• Member Since 9th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I just recently started to write stories directly towards the FiM actively, though I have been writing for years, publishing numerous stories at Mibba and the eventual pony story, as far as to the MLP


In the human world, in the country known as Japan, the Christian calendar has the year 2010

This one morning, I had been given a smart phone, by the brand 'Mane Six'. Which surprised me.

Even if everyone had one of these phones, but the most of them had Apple, Samsung, Phillips or the like, but not me.

There is a game on it, or I had thought it was, then I recognised the Ponies in the game. There were six Ponies.

What came next, was a shock.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 77 )

This is not a good story at all. You are either foreign or a 1st grader. Please hone your skills before broadcasting your message to every pony!


Foreign to the internet?

3786160 speaking of honing skills, I think you may consider doing that.
Starting with elaborating your comment, since it left much to be wished for, on the point of what you're meaning, unless that detail is your personal oppinion.

I know for a fact, not everypony will line one and the same story, regardell of th litterary quality of it.

maybe explain wy you don't like this story, no fan of 'Digimon'? :facehoof: this is something I'm not asking for, it's up to you.

Besides, I hope you do realise, just how new the story is.

3786988 by the sound of it, you're speaking for yourself. :facehoof:

3787339 The reason why people don't like it is because your grammar is absolutely terrible. Like he said, hone your grasp of English to a decent level before posting a story out on the internet. I didn't even read the story, but the description was so terrible it gave me mind cancer.

3787798 the description can be fixed, but it isn't the place I put in the most effort into. Which doesn't mean I'm not going to improve upon it.

I'm working on my English as well, which I'm trying to put moe effort into, but how would you know if you improve, if you're not putting it to the test?

As to that, that's an interesting theory. Where did you grow up? Seriously, that is rethorically speaking.

For a final note; I can improve upon the story by correcting the grammar, but I doubt I'd bother saving a story with spotless garmmar, by changing the story, if you see where I try to go with the question?

Bro, the grammar is bad throughout the story, like it's unreadable at times. I suggest you read high quality fics and look at their grammar.

By the way, Zecora needs to talk in rhyme.:pinkiesad2:

Look not every fic is perfect im sure ponyess is ok with criticism but insulting someone isn't going to help Willie and idmas so for the time I will refer to you guy's as Putas and bendehoes....oh and Mérida heads Your welcome moustache:

3788751 I'll just have to ask somepony to help me reformulate her lines.

Just as I'm going to go over the test in general, including said grammar issues.

This chapter has exactly 666 words in it… Vamdemon!

3788999 That would be great, best of luck :twilightsmile:

3789064 Oh yeah. Exasctly.

I liked the detail, as I noticed it. I just wasn't sure anyone would put any Significance to it.

On the other hoof, it is the little details, that makes all the difference in the end.

There goes another one?

3789065 there ought to be someone who is good at Zecorean Rhymes in this large a group of knowledgable ponies?(oups, I hope someone coined it before me?) or not?javascript:void(0);

3786988 just for a Tease.

I've been connected for the better part of TWO Decades, or so.

3787798 It just occured to me, if you'd be as kind as to direct me towards something you've written, living up to the reading standards you're pointing at?

If it's too much, there's the one inal thing to say, and I hope you see the point?

Comment posted by Fallen Prime deleted Jan 16th, 2014
Comment posted by Sigma EXE deleted Jan 16th, 2014

3794736 just hold your horses, 'Anime Seasons', what anime?

Anime is just fims produced in Japan? I have numerous of thes myself too, along what I've seen on tv or the tube. some good, some bad, and some in between?
I also have numerous films, good once, in my oppinion, like the once by a certain Producer, generally held in very high regard, mind you?
what the card games wort is here, I have no idea, not that I care overmuch. how the games stand out, have some actual expert evaluate, since I have no idea.

interesting to see your face here?

you do know it is very easy to hit someone from behind, when you have nothing to show, right?

I do take very kindly, if there is true critique in there, something that's useful, that is.

considering your tone, it sounds as if you got hit pretty badly?

