had walked a bit forward to gain a better look at the garden. I badgered myself, almost screaming internally asking why I had done that. I mean, just because I happened to notice my friend's lips tasted slightly of the red wine we had earlier, it didn't mean I enjoyed this kiss itself.

Even if it was intoxicating…

Stop it, brain! You are so not helping right now! The blush on my face remained, dismissing any logical attempts at subduing it. Finally I decided that it would just go away with time, so I took a deep breath and decided to try my best to enjoy the garden. While Rarity was off near the center, admiring one of the mosaic fountains, I was far more interested in the flowers. I hesitated at first, unable to move from my spot, but eventually I pushed myself over. I leaned in towards a section of the bed of flowers. There wasn't any doubt about it; they were glowing from the sparkles that specked the petals. I leaned down to inhale their aroma. I was slightly disappointed to find that they were completely odorless. It made sense; the night sky in flower form wouldn't give off any other sensation other than its pure beauty. I sat back on my haunches and allowed myself to get lost in the hypnotic infinity that was the lunar flower.

"So beautiful." A soft voice from my right startled me. I quickly composed myself, and cast a glance at Rarity, who at some point during my meditation must have come up and sat next to me. She was looking down at the flowers, but gave me a sideward glance when she noticed she surprised me. "Oops" She giggled lightly.

Just as I did before she arrived, Rarity craned her neck down to take in the aroma of the florets. While she was busy analyzing, I couldn't help but notice certain features of Rarity that I hadn't noticed before. Automatically my gaze fell over her completely. I know Rainbow Dash has a certain word for this umm… 'Sizing her up'? Sounds kinda creepy when I say it, but like I said before, I did it automatically and without much thought. Her pristine white coat layered perfectly in the moonlight, casting shadows over her many curves and features. Her beautiful hair rolled partway down her upper-back, which lead me to follow down her supple curves…I bit my lip as my eyes fell towards the arch of her back; curvy and perfect…Surely there wasn't an equal. Slowly my eyes fell on her flank which was slightly raised in the air from her bending over…

"Uh…Twilight? Is something wrong?"

I nearly fell over backwards as I regained control of my eyes and snapped them towards Rarity, meeting her eyes. What was I doing!? This is my friend Rarity I'm thinking about! Why can't I control my own senses around her?

My heart raced as I fumbled to come up with a response. "Uhhhhh, I just…noticed that, uh… th-that you…have a dirty flank."


"I-I-I-I mean, you have some dirt on your flank" I faltered; my best attempt at damage control, and it was still really lame. Another light blush formed over Rarity's cheeks. "Oh," she quipped, staring at her backside, "Goodness… I guess it's to be expected after tumbling to the ground."

I threw on a nervous smile and nodded in agreement. I didn't dare open my mouth for fear that I'd make my situation worse if I said anything. After dusting herself off, Rarity went back to studying the flower. "A bit odd…What do you think?" She inquired.

Oh no, she wants me to talk. Keep it simple, keep it simple, keep it simple!

"Gorgeous" I breathed out. I caught that breath as I realized I had said it while looking at Rarity, not the flowers. She shot a glance over to me while I lowered my stare to the ground, blushing madly. Another awkward few seconds ensued.

Why am I acting so funny? It was just one accidental kiss… but the taste is driving me crazy, and why can't I stop thinking about it? Darn it Rarity, why did your lips have to be so perfect? I don't know if what I'm feeling is just pure embarrassment that will pass, or I'm in shock over it, or I might even be starting to form deeper feelings for her. Gah, I can't think clearly… What I wouldn't give to know. Breath, Twilight. Think logically; it's all you can do. Rarity is your friend, but she probably doesn't think of you any more than that. The only reason she's acting so weird is because kissing your friend is bound to cause some nervous tension. It'll go away in time if you do absolutely nothing to screw it up!

I felt a hoof on my shoulder. I looked up to see Rarity's soft eyes staring into mine. She was smiling supportively, as if she decided she wouldn't let the discomfort get to her.

