• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 965 Views, 21 Comments

Solar Sails: Adrift In Canterlot - Bluecho

Sequel to Solar Sails: Marooned In Equestria. Sarin Miles has become a permanent resident of Equestria. Now she needs to figure out what to do with herself.

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05 - Across Lines

Ch. 5 - Across Lines

“Will you be quiet?!”

Whole Heart shrank further against the wall, tears falling anew from her eyes. But no longer were they tears of despair. They were tears of fear. “P-please...” she whimpered, orange eyes darting between her two aggressors. “Please...just l-let me go...”

The gray-coated stallion shook his head, grinning. He stroked his prodigious beard. “Oh no, we can't possibly do that. We need you. Isn't that right?” He turned up to look at his stockier counterpart.

“Yep, we sure do,” the yellow-coated stallion responded, rummaging through a nearby box. Finally, he pulled a coil of rope from the box. He started to unravel it.

Whole gasped upon seeing the rope. She frantically turned to the bearded stallion. “What are you going to do with that? What do you want with me?!” Shakes and shudders started overwhelming her crystalline body.

“Well you're a crystal pony, miss,” said the bearded stallion. “When I said we worked at Safe Sounds Import Company, I was being honest.”

“'Cept what we import and export ain't strictly legal, see?” said the heavyset yellow pony. He winked at Whole Heart.

“That's right,” said the gray pony. “Right now, we've got a buyer in the Griffin Kingdom who has been looking for a crystal pony. Seeing as they're so rare, and so hard to capture without attention, he's willing to pay a pretty penny. You just happened to be around, and alone. No one's gonna miss you anytime soon.”

Sweat fell down Whole's neck. She took a massive, painful gulp. “B-but...but you d-don't want me!” she said, waving her forehooves in front of her. “I mean, l-look at me! I'm fat! I'm plain! I don't have the same luster as other crystal ponies! And b-besides!” She turned so her side faced the two stallions, displaying her Flaw fully. “I've got this awful fracture!” Whole Heart began shakily smiling, desperately trying to convey as helpful an affect as possible. “You won't hardly get much money for me with this! You should just leave me and find another crystal pony that's better!”

As she nodded frantically, sweat soaking her face, the realization that her selfish request could damn some innocent stranger set in. She frowned guiltily, then resumed her fearful smile.

Unfortunately the gray stallion barely registered the complication. Instead he waved it off. “Oh my dear, we've known about that bit for some time,” he said. “We've been watching you for a while.” He glanced at the Flaw visible through her hide, then shrugged. “I'll have you know our buyer really – really – wants a crystal pony, and will have no qualms about flaws, fractures, or feathering. If anything, we could tell him he's getting a rare beauty, and he might cough up more money. Trust me, sometimes flaws increase a stone's value.” He flashed her a toothy, sinister smile.

The smile dropped right off Whole's face, replaced with a steadily increasing mortal dread. “No please! I don't want to...no! No! Please Celestia no!” She started shouting again, flailing forelegs forward. She looked past the two, but the alley was very narrow. And assuming she could somehow squeeze past, she would need to outrun them.

Impossible. Simply impossible. Even if she wasn't exhausted, Whole would never make it more than a few meters before her out of shape body gave out. She was only getting out of the situation if rescue arrived. “Somepony help me!” she shouted again.

“Shut her up,” the bearded pony said, beckoning to his associate.

“On it,” said the heavyset stallion, stomping forward with uncoiled rope around his hooves.

“No!” Whole screamed, feeling her kicks land impotently against the yellow brute's tightened hide. Felt the rope wrap around her. She struggled, but her legs were slowly bound.

This can't be happening, she thought, shutting her eyes. She tried to flail more, but found her legs immobile. This can't be happening! Why is it me? Why did they have to come after me? Why is it always me?!

“Somepony! Anypony!” she gasped, thick rope being tied around her body. The yellow stallion went and found a gag from his box and walked back over. “No please!” she shouted. “Someone! I don't care who, just someone! Help!” Heavy streams of tears flowed out of her eyes; Whole Heart shut them tight. About to utter another panicked screech, she felt the gag press against her lips, demanding access.

The distraught crystal pony shook the gag away, turning to the side again. “Help! Help! HELP!” She felt the gag force its way into her mouth, hooves stretching around her head to secure the clasps. Whole Heart released a guttural groan from behind the gag.

“Hey! Leave her alone!”

Hooves holding her stopped. Whole Heart opened her eyes, seeing her tormentors arrested in place. As they looked behind them, the crystal pony peeked over their shoulders. She blinked. At the very end of the alley was...

Whole Heart didn't know what kind of creature she was looking at.