Everyone is a "Critics", but most can't even spell the word, by the looks? I hope you're not one of these, just as much for your sake, for the record.


you do know it is very easy to hit someone from behind, when you have nothing to show, right?

He does, actually.

Comment posted by Fallen Prime deleted Jan 16th, 2014
Comment posted by Ponyess deleted Jan 16th, 2014

3794945 by the looks, he seems to enjoy it, Quite royally too?

I guess I should simply ignore the rants? I gain nothing from listening to these.

speaking of reporting? I'm starting to ponder, if I should?


News-Flash, if it were PURE digimon, it wouldn't be here, it's a Crossover, just for starters.

If it were PURE pony, and it is, it wouldn't be a crossover. And so far (I just finished the first chapter), this is just looking like a standard (poorly-written) Human-in-Equestria fic.

Comment posted by Sigma EXE deleted Jan 16th, 2014

3795003 a poorly vriten fic could be improved, right?
since you've just red the first, of currently six chapters.
can't say I'm all that far into the story, not far enough to push any envalopes, at least.

I could, and should ask some nice people, in the appropriate group for some help along the way.

even if it may be as poorly written, is there a story you could see worth working on?

Comment posted by Ponyess deleted Jan 16th, 2014
Comment posted by Fallen Prime deleted Jan 16th, 2014
Comment posted by Sigma EXE deleted Jan 16th, 2014
Comment posted by Fallen Prime deleted Jan 16th, 2014

I guess not all realise this is about my story?
think of it as you please, but keep it civile, for the sake of the Site, not for me?

if I do something wrong, please let me know.

3795127 Your grammar needs a total overhaul and your "crossover" isn't even remotely about Digimon. That's two big things you did wrong.

And I don't like that you're censoring me when I try to find more words to express exactly that. You realize you look like you're impotently screaming at ghosts because of the deletion, right?

Comment posted by Sigma EXE deleted Jan 16th, 2014


if I do something wrong, please let me know.

You mean like the Orwellian editing you just used to cover up genuine criticism, which, btw, is a reportable offense?

Ponyess, stop doing what you're doing. Your story is absolute shit. Your grammar is atrocious, and the "Crossover" you have here is about the equivalent of making a Dr. Who Crossover where the only reference you ever make to Dr. Who is some form of time travel.

Now, a mature person would read the criticism they're given and try to improve upon it. However, you're showing people how extremely immature you really are. Your story is shit that has damn near nothing to do with the source material of your "Crossover". Accept this and learn from it. The reason people have been criticizing you so violently thus far is because you not only wrote a shit story, but you refuse to acknowledge it's shit and continue to act like everybody else here is just a troll.

They're not, and quite frankly, you are being about the worst type of author on this site. We would treat you with more respect if you would take our criticism seriously instead of blowing it off. Plus, please, please don't ever use the "You can't do any better" argument. It just makes you look like a moron. Good day.

3795152 Even if that isn't, mis-tagging your story should damn well be. As we've all said, this is not related to Digimon.

3795127 Did you just delete another comment showing that another user is retaining proof of deleted comments? I'm lost as to what you gain from that.

Having now read the entire story, yes, it seems it could be improved. However, I question whether or not that would require a complete overhaul.

First, all sentences start with a capital letter, not just if the letter in question is the word "I."

Second, drop any pretense that this has anything to do with Digimon. Because it does not. The Equestria portrayed her being a digital landscape and a phone with apps does not a Digimon crossover make. This fic overall has the feel of a dating sim game (if a mediocre one), so I suggest you work your story based on that.

Third, the first chapter is incomprehensible. It's unclear at best that Zecora is just talking on the phone's screen and not in person. Zebra. Whatever, you get the idea. It needs complete rewriting. The whole fic does, but the first chapter specifically.

Fourth, seriously, get someone to iron out the typoes and misnames. For some of the most obvious examples, Fluttershy and Applejack do not have spaces, and Applejack's farm is "Sweet Apple Acres," not Orchard. Reading other fics can help you get a better grasp of the English language and fan lingo. I'm sure one of my compatriots know of and can point you to good HiE fics to follow the template of. At least, if you hadn't pissed them all off.