"Yes, gorgeous." She whispered back. We stared into each other's eyes for a blissful minute, all the time I was slightly shaking. It was out of nervousness… I hope it was undetectable enough that Rarity didn't catch it. I couldn't turn away; I was lost in her flawless blue eyes. I could write a whole book describing just the color itself. Behind those lashes was pure serenity, happiness, thoughtfulness, beauty… Everything Rarity embodied could be seen through her magnificent eyes if you studied them closely enough, and trust me, I was. Likewise I felt her stare burrowing into my mind, hoping to divulge any secrets that my eyes might give away. It wasn't normal to hold the stare as long as we did, but if she didn't mind, I certainly didn't. The perfect silence suspended my mind into a bubble of protection, safe from the awkwardness I was feeling before. For once, I could think clearly. These were real feelings for Rarity, very real. I haven't done much study on the subject of love, but maybe…

"Would you join me on the gazebo? I think we'd have a lovely view of the garden from up there." Rarity spoke, her eyes still locked with my own. I didn't even attempt to speak at this point. I'd probably just randomly blurt out something that I don't want to be said out loud. Instead, I gave a passive nod, willingly let her lead me to the gazebo. Five steps lead upwards to the platform. I barely took any notice of them; my attention was on the graceful mare who was guiding me. Finally inside the structure, I let my gaze wonder momentarily around the garden. It really was a magnificent place. I'm sure I would have enjoyed it so much more if I didn't haven't something far more beautiful filling my thoughts.

I wonder what her lips would taste like a second time…

I didn't shy away from the thoughts any longer; I embraced them. Warm delight flowed through my mind, spreading slowly to my limbs. I stood in place, absorbing the warmth of the good thoughts. I didn't want to think about the fact that the images in my head would probably never happen. Right now, I was happy. The happiest I've been in a long time, no less. After building up the courage, I walked up next to Rarity while she was looking out over the garden.

We enjoyed the view for about a minute with perfect silence. Finally, Rarity spoke. "Thank you, Twilight. Today has been more wonderful then I could have dreamed. This place especially. It all seems so…" She paused to try and come up with an adequate adjective.

"Magical." I offered, turning my head to her. She smiled brightly and nodded in agreement.

"I'm happy I could be here with my best friend." She purred kindly.

She reached around my neck and gave me a hug. Without hesitation, I returned it, wrapping my forelegs around her back. We were both reared back onto our hind legs as I was slightly leaning on the railing for support. I closed my eyes, and as subtly as I could I inhaled the scent of Rarity's mane. I got the same lilac with a hint of vanilla. I suppressed a shiver. I knew a light blush was over my face, but I was beyond caring right now. However, there was a sound that I would soon care a lot about.


My mind raced as I heard the wooden railing behind me slightly give. Before I could even make another move, it splintered into two parts leaving me dangling over the edge. I tried my best to steady myself, but my momentum was too great. With gravity as my cruel teacher, I plummeted about 3 feet to the hard ground below, accidentally pulling Rarity down with me.

The wind was knocked out of my lungs on contact and my vision blurred. I desperately took ragged gasps as I tried to refill me screaming lungs. That's when I was able to notice that once again, Rarity was on top of me, though conscious this time. Her front hooves were on either side of my head, and she was casting a panicked glance down to me. Luckily, she didn't appear to be hurt… I broke her fall. "Oh my! Twilight are you okay? Goodness I'm so sorry…" She was frantic…Rarity was really worried about me. She actually cared this much for me.

"I-I didn't mean to fall on you, heavens I probably made it hurt so much worse. I'm sorry, let me just–" she said as she attempted to get off me, lifting her forelegs up.

Don't ask me why I did what I did. Lets blame it on impulse.

I wrapped my forelegs around her's, keeping them pinned to the ground. It made it impossible for her to get up. I saw her cheeks light up bright red; mine returned the gesture.


Well, we're all caught up to the present. Right now I'm on my back, staring up at my best friend Rarity, and we're blushing more intensely than the red spectrum of light would usually allow. She's situated awkwardly on top of me, no more than a breath away. We're staring into each other's eyes, and time itself has appeared to stop.

