• Published 23rd May 2014
  • 624 Views, 3 Comments

The Princess of a new world - Boxo-pony

Twilight Sparkle. Student of Princess Celestia, bearer of the Element of Magic and the would be Princess Alicorn of Equestria is in a situation. A country need dire help from a Princess but what if it's not Equestria at all?

  • ...

Prologue, a new day and a new world

"I don't know, are you still sure I be fit for this?" Asked a nervous Twilight as she is trotting her way to the balcony of the royal castle.

"Why of course Twilight. I'm sure you do great out there." Replied a reassured Celestia right next to her.

"I too think thou shall do well." Said Luna standing by Twilight other side.

"So, how many ponies are out there again?" Questioned Twilight again.

"Practically all of Equestria." Answered Celestia.

Twilight gulped.

"Just do your best, remember, you always have your friends out there." Reassured Celestia whilst nudging Twilight to go on.

Twilight breathed and prepared herself. As she walked up to the balcony, she can hear the large crowd that awaited her. As she finally stood on the balcony, she looked at the huge crowd that all cheered for her.

"Get it together Twilight." Mentally noted Twilight.

Soon the crowd went silence and bowed before their new princess.

Twilight was still uncomfortable that now every pony will bow down when they see her. Not that it really mattered to Twilight if they didn't do it.

"Oh why didn't I have that cup of water a while ago? I might have a dry throat now!" worriedly thought Twilight.

She took a a quick glance towards her friends on the lower left balcony then she felt her confidence build up again. Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and even her number one assistant, Spike was there cheering her on.

Without them, who know what Twilight life would have been like. They were there for Twilight in her time of needs. So was Twlight, in their time of needs. The six of them (as well as Spike) learned so much from their time in Ponyville.

Twilight gave a small wave to the crowd and began her speech with a smile on her assured face.

"Well a little while ag-" Began Twilight but then stopping mid sentence.

Twilight felt her whole body just stop. She couldn't move at all nor speak. She felt trapped inside.

"Twilight! Get out of there!" Shouted Celestia as she made her way to the balcony.

"Celestia, What's happening?" Thought Twilight as she couldn't speak.

Everything to Twilight was moving so slow that it look like time have stopped. But the event will only happen in a few seconds.

Twilight managed to turn her head towards the direction to Celestia but stopped to her right. On Twilight right, was a aqua blue portal pulling her slowly in.

Twilight didn't have time to think this over. She tried to use her magic to teleport away from the portal but it already got a hold of her. The portal strength was too great.

The next thing Twilight saw was Celestia trying to reach to her student just before the portal closed and all she saw, was darkness.


Twilight view

"Hello? Any pony?" I shouted into the dark barren wasteland.

My voice echoes through out the mysterious land.

"How could this happen? What do I do? What do I do? Oh sweet Celestia, what do I do!?" I mentally panic in my head. My body began to walk in circles as I desperately try to think this over.

"One second I was at the royal castle giving a speech, then it was a..." I paused.
"Portal. Yes that was it. So now I'm in..." I paused again.
"Somewhere..." I concluded with a frowned face.

"Agh! My leg!" I shouted out in pain as I began to move again. When I woked up in this place, I was flat against the dry grey ground, with a sprained leg.

"Ugh, great." I mumbled in distress.

I took my time to examined what else I broke, luckily nothing else was majorly damaged. My dress for the coronation was still on me with only parts of it ripped off.

A major thing I notice already is that it's nightime. Yet, it feels much greyer then any of Luna nights. It's almost as if there's no colour. Maybe I'm just imagining it.

As I looked around my surroundings, it was nothing more then a barren wasteland after wasteland. No mountains, no rivers, nothing in sight. Then again, it's hard enough to see my surroundings in the dark.

I cast a light spell that made my horn glow to make my surroundings much clearer to see. The spell flashed my surroundings in a luminous violet colour.

"At least my horn is still working." I gratefully thought.

"There got to be some kind of town or village or any pony around here." I thought.

"Then I can find a map and directions to Canterlot." I contuined to think.

"But what if the portal lead me far away or perhaps through time itself? What if this is the future!?" I began to panic in my head as multiple questions about my current sitituration keep coming up.

"Stay clam Twilight, just find a town or any pony, then you be back home safe and sound." I muttered to myself in order to calm my head.

I looked around at the plain desolated land,

"Now which direction should I take..."


With one of my legs sprained, I decided to use my wings to travel to my destination. But even so, it weren't long till I crash into the dry solid ground.

"Why didn't I took Rainbow Dash flying lessons sooner." I grumbled in regret.

So now I'm walking with a limp leg in the middle of nowhere. How can things get worse? Oh wait, maybe it will be the lack of water that will lead to dehydration if I don't hurry my way. But then I will run out of energy and then I collapse from exhaustion.

I collapse on my rear and shouted out in frustration, "Mother of Celestia! Why is this happening to me!?"

I looked up in the sky and noticed something very unusual. The moon is different. Unlike Luna moon, it wasnt bright and beautiful as it should be, not to mention that half of the moon was well...gone!

The moon look like a lump of grey in the sky with half it gone.

"How is this possible? What happen to Luna? This something happen?" I thought in disbelief in what I witness.

Whatever happen, I must hurry back to Chanterlot. Not a time to lose!

I got back on my feet but then collapse on my side. Oh right, my body at its limit. I attempted to get back up but my body's not responding.

Only a few hours in the middle of nowhere and my body already gave up, oh why didn't I have that glass of water before my speech.

I'm in a dire situation now so I mustered up all the magic I have to shoot a flare of violet to get any pony attention. I just pray to Celestia that some pony will see this.

I stared at the colourless sky with only a hint of a violet glow in the sky as I lay on the rough ground. Eventually, my eyes began to shut and before I knew it I fainted.


