• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 1,473 Views, 13 Comments

A Canterlot Rebellion - Minds Eye

Rainbow Dash walks the path of a hero to free Canterlot from the changeling occupation.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Rescue

Rainbow Dash lowered the section of wall leading into Celestia's bedroom. She held her ear to the tapestry and listened for any sounds on the other side. There were none. Rainbow lifted the cloth and stepped through. Twilight Sparkle was sitting next to the fireplace, collared, chained, and watching Rainbow's entrance with a smile.

"I owe you an apology Rainbow Dash. I thought I sent you straight back to the dungeons when I panicked like that. I underestimated you."

"Ha! You should know better than that." Rainbow Dash joined her by the fire. "You're chained this time?"

"Yes, Chrysalis wasn't too happy with my cleaning skills."

Rainbow lowered her head, remembering the loud thud last night. "I'm sorry about that. She didn't hurt you did she?"

"Not at all. She enjoys showing me off to her troops too much to hurt me. Don't lose any sleep on my account. Besides," she said with a smile, "you'll need it after today. You should have seen the rage the queen was in when she heard about what you did. The ones who came to report to her actually called you 'The Hero.'"

"The changelings called me a hero?"

"That's just how they name ponies. That costume you were wearing is The Hero, Pinkie Pie is The Unnatural One, and Fluttershy was The Coward. And why didn't you tell me you freed her? I only found out after Chrysalis ordered the dungeon checked today."

"It happened right after I left." Rainbow was enjoying her new nickname to give more detail. And they called Fluttershy a coward? If they only knew what she did today. "But what about Pinkie and Rarity? Where are they?"

"Don't even think about it. Chrysalis already lost you, Applejack, and Fluttershy. She's not taking any chances with the rest of us. There are guards posted right outside the next room. Not to mention the dozen that keep an eye on Pinkie all day. And they've assigned Rarity to scrubbing the castle top to bottom. She could be anywhere. Please, don't do anything stupid. You don't need to prove your loyalty to me. You'll never reach them."

Loyalty. Why did Twilight have to rub the salt in like that? How loyal was it to leave friends in chains? But she was right, and there was another friend waiting for her to come back safe. "Alright. I have another problem to talk about."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "'Alright?' I thought I would need to hold you down to keep you from charging through the castle."

"I want to, but there's a better way to free them."

"Princess Luna. Where is she?"

"That's the problem. I don't know how to talk to her."

"You what? You don't know where she is?" Rainbow shook her head. "You don't know how many ponies she has with her?" She shook her head again. "You don't know when she'll be ready to attack Canterlot?" A third shake of the head. Twilight started pacing to the end of her chain and back again. "I don't believe it," she snapped. "You sent Spike after her without a back-up plan? Why did you do that?!"

"I sent Spike because he couldn't send letters back and forth like he can with Celestia." Rainbow Dash was ruffled up now, staring down Twilight with narrowed eyes. "I got him out of harm's way. I thought you would appreciate that."

Twilight stopped pacing and breathed deep, collecting herself. "I do. I was just hoping you would have some more information for me. It was just frustrating waiting for you all day. Trying to think of our next move was like...solving an equation with two values for every single variable."

Rainbow Dash smirked at Twilight's explanation. Nerdiness aside, Rainbow understood frustration. "I don't suppose there's another train leaving soon that we could use?"

"As a matter of fact, there is. The morning after tomorrow. Chrysalis ordered more security after what happened last time though. More importantly, they're still preparing the passengers."

"Passengers? You mean the brainwashed ponies?"

"Well, yes. After the changelings feed on enough love from one source that pony becomes...malleable. The first ponies you saw were meant to be messengers spreading a warning to the rest of Equestria."

"Meant to be?"

"It was an intimidation tactic, but the guards that followed them reported that they were all rounded up by pegasi soon after the sunrise. They didn't get very far. Anyway, that's why the patrols were sent out today, to gather more ponies."

Rainbow Dash remembered her injured wing. The changeling that did that to her seemed different from the rest. "The soldiers that fed from those first ones, did they become stronger like the queen did from Shining Armor?"

"A little. There were several changelings per pony. They didn't become strong enough to stop you though, right?" Rainbow smiled and nodded, keeping the story to herself. More like him would mean trouble. She should have risked another fight before calling it a day. Well, too late.

"I need to free the ponies they caught today. We can't let these things get too strong."