My mind raced with the implications as the entire flashback gave me the answers that I needed to know. I just made the boldest move that I ever had in my entire life. If Rarity didn't get the hint, then I'd know that something like love just wasn't meant to work. I saw conflict behind those wary eyes of hers, while my own now gave away my desperation. Desperation to taste her lips once more, to feel her body pressing down and warming me, to feel her racing heartbeat beating in sync with my own… I bit my lip in a pleading gesture.

That's what set her over the edge. Without any hesitation, she rushed down to meet my lips. All the built-up awkwardness melted away and was replaced with utter passion. Her soft lips tangled around mine as I reached around her back to pull her in closer. Every synapse in my brain flooded with joy and pleasure as I let my body take full control. With eyes closed, we hungrily kissed over and over and over again. It was the most wonderful sensation I've ever experienced… Even better than the first time. Eventually her mouth opened slightly, and I deduced what she wanted. Slowly I allowed my tongue to slide in her mouth, exploring it with desire. Our tongues swirled around in a graceful dance as Rarity let out a soft moan of pleasure. Our breathing was sporadic to say the least, flaring out of our noses because we would forget to do it. Before it got more heated, Rarity pulled away. I took my first full breath in several minutes, panting pretty hard. She was doing the same, letting her tongue lay slightly out of her mouth. I noticed I was doing it too, but I didn't have the energy to pull my tongue back into my mouth. We laid there, staring at each other for some time, winded like we had just run the Falling of the Leaves. I finally allowed myself a small laugh as I cherished the memory.

Rarity looked oddly down at me, but soon joined me with a laugh of her own. Soon we were both giggling loudly until she finally couldn't support herself anymore and collapsed to the ground beside me.

Why was I laughing? Honestly I didn't have a good reason… I just wanted to laugh. I guess I was just that happy.

Eventually we died down as we once again ran out of breath. About a minute of silence ensued afterwards. I could still feel Rarity right next to me; her warm side nestled close to mine. We were both gazing up at the stars wondering on what words we should say. I was a little worried that Rarity would suddenly regret it. Luckily, she started off on a pleasantly-light note.

"That was nice" she said simply. We both turned our heads to look at each other. Her bright smile made me break out in a grin.

"More than nice" I giggled in response.

"But what sparked it?" She asked curiously, yet with growing seriousness.

"I…I think I've always sorta liked you, Rarity. It took that accidental kiss for me to realize it."

She nodded slowly in quiet understanding, blushing lightly. "I think… I think I was the same way. Funny how a simple gesture could unravel so much." She leaned over and ran her hoof over my chest and held me, nuzzling my mane. I closed my eyes in enjoyment until a curious itch made them snap open.

"Hey Rarity?"


"You know we're lying in dirt, right?"

She blinked. "Hmm, I guess we are. It didn't occur to me."

"Wow, you must really like me." I chuckled teasingly, kissing her lightly on the cheek. Eventually we did get up, and I patted the dirt off Rarity while she did the same for me. With satisfaction bursting from every cell, I smiled hopefully at her. I knew that no matter what tomorrow would bring, I would still have her by my side. The fate of Equestria was safe, the bond between two of the elements of harmony were now closer than ever. This'll make an interesting letter to the Princess… I learned that friendship and love are not so different. Instead, love is an extension of friendship, much like rivers are extensions of oceans. You might not know where it will lead you, but chances are if you follow the river, it'll lead to someplace new and beautiful, and that's how I feel right now. For now, I'll live in the moment. I breathe easy knowing that I will have a partner to travel this path with. Speaking of paths…

"Uh, we should probably start heading back now. It'll take a while to re-navigate the maze."

Rarity giggled as we walked towards the entrance of the garden, our tails entwined in a charming assortment of purple. She leaned in and nuzzled me lovingly; I could feel the blush burning on my face. Finally she left a soft kiss right below my ear…

"Who cares?"

