• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 3,584 Views, 34 Comments

An Editorial Tale - Awkward Elipsis

A mysterious pony appears in equestria and appears to be more than he seems. Especially when the princesses know him in some way.

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Chapter 7 - Applebuck Season (Episode 4)

"Wake up Noctus!" Twilight called from downstairs, "Spike got breakfast ready for you!"

"A few more minutes! I'm on my vacation." Noctus replied pulling his blanket over himself.

"You started your 'vacation' two weeks ago!" When there was no reply, Twilight teleported up to the room to find that the stallion had fallen back to sleep. With an irritated face, Twilight teleported both herself and the stallion down to the kitchen. Through the trip Noctus continued to sleep. Twilight then grabbed a cup of water and spashed it into his face.

"Gah!" Noctus leaped into the air and fell back to earth. "Ugh, fine I'm, up I'm up. *sniff* *sniff* Ooo pancakes!" He quickly casted a drying spell on himself and walked over to a chair and commenced eating, Sitting in another chair, Twilight picked up her hay sandwich. "I don't see why you won't eat hay, its good."

"To you ponies maybe, but that just tastes bland and gross to me. I'm just not used to it." Lifting a piece of pancake to his mouth, "I'm so happy I can use magic now."

"Yeah so I won't have to feed you, again." Twilight remarked.

"Hey! We agreed to not talk about that again!" Noctus angrily snapped at the giggling mare.

"No, we agreed that I wouldn't tell anypony about it, not that I couldn't talk about it."

Noctus grumply continued to eat, "anyway, whats the agenda for today?"

"Well, I was hoping to ask you to go and get some more quills I ordered from Mr. Davenport while I go and get some groceries."

"Sounds ok," finishing his pancakes and floating the plate over to the sink, "I guess I do need some fresh air after studying almost all week again."

"Yup, although you're making quite the progress with learning magic."

"Yeah, anyway want me to go now?"

"Sure" After cleaning his plate, Noctus left the library and headed for the Quills and Sofas store. On the way many more ponies waved and greeted good morning, for more ponies knew Noctus now than a week ago. He had quickly became good friends with Berry Punch and Noteworthy, he even went to Berry's house and met Berry Pinch. He also met Berry's other friends Lyra and Bon Bon. Lyra worked as a zoologist and studied all sorts of other animals from exotic species to the everyday pet. She usually worked together with Fluttershy and usually sat on chairs oddly like a human does. Bon Bon on the other hand was a candy chef. She made all sorts of sweets and sometimes experiments with all sorts of flavors and designs. While headed to Davenport's store Noctus began to feel the ground start to vibrate.

"What in the world?" He looked around to see everypony else stopping to see whats going on to. Suddenly Rainbow Dash appears

"Stampede!" Everypony hearing her immediately started to panic.

"What?!" Noctus still bewildered, was standing in the middle of the street at everypony paniced. "Whoa, really, wait why would you close your windows? . . . Did that pony really just drag their welcome mat inside?"

"Hey! This makes my voice sound silly" Pinkie said as the vibrating ground made her voice all weird.

"Pinkie Pie, are you crazy?! Run!" Twilight called to Pinkie.

"Everypony calm down! There is no need to panic!" Mayor Mare announced.

"But, Mayor, what ever shall we do!" Rarity dramatically raised a hoof to her head in dispear.

"Look there!" Rainbow yelled, pointing towards the stampede.

Looking to the stampede, everypony saw Applejack and her dog, Winnona, running next to the stampede of cows. They got on the two sides of the stampede and kept the cows together.

"This is the best rodeo show I've ever seen!" Pinkie them shoved her face into the popcorn she had.

"Pinkie? Where'd you get that?" Noctus walked up beside her.

"From my emergency stash of junk food. Duh!" Pinkie continued to eat.

Looking at the popcorn and back to the pink mare, "can I have some?"

"Sure, Nocty," he used his magic to grab a few pieces and plop them into his mouth.