"You're right. And the good news is that not all of them reached the castle. One group of guards was so nervous about you they holed up at a warehouse near the center of the city and asked for reinforcements. Chrysalis was...upset about their decision. She's making them sweat it out for awhile."

Rainbow Dash tried to keep her composure, but she was forced to the ground with laughter. Twilight nervously looked to the door during her outburst. "They what? Because of me? And the queen...the queen put them in time-out? This is what we're up against?"

There was a sudden harshness in Twilight's eyes. "Don't underestimate them! Remember, she beat Celestia. We don't stand a chance against her without an army behind us or without the Elements of Harmony."

"I know! I know!" Rainbow was still laughing. "But they have what she wants and she's making them wait before she gets it? It's just funny."

"I guess," Twilight sighed. "But I've been watching her. Chrysalis always has a reason. Anyway, she ordered the troops to take their time getting there tomorrow, so you have a chance to rest before you fight. There's still a group of soldiers on high alert waiting for you. I'm throwing you right back into the fire. Are you sure you can handle it?"

"No doubt."


Fluttershy turned to her with a worried look. "Rainbow, please tell me that wasn't you."

"Of course not. I promised you I was just sneaking in and out." In spite of her words, Rainbow wished she was lying. Right there, on each side of the castle gates, was an H carved into the wall. That was truly AWESOME! Rainbow would give anything for a camera right now. And the sun just rose a few hours ago! Did the queen even know about them yet?

Ponies in the streets still kept a distance from the gates as Rainbow and Fluttershy walked behind them. A filly dashed forward to touch one H and then galloped back to the other side of the street. Rainbow heard a chorus of voices daring each other to do the same. Fillies and colts rushed forward as the adults laughed at the sudden game. A pair of changelings took off in the distance and started flying over the palace grounds to check out the commotion.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash continued on their way. Fluttershy looked over at her, smiling under her hood. "Did you see who did that while you were out last night?"

Rainbow shook her head with a grin. "I wish. A unicorn probably did it with magic. Who would have thought Canterlot would be happy with vandalism?"

The two of them shared a laugh. Still, Rainbow Dash was struck by the difference of the city in night and day. In spite of their efforts yesterday, the changelings unquestionably ruled the night. She was glad to see that all the ponies didn't lose heart so soon. Rainbow looked up to watch a patrol of guards fly overhead, staying away from the street. Maybe she and Fluttershy should pick off a squad tonight? Just to keep them guessing.

They walked through the posh avenues of boutiques and cafés. The streets and buildings all grew simpler the further they walked away from the castle. Simpler, but still packed together and full of ponies. She couldn't see their target. Worse, the crowd might work to the changelings' advantage this time. They could have scouts hiding in plain sight to watch for any threats. Rainbow led Fluttershy into an alley and flew to a rooftop for a better look.

From her vantage point Rainbow Dash could see several warehouses, marked by the doorways built on their roofs for aerial delivery and departure. Rainbow spotted one that matched Twilight's description. She looked to the skies and saw they were mostly clear. A few patrols, but none over their destination.

"Alright, here's the plan. I'm going to fly straight there. You head back to the street and go in on hoof."

"Are-are you sure that's a good idea? They might see you coming."

"I'm counting on it. If they don't see me, I'll come up with a distraction and get as many of them away from the warehouse as I can. By the time you get there all you'll need to do is sneak in the back and get the ponies out. Then I lose the ones on my tail and meet back up with you."

Fluttershy nodded and flew back down. Rainbow took off and made a beeline for the warehouse. She watched for the slightest hint of green. Ponies in the street looked up in surprise as she passed by, but there were no changelings in sight. Rainbow Dash eventually landed on the roof unchallenged and surprised. This might turn out easier than she thought.

She shrugged off her cloak and trotted over to the door on the roof. She probably couldn't get through it, but a few kicks would at least bring some guards to investigate. As she turned to set her feet and buck the door, movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. Five pegasi landed on the roof and started walking towards her. Where in Equestria did they come from? The street? The sky was clear on her way in. She hardly saw any other pegasus in Canterlot. So why...

Rainbow Dash threw herself to the side, rolling out of harm's way. Five bolts of green light struck the door behind her. Rainbow got to her feet and charged forward. The five newly revealed changelings in front of her scattered, and more flew up from the street to fire a volley of their own. How many were down there?! Rainbow spread her wings and took flight.

