• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 692 Views, 5 Comments

Letters From a New Land - Tunalock

As Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight Sparkle are exploring a new land, Twilight decides to strike up a conversation with an old friend.

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Letters From a New Land

Dear Spike,

How have you been? I've been doing fine myself, despite having been pushed into a position of power. However, I've been beginning to accept it. You can't change the past, as they say. The new land that Celestia discovered is full of exciting creatures, though, some of which I can't even begin to describe! My favorite so far are the ones that Celestia named monkeys: they're these bipedal creatures with brown fur (usually) who like to use their tails to swing from branch to branch. Their physique is very reminiscent of the humans we met in the Mirror World, but the monkeys seem to be less advanced versions of the humans. They can't talk like you and I can, but they are incredibly agile! I wonder what other strange creatures these lands hold…

How is Rarity doing? I heard that you and her live together on the countryside. It would be so nice to visit you two, but I've got too much on my plate right now. It's great to hear that you two are together, though! Rainbow Dash came by the other day and gave me the great news. Did you know she's finally graduated from the Wonderbolt Academy with top marks? She's going to be taking over Spitfire's role once she retires, Rainbow told me. Until then, though, she's going to fly side-by-side with her. Rainbow had such a joyful look on her face, too! She was really excited for her first show at Canterlot in two weeks' time. I haven't heard much from the others, but I'm sure they're doing great with their own endeavors. From what I've heard, Applejack is selling her wares far beyond the reaches of Equestria, Pinkie Pie has started her own partying business, and Fluttershy and Zecora work together to learn about the creatures of the Everfree. I feel really bad for Pinkie, though. The death of Cranky Doodle last year really hit her hard. I don't think I've ever seen her sadder.

I hope that you can reply quickly, Spike. It's been a while since we've talked. I have to go now, though; Celestia has just found a new area in this land!

Best Wishes,

Princess Twilight Sparkle

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I've been great, thanks for asking! I'm sorry we haven't talked for a long time, but between you taking care of the new land and Rarity and I busy babysitting for her sister's children (Sweetie had another one!), there really hasn't been much time. I never wanted to bother you, and the only times I had to write to you were when I knew you were working.

Rainbow Dash is going to be part of the Wonderbolts? That sounds totally awesome! I can't wait until they come to Trottingham so I can see her in action! Do you think she's going to perform her Buccaneer Blitz move, or would the Wonderbolts not allow it because of how awesome it is?

It's great that you've started to accept that you're going to rule over a whole kingdom! Acceptance is the first step, as they say. Or do they? Anyways, what do you think you're going to name your new kingdom? Maybe you could name it Twilitopia, or Twilopolis, or maybe even Sparkle City! If you need help naming it, I'm right here for you!

Well, I've gotta go pack for the monthly trip to Canterlot that Rarity and I take so she can get her supplies. Hope to hear from you soon!

Your Best Friend,


Dear Spike,

I don't know what I'm going to name my kingdom yet, but it definitely won't be one of those. I've been thinking about calling it Gaian, due to all the new life Celestia and I have found here, but we'll see how it goes. Also, you don't have to address me as 'Princess', it seems too formal when it comes from you.

Sweetie Belle had a second child? That's going to be a lot of work for her and Button Mash, if we've learned anything from the Cakes. I hope they can raise their family well! Is it a filly or a colt? How did Rose Belle take the exciting news? Was she happy? Oh, I've got so many questions for you two…

Celestia and I found a pretty strange clearing out in the unexplored area we traveled to. The trees almost made a perfect circle around these three brick formations. In the middle was a strange spherical stone that was as black as night and cold to the touch, even though it had been lying out in the sun for what we assume was a long time. It was almost identical to obsidian in every way, but Celestia said it wasn't. She told me it didn't conduct magic as well as obsidian, so it couldn't be that. We've taken it back to the castle to run some tests.

Something felt eerie about that clearing, though. I felt like we were being watched by something hiding in the woods. Then again, there are a lot of things that we haven't found yet about this place, so it's only natural.

There isn't much left to say, so I guess this is goodbye for now. I hope to hear from you soon!

