• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 5,232 Views, 41 Comments

Deep In The Heart Of Texas - xd77

Nathan takes everypony to Dallas where he shows them around and everything.

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Chapter 4: Church Service - Part 1

Author's Note:

This is part 1 Nathan will sing in the next chapter.

The next morning, Nathan got up out of his hotel bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower because he knew that Lucy was returning any minute to take his pony/human friends and parents to their first church service, once he finished up, he walked out of the bathroom and went over to his bag and put on some nice dress clothes, and just in time to see his parents wake up with smiles on their faces, they must've slept good throughout the night, because Nathan got a morning hug from Cadance.

"Wow mom, ya' always give me a good night hug, but never a mornin' one." Nathan said

"Well sweetie, I decided to give you one just for the heck of it, now stay out here and wait for Lucy okay, cause she said she's taking us to a place called church."

"Yes mom, you, me, dad, and everypony else are goin', plus there's gonna be a service lunch after, and ah' would like to see some other friends of mine while we're there, so feel free to enjoy 'human' food." Nathan said

"Sure thing, bud." Shining Armor said, stepping into the bathroom first, after he took his shower, he got out and put on his outfit that he got from the Galleria yesterday, next was Cadance. At that moment there was a knock on their door, Nathan went over to open it and there stood Lucy in her church gown ready to take them.

"Hi Ms. Fanning." Nathan said.

"Hi sweetie, everybody else is up and ready downstairs waiting." she said, Nathan was surprised.

"How did they beat us to it?" Cadance asked.

"Well let's just say, they just did and leave it at that, now let's get going you all." she said as she closed their hotel room door. They then took the elevator down to the lobby down there waiting was Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and everypony else eating muffins left over from the breakfast, they were ready to get this church thing done and out of the way.

"Now fair rules, we will have a 30 minute sermon lesson from our pastor, so when he comes up there is to be no, screaming, talking, eating, drinking, or loud noises during his sermon, you are to sit still and listen quietly, but the first thing we do before our service is Sunday School, I will assign each of you all, except Nathan, a room where you all can learn, and even in their, listen quietly to your lessons, is that clear?" she asked, everypony nodded their head in agreement.

"All right, let's get moving." And with that, they were out of the hotel, and marching towards the van, once they got inside, Lucy switched on the radio.

And now here's Casting Crowns on 94.9 KLTY Safe For The Whole Family Said the radio announcer, they were now out of the hotel parking lot and into the streets heading for the church.

About 5 minutes later they were now at First Baptist Church of Dallas, when Applejack looked at it, it was huge, soon Lucy found a parking spot, parked the van and they got out, she took them inside where they were greeted by hundreds of other people going to their Sunday School rooms.

"All right Ms. Fanning, ah'm goin' to mah' room, ah'll see ya'll in the service." Nathan said.

"All right sweetie, I'm going to find them a room, see you later Nate." Lucy said, and thus Nathan took off to the stairs of to the second floor where the first grade Sunday school room was.

"All right now it's time to find you a room as well." Lucy said taking them the opposite direction.

Meanwhile Nathan had found his way into his Sunday school room where he was greeted with hugs, he really hadn't seen them in over a year, the first one to hug him was a boy named David.

"Nathan, gosh it's been forever." he said

"Ah' know Dave." Nathan said, the second was a girl named Tracy.

"Ms. Fanning told us that you live in a world called Equestria, which is ran by ponies right, you have pony parents don't you?" she said.

"Eeyup." Nathan said sulking hoping to get laughed at, instead what he got as responses were "cools" and "awesomes" from them.
"Nate, it must be awesome to have unicorns for parents, wish I had them." one of the boys said, "Wish I had unicorn parents."

"Yeah, it must be cool." a girl said, pretty soon they saw their teacher, Ms. Alice Bandra, enter their room, she was just as surprised to see Nathan had returned for a visit.

"I see Nathan here has come back from that place called 'Equestria'." she said

"M-hm." he said.

"Well all right kids, let's get started on our lesson today, as you all know we've been discussing a lot these past three weeks on Jesus' miracles, from history, can anyone tell me what His very first miracle was?" she asked, a boy raised his hand.

"Answer Andrew." she said

"Turning water into wine." he said.

"Correct" Ms. Bandra said, "Can anyone tell me another miracle he did?"

"Healing a blind man on the Sabbath." said a girl.

"Anyone else?" she asked, Nathan too knew an answer so he raised his hand.

"Yes Nathan?" she asked

"Raising Lazarus from the dead." he said.

"That is exactly the next miracle we're going to talk about today, is Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead." Ms. Bandra said.