A bolt slammed into her shoulders from behind, throwing her back down to the roof. More guards filled the sky from the door. Rainbow Dash swallowed her initial panic at the sight. This was what she wanted. There were more of them than she thought, but they were all focused on her. She turned and jumped off the roof's edge, narrowly escaping a hail of fire.

Rainbow tore through the air, the army hot on her tail, leading them away from the warehouse. The changelings tried to swarm over her, but Rainbow kicked up the speed and left them in her dust. She was in constant motion, spinning, diving, climbing, and dodging any and all bolts from behind. Rainbow quickly looked over her shoulder and saw the swarm spread out again.

They were trying to corral her. Changelings flew up and began firing in front of her. The shots forced her to slow down, giving her pursuers time to catch up. There were enemies above, behind, to the left, and to the right. Rainbow Dash had one more option, and it suited her just fine.

She dropped, buzzing the heads of the ponies below. Rainbow turned left down an alley, then right, then right again. She climbed over a building with one strong push of her wings and froze. A changeling saw her and pointed her out. Rainbow Dash gave him a mocking salute as she fell out of his sight and took off again.

The twists and turns of Canterlot's streets and alleys were her playground. The changelings tried in vain to keep track of her. They were just too slow. Every time she was spotted, their formation spread thinner and thinner to surround her. Twice, changelings got too close to ground level. Twice, Rainbow Dash knocked them senseless. It was fun, but she knew she had to cut the party short.

Rainbow Dash took her leave right under the noses of a pair of soldiers. She flew backwards for a bit to bask in her success; not one changeling followed her. Too easy. Rainbow righted herself and headed for the warehouse, beaming under her mask. If she was fast enough, she would probably get back in time to see Fluttershy in action. Fluttershy was a quiet pony, and she could probably slip in behind whatever distracted guards remained, but it wouldn't hurt to check up on her.

Rainbow chuckled to herself. Of course she was fast enough. She stayed in the alleys as much as possible to stay out of sight. There was only supposed to be one Hurricane, after all. The warehouse came into view, with no pony in sight. Not surprising, what with a fleet of changelings swarming out of it. What did surprise Rainbow Dash was the open entrance in front.

Were the ponies gone already? No, she flew up to a window and could see ponies still inside. In fact, an entire herd of ponies was inside. An older stallion stood at the head of a group of younger, fellow unicorns. There was something...familiar about him. She couldn't put her hoof on it, but his dusky coat struck her. It looked like he was arguing with a smaller group of ponies. Rainbow Dash moved closer to the door to eavesdrop.

"-why you're here."

"I've told you why we're here!" The unicorn stallion sounded like he was losing his patience. "Hurricane is distracting your guards, so now is our chance to get you out. Come with us and we can get you home."

"We don't understand. Are you working with Hurricane?"

The stallion groaned loudly. This made no sense to her. It sounded like the captives didn't want to leave. And why would ponies argue with each other in changeling central in the first place? Rainbow's stomach tied in a knot. There were no more guards in sight. No pony in their right mind would stay inside that long.

They weren't ponies.


In a flash, Rainbow flew around the corner of the building, too late. Fluttershy had already pulled open the back door. She turned to look at Rainbow in confusion. Rainbow Dash poured on the speed, just as a swarm of green darts lifted and crushed Fluttershy against the building behind her. In a flash, Rainbow pushed her out of the line of fire and leaned her against the warehouse.

Fluttershy immediately fell over, and pulled her legs to her chest. Rainbow looked down at her eyes, looking up at her wide in shock. Small, pitiful, gasps for air escaped her mouth. Rainbow Dash crouched down, and reached out and pulled back a hoof. She panicked. Should she touch her? Should she move her? Could she even breathe? Should she take off the chest piece? Would it hurt too much to carry her?

Fluttershy finally grabbed her hoof when she reached out again. She was stronger than Rainbow expected. Fluttershy forced a smile, and whispered, "I'm OK." Panic dissolved into anger. How could she say that?! She was lying in a broken heap, and it was Rainbow's fault! She was the one who led her into this! Fluttershy's eyes filled with concern as she watched Rainbow's.

Fluttershy was worried about her? After Rainbow's mistake? Because Rainbow didn't know how to help her now? That was it. She had to do something. Rainbow Dash broke Fluttershy's grip and charged for the entrance. A changeling backed out of the door and turned to face her in surprise. He never had a chance; Rainbow Dash's punch obliterated him. With him out the way, Rainbow could see what was going on.