"Mmm, buttery." Off to the side Twilight looked to the two and rolled her eyes.

As the stampede of cows were getting closer, AJ and Winnona jumped onto the back of the cows . They continued jumping from back to back until they reached the lead cow. Winnona proceeded to back on the cow's left side while Applejack lassoed the lead cow and pulled on its right. Right before the bridge the lead cow gave in and turned left, er, to its right. Following the lead cow the rest of the stampede turned to their right. Everypony cheered for Applejack as she skidded to a halt with the herd of cows.

"Wait what's Applejack doing now?" Noctus squinted to see, "Is she talking to the cows? Wait, cow are intelligent here?!"

"Yeah," Twilight responded, "why wouldn't they be?" Looking at Noctus inquiringly.

"Oh, no reason." As AJ walked to the top of the hill, the sky became orange as if it were a sun set. "Why is the sun back at the edge of the horizon again? It's Like almost the afternoon!" Then as AJ walked down from the hill, Noctus blinked and the sun and sky were back to normal, "what?! But. . . WHAT?!".

"Yeehah! Ride'm cowpony!" Pinkie jumped out and acted like a rodeo bull.

"Applejack was just, just-" the Mayor was saying.

"APPLETASTIC!" Pinkie finished as she appeared upside down. Outside. With nothing to hang from. A sec later she fell from her position.

"Exactly," the Mayor continued, "we must do something for Applejack for single hoofedly saving the town."

"I know," Pinkie got up with her eyes glistening, "let's throw her a party!"

"We could also give her an award for her bravery!" Twilight added.

"I'll help decorate!" Rarity offered.

"I'll get Applejack when its time," Rainbow Dash said as she flew to a cloud to relax.

"I shall get an award to give to Applejack," Mayor Mare exclaimed, "Twilight would you come with me?" Twilight turned to walk away with the Mayor. Stopping Twilight turned around , "Noctus, I haven't gotten the groceries yet. Could you get them as you get the quills?" She floated a list of goods to Noctus. Taking the list in his own magic, Noctus remembered.

"Oh shoot! I forgot the quills!" He quickly dashed for the Quills and Sofas.

After getting the quills from Mr. Davenport, Noctus headed for the market square. "Let's see," unraveling the list, "first, there's roses, daffodils, tulips, and lilies. Is Twilight trying to make a bouquet? Oh wait, pony herbivores." He went over to a stand selling flowers with a mare at it. The earth pony mare had pale yellow coat, a raspberry mane, and a rose cutie mark.

"Why hello there, I always enjoy new customers," the mare greeted with an odd tone, "my name's Roseluck, you can call me Rose."

Not noticing anything wrong, Noctus replied, "Nice to meet you, I'm Noctus. Although, I've actually been living in Ponyville for about two weeks.

"Oh! I'm surprised I haven't seen you around, you do stand out."

Looking at himself, "Do I? I guess wearing clothes does make me stand out a bit." He pulled on his hoodie.

"Oh it isn't bad, I looks quite nice on you."

Blushing at the compliment, "Uh thanks. Oh um," pulling out the list of groceries, "I'll need some roses, daffodils, tulips, and lilies. Uh, twenty of each."

"Right away sweetie," Roseluck turned to get the order. Noctus waiting for his order began to get lost in his thoughts.

'Ugh, stupid Noctus, blushing at a small compliment. Well, I was never really that popular, or handsome before I was Noctus. I never had any girls try to hit on me.' Looking back at Roseluck, Noctus instead got a look at her backside, making his face turn red. 'Why do I find her attractive? Was it because I've been spending the last thousand years in Pony Universes? Maybe I'm just misunderstanding.' He shook his head to clear his mind.

"Here you are," Roseluck said as she placed the flowers on the counter," here you are, twenty of each."

"Thanks," Noctus put the flowers into his bag.