Comments ( 88 )

This is very well written. It flows very smoothly.

Glad to have read it! ;D

Very well made! It did not feel rushed at all. I hope to see more from you soon! I guess I'll go check out your other story now. :twilightsmile:

Well played good sir, well played. :raritywink:

Wow, I never thought I would have competition between which my favorite pairing was, but this story has given me a lot to think about, very well written, I take my hat off to you

That was very well made. Will eagerly await more from you.

Haha. This fic is wonderfully well written. I can't say I care for the pairing normally and I've never been very fond of Rarity. It's still a lovely story though, brave choice in representing Twilight in a first person story as well. (My "narrators voice" doesn't do her justice though!)

#7 · Oct 18th, 2011 · · ·

This is one of the more well written and pretty much rare Twilight Rarity shipping fics. You honor all that is awesome in writing this one!

Just got to say though, got any more?


Anymore RariTwi? Afraid not, I've only written a total of two stories and they're both up on here.

Okay, normally I abhor stories from a first-person perspective. It just rubs me the wrong way. But this was good enough that I didn't even care. Great job! :twilightsmile:


I agree with this soooo much!

I wasn't going to read it after getting part way in, but it was done really well and that kept me going.

Great work with this! Loved it.

So first you do TwiLuna and now you do RariTwi. Are you gonna ship Twilight with every pony?


Aww, well any ship fic with Twilight is alright. Unless....you got any Applejack Rarity swimming around perhaps? :duck:

You've made me realize that basically all my ideas contain Twilight! It isn't really my fault though. TwiLuna was my first idea that I could come up with, and this RariTwi was a request from one of my watchers on DeviantArt. My next two fics I have planned also contain Twilight... gah I have to think of something that isn't related to Twilight!


RariJack? Swimming? It's a thought. lol.

THAT is how you ship Rarity and Twilight!
Big comment incoming, sorry.
I like to get the negative out of the way first so I can finish on a high note (don't worry, there isn't a lot). There were a number of small grammatical errors, nothing big, but enough for me to suggest running a fine toothed comb through it, or have somepony else do a quick read through. It is difficult to see your own mistakes when writing as you tend to see exactly what you already have in your head. Besides that, the only thing else I noticed that could be changed was when Rarity saw the ducks and spoke in the cute wittle baby voice. It was adorable, but it just seemed a tad out of character for her. I actually thought Twilight was speaking at first.
On to what I liked! In a word: everything. I loved the story, no loose ends, plotholes etc. Everything fit nicely, the story moved smoothly keeping a steady pace and not feeling rushed. The hint of comedy kept things light and fluffy while not taking over the story or character development. I really liked how this was more of a "realization" than a "reveal" ship, the cliche of "I love her but how can I tell her" usually puts me off a lot of the shorter ships (unless they are done right), but this felt original and managed not to presume to much about the characters. First person! Or I guess first pony... I wasn't expecting a first person story, they are rare and when they do come along they are seldom done as well as this. I'll admit I was apprehensive at first, but you pulled it off splendidly! I'd be interested in reading Rarity's perspective of this night, easy way to double your word count XD
A few things I loved specifically were the scene where they both just started laughing because they were that happy and this:
"friendship and love are not so different. Instead, love is an extension of friendship, much like rivers are extensions of oceans. You might not know where it will lead you, but chances are if you follow the river, it'll lead to someplace new and beautiful"
All in all, a wonderful short ship filled to the brim with fuzz! ^^


It always puts a smile on my face when someone goes into such depth! I will take your advice and have a proof reader go through it. I faced a problem with this originally; you see, this story was a request from my usual editor, and I couldn't rightly send it to him for proof reading because it was meant to be a surprise for him! So I did it myself. I'm sure now that he's read it, he won't mind editing it.

I'm glad you enjoyed the story. It was a lot of fun writing it. (:

I am sorry for the wall of text XD The errors weren't glaringly bad or anything, and it makes sense now that you've explained it. I'm definitely going to keep my eye out for your stuff in future!