A firefight was tearing the warehouse apart. The changelings circled overhead, firing down on the scattered unicorns. The gray stallion was trying to organize the younger ones, but they weren’t listening. Their resistance only added to the confusion of the battle. Magically lifted bricks, glass, and other debris cut through the space between Rainbow and her targets.

An idea dawned on her. Rainbow Dash grabbed the body of the unconscious changeling and used it to shield herself as she charged through. Rainbow threw the body over to another changeling. He stopped cold to catch it, shocked. His face was left wide open for her flying kick. A quick somersault closed the distance to the next one. Rainbow Dash just crashed into him, not even bothering with an attack.

She could have done more. She could have hurt these monsters, but Rainbow held back after her assault. Instead, she flew up and blocked the roof exit from the changelings. She wanted to watch the unicorns. The gray stallion noticed her position. In a commanding voice, he ordered his friends to cover the doors.

The changelings were ready for that. Rapid fire from above stopped the nearest unicorns cold. Two soldiers knocked down the front doors and covered the others' escape. They carried away their injured allies. Rainbow Dash let them go. She was more concerned with the ponies below her. Their leader was waiting for her to come down.

The fight was too fast, even for her. The stallion waved to her. "Brother! Come down. We could use your help." Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. This whole thing was a set-up. If there were two traps, why not three? She had to get them away from Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash burst for the door.

"No! Please, brother, wait!"

There was something desperate in his voice. The sound of it tore at her. Rainbow pulled up outside the exit and held her face in her hooves. She had to make a choice. If he really was a pony...Rainbow Dash dropped to the ground, causing the herd of galloping unicorns to jump back in surprise. "You're not my brother. Just who the hay do you think you are?"

The sound of her voice stunned the leader. "You...you're not one of the...? Oh, I'm sorry; I just saw the armor and thought you were one of us."

"What?" Rainbow looked again at his gray coat and orange eyes. Her jaw dropped. That's why she recognized him! She saw plenty like him around Canterlot before the wedding. "You're one of the Royal Guard!"

He nodded. "My name is Nocto. I was stationed at Celestia's school when the attack came. I helped these students escape and we've been...well, we've survived. Now who are you? I didn't think there was any pony alive that could take a hit like you did and keep fighting like that."

But she didn't take the hit. Fluttershy did, and she needed help. If he was a soldier, he might know a few tricks. Could she trust him? Rainbow started hovering overhead and moved back into the warehouse. "This isn't a good time to talk. More could be on the way. You might want to spread out."

The stallion studied her with a raised eyebrow. "OK, you all heard her. Head back to camp. Now." He watched the students leave and turned to follow Rainbow Dash inside. "Well, we're alone now. What's this about?"

"Do you know healing magic?"

"What? No! There's no such thing as healing magic. You've never been to a doctor before? Magic can't do everything. What gave you that idea?"

"Just follow me." He sounded like a pony so far. Why couldn't she come up with a better test? She led Fluttershy into one trap already, and that was enough for one day. Rainbow took him out the back exit. Fluttershy had pulled off her chest piece and squeaked in surprise at the newcomer's presence. "She's the one who got hit. Please, help her."

Rainbow saw his orange eyes flick back and forth between herself and Fluttershy. "That's a clever tactic. How many Hurricanes are there?"

"Does it matter? Will you help her or not?"

Flutteshy scooted closer to her. "I...I don't need help. I'm fine. Really."

Nocto shook his head. "You sound like you have one or two cracked ribs at the least."

"No, she always sounds like that. She's...shy."

The unicorn cocked his head as he examined the discarded chest piece. "It does look like her armor held up. Do you have any pain? Any shortness of breath or...?" Rainbow helped to encourage Fluttershy to answer as best she could. At last, "She's OK. Sounds like she just got the wind knocked out of her."

Rainbow Dash nodded and sighed in relief. "Thanks."

"This was a good idea you two had though. Listen, what you did yesterday has changed everything. Ponies everywhere are talking about you. Rumors about prisoners around here spread like wild fire so Hurricane could hear about it."

Her anger flared up again. "It was a trick. It was all a trick. Where did those rumors start?"

Nocto shook his head. "It was a rumor. Who can tell? Those kids believed it just like you did. I've been trying to keep them safe, but after yesterday that isn't an option. All they want to do is help you fight back."