3795152 you only see these few instances.
maybe I missed something in there, so be it.
Yet, deliting these specific still helps me more, then keeping them on.
at least, it is what I feel, you're free to keep your opinion, I'm not going to harass you about it.

I know I'm opinionated, that will never change, it's a part of me.

3795216 Uh, no. Deleting criticism, while leaving only your REACTIONS to the criticism, makes you look like you can't take the heat that you HAD to have known was coming. You're wiping content that would tarnish the story and leaving instead a trail of deletion that tarnishes YOURSELF.

3795135 since there is something in this, that may actually have some relevance to the story, I'm not just keeping it, I'm even responding, just for the fun of it?

by the looks if it, you may actually have red the story, as far as published, at this point.
if so, I guess I can take the refference on grammar, but since the story isn't anywhere near completion, assuming it will, that part is in question, if you don't mind me making the point?

on the final note, you realise I can delete the reply to the deleted comments as well, right?
anything less would defeet the idea in the first place.

3795242 That's getting screencapped. Along with everything else in this thread. If you want people to stop being dicks, you can't be a dick back just for the sake of being a dick back. With this attitude, NO ONE will help you fix ANY of your stories.

For the record, my OTHER comments were about nothing BUT the story and the series you claim it crosses with. YOU STILL DELETED THEM.


on the final note, you realise I can delete the reply to the deleted comments as well, right?
anything less would defeet the idea in the first place.

On that final note, I have been asked to inform you that screen capture images of all comments in this "discussion" prior to deletion have been taken and stored as evidence in the event reports are made. I'm afraid I can't do anything to stop my compatriots; they are their own people.

I guess it is too much to ask, but try just a little bit of moderation, there are more precise words for what you're trying to say? (spelling not withstanding?)

I know of Dr. who, but I'm not an expert, but I know as much as to the effect I had to do more then just odd time jumps.

did you read what the texts in question said? if not, there is no point discussing them. they're gone. if there was something worth it, someone else is bound to point this out, in some later stage.

I'm going to devellop the idea, as to if I'm moving closer any time soon? that's remaining unanswered, but I have find a group, where I can ask about this.

I may not be the best writer, but you're not the best at pointing it out, with your widely overblown gestures and expressions.

Atrosious, but please?

and no Name-Calling.


did you read what the texts in question said? if not, there is no point discussing them. they're gone.

I should probably mention two things at this point.
1.) Everything has been screencapped, as the others have already mentioned.
2.) If the mods are summoned, they can still see the contents of the deleted comments. They remain visible to the mods no matter what you do.

3795293 Do you ACTUALLY want to improve this story? ANY of your stories? Because you making excuses doesn't equal you accepting criticism.

Prove to me that you can take harsher words to heart and use them to fix your broken story, and MAYBE I'll help you. If you actually want this to be a Digimon crossover, it's best to get help from someone who knows the shows.

3795281 I merely removed posts that I felt unrelated to the story.
if someone feels otherwise, is their opinion, for all I care.

besides, deleting the entire discussion should stop new readers from getting the 'Infection'

Sadly, you're right on the matter of the fellow 'posters', likewise, I can't blame you for their actions.
if they were bu8lding up to a point, all I red, is a line of insults. again, I may have misred it.

I try to write a story, and in order to improve upon it, I'm listening to the comments, in hope to find something that will help me, but I'm not perfect, I'm not a god. I'll just have to live with it.


I'm listening to the comments, in hope to find something that will help me,

You keep proving otherwise. And everything you deleted was about the story. You would rather delete comments than listen to them for info that could help you.

I take my offer back.

3795256 I think I'll thank you for this comment, but just remember, that goes both ways.
for everyone, just so you don't feel personally insulted.

if you have something relevant to the story, that helps me writing, I may still consider listening.

Maybe I can be less nice then you've hoped, but sometimes I just pass the limit.
I feel fairly certain you'd know that feeling?


if you have something relevant to the story, that helps me writing, I may still consider listening.


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