• Published 17th Jan 2014
  • 1,216 Views, 31 Comments

Mega Mare Dash 2 - Shazam 25

Months after Defeating the Chaos Soldiers and Night Star, Rainbow was hoping for rest, but now they return and so has Mega Mare Dash!

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Preview of Mega Mare Dash 3

Author's Note:

OK, this is a little preview of Mega Mare Dash 3. This is where around Night Star beat Rainbow Dash and her friends stand up to fight her before they discover that Rainbow Dash is Mega Mare Dash. Remember it a preview, something that will appear in the next story and the whole thing will be revile when I write it. Enjoy! Wheel Gator stage is coming soon! I finally got something to start with.

Everypony couldn't believe it. Night Star defeated Mega Mare Dash, an Harmony Protector and savor of Equestria. The pile of rocks stood there as if it was mocking them of their hero defeated. Night Star look at the pile of rocks and chuckle before laughing out loud. She did it, she defeated her Great-great-granddaughter. Shame she couldn't join her, but at least she won't be in her way anymore. Her laughter was cut off by one voice.

"SHUT UP!!!" It said surprising everypony.

Night Star turn and saw that Scootaloo was angry at her with tears in her eyes.

"Shut up! That not funny! You don't have the right to laugh! Mega Mare Dash was protecting us and you kill her, what so funny about that?!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Yeah, What so funny about killing another pony? If ya pay attention she was one of us as you are!" Apple Bloom shouted as well.

"You no more then a meanie! I don't understand how taking a life of another is funny!" Sweetie yell tears in her eyes too.

"Hpm, I offer her a chance to join me but she refuse. I never wanted to, but she left me no choice." Night Star said as her giant body turn to face them.

"You don't care about other life!", Fluttershy shouted, "you care about yourself only! You have no Kindness!

"You don't even care about other ponies that get hurt in your attacks!", Rarity said, "you are the worst pony we could meet and Mega Mare Dash has show us more Generosity then you have!"

"You think killing and hurting others is FUNNY?!" Pinkie yell, "you don't even understand Laughter!"

"Ya lie to yourself and others." Applejack added, "you have no Honesty in ya!"

"You will never get the power of the Elements of Harmony!", Twilight shouted, "I use to think Mega Mare Dash was one of the Chaos Soldiers but now I know she not. She our friend and we will stop you!"

Night Star look at them and laugh once more.

"Then try it. I love to see what you got." Night Star said and got ready to attack them.

Before the fight could even happen, the pile of rocks started to move. Everypony turn back to the pile and watch as two huge rocks was push apart showing a pony was alive. But they all gasp on who they saw.

Her armor was mostly destroy, only her left bottom and upper hooves was back in it blue color. Her body armor was half destroy show her right wing. Her helmet was also gone, showing her rainbow mane. They watch as she climb down the pile and lift her head so everypony could see her face.

"Rainbow Dash?! You're Mega Mare Dash?!" The Mane 5 and CMC shouted.

The Princesses was just as surprise. Rainbow form her buster and aim it at Night Star. She was baldy hurt, but she wasn't going to let her win.

"This isn't over Night Star. Not by a long shot!" Rainbow said.