Best Wishes,

Princess Twilight Sparkle


Dear Spike,

Why haven't you responded to me? It's been a week since I sent my last letter. I know you and Rarity have been busy with Canterlot, but that is no excuse to not write to me! I know you guys have already gotten back as well, as you never spend a whole week there.

That's not my main concern with this letter, however. Celestia and I ran some tests on that odd stone, and this is what we've found out:

The material is completely new to us. It's as smooth and dark as obsidian, yet harder than diamonds. Furthermore, it resists all pony-made magical forces (that is, any spells cast by a unicorn or an alicorn), instead only reacting to natural magic forces (the innate magic in all animal and plant life in Equestria). We have dubbed this new material Operite, as in the word 'opera 'opportunity.' We will run further tests later, but for now, Celestia and I are going to take a break.

There is some good news, however. I've decided to name the kingdom Gaian, as I said in my last letter. It's a wonderful place filled with so much amazing life. In the past week, Celestia and I have discovered at least fifty new species! I feel almost honored to be able to explore Gaian with Celestia.

Unfortunately, it's that time again. I have to attend to my royal duties. I expect you to reply this time, Spike. No excuses.

Best Wishes,

Princess Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I'm sorry I didn't get back to you immediately. I was enjoying my trip to Canterlot with Rarity and forgot all about the letter. By the way, how's your search for a prince going? I heard that Flash Sentry got with Sunset Shimmer when she came back from the Mirror World. There goes your high school crush, I guess.

I'm attempting to live a normal life with the mare of my dreams, trying to make the best out of what time we have together, and you're expecting me to drop everything just so I can write a couple of words to you that won't mean much? This isn't like you, Twilight. You usually understand that your friends have lives outside of their friendship with you, but now it's all gotta be about you? What changed in you, Twi? Why are you acting like this?

Your Worried Friend,


Dear Spike,

I am not acting strange, and I am definitely not making this about me! My top priority is the Operite sample, and that's it! Celestia and I haven't found anything else substantial, but with the way you've been acting, I don't know if I want to let you know if we do.

Also, are you attempting to use the fact that Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer are happily married simply to mock me for being single? This is outrageous, Spike! I know I didn't raise you to act like this! Have you lost your manners in the time we've been apart?

I don't know if I want you to write back to me, Spike. You seem to be growing into an uncivilized, immature, ill-mannered dragon, and I am ashamed of you.

Princess Twilight Sparkle


Dear Spike,

I had a terrifying dream last night.

You were in it – or, rather, you weren't. You had gone missing, and I couldn't find you, no matter where in Equestria I searched. I felt horrible the entire time because I kept on thinking it was my fault.

I read what I sent you the other day. I'm terribly sorry for what I said to you, I don't know what was going through my mind that day. I don't think you were trying to mock me with Flash and Sunset. I've taken a look at my past letters, and I agree that I've been acting a bit strange.

Actually, now that I think of it, I don't remember that day. It's all just a haze to me. All I remember doing were some tests on the Operite sample. I don't remember what kind of magic we used, but it wasn't normal magic, that's for sure. Normal magic doesn't affect Operite.

Please, though, I'd like you to respond as soon as you can. I'm always worried about you, as I've never let you go this far away from me by yourself before.

Best Wishes,

Princess Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I'm glad you're back to your normal self again, Twilight. I felt horrible after you sent that letter, so it's a bit of a relief knowing you didn't mean it. Please, though, be careful with that Operite. It seems that nopony has seen something like it before from what you've said, so you can't know for sure how it will affect you.

Rarity and I are planning a reunion in Ponyville in a few weeks, if you're available. We're going to get the old gang back together! It'll be exciting to see everypony again, don't you think? We could go back to the library and read some of the books again! We've been thinking of contacting Pinkie Pie so she can help set up the party, since she's in Ponyville and we're not. Sound fun?

Anyways, stay safe. Don't do anything dangerous with the Operite, alright? There's enough on everypony's plate right now.

Your Best Friend,



Dear Spike,

I've got wonderful news, Spike! After running a lot of tests on the Operite, Celestia and I may have found a way to give magic to non-magical ponies!