Officially Reviewed by the Brony Foundation of the Arts

Aww first Moonlit Sparkles, now this. You sir write very fine shipping indeed. If I had a hat, I would remove it for you.

39759 Thank you. :) I like to think I'm getting a little better with each story.

Wish I could write as naturally as you do. :fluttershyouch:

This is really good :pinkiehappy:
Both Twilight and Rarity were in character throughout, good job :D

Oh, sweet! I loved this story! Glad to see it here on the site. Best TwiRarity ship I've read. :)

Oh i remeber this story.
It was one of the first i ever read.
I am glad to read it agian
Much thanks <3:heart::rainbowkiss:

44658 this was the very first one i read


All it takes is a bit of practice. You should see the first story I decided to sit down and write; it is atrocious (its not MLP-related so its not on this site, nor would I want it to be).


Thank you, I'm glad you think so!


Too kind, Scy. I especially enjoyed your story "Twilight Performs a Spell that Goes Just Fine".


It's my pleasure. :derpytongue2:


I'm honored. :twilightsheepish: I hope that means you liked it!

Diabeetus, I have it now. Medicare can't help.

If shipfics were always this level of quality I'd be a happy panda.

Brilliant story, very nicely done. Found 2 errors though:
"Every -synapsis- in my brain flooded with joy and pleasure as I let my body take full control." - should be -synapse-

"I noticed I was doing -I- too, but I didn't have the energy to pull my tongue back into my mouth." -it-

Only things I noticed, god I'm turning into a spelling/diction nazi :pinkiecrazy:

But seriously, well done and I look forward to whatever it is you write next!

*Girlish squeal*
So adorable! :raritystarry:
*Another girlish squeal*


Much appreciated! Yes, I didn't have a proof reader for this story so there are bound to be some errors, though people like you are helping them become less known. Two more mistakes bite the dust!

this was a very enjoyable story. My only qualm is that after the flash back you switch to present tense, which is fine, but a little afterwards you switched back to past tense. It was just a little annoying is all not a big deal, especially to someone like me who travels through time a lot. :derpytongue2:

y u no write more? :rainbowhuh:

Very good story. Keep up the good work.

Another thing, you have definitely changed how I feel about a Rarity/Twilight relationship, in a good way of course.

Brace yourself.... lengthy comment incoming.

Admittedly, I couldn't enjoy this story. Really, for that reason I typically avoid any of the Mane Six shipping fics in the first place, but I noticed this in the featured section, and decided to give it a run for the money, hoping it would possibly say that it could change my mindset. It did not (unsurprisingly), for a few reasons:

1: Twilight and Rarity are quite possibly my two favorite characters. Now, before you go calling me biased and saying I'm just spamming hatemail, I have an EXTREMELY open mind, and am possibly one of the least-biased people you will ever meet. That said, I am open to any fic that can put the two together in a proper way.

Which brings me to point 2: You didn't do it properly at all. I mean, sure, at first glance it seems like any other fic (it kind of is), with the addition of superb writing skills. However, the idea is about as far-off as can be; "I learned that friendship and love are not so different. Instead, love is an extension of friendship, much like rivers are extensions of oceans. You might not know where it will lead you, but chances are if you follow the river, it'll lead to someplace new and beautiful, and that's how I feel right now..."
Allow me to be the first to present this: that is NOT even close to how love works. Yes, people can be lovers, and yes, people can be friends (which is why oftentimes people will call their lover their "best friend"), however, they are NEVER supposed to be lovers AND friends at the same time. To quote Dr. Egon, "Don't cross the beams!"

This quote, however comical, suits the gravity of the notion better than any other. Indeed, love is the 'highest for of friendship', if you will, but it's much, much more than that..... and much more than merely an "extension of friendship". I understand that you wanted to make this Twilight and Rarity thing work in a manner most original, but sadly (while original), it far from worked. If you take that quote of yours, the one of Twilight's outspeaking, and place it into context of the story, the main idea basically becomes this: "You can make out and have extremely intimate moments together, no strings attached, and still be great friends." Now, I do in fact realize the reality of this, as it is essentially the way relationships work in this modern age, but that isn't how it's SUPPOSED to work. Aforementioned, friends should be friends, lovers should be lovers, "Don't cross the beams".