"So may I ask where you're staying?" Rose asked

"Oh, I'm lodging with Twilight," looking up at the sun, "Uh oh, I need to get going, gotta finish

"Oh, ok. Well, if you want to hang out sometime, I'll usually be here."

"Ok, see ya later Rose." Noctus waved as he continued on his errands. Nothing after his chat with Roseluck was different for normal. Say hello, ask for what he needed, chat for a bit, then explain why he wore clothes. After getting the final item on the list, Noctus headed home. On the way back to the library, Noctus happened to pass by the park. He looked around the serine environment, there was a lake, a shaded area, and even a playground for the colts and fillies. He walso saw Bon Bon and Lyra, they were just sitting on a bench at the park. Lyra was sitting like a human again, just looking around, and Bon Bon was reading a book next to her. Lyra spotted Noctus and gave a wave, he waved back and continued on to the library.


One week later and the preparations for Applejack's party were complete. Rarity had decorated the area surrounding the town hall with flags, streamers, and a banner with apples on them. Twilight had been up almost all week writing a good speech for the ceremony. Noctus, surprisingly, went out a few times with some of his new friends. However now that the party was ready, they couldn't find Applejack.

"Is Applejack all set?" Twilight asked.

"Actually, I haven't seen her all week." Rainbow Dash answered.

"Not since the stampede." Pinkie added.

"But she'll be here for sure, Applejack is never late!"

"What could Applejack have been doing this whole entire week?" Noctus walked up beside Pinkie.

"I don't know," Twilight responded, "but, I'm sure she'll be here." Twilight turned and headed towards the stage. She walked up the the pedestal and straightened her stack of papers." Welcome everypony, today we are here to honor a pony we can always count on to help in matters great, and small. A pony who's contributions to-"

Rainbow Dash came out of nowhere and interupted Twilight, "Did you see Applejack's slick moves out there? What an athlete! This week she's going to help me with my flying trick, and I know its going to be so awesome!" Squishing her hooves to her face.

"Exactly," Twilight pushed Rainbow Dash aside, "and-"

"This week I get to run SugarCube Corner for the first time!" Pinkie popped in.

"What has that got to do with Applejack?" Twilight asked.

Blinking at the question, Pinkie replied, "Oh! Applejack, one of the best bakers EVER! Is going to help me. Applejack makes everything great, so free samples for everypony!" The entire crowd cheered in anticipation for the samples.

"Mmm, I wonder if the samples will be apple based." Noctus thought out loud.

"Why I do hope so, especially if they're Sweet Apple Acre apples." A brown earth stallion said beside Noctus in the crowd.

"Oh man yeah, I've never tasted any apple fresher or sweeter than theirs." Noctus replied. The stallion smiled back.

"My name is Time Turner, it's a pleasure to meet you." The brown stallion put his hoof out. Noctus looked at the stallion and shook his hoof.

"Pleasure to meet you as well," Noctus carefully looked at Time Turner's face, hair, as well as his accent, "is that you Doctor?" Instantly Time Turner's eye's widened in response.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," looking around to see if anypony had heard, "I-I'm not a doctor of any sorts."

"No, not a doctor, the Doctor. Doctor Whooves!" Time Turner quickly covered Noctus's mouth with his hoof.

"Ok, ok, you know who I am,I don't know how, but you mustn't tell anypony."

"It's fine, I already know."

"What? How?" the Doctor asked.

"Let's just say, I've met you before, but not you" As Noctus said the second 'you', he pointed at the Doctor with a hoof.

"Right then," the Doctor looked back to the stage, "what happened while we were talking?"

"I think Twilight just stormed off stage." replied Noctus. As Twilight indeed stormed off the stage, Mayor Mare stood at the pedestal.

"*Ahem* And so, without further a due, I am privileged to give the Prized Pony of Ponyville award to our beloved guest of honor. A pony with the utmost trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity, Ponyville's most capable and dependable friend, Applejack!" She waved her hoof off to the side as the curtains opened. As they opened, everypony cheered until the curtains opened entirely to reveal, nopony. Once everypony realized that Applejack wasn't there they all stopped cheering, all except Spike. The Mayor scratched the back of her head nervously, "*Ahem*," she cleared her throat.

