• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 1,866 Views, 35 Comments

Split Heritage - Deathlightning21

Follow the Story of Celestia's halfling daughter and her journey

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Chapter 3

This was Sunlight’s favorite part.

She watched in awe as her Godmother Twilight A. Sparkle used her magic to make a swirling ball of pure magic with tints of fire magic worked into the spell. With a glow from her horn, Twilight unleashed the energy within the magical ball into a mini firework display.

Sunlight clapped her hooves together and cheered for her Godmother’s amazing talents with her magical abilities.
Twilight looked over to her goddaughter with a smile. “Now your turn.”

Sunlight nodded and concentrated her magic into doing what Twilight just showed her to do. Her magic focused into her horn and concentrated on making the small ball of energy. She was doing well, the ball was slowly forming in front of Sunlight at a steady pace. But the part she was doing wrong was keeping her eyes closed and not making sure that the energy did not get too large.

“Sunlight, you might want to-”

“Do it now? Alright!” Sunlight’s horn glowed a bit more brightly and the energy ball, that was the side of a upright table, started to go off.



Applejack was just on her way to give Twilight some fresh grown apples. It had been a whole two years since the two did something no one else expected and it was soon to be their anniversary for it and Applejack thought that these apples would be a great gift before she got Twilight something really nice.

As soon Applejack approached the famed Ponyville Library a massive “Boom!” was heard and some of the Library’s window’s shattered from the explosion.

Applejack panicked and rushed to the door, dropping the apples, opening it up.
“Twilight! Ya’ll okay in here?!” Applejack’s eyes searched the wrecked room with piles of books on the floor for Twilight.

Twilight soon stuck her head out of one of the piles of books. Her mane was a mess and her coat with riddled with cartoonish black spots like she was just in a loony toons skit.
“I’m fine, Applejack.” She looked around quickly. “Where’s Sunlight?”

Sunlight popped her head out next. Her alicorn form intact but her mane was in the same mess that Twilight’s was in.
“Sorry Twilight… I should have payed more attention it’s size before adding in the fire magic...” Sunlight hung her head in shame.
Twilight sighed “It's alright. Go upstairs and clean up while me and Applejack clean this place up.” Applejack herself was already starting to pick up books that landed on the floor. Sunlight nodded and slowly trotted up the stairs to the bathroom.

Applejack looked at Twilight. “I dun get it. Hows the daughter of Princess Celestia so darn bad at magic? You’ve been teaching her for years now.”
Twilight shook her head. “I don’t know myself, Applejack. Celestia thinks it might have something to do with her Changeling side. All I can do now is help her the best I can.”
Applejack nodded and returned to cleaning up the books. All of the girls were informed of Sunlight’s changeling side in case if anything were to happened that would need her to stay with them for a while.

Meanwhile upstairs in the restroom, Sunlight sat in the tub and staring at her reflection in the warm water. She let out a deep sigh and reverted back to her true self and looked back into the water.
“Why can’t I get it right? Mom is the best magical pony that everypony knows. How does she expect me to lead Equestria or some other kingdom when I can’t even master a simple spell like that?!” Sunlight attacked the water, splashing water onto the floor and wall. After the strike, Sunlight placed her face into her hooves and lightly sobbed. She removed her hooves from her face and saw from the reflection in the tub that looked back at her. She looked at the watery image of herself and saw only one thing.

A Loveless Freak.

A Failure.

All of her subjects liked her because she was Celestia’s daughter. None of them truly love her for being herself.

But who would even love a mismatched freak?

Sunlight suppressed her negative thoughts and finished up her bath. After a quick wash up she got out of the tub and dried herself off and exited the restroom.

But before she did, she took one last look into the mirror. She slowly approached it and saw not her real self, but her alicorn disques.

“Look at me… I will never pass as a perfect girl, or a perfect daughter, can it be? I’m not meant to play this part? Now I see, that if I were truly to be myself, I would break my people’s heart.“

She leaned up against the mirror and watched herself in it.

“Who is that girl I see, staring straight, back at me? Why is my reflection someone I don’t know? Somehow I cannot hide, who I am, though I’ve tried. When will my reflection show who I am inside?”

She looked deeply into the mirror and at her Alicorn reflection “When will my reflection show...Who I am… inside.” She looked away from the mirror and exited the bathroom.

Twilight looked at the slowly approaching halfling. “Are you going to be alright?” Sunlight looked up at the worried unicorn and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

Sunlight looked around the now fixed up Library. All the books were placed back onto the shelves and the windows looked like they were going to be replaced soon. Also it seemed that Applejack had left already.