Sarin Miles breathed deeply. Hands clenched, stance rigid, she glared into the alley. The sight before her was, thankfully, unambiguous. Unambiguous and deplorable.

“Let. Her. Go,” she commanded.

The two stallions – one gray and skinny, the other large and yellow – merely stared at the party crasher. Their faces showed shock and confusion. Slowly, they turned to look at each other.

Gray stallion, the one with the black beard, was the first to speak. “What?” he asked dumbfounded, looking back at the pale biped.

“I said let her go!” Sarin shouted, reveling in how the stallions flinched. Planting a foot down, Sarin sank low and shot forward. Celerity allowed her to cover the several meters of distance in a second, until she stopped shortly before the group of ponies. “Now.”

Flinching yet again, the two stallions quaked. But in seconds, the bearded one seemed to regain his resolve. “No,” he said, meeting Sarin's gaze without flinching. “No, I don't think so.” His horn flared up with an azure glow.

From the corner of her eye, Sarin saw a similar blue aura flare up. Warrior's instinct kicking in, she jumped back just as a glowing spear swept swept in front of her in a wide horizontal slash. Planting her feet on the ground again, Sarin saw the spear settle into a levitated guard stance in front of the gray unicorn.

“Hah!” the unicorn grunted, thrusting the spear forward.

A note of inspiration hit Sarin, and she allowed the spear to travel a little past her by twisting out of the way. As the spear began to retract, Sarin grasped the offending weapon with both hands. She allowed the spear to pull her along bodily until she'd covered some of the gap. Then she dug her heel into the ground and pulled. The force was enough to stop her completely.

“Uh?” the bearded one grunted. Grimacing, he intensified the glow at his horn.

Sarin felt the shaft of the weapon pull back against her grip. Consequently, she pulled back harder. When the unicorn set his teeth, she felt the spear pull with greater strength, and she responded in kind. But as the tug-of-war continued, Sarin's arms began to protest the effort. Looking over, she saw the unicorn's eyes snap shut in exertion. Sarin blinked, then smiled.

Well if he wants it back so badly, she thought, letting the dastardly plan form.

Leaning forward, the modified soldier reversed her momentum. Pushing instead of pulling. She bridged the remaining gap, allowing the pull of the magic do much of the work. Drawing close, she dipped the spear downwards, then twisted the butt end up.

Right into the unicorn's gut.

“Aack!” the bearded one gasped, eyes wide open. His lips quivered, and his stance faltered. Dropping to the ground, he curled into a ball, clutching his struck stomach. “Ah! Oh!”

Looking down at his fallen comrade, the heavyset stallion turned a scowl at the biped. “Now you'll get it!” he shouted, rearing up and attempting a left hook.

Sarin stepped back, letting the hoof sail off mark. Skin tingled as she felt the rush of air flow past her in the leg's wake. A second step back, then another to avoid the next flying hoof. Her opponent was a physically imposing figure, who began to lunge more in each attack. Realizing a mere step would be insufficient, Sarin contorted her form to sidestep a downward stomp.

As the maneuver repeated, the earth pony stallion snorted. “Stand still, you freak!” he spat. Literally spat, with a spray of fluid shooting out his mouth. He retreated a step or two, then reared back. With the full force of his mighty legs, he lunged with hooves stretched to either side.

In a split second, Sarin noted his trajectory. Those forehooves nearly scraped the sides of the alley, and his speed was enough to potentially floor her in caught. She might not have enough time to retreat. So instead, she dipped low and ran to meet him. She rolled, using her body's engineered flexibility to twist her between the pony's back hooves. She allowed herself to roll for a bit, then landed on her feet, angling to face the stallion when she stopped.

The stallion landed with a dull thud, sprawled on his stomach, forelegs gripped to his chest. Looking down at them, he gawked at seeing them empty. “What the...?”

Sarin stood up, pulled her foot back, and drove it into the stallion's flank. Kicked it as hard as she could.

“Wah!” the yellow earth pony yelped, flipping over and onto his back. Dust billowed up where he landed, his eyes straining to see. Then they locked onto the modified soldier, taking in her stance while upside down. “Uh...” he began, cringing under Sarin's stone stare. Then he blinked, smiling. “He he.”

As if I didn't know he's behind me, idiot, Sarin thought, turning around.

The spear shot forth, but Sarin grabbed it with one hand and pushed it aside. Stepping ahead, she reached her other hand out at the unicorn. Her fingers took hold of his beard, tugging.

“Gah!” the unicorn yelped painfully. Instantly the glow of his horn ceased, and he started waving hooves in front of him. “N-no, please!”

“Should have listened to her then,” Sarin retorted, tilting her head to indicate the end of the alley.