Now that I got out of the way, I must say that you are a talented writer by most stretches of the imagination. The story flowed flawlessly, there were no spelling and/or grammatical errors that I myself noticed, and pleasingly, you have a highly extensive array of vocabulary (which is one thing I do most enjoy in a good read). I think you have great potential, as quite plainly demonstrated here, but your topic of choice seemed to lack in both true-to-life accuracy and, for lack of a better word, 'expertise' (I would have said experience, but that seems like a dick move).

All that said, I will still rate this accordingly: 4.0. If a 4.25 were allowed, I would most certainly say that would be a more appropriate and accurate rating, but I am restricted. As I said, you evidently have potential, and you obviously can write extremely well, I just believe that the topic was misrepresented and misused a bit. So, that's pretty much all I have to say. I also wanted to point out that I'm not just one of those haters who will purposely downrate a (decent) story just because I don't like it; I judge accordingly, based on all fields.

(End rant)


Allow me to respectively disagree with you; that is exactly how love works. Allow me to bring up my own quote that you quoted me on:

"I learned that friendship and love are not so different. Instead, love is an extension of friendship, much like rivers are extensions of oceans. You might not know where it will lead you, but chances are if you follow the river, it'll lead to someplace new and beautiful, and that's how I feel right now..."

There is a reason why people call their lovers their best friends: in most cases they are. Love doesn't replace friendship entirely, but it builds upon it. Another way I could've worded the quote is "Friendship is the foundation of love", which is hard to argue against. When you're someone who believes love is a logical process, and not something like love at first sight, you need something to be there before love takes over. Rarity and Twilight have been friends for lets say a little over a year now, so that foundation is already there and strong, so I didn't need to go into detail about that.

I'm sorry that the main idea you took out of my work was You can make out and have extremely intimate moments together, no strings attached, and still be great friends." That wasn't the point at all; instead, it was supposed to be a symbolic piece of the complexities of love, and the different ways it can sprout and grow. No, not all friends will become lovers, and no, not all lovers consider themselves friends. But you said yourself that it's how it works in the modern age, and that's what it was supposed to show.

I'm sorry you didn't like it, and I thank you for taking the time to give it a shot at least. I'm glad you think I have potential and that, even though my story didn't entertain, you enjoyed my writing style.

Hope you find that one shipping story that changes your mind about the genre.

I respect your opinion, and, well that's about all I can do. I shan't criticize another for having a viewpoint of difference from my own.

Indeed, friendship is the foundation of love. That statement, my good pony, is irrevocable and immutable fact. After all, if there's nothing there to begin with, then what is there to love? You do most certainly need a good base already present before love can 'work its magic' (quite literally, in this case).

And fret not, there's nary a thing to be apologetic over; again, it's all a matter of opinion and perspective. I took the main idea of this story in a way most others appear to have not, and that's just my differentiating way of thought. If anything, I should probably be the one apologizing at the fact that I was so fleet to leap upon the conclusion that that's what you intended this story to mean. Again, it depends on how you look at it.

And I indeed do hope to find a good fic that can sway my thoughts in this particular field..... it's not promising you see, as I pretty much dislike anything that has to do with a shipping of two of the mane six (I prefer some of the more canon ideals - FlutterMac, RarSpike, things such as that - but who knows? If such a fic exists that can change my mind, I hope to discover it soon.

i read this like 3 weeks ago, and i loved it then, and i love it now.


I... hnnngh... I'm trying.... *deep breaths*

Okay, your post was incredibly well written and well thought out. I admire that, and the fact that replies to it have remained friendly and communicative in general after that. I really do. But there's one part of your reply that hammers one of my hot buttons hard. I'm going to keep my own reply as civil and polite as I can, while addressing it, because I know you weren't trying to do this.

