• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 4,655 Views, 657 Comments

The Sunshine Chronicles - TwilightUCrazy

Applejack has always wanted a family of her own, but she had thought it out of reach... until now.

  • ...


"And no other problems?"

Applejack shrugged. "Not really. Just a little..." She coughed. "Just a little, uhh... hungry lately." She paused and glimpsed to her family -- Rainbow Dash chief amongst them -- grinning at her like she were a comedy act. "Like I... can't eat enough..." she muttered, blushing and turning her head away.

The doctor grinned and snorted a laugh. "Yeah, pregnancy'll do that." He pat her on the side. "You're pretty much eatin' for--"

"Eatin' fer two. Yeah, yeah. I got it," she muttered.

Rainbow Dash snorted a chuckle. "That's not exactly new, by the way..." she said, earning herself a sharp warning glance.

The pegasus mimed the zipping of her lip and threw away the key.

Ain't no lock strong enough to keep that mouth shut. She rolled her eyes.

Then came the familiar sensation. With a rude noise, an icy-cold jelly was applied to her stomach, earning a surprised yelp from the earth pony.

"Still the worst feelin' in the world..." she grumbled.

"Oh, sorry." The doctor smiled sheepishly, clicking a switch. "Guess I didn't get the gel-warmer goin'. I'm not usually the one usin' this thing."

Applejack sighed and tried to relax onto the soft bedding again, but the irksome sensation of the sonic probe poked at her gut, rolling over the surface of her exposed stomach. She bit her lip and crossed her legs against each other.

"Could ya uncross your hind legs?"

Applejack looked up to her doctor. "Aw, come on. Seriously?"

He smiled at her apologetically.

She sighed and did as instructed, wriggling helplessly beneath the wand.

"Wouldja mind keepin' still as ya can?"

Applejack scowled at the physician. "Easy for you to say. You ain't the one bein' poked at..."

"Couldja see if she has a heart in there while you're at it?" Rainbow asked with a wink.

Doctor Rhythm laughed despite Applejack snorting in annoyance. "'Fraid we'll have to schedule another test for that one. For now, let's see if we can..." He paused, the wand pressing firmly against a spot on the farmgirl's belly.

She winced at the uncomfortable sensation, but kept as still as possible.

"Thar she blows," the physician said, eyeglasses glinting off the screen's reflection.

Disregarding the wand, Applejack leaned her head up and tried to peer around to the screen.

The doctor rotated the ultrasound equipment slightly towards her, revealing a small, blurry gray blob in the center of the monitor. A tiny heart rhythm bar pulsed quickly down along the bottom.

"See that?"

Applejack's heart skipped a beat and her breath hitched in her throat. She was so distracted that she didn't even see her wife flutter down around behind her to get a glimpse at the screen. Granny, Big Mac and Applebloom weren't far behind.

"I-is that..." she asked, not sure where the sting in her eyes was coming from.

"That, darlin', is your little foal in the makin'," Dr. Rhythm said with a warm smile. "Already sixteen times bigger than before."

Annoyance and immaturity be damned, Applejack eagerly clutched her wife against her. The happy tears she spilled went largely unnoticed by her.

"Th-that's him! H-her!" she said, voice breaking in her elation. She wiped away the moisture on her face to see more clearly. "That's my baby!"

"Yeah... your baby..." Rainbow wheezed, rapping softly on the leg wrapped around her neck. "Can your other baby breathe now?"


The magnet clacked sharply against the refrigerator door, and Applejack's eyes darted between the first picture taken, and the print she had been given mere hours before. After a quick lunch, wherein Applejack had dominated all conversation between her family, wife and friends, she was eager to come home and compare photographs... or sonographs, such as they were.

She let out an uncharacteristic squeal of delight, hopping from hoof to hoof and prancing about the kitchen like a foal on Hearth's Warming Eve.

"Oooooh, she's gettin' so big so quick!" she said for what must have been the tenth time since arriving home.

Rainbow bit her lip in amusement and crossed her hooves smugly, leaning against the counter. "I thought the doctor said you could still barely hold something that size in your hoof." She snickered. "I wouldn't exactly call that big."

Applejack turned to her and gasped. "Rainbow! How couldja say that?!" She turned her attention down to her belly and softly rubbed her hoof in circles. "Don't you listen none to mean 'ol Papa Dash. She's just jealous 'cause of all the attention yer gettin'. Yer gonna be a big and strong foal before ya know it. Yes you will!" she cooed.

"AJ, you're talking to yourself." Rainbow paused and tilted her head with a smirk. "And what makes you think it's gonna be a 'she' anyway?"

"Well... just lookit 'er!" Applejack said, leaning up against the fridge and peering closely at the print. "She's just such a gorgeous little thing. How could she be anything else but a little filly-to-be?" The farmgirl nuzzled the picture. "Oh, yer gonna be such a pretty little thing..."

"You're not gonna be talking to an unborn blob for the next nine months, are you?" Her wife pouted.

Applejack blinked and turned around. A smirk blossomed on her lips. "Awww. I think somepony really is a mite jealous..."

Rainbow turned and huffed. "Well, it's not like I didn't do anything to make it all happen. I figured somepony might shower me with a little more gratitude and--WHOA!"

A flying Applejack broadsided her and brought her sprawling to the floor. The weight of the earth pony landing on top of her was enough to force the air out of her lungs, and being squeezed around her barrel didn't do much to help her breathing.

Applejack nuzzled against her wife's neck.

"Geez..." the pegasus wheezed, fluffing her wings to catch a breath, "I can't remember seeing you more... cuddly than this..."

Applejack grinned. "Shut up and let me love ya."

Rainbow struggled for another lungful of air. "Only if you agree to not kill me in the process!"

Author's Note:

Prompt by: Sidetrack