Darkness, all I saw was darkness. I was floating in my not so colourful dream, no noise, no sound, nothing. I was floating around the darkness. I was hoping for Luna to visit my dreams but so far, nothing. A voice then came out of nowhere and I woke from my slumber..

"Hey mama, I think she's waking up!" Called out a mysterious voice in a child like voice.

The darkness I saw soon turned into light when I opened my eyes. I was just in some deserted wasteland and now I'm in a what look like some pony home. The room had only a straw bed which I am in and what look like a book on a small shelf in the corner of the room. The only source of light was a flaming torch hanging from the room wall.

"Thank Celestria! That mean there are ponies around here." I thought before turning my head to see a little filly staring at me wide eyes.

The filly was on the side of my straw bed just staring at me. She was a unicorn with white fur and a long midnight blue mane which was dangling around her head. On closer view, her fur and mane both have a dull tone to them giving a grey coat and a dull blue mane.

None of us said a word until the filly suddenly asked,

"Do you need a cup of water Miss?".

Without questioning, I simply nodded as I noticed I still had a lack of hydration.

Soon the filly ran out of the room to suddenly come back with a cup of water levitating above her using her magic. The filly offered the drink to me which I gratefully took.

After the refreshing drink, I looked at the filly who was still looking at me in wonder. I noticed she had emerald eyes which shine way brighter then her coat and mane. The silence was broken when a mare in a brown hooded robe walked in the room. She had a long dull midnight blue mane as well as the filly but with a much darker coat, her fur was a dark grey colour. Her eyes though were covered by her hood.

"Ah so I see you awake. I trust that Kyour is not bothering you at all?" Said the mare who looked at the filly with a eyebrow raised.

"Kyour?" I asked.

"That's me!" Blurted the filly with gleam.

"Oh no, she not bothering me at all. She even gave me something to drink." I replied with a sheepish grin.

"That's good then," Chuckled the mare.

Suddenly a click occurred in my mind and I suddenly blurted out loud,

"Wait! Where am I? Who are you? What day is it? How did I get here? What's with the moon?" As I got up on my hoofs.

The mare and filly took a step back from my sudden outburst.

"Agh!" I yelled as I fell back on the ground.

"I wouldn't move your leg to fast if I were you." Warned the mare.

"Sorry, I just don't know where I am and I have no clue back home. I just so many questions right now..." I sighed as my head and ears drop down.

"Well me and my scout party were keeping eye on the outer badlands and spotted a violet flare in the sky, then we found you unconscious. You seem to have suffer from a lack of hydration not to mention the twisted leg." Explained the mare.

I looked at one of my leg and saw bandages covering it up. I noticed I still had my tattered coronation outfit on.

"You been unconscious abo-" contuined the mare until Kyour spoke up.

"Four and a half hour!" Said the filly with a grin.

"Thank you Kyour," The mare smiled at Kyour.

"Well thank you very much..." I thanked at the mare before realising I don't know her name yet.

"Oh do call me Cassiel," The mare added with a smile.

"Hm these ponies have strange singular names. I mentally noted down.

"But I need to get back to Chanterlot right away, so if you could tell me which directio-" I informed Cassiel before she looked at me with a confused look.

"Chanterlot?" She questioned.

I nodded.

"Never heard." She plainly said back where I look at her if she was living under a rock.

"You know, main capital of Equestria?" I replied with my hoofs motioning in the air.

"Huh?" She looked at me again in confusion.





Kyour looked back and forth as Cassiel and I exchange words.






"Hmm perhaps the elders are right, you don't seem to be around here, you could be the one..." Muttered Cassiel.

"What was that?" I asked when she muttered something under breath.

"Oh nothing. By the way, I haven't got your name yet...Miss?" Cassiel asked me.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle, but my friends just call me Twilight." I replied to her. Yet, I'm slightly surprised how she didn't recognise my name at all. Most ponies would bow right away when they hear the mere mention of me. Probably not all ponies hear the news I guess.

"So Twilight, may I ask if you follow me to another part of the village?" I snapped back to reality as Cassiel asked me.

"Um sure I guess. Hey, where's Kyour?" I replied as I noticed the small filly gone from the room.

"She must have went outside, probably got bored." Cassiel smiled.

"Hehe yeah, say is she your filly by the way?" I enquired.

Cassiel just coldly stared at me as if her eyes were piecing through me, that if I can see her eyes from under that hood. She turned her back and head to the direction of the door and whispered a "no".

"Come on, you probably still have a lot questions that need answering." Continued Cassiel as she lighten her horn into a luminous white light.

I slowly began to trot to her direction making sure I don't twist my leg. As I caught up to her, I asked another quick question as we got past the doorway,

"Where are we exactly?".

Once out of the room, I was greeted with a large stretch of trees before me, we were in a forest. I looked around to see little huts or tiny houses placed above and on the ground. It was night time still as I saw the midnight sky, again the atmosphere was very dull and greyish. The only source of light were from fire torches placed around the area and my guide, Cassiel.

"My magic still feel pretty weak." I quickly thought.

As I contuined to look around in wonder, Cassiel approached me and greeted me with her hoofs in a welcome pose,

"Welcome to Ilistria, the land where the sun never set or rise!".

I merely looked at her in disbelief and muttered under my breath,

"I'm not in Equestria am I?".

Author's Note:

First thing first, I SUCK AT TENSES! ;w;

Ok now that's out of the way, I do hope some people enjoy this story~
Please comment and criticism is welcome as I do need work on a lot of parts! >w<

A thanks to SolarBeam who gave me some tips~

Comments ( 3 )

Awesome!:rainbowkiss: Like usuall.:coolphoto:

Thanks again Solar~ :twilightsmile:
Also another thank for the fav! :D

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