This quote, however comical, suits the gravity of the notion better than any other. Indeed, love is the 'highest for of friendship', if you will, but it's much, much more than that..... and much more than merely an "extension of friendship". I understand that you wanted to make this Twilight and Rarity thing work in a manner most original, but sadly (while original), it far from worked. If you take that quote of yours, the one of Twilight's outspeaking, and place it into context of the story, the main idea basically becomes this: "You can make out and have extremely intimate moments together, no strings attached, and still be great friends." Now, I do in fact realize the reality of this, as it is essentially the way relationships work in this modern age, but that isn't how it's SUPPOSED to work. Aforementioned, friends should be friends, lovers should be lovers, "Don't cross the beams".

My problem with your statement is the specific line "isn't how it's SUPPOSED to work." I have a knee-jerk reaction about people saying that love is 'supposed' to work one way or another. If nothing else, I'm unsure as to what exactly you're trying to say in your comment. Just saying that it's not how it's supposed to work doesn't answer one critical question; it doesn't answer why it's not supposed to work that way/how it's supposed to work.

This becomes even more confusing when looking at your discussion, where you talk about how it does often come out of friendship. Are you trying to say that casual love relationships aren't supposed to happen? That love should be put on a pedestal higher than friendship? That a love relationship should always be considered independently of any friendship you have with your lover?

Any of those statements are ones that I can refute, particularly your statement about "supposed to be that way." Throughout human history, all of those have been refuted by one culture or another; from casual lovers being perfectly legitimate to close friends being expected to be lovers to friendship being considered a key element of a good relationship, and even friends being discussed using the same terminology normally reserved for lovers.

But to say that there's one true way that love should play out... oooog... :fluttercry:

Planning on making a longer story any time soon? Not specifically this though.


Currently writing a story. It's called Trails and Trials, and chapter one can be found on my page. Chapter two will be put up tomorrow.

i think i read this on dA before or wherever else u had it posted but re read it and i still love it very great work me gusta 5 stars :twilightsmile:

Now THAT'S a great story. Butter-smooth scenes and dialogue. You even slop a heaping helping of scenic description, which many authors (including myself) just skip over at times. You even got me drawn into the scene at the center of the maze so much, it was actually a surprise when the centerpiece flower had no scent. :raritywink:

This is a piece of fiction that should be considered as a model for how to write character interaction as well as scenic description. Makes my stories look like crap. :twilightblush:

*double brofhoof* :rainbowdetermined2:


Very nice. A few typos here and there, but as rarity would have put it "who cares?". excelent fic :raritywink:

I first read this on EQD and thought it was insufferably cute. Wonderful job, and I've always kinda liked this pairing, so the fact that they were well-written really helps to bring a solid appeal.

I read the first line of this story...and second line...and immediately I thought, "Ugh, first person, and in a story that involves a rarely-shipped-but-one-of-my-favorite pairings. Should I read or should I forget about it?" You see, like a few others have stated on here, I detest first person. In my eyes, it feels so incredibly awkward reading a story where, if you were to read it out loud, you'd be saying "I" all the time, and it sounds...well, awkward! I tried writing a first person story once, and it reached 100 pages, but...I never honestly enjoyed it. Naturally, third-person is my favorite. But, why am I bringing this all up? Well, for one simple reason: I LOVED this story!

I'll start with anything negative and get it out of the way, like most others do. First off, Rarity seemed slightly out of character at times. She just seemed so...girlish and immature. Yes, I realize that she possibly would've acted that way when visiting one of her favorite places in Equestria, but...the part with the ducks (while very adorable) seemed very out of character. Plus, the parts where she squealed excitedly seemed a bit out of character. Twilight was perfect...even if it WAS first person and it's hard to screw up first person, unless you're intentionally trying to make the character wrong. In my eyes, Rarity indeed would be excited and thrilled, but would do it in a more...mature way. It's hard to explain, and it's not a big deal. Normally, I don't mind stories where characters seem slightly off (to me)...except for "Cupcakes", since that one pissed me off to no end...and this one is just fine. Just something I wanted to point out.