Rainbow was shocked at this windfall. She didn't know much about magic except what Twilight and Rarity briefly explained to her, but if those unicorns all came from the same school Twilight did...there were possibilities. "We'll think about it."

"I'd better get back to them. There's a boathouse near the docks we've been using to keep up their training. The changelings never go down there. We dig in at a rundown hotel near there to sleep. I can gather every pony there tonight if you want to meet them?" Rainbow nodded, and Nocto galloped away.

Rainbow watched him leave with mixed feelings. Chrysalis always has a reason. Fluttershy's cleared her throat. "Um, Rainbow Dash? Why did you bring him here?"

She helped Fluttershy stand before answering. "Because you got leveled! Why wouldn't I bring some pony to help?"

"Because I fix broken bones all the time with my animals. And I know how muscles work. And I know what it's like when something is wrong with either of them."

"Oh. That's...that's right." Rainbow Dash turned away in embarrassment and flew up to the roof to retrieve her cloak. What was she thinking?! Nothing, obviously. She landed back on the street and headed for home. Fluttershy ran to catch up to her.

"Rainbow Dash? Is everything alright?"

"No. I'll have to mention this dude to Twilight when I see her tonight. Maybe she knows who he is."

"Tonight? But when will you meet with his friends?" Rainbow Dash didn't answer. "Um...you are going to meet with them, aren't you?"

"Not yet."

"But why? They're unicorns. Maybe they know a way to lower the force field. Or maybe they can find a way out and talk to Applejack for us. I mean, I thought of something, but I'm sure they can do better."

"Fluttershy, we just got ambushed. I've had enough of that for the day."

"You don't trust him?"

"No. I don't." Silence hung over the pair on their long walk back through Canterlot. Rainbow ignored the chatter of Hurricane's newest battle. There was a more important issue on her mind. Fluttershy looked over to her several times during the trip. Rainbow Dash knew she wanted to talk more about her decision, but Fluttershy kept quiet.

There was a fresh coat of mortar on either side of the castle gates when they walked past them this time. Fluttershy began to laugh softly. "I'm sorry," she said as she saw the look on Rainbow's face. "I just realized something. It's about that night, or that morning really, when we escaped from the castle. I still remember how you rescued me from the pit. I warned you it was a trap, but you said you didn't care."

"Yeah, but you're my friend. It isn't-"

"There's more than that. Afterwards you told us about your meeting with Twilight, and how she asked you to find Spike. You came for me even after she asked you to do that. I've always wondered why. I've always wondered why you were so insistent on my leaving with Spike and Applejack. Why you never gave me the signal to help you yesterday. Why you brought a stranger to help me even though you don't trust him. You're protecting me. Even though, back at Donut Joe's, you said you couldn't if I stayed. You made me a promise didn't you?"

"Uh...yeah. Yes. Of course I did. After the changelings took you away in the dungeon." Rainbow Dash was blown away. Fluttershy was keeping track of all that? Even with everything that was going on? How did she even think that was what Rainbow did? How could she...Rainbow Dash smiled. "You made me a promise too, right?"

"I did, after you fell asleep in my wings. I promised that I would do anything I could to never see you hurt so much again. That night...it looked like you put the weight of the world on yourself." So that's what she was driving at. "We need help to bear this burden. Our friends aren't here, but these ponies are. They can help you in ways I just can't."

Rainbow shook her head with a smile. "Are you sure you're Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy blushed and looked away. "Was...was that too much? I just think trust can make us stronger. I'm sure Twilight would say the same."

Rainbow Dash's head felt lighter. Fluttershy made more sense the more she thought about it. The ambush surprised her. Twilight warned her that Chrysalis might have a plan and Rainbow ignored her. The changelings sprung their trap, and the unicorns stalled them from chasing after Fluttershy. They fought the changelings even when Rainbow Dash didn't. If the unicorns weren't on their side then they wouldn't have helped.

And why did she become Hurricane in the first place? She wanted to inspire the ponies in Canterlot to fight with her. Now they wanted to do just that. Since her first meeting with Twilight their goal was to challenge the changelings army-to-army. A group of expert magic users was a good start. Was Rainbow Dash going to lose her nerve at the first hurdle?

She looked over at Fluttershy as the two ponies reached the house. "I still need to let Twilight know what happened, but I'll head to the hotel right afterwards."

Fluttershy smiled in gratitude. "Promise?"