After accidentally running an electrical current through the stone, we discovered that electrifying the Operite creates a field of magical energy around it that can either a) give a pony without magical powers such, or b) amplify the powers of a unicorn or an alicorn. This is a major breakthrough in our studies! If we find more Operite in Gaian, we can finally make everypony equals! Nopony will be able to say, "I can't reach that!" Not anymore! We aren't sure of it works with other species (such as dragons, gryphons, and diamond dogs), so we're going to test that when we get a chance.

I'm not sure if Celestia and I have tried King Sombra's dark magic with it. I'll propose the experiment to Celestia tomorrow. For now, though, it's time for me to take a nap; I'm pretty exhausted from all this excitement!

Best Wishes,

Princess Twilight Sparkle

P.S. I would love to return to Ponyville for a reunion! I hear Applejack's got a boyfriend now. It'd be nice to meet him, don't you think?

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I hope this letter gets to you in time, Twilight. You said that you tried using a form of magic before that wasn't normal, and King Sombra's dark magic is the only other one I can think of. I don't want you to do the experiment, Twilight. I've got a bad feeling about this.

Your Worried Friend,



Dear Spike,

I didn't get your letter in time, Spike. I'm sorry. Celestia and I went through with our experiment, and everything went horribly wrong.

When Celestia cast her spell, the Operite… it didn't reject the magic. On the contrary, I felt like as if it accepted it, as if it were waiting for this moment. When the Operite absorbed the magic, a dark aura surrounded it, lifting it high into the air. It spawned… something. I didn't get a good look at it, but I could've sworn it looked like me, only… more horrifying. It were as if my shadow came to life, ready to spread its evil anywhere it could.

I ran out of there as fast as I could. I left Celestia behind. I didn't want to, Spike! I just… forgot about her! I feel guilty; I feel like I'd just left her to die! I don't know where the monster is, but I'm trying to stay as far away from it as possible. I can't use my magic, so I'm using some of your bottled fire to send this to you. I'm not sure if I can make it last, though.

Spike, I don't want you or anypony else looking for me! Please, don't try to save me, you'll only end up hurting yourselves. Attached to this is a letter I want you to send to Princess Luna to send to all of Equestria. It's the only thing left.

I love you, Spike. You've always been like a brother to me, just like Shining Armor. Don't forget me.



An Open Letter to the Citizens of Equestria:

I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, ruler of the land Celestia and I discovered known as Gaian. It is with a heavy heart and tearful eyes that I regret to inform you that Princess Celestia is dead, and I will likely be too soon. I send this letter out not just to inform you, but to warn you all as well: do not attempt to enter the kingdom of Gaian. The evil that lurks here will harm you. This land is hereby cursed and should be considered off-limits to everypony.

This is Princess Twilight Sparkle, addressing you for the last time. I wish prosperity and good blessings to come upon all of your lives.

—Princess Twilight Sparkle

Twilight, you have to try and get out of there! You can't just give up on life like that! You've got a lot of friends who are waiting to see you back in Ponyville! You've defeated tons of powerful foes before! What's one little shadow to you? You defeated Sombra, the King of Shadows! Please, Twilight! Don't give up!


There was no reply.

Comments ( 5 )

Awesome. Are you going to continue with this or...

-Clay the Draconequus

3787579 No, I'm going to leave it like it is. I don't have any other ideas for it.
Besides, I wouldn't want to tarnish it my making an unneeded sequel/add-on. It's the best the way it is.

Al'ight. I'm surprised this isn't more popular to be honest, its really good.

3787887 You should really share this around I'm not fucking kidding Well, I've actually notices a harsh decline in story views since I joined two-and-a-half years ago. My stories from back then have tons of views, while mine right now have little.
My friend speculated it's because I don't update anything.

This review is brought to you on behalf of the group: Authors Helping Authors

Grammar score out of 10: 9
Pros :
it was excellently written
I could hear the characters' voices in my head
The ending was unexpected and brilliant.
The was you eased into 'operite is evil' was amazing.

Cons (list three cons)
There was one grammar issue
Too short (Though that's not really a problem).

Notes Section

She was really excited for her first show at Canterlot in two week's time.

"Week's" Is a typo. That meakes it seem like one week. The possessive plural would be "Weeks', with the apostrophe after the 's'.

You did better than most of the fics on this site, grammatically speaking.

Enjoy your review! Please help me out by looking at one of my stories!

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