There were still some minor mistakes here and there; usually an incomplete word or two now and then. But, that wasn't a big deal from the story itself. Getting to the positives, I have to say that this story was stupendously amazing. You wrote with quite good details, but not in the "I'm gonna write a ton of details just to show how awesome I am" type of way, since when I see that, I get very bored and usually just skim the story. You made me reading word-for-word, always excited to see what was coming next. The details were not too much, not too little, but just right; I loved that. You see too many stories nowadays that, while well-written, tend to bog the story down with constant detailing of what's going on, and while nice, it drives me crazy and makes me very bored and want to skip it. Your way of telling the story was so simplistic, yet written beautifully in a way even a five-year-old could understand. I loved it.

I must also disagree with what Big Mac said above. I wasn't even THINKING along those lines of what he said. I really don't see his point, either. Why CAN'T you "cross the beams"? Who are we to judge or say what's love, what's friendship, and what's both? In this life, or in Equestrian life, love is love and friendship is friendship, and they can mix or fuse or coexist in whatever way they want. Who cares if it's not "natural" or "how it's supposed to work"? If there's a "specific" way that love and friendship is "supposed" to work, I'm glad I don't know it, because I do things MY way and ain't nobody telling me otherwise. Honestly, this story was perfect in the love/friendship sense. It wasn't rushed at all (I hear the word "rushed" on a lot of comments), you built up to the cute romance with good explanations and reasoning, and it happened in a hot-yet-PG way that was beautiful. Who says friends can't be lovers and vice versa? Hell, if Trixie became a dominatrix and made Twilight her slave, and Twilight turned into a masochist because of it and grew to love it, THAT'S still a form of love and friendship, too. It's not natural, but who gives a damn?

This story was beautiful. A perfect 15 pages (for me at least, after I copied and saved it on my Microsoft Word), almost perfect grammar and spelling, a great storyline, a great pairing, good details, and overall a joy to read. I am glad that I read this. To be honest, I saved it weeks ago, but just never read it...well, now I did! All five stars from me, and then some! Very well done! Keep writing!

this shit is coo


I never had much of an opinion on first-person stories. Before writing this, I had read one the week before, Any Port in a Storm, which I absolutely loved. I was originally going to ship this in a 3rd person perspective, but after reading how well a first-person ship could be done, I wanted to see if I was up to the challenge. I'm glad to hear I succeeded! Prior to this, I didn't know about people's reservations on the subject; I just assumed that since I liked it, others did too (silly me).

Yah I've been getting a few complaints about Rarity being slightly out of character, and by now I'm willing to cave in and say ya, I probably shouldn't have made her act so childishly and some parts. It's just for me, Rarity acts the way she does because she always has somepony she needs to impress. The act of loosening up around Twilight was something I was trying to do to show how comfortable Rarity was around Twilight, though I guess it kind of backfired.

I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed my fic; I enjoyed reading your comment! So we're even. :ajsmug:

45469 That's fair enough. I've read a few first-person stories in my lifetime as well. While they ARE well-written and good, just like yours, I just personally find them awkward, that's all. Nothing wrong with you liking them and wanting to write one.

Well, in all fairness, who's to say Rarity WOULDN'T act like that, given those situations? The show has made her look how they WANT her to look, but she obviously has never been put in a situation like in your story. So...for all we know, she COULD act like that. So, don't worry about it too much; I was just pointing out that see seemed to be acting more like Sweetie Belle than Rarity...and even Sweetie Belle doesn't really act all that childish! :rainbowlaugh:

Still, lovely job, and I'm glad you liked my comment. I always put my heart into making them, so I'm glad you appreciated it. It's nice to hear that you read it, too. :twilightsmile:

Awww! I loved this so much! So very, very sweet. Take my five stars, you have earned them well! :heart:

Yay, it's here!

This is one of the first MLP fanfics I ever read and it's still one of my favorites.
Woo, Twirity.
:raritywink: :heart: :twilightsmile:

That was cute. :twilightsmile::heart::raritywink:

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