“I’m about to head over to Rarity’s to make sure she’s alright. Want to come with me?”
Sunlight thought about it a nice walk sounded good right now. “Sure, that sounds nice.”
Twilight smiled and nodded. “Don’t forget to-”

“Change back, I know, I know.” Sunlight’s form changed back to her Alicorn self and waited for Twilight to lead the way to Rarity’s store.

The trip wasn't a long one. They arrived at the eccentric fabric store owned by the one and only Rarity. Twilight was first inside followed by Sunlight.

“Why hello Twilight! It’s always great to see your face.” Rarity greeted them from the comfort of her very fancy chair. She layed up the best she could from the extra weight of her pregnancy. “What brings you and Sunlight here?”

“I just wanted to check up on you. Since Spike is away helping you sell your new line clothing I figured you could need a check up.”

“I do wonder how my Spikey Wikey is doing in the rough business of clothing marketing. I hope he can handle it all by himself without me.” Rarity put a hoof to her chin in thought.


Spike was getting frustrated with the colt in front of him. “For the last time! Just tell me what color of dress you want so I can get it and then you can buy something already!” Spike was getting very mad at this buyer right now.

The colt was just as mad as Spike was right now. “I’ve told you the same thing, buster! My wife wants very specific dress Miss Rarity made. I do not think just saying the color will help you find it if your being this incompetent with customer support!”
“I don’t even know what that word means and I feel insulted!”

“I can do more than use big words to insult you dragonboy.”

The two were butting heads by this point in the argument. “Is that so tough guy?”

Back in Ponyville

Rarity shrugged. “I’m sure he is handling everything just fine.” Rarity then showed a face that she just remembered something. “Oh! That reminds me. I wanted Sweetie Bell to go and pick up a few things from the market.” Rarity turned her head towards the stairs. “Sweetie Bell! Please tell me you're out of the shower so you can go run the errands I told you to do!”

“Coming!” The mare that came down the stairs that made Sunlight’s jaw drop.

She was so pretty to Sunlight. Her face was beautiful and her body seemed to rivaled any top of the line model she had seen back in Canterlot. The way she trotted just mesmerized Sunlight and the finishing blow was shaking her mane back and forth to get rid of any water left in it.
Sweetie Bell trotted up to Rarity. “What was it you wanted me to get?”
Rarity simply levitated over a list and gave it to Sweetie Bell.
She briefly skims through the list and looks back at her sister. “Why do you need pickles, a gallon of fried beans, peanut butter supreme… and a pint of dragon milk?”

“Well as you know Sweetie Bell mares that are pregnant, like me, develop odd cravings for various foods and drinks. Now go get them before I start to get cranky.” And with a threatening giggle Sweetie Bell was off and out the door.

Sunlight was still glued to Sweetie Bell’s person and stared at the door as she left with mouth hanging wide open. Twilight waved a hoof in front of her eyes and called out her name.
Sunlight shook her head and looked nervously at the two. “Well… I have to… go and… BYE!” With that she ran right out the door.

Twilight was left scratching her head. “What was that all about?” Rarity on the other hoof was just giggling a knowing giggle.

Sunlight had avoided being seen by anypony while trying to find that mare. When she did find her she hopped into a nearby bush and watched Sweetie buy what Rarity asked her to get.

‘She seems so nice and kind… pretty in all areas… maybe she could.’ With a shake of the head she dismissed that thought but it came back hard like a slap to the face. After that she knew why Sweetie was pledging her every single thought.

She had a crush.

She could feel it swirling in the middle of her chest and quickly spread to the rest of her body. She watched Sweetie Belle buy the last item and something out of impulse she might have just regretted.
“Wait!” She shouted, jumping out of the bushes and landing on her face.
Sweetie Belle gasped and ran over to her to help her up. “Are you okay?”

Sunlight made her blush go away and looked at the area that Sweetie’s hooves occupied “Thank you… I-I’m fine.” That blush seemed to work it’s way back onto Sunlight’s face.

Sweetie Belle breathed a sigh of relief. “That's good, I thought you were really hurt for a second.” Sweetie then got a closer look at Sunlight. “Wait… You’re Princess Sunlight! What are you doing here? Don’t all princesses just live in Canterlot?”

Sunlight kicked some dust here and there. “Well… I just come here to train my magical skills with my Godmother Twilight Sparkle. I’m sure you know about her… seeing how your sister is really good friends with her… and stuff.”