"I'm here! I'm here!" cried Applejack as she walked through the crowd with a bunch of apples, "*yawn* Sorry I'm late. Whoa, sorry did I get yer tail?" She clambered up onto the stage. "Miss Mayor, thank ya kindly for this here uh, award thingy.*yawn* It's so bright n' shiny." She began laughing to herself and talking about how she looked funny in the award's reflection. Pinkie soon joined Applejack on stage looking at her reflection. This went on until Twilight appeared on stage, "Okay then. Thank you Applejack for saving us from that scary stampede, and always being there for everypony."

"*yawn* Yeah, I like helpin' the ponyfolks an-*yawn* and stuff." Applejack then fell asleep on stage for a few seconds before saying thanks once again and dragging the award away.

"Was it just me or did Applejack seem a little," Twilight asked.

"Tired?" Rainbow answered.

"Dizzy?" Fluttershy answered.

"Dirty?" Rarity answered. The other three looked at her. "Well did you see her mane?"

"She seemed fine to me!" said Pinkie as she went on 'wooing'.

Noctus watched with curiosity before he excused himself from the Doctor and headed over to the girls. "Hey girls, did Applejack seem a little-"

"We just had this conversation." Twilight said bluntly, "and yes she did seem a little tired."

"I wonder what could be keeping Applejack from getting some sleep."

"I don't know, but if she really needed some help, I guess she would have asked us."

"Well, from what I've seen of Applejack, she would seem like the type of pony that would be too stubborn to ask for help. Considering she is the one who always helps others." Noctus stated.

"Hmm." Twilight pondered.

The day after the awards ceremony was quite normal, except for the fact that none of the girls or Noctus had seen Applejack the entire time. "I'm getting worried," Twilight said, "What if Applejack is in trouble?"

"Well, like I said at the ceremony, if she needed help, she seems to me like a pony who wouldn't admit she needed help." Noctus answered looking up from the book on teleportation.

"I'm going to Sweet Apple Acres to check on her." She said as she walked out the door.

"OK, I'll watch over the library while you're gone." waved from his chair, not looking away from the book.

While Twilight had gone to check up on Applejack, a few ponies came into the library to checkout a book. Noctus didn't recognize any of the ponies that entered, but one had stood out. She was a light gray pegasus mare with a buttery yellow mane. However her eyes were what stood out the most; they weren't looking the same way. When Noctus curiously asked about her eyes, she scratched the back of her head in embarrassment saying that they were like that ever since she was a small filly. Noctus said they were very interesting as well as saying that they made her more unique. For he knew how much it was to be different than everypony else. After a small chat, she checked out a book on different muffin flavors and left.

Soon after, Twilight appeared in the door. "Ugh, that mare is so stubborn."

"Told ya." Noctus said smugly.

"What ever, she said that she was off to help Rainbow Dash with her new trick and left."

"Really?" As he said this, a loud crash sounded from the upstairs balcony. Both ponies got up and raced to see what it was. When they got there they found a very dizzy Rainbow Dash laying on the rail.

"Rainbow Dash! You OK? You need help?" asked Twilight.

"I think somepony else needs your help." answered the very dizzy mare.

"Let me guess, Applejack."

"Yup" Rainbow Dash said as she slumped over the rail, most likely just resting.

"Ugh, I'll go talk to Applejack again."

"OK, I'll take care of Rainbow Dash." Noctus agreed as he used his magic to lift the blue pegasus into the library and onto the couch. After Twilight left once again to Sweet Apple Acres, Noctus got back to reading another book. After an hour or so Rainbow Dash began to wake up.

"Ugh what happened? Ow." She struggled get up.

"Just calm down, you're inside Twilight's library." Noctus told her," you got a serious hit to the mid-section when you landed on that rail. After a bit of rest you'll feel better."

