• Published 15th Jan 2014
  • 7,390 Views, 227 Comments

Genesis - JumpingShinyFrogs

Twilight decides to push herself to the limits, and stretch the boundaries of her magic, by accomplishing the ultimate task.

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Core and Crust

Twilight smiled at the empty void. This was her canvas, the gas, dust and rocks her paint.

Her horn lit with a bright magenta glow. Particles floating before her glowed and converged in a seething mass under the influence of her magic. Soon a minuscule planetary core sat before her.

The magic field around her horn expanded. It extended to reach the asteroid belt in the far off distance. At a speed that would have given Rainbow Dash motion sickness, large lumps of rock began hurtling through space. Clouds of gas robbed from the gas giant came flying along, and joined the core, expanding it.

Twilight continued her process for what could have been hours, or could have been days. Out here in space, it was difficult to tell.

She now hovered in space before a mass of gathered space debris. She glanced back at Equus. Her core was smaller, but not significantly so. She was no more than an insect when compared to her creation; which was a hulking behemoth and an example of true telekinetic mastery. But it lacked a few properties...

She lit her horn once more, casting a powerful gravity spell at the centre of the soon-to-be planet. She released her hold on the matter, and was elated to find that it stayed in place.

Telekinesis: completely mastered, she thought.

Now to set it alight. She turned to Celestia's glorious sun, a blazing inferno of raw power and energy.

I'm sure she won't mind me borrowing a bit of her flame...

Twilight's horn sparked to life once more. A looping arc of solar fire was caught and dragged across space. Twilight hovered back from the ball of rock and gas. This would be dangerous.

In a burst of magic she flung the flame, which had taken on a magenta colour, at the core, and threw up a shield around herself. The gas within the core combusted violently, creating a gorgeous fireball not unlike the sun. Flames were thrown out across the surrounding space, but split harmlessly around Twilight's shield.

Shields: mastered, she thought.

The difference between her core and the sun, however, was that rock was involved in her project. The searing heat of the solar flames soon melted the asteroids and her other rock.

She now had a burning ball of molten rock. But she wasn't done.

She lit her horn once more, the familiar magenta aura changing to a dark blue colour. The very tip of her horn glowed iridescently, before a bright beam of ice-infused magic came streaking from her horn, striking her core.

The outer layer of the ball of magma began to harden into rock once more, creating an oddly smooth surface.

Ice magic: mastered, she thought

To check that it was safe, Twilight descended from above and stood on it. It was as hard as the rock in Equestria.

Still, she thought, it's very featureless.

She decided to remedy that. Lifting off into the air on her great wings once more, she decided to shape her landscape. Gripping the entire newborn planet in her telekinetic aura, she created cracks in the base rock. The crust had been split into tectonic plates.

Choosing a pair of plates, she smashed them together like cymbals. The still-malleable plates folded upwards, creating a long spine of rock along the borders of the plates.

Twilight smiled. The first mountain range of her new world. The peaks were tall and the bases wide. They seemed to stretch into infinity, angled in such a way that Twilight truly believed they were trying to grab the sun.

It took little effort for her to come up with a name for them: The Celestial Range .

She flew across her vast landscape until she found another tectonic boundary. She repeated the process, crashing the two plates together to form a mountain range. This range was different. Instead of being sharp, tall and proud like the Celestial Range, these mountains were smooth, the tips more rounded. Not as tall as its sister range, but far wider.

Twilight had no trouble naming this mountain range either: The Lunar Range.

She teleported to the other side of her planet. While it was daytime near the Celestial and Lunar Ranges, it was nighttime on this half of the planet. She decided to sculpt this area too.

Once more taking two plates and banging them together like a foal with building blocks, she created a third mountain range.

This set of mountains looked as though they were made of crystals. Jagged spires rose up oddly and stuck out at pointed angles. Twilight briefly wondered why each formation looked so different, but passed it off as her own technique differing from mountain to mountain.

Again, she found it easy to name this line of mountains: The Amorous Range.

Flying off, she decided to create two more great mountain ranges, for now, before stopping.

For her next range, she decided to have a little bit of fun. She made sure to crash the stone together in odd ways, with no point being the same in terms of how she hit it.

The result was a strange combination of the other three ranges, tall and pointed in some places like the Celestial Range, smooth and rounded in others like the Lunar Range and jagged and angled in others like the Amorous Range.

She was finding it incredibly easy to name her creations; this one would be named the Chaotic Range.

She teleported to a section of her world which she had not transformed yet. Here it was evening.

She gripped the last two plates she would mould into a truly massive mountain range and struck them together.

This mountain range was a simple one. It was tall, but not too much so, and it was wide, but not truly expansive. It was keeping to itself, not affecting the landscape around it in as many ways as it could. It reminded Twilight of herself in an odd way.

In an odd homage to herself and the time of day she had moulded it at, Twilight named this spine of mountains the Dusk Range.

For a few hours, maybe longer, Twilight went about creating lesser mountain ranges, scattered around. She left them nameless—the ponies she would create later could decide their names.

She hovered in the atmosphereless sky, gazing down at the world she had sculpted. She still had a lot to do. But this was a truly impressive start.

Author's Note:

So sorry for those of you who thought there was an update when there wasn't. My computer trolled you all by hitting the Publish button early. Please don't have my story taken down!