In the distance, the crystal mare sat, rope bound, face still slick with tears. She was staring in shock. She probably couldn't muster a sound even if she wasn't gagged.

“Please! I'm sorry,” said the unicorn frantically. “I'll never do it again! I promise! Just don't- AH!” He yelped, the grip on his beard growing tighter.

“No, you won't,” said Sarin. Mustering all her strength, she turned around and pulled at the beard. Were it merely one strand, such a force would easily pull the hair free at the root. For an entire beard, force was distributed evenly, causing the hairs to continue pulling. The unicorn screamed as he went flying over Sarin's shoulder, arching overhead. Tears fell from his face from the immense pain at his jaw.

The burly earth pony had risen to his feet, but flattened in surprise as his compatriot came falling right on top of him. Two ponies sank to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust. When the dust cleared, they were in a pile, squirming around, grunting in pain. The brute's face contorted, hooves rubbing his sore head. His partner likewise rubbed his chin, letting out pathetic whines.

When they opened their eyes, they froze. Sarin stood at the foot of the heap looking down. Her Imperial standard issue survival knife lay in her hand. It was fortuitous that the castle guards returned her knife. Unlike the light pistol, which would undoubtedly be studied by Equestria's finest scientists, the knife was nothing special. It was sharp, and it could cut. That was it. Once photos were taken for records, they returned the weapon. Keeping it would only mean diverting storage space for the thing, and they knew full well Sarin could obtain a serviceable knife anywhere, any time she pleased.

“So,” Sarin said, fixing her glare upon the would-be kidnappers. “Are you going to get lost?” She held up the knife so it could glint in the light. “Or am I going to have to make geldings out of the both of you?”

The two stallions cringed, letting out painful gasps. They clambered to their feet, frantically knocking into each other as they rose. Keeping eyes fixed in terror on the Fatae, they ran full tilt towards the end of the alley.

Where they slammed blindly into a pair of rigid, unmoving armored pegasus guards.

So there were guards following me, Sarin thought, blinking.

Frightfully shaking, the criminals looked up at the guards, then back at Sarin. Suddenly they gripped the legs of the pegasi. “Please!” said the unicorn, a tear running down his face.

“It was us, we did it!” said the earth pony.

“We'll confess!”

“Just get us away from her!” The earth pony pointed a hoof shakily at the Fatae.

“Yeah! That bitch is crazy! Arrest us, anything! Just don't leave us alone with her!”

The guards looked down on the criminals, then looked up at Sarin. By this point, Sarin had already walked back to the bound crystal pony and began cutting through the bonds.

Sarin Miles looked up at the guards. To her relief, the guards merely smiled mildly. One nodded approval, then took out a whistle to call backup.

She could hear distant fluttering and the sobs of the two kidnappers, but Sarin turned her eyes back to the victim. Fitting the knife under the gag, she cut out, severing it. “Are you alright?” she asked.

Spitting out the gag, Whole Heart stared into the strange biped's yellow eyes. The moisture from her earlier tears increased as Whole began to cry again. She nodded, letting the drops trail down.

“Okay,” said Sarin, looking back down at the ropes again. “Let me just get the rest of these.” Using the knife, she sliced and sawed through the bindings until the entire mess tumbled away. With that done, she returned the blade to its sheath. “There, you're fr-”

Whole Heart wrapped her forelegs around the soldier's midsection, burying her soaked face into Sarin's chest. “Thank you!” she choked, voice raspy and raw. “Thank you so much! I don't...I d-don't know what...what I'd d-do...or what would h-happen if you hadn't c-come along...” Whole let the tears flow out, feeling her savior's shirt absorb the fluids. “Thank you! ...thank you...”

Sarin Miles crouched there, looking in shock down at the poor mint pony. She still held her arms up where they'd shot when the creature hugged her. Slowly, Sarin brought the arms down, folding around the pony. Sarin returned the hug, not caring she could feel tears soaking into her chest. Her shocked expression softened. “It's okay,” cooed Sarin, stroking the short purple mane. “It's okay. I've got you. It's going to be alright.”

It felt right. It felt correct. It felt like the kind of thing she'd been denied for so long growing up. It felt like something a hurt person – Fatae or Pony – needed more than anything in times of distress. Like something...something the strong are supposed to do for the hurt and the lost.

Sarin cooed more in the pony's ears, shushing as the poor thing sobbed. Finally, she asked, “Can you tell me your name?”

A muffled choke issued from her chest in reply, “Whole...Whole Heart...” She sniffed.

Sarin smiled. “It's going to be okay, Whole Heart. My name is Sarin. Sarin Miles.” Patting the mare's head, Sarin gripped Whole closer. “Everything's going to be okay.”