Sweetie’s eyes widened. “Wow! I wish I could be her magical student. I bet you're great at magic if you're learning from the best.”

Sunlight’s guts twisted and she looked straight down at the ground. “Well… n-not really the greatest…”
Sweetie tilted her head at first then understood what Sunlight meant. “Oh..I uh..didn’t mean to.” Sweetie Belle had to think of something quick. “How about we forget what I said and go get something to eat?”

Sunlight looked up Sweetie Belle with an astonished look on her face. “G-Go with you?”
Sweetie Belle smiled at the halfling princess. “Of course. I feel bad for bringing that up so I thought I could just treat you to lunch as an apology.”

A date.

Sunlight didn’t hear the real reason for the dinner because fireworks were going off in her head. Her grin seemed to cover half of her face. “That sounds like a great idea! Where are we going?” Sunlight seemed to be bouncing up and down at this point.

Sweetie Belle watched her bounce in pure joy with her eyes. “You seem to get really happy over good news.”

Sunlight stopped mid bounce and looked at Sweetie. “Um, Is that a bad thing?”
Sweetie merely giggled and shook her head.
“Oh, good.”

The two mares trotted their way to a nice looking place to order food from. They took their seats and awaited the arrival of their waiter. “So Sunlight, what can you tell me about yourself?”

Sunlight’s hoof traced the wood marking on their table, thinking of things she could tell Sweetie that didn’t make her look like a freak in her eyes. “Well… I like to read books. Twilight showed me how great they could be and it helps pass the time in the castle.”

“That sounds interesting, what else?”

Sunlight told Sweetie about herself often leaving out that she was bad at magic, a forgetful spaz, a half changeling princess. Anything that would paint herself a total loser in Sweetie Belle’s eyes. To Sunlight, princesses could have no flaws, it would make them look bad in front of their subjects even though she would love for them to accept her for who she was.

“You sound like a fun mare to be around.” Sweetie giggled which in return made Sunlight blush.
“Thanks Sweetie Belle.”

After their meal, Sweetie looked at the nearby sun dial. “I have to head home with Rarity’s things now. Catch you later?”
Sunlight nodded so fast her head was about to pop off.
“Alright, hope to see you soon.” And with a wave Sweetie Belle gathered her things and trotted back to her home.

Sunlight waved until she could no longer spot the mare of her dreams. She was so nice and pretty! How could Sunlight resist falling for her so soon?

Sunlight bounced happily all the way to the Train Station to await her chariot back home.

Canterlot Castle

“And then we went to go get something to eat, then we talked, then she said ‘Catch you later’! Isn’t she just the best?!” Sunlight giggled, finishing her “date” story with her mother.

Celestia smiled at her daughter. “It seems you have made a new friend today Sunlight.”

“I’m so happy that I did!” Sunlight plopped down in front of her mother. “Do you think she likes me?”

“Of course she likes you, you are friends after all.”

Sunlight shook her head. “Not like how all of my subjects and Vanilla like me. Like… well… like, like me. Like how you and Dad like each other.”

Celestia looked at her daughter with a worried look. “Why are you thinking about such things so soon? You just met Sweetie Belle not even a day ago.”
Sunlight twiddled her hooves and a dull red blush started to manifest onto Sunlight’s face “W-Well… she’s nice and… very pretty… um...”
Celestia’s all to knowing grin crept onto her lips. “Does my little sun princess have a crush?”

Sunlight’s dull blush turned into a very bright pink one. “What?! Noooo of course I don’t, What would ever make you think that?!”
Celestia merely touched one of Sunlight’s flustered cheek.
“Well… that doesn’t prove…” With a sigh Sunlight looked down. “I do have a crush…”

The sun matron patted the space next to her for Sunlight to join her on her bed. Sunlight did so and Celestia began to speak. “Sunlight, it is natural for you to fall in love at this age. Teenagers are a special case when it comes to their emotions and must be treated with extreme care. The only way to make sure that this Sweetie Belle likes you back is to not rush things with her but get to know her better than anypony else. Do you understand?”

Sunlight slowly nodded.

“Then go get some sleep and think on what I have told you.”
Sunlight nuzzled her mom and she returned the nuzzle and watched as Sunlight exited her room.

Celestia levitated over a picture frame she kept close to her bed. “If only you could see her now, She is growing up so fast.” With a kiss to her picture she placed it back down. “Good night my love.” She layed down on her regal bed and blew out the candle.