"How do you know? You're not a doctor."

"You're right, I'm not. But I have been in your situation before. I got hit in the stomache by an orc once. It did not feel good." He clenched his abdomen in memory.

"Ok. . . I guess?" she answered, unsure of what an 'orc' was. She laid back down and fell asleep again in a matter of seconds. another hour later she awoke as good as new. "Ah, now that feels better. Well I feel fine now so I'm head off."

"OK." answered Noctus. Rainbow Dash then shot out the window and all was quiet in the library once more. Feeling hungry, and with Spike gone to Rarity's, there was no one to cook anything for him. So he wrote a note and left it on the front door:

Closed Early
Gone to Eat

Noctus closed the door and headed to SugarCube Corner for a snack. When he got to the bakery, there was a bunch of ponies lined up to get a free sample of the muffins Applejack and Pinkie made. As he got up to the front of the line Noctus got a better look at Applejack. Seeing the bags under her eyes, and remembering what happened to Rainbow Dash, Noctus took a closer inspection of the muffins. When he got up to the front he could clearly see the muffins. "Hiya Nocty, care to try a free sample?" Pinkie offered a muffin to him. Noctus looked closely at the muffin and took a deep whiff. 'Something smells. . . off about those.' He thought.

"No thanks Pinkie, I'll just have my usual." Noctus kindly denied the offer.

"Okie dokie, one blueberry muffin and a lemonade coming up!" He got his order, paid for it, and walked out to eat his delicious muffin on the go. After sitting on a park bench to finish his meal, he saw Twilight and Spike running by.

"Yo, Twilight, whats the rush?" Noctus called.

"Noctus. There you are, come on quick!" She called back as she ans Spike continued on. Getting up, Noctus followed her all the way to a blue tent.

Stopping next to Twilight, "So, whats going on- WHOA" Noctus gasped at the sight behind the blue curtain. Behind the tent, was a dozen ill-faced ponies. "Holy cow! what happened here!?"

"There was a mishap with some baked goods." answered Nurse Redheart.

"Nooo," whimphered Pinkie from a nearby medical bed, "not baked goods, baked bads." She them proceeded to hurl her stomache(metaphorically speaking) into the bucket next to the bed.

"Applejack." Twilight accused with angered eyes.

"Mmm," Spike held a few of the bad muffins," want one?"

"Spike," Noctus looked at the muffin with horror, "are you eating those?!"

"Yeah they're pretty good." He stated, tossing another into his mouth. Noctus, seeing a live earth worm wriggle its way out of a muffin, proceeded to turn green and throw up into one of the sick pony's buckets.

Twilight looked at Noctus, "you stay here, I'll go talk to Applejack again."

"No," agrued Noctus, "I'll come als-" He didn't finish his sentence as he saw Spike eat another muffin and continue throwing his innards(metaphorically) into the bucket. With his head still hovering over the bucket, Noctus continued, "I'll. . . catch up with you."

About half an hour later, all the ponies felt better, or at least good enough, to go home. Noctus, recovering from his situation, finally walked out of the blue medical tent. "Ugh, how could Spike eat those. I didn't even eat one yet I threw up!" He walked down the street. "Well, at least I didn't get my hoodie messy." Suddenly he heard a small rumbling from down the street. Looking down the street he could see Lyra running towards him. "Lyra what in the hay is going on!"

"It's, it's a stampede!" she screamed.

"Of cows?!"

"No, worst!"

"What could be worst than cows?" He looked down the road again to see small heads popping up and down.

"Bunnies! It's a stampede of BUNNIES! Run for your life!" She proceeded to run past him and Noctus soon followed suite. He followed Lyra as she dodged into an alleyway where a bunch of other ponies were hiding out. After the bunnies pasted by, everypony slowly began to come out of hiding. Noctus appeared from the alleyway last and saw the stampede of bunnies further down the street devouring the shrub-life. Looking down the other way he saw Twilight standing there angrily.

"Twilight, what in the blazes happened?" Noctus asked her.

"It looks like Applejack's lake of sleep caused her to herd the bunnies to violently. Causing them to stampede into town." She answered with a stern look. "It's about time I put my hoof down."

Twilight and Noctus walked to Sweet Apple Acres to find Applejack. Looking around they noticed most of the trees had been 'bucked', leaving no more apples in the trees. They found Applejack bucking a tree on a hill and confronted her. "Alright Applejack." Twilight began. "your apple-bucking hasn't just been causing you problems. It has over-propelled pegasus, practically poisoned plenty of ponies, and terrorized bushels of brand new bouncing baby bunnies. I don't care what you say, you need help!"

"Nice use of alliterations there Twi." Noctus commentated.

"What?" she looked at him as Applejack bucked the tree behind her one more time.

"Ha! No I don't. Look I did it, I harvested the entire Sweet Apple Acres without yer help. How do ya like them apples!"

"Hey Applejack," Noctus called.

"Yeah?" Applejack replied.

"I think you missed, a few." He pointed to the other side of Applejack. Applejack turned to see more acres of unharvested apple trees. She then proceeded to mutter something to herself, go a bit dizzy, and collapse onto the ground. It wasn't until Noctus left to get Bid Macintosh, that Applejack woke back up.

"Applejack." Twilight said.

"Huh?" Applejack replied , waking up on the ground.

"Oh good you're ok. Now Applejack I completely respect the Apple family ways. You're always there to help anypony in need. So many you can put just a little bit of your stubborn pride aside, and allow your friends help you. Applejack took another look at the trees she had not gotten to yet, and gave in.

"Yer right Twilight."

"I am not taking no for an answer, wait what!?"

"Yes Twilight, yes please, I could really use your help." Applejack finally admitted. Just then, Noctus arrived with Big Mac in tow.

"Ya ok Applejack? I heard ya collapsed." Big Mac asked.

"Ya I'm fine big brother. And I guess I learned my lesson about being too stubborn.

Twilight turned to Noctus, "Noctus can you go and get the others? We'll need all the help we can get."

"Ugh," Noctus replied, "I'm getting no break here, huh?" He looked at Twilight, then turned to trot off to town. "Fine, ugh, how I wish I still had my ability to travel through shadows."

After Big Mac got Applejack back to the house for some rest, Noctus arrived with the other girls and started to help harvest all the other trees. Rainbow Dash was bucking the trees, while Twilight used her magic to pluck all the apples off the trees. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy all helped with carrying the bunches of apples. After a while of working, a well rested Applejack came out with some bottles of apple juice. "How bout' ya'll take a little break? I got some fine apple juice waiting for ya." All the girls stopped working and gathered to Applejack for a break. "Girls I can't thank you enough for this help. I was acting a bit stubborn."

"A bit?" Twilight responded.

"Ok, a might stubborn. And I'm awful sorry. Now, I know the town gave me the most Prized Pony award. is having you all as my friends." They all nodded in agreement and began drinking heir juice. "Say," Applejack looked at the seventh apple juice, "where's Noctus?" Everypony shrugged.

"Ugh why didn't anypony tell me we were taking a break?!" Noctus trudged next to Rainbow Dash, he stretched his legs, "I'm not cut out for this hard work! I'm more of the behind-the-scene worker!" Everypony laughed as Noctus drank his apple juice.

"Phew, that apple-bucking sure made me hungry," Rainbow Dash stated.

Spike walked up to the table, "and I've got the perfect treat."

"EEEWWWW, Spike, I threw all of those away! Where'd you get them?" Pinkie said.

"From the trash!" Spike stated.


"Thats disgusting!"



"I think I'm gonna hurl again!" Noctus covered his mouth and ran for it as his face turned a sickly green.

"Come on! Just a little nibble?" Spike coaxed, "Come on~"

"Eww, no Spike!" All of the girls said as they walked back to Ponyville.