• Published 21st Jan 2014
  • 855 Views, 24 Comments

The chronicles of the Horsemaster - Paradise Oasis

The origins of Ponykind and the world, as recorded by the Rainbow Monks of B'zekre. The beginnings of my MLP fanfic universe

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The Dawn of Ponykind

The chronices of the Horsemaster

Here, now, I present the best translation of the holiest book of all of ponykind, for the study and pleasure of all the races who wish to read it. I feel this is a superior translation to English than all previous versions, and I hope it will bbe of use to all of you. This is the history of how this world, and it's ponies came to be, as it is recorded by Horsmasterists and Zoroponthians from our holy texts.

Tornado Firehooves

Dream Castle Historian

Before there was the world we know now, there was chaos.

A swirling vortex of energies and power spun endlessly through the void. There was no life, no order…. no harmony. None know how long this great soup of anarchy circled in the darkness, we only know it simply did.

And into this cosmic morass, stepped B'zekre, the great horsemaster. Like the chaos she opposed, the horsemaster had always existed, no cause brought her into being. And there will never be a period she does not exist. B'zerkre's existence was order that tamed the chaos- it's opposing force- and brought order and harmony and order to a chaotic existence.

And so the horsemaster created the universe. Stars, planets, galaxies, black holes and quasars- all were born of the great fiery explosion that resulted from chaos's defeat. B'zekre spent eons gradually shaping the cosmos she had brought into being. Though to the horsemaster, those ages were but as a few days. And one the next to last day of that cosmic week, mighty B'zekre created life- one of the greatest and most wondrous the horsemaster's miracles.

Over the course of that cosmic day, the horsemaster shaped and molded her creations into a diversity of incredible forms. Looking upon all of her creations, B'zekre was pleased; birds that flew through the air, and fish that swam through the seas. Diamond Dogs that tunneled through the earth, and Dragons that spewed forth great fire. Many amazing creatures populated the worlds the horsemaster had created, but still something troubled the creator's heart.

"Amongst all of our creations, there is none who exemplifies the concept of love and friendship- the greatest expression of our beloved harmony." The horsemaster said, as she descended to one of the worlds where she had made life. "Therefore, let us shape a race who will live out the harmony we seek, and bring joy to all of creation."

And so, the horsemaster once again set to work, molding and shaping one of her creations. Slowly, a few of her vessels evolved and took the shape of a pony. And from this shaping was born the first six equines- the beginnings of all pony kind. Six earth ponies stood before her, the light of reason awakening in their eyes for the first time.

"Blessed be you, my little ones." B'zekre declared, pleased at her new children. "You shall be the first of my newest creations, and together you shall be an example of love, for all the rest of my universe to see."

Turning to the lavender mare with a purple mane. B'zekre declared. "You shall be called Blossom, and from your line shall come all the earth ponies who tend to the crops and work the fields." And as she spoke, an image of a field of white flowers appeared on her flank. "No other ponies will know the plants of the world like they do, and none will be able to match their great strength."

Turning to the yellow mare with a golden brown mane, the horsemaster continued. "You shall be called Butterscotch, and you shall give birth to the great line of Pegasus ponies who will fill the skies." A cluster of butterflies appeared on her flank. "None will be able to match their great speed in the air, and they shall call the clouds their second home."

Facing her third daughter, the creator declared. "Blue Belle, from you shall come the race of unicorns, the makers of magic who will help all others in this world deal with forces beyond their control." The mare bowed, as twelve stars appeared on her flank. "They shall serves as guides and advisers to the rest of ponykind."

Upon hearing these things, anticipation grew in the other three mares hearts. What gifts would the horsemaster grant them? Thy listened carefully, as their mother continued.

"My dear Cotton Candy, in your heart calls a longing for the sea. And so from your line, shall spring the future generations of sea ponies and mermares." The mare with the pink coat and mane smiled, as white bubbles appeared on her flank. "They shall rule the waters of this world, and none shall be able to swim as they do."

The fifth mare looked at her sisters with jealously, and B'zekre saw what was in her heart. "Snuzzle, you envy your sisters, and that brings great sadness to our heart.." The grey mare with a pink mane lowered her head, as a cluster of pink hearts ironically appeared on her flank. "Their will be enmity between your daughters and theirs, and the mistrust you have shown in our decisions will continue down through the generations."

At last, she turned towards the green one, whose attention seemed drawn to everything around her but what the horsemaster was saying. "Minty, to your descendants I give quite a different gift. Their bodies shall glisten like the brightest crystal, and their hearts will belong to the snowy lands of the north. But their will be power in their love… power enough to create the greatest magic of them all."

And so, the first six mares of Ponykind did come into being, So great was B'zekre's joy, that her tears dropped upon one vessel she had not fully shaped. At B'zkere's will, a glittering red pony with a mane of pure rainbow appeared before them, a golden crown upon her head. Smiling upon her newest child, the horsemaster declared;

"Behold! A queen I have made to rule over you all! Sunsparkle and her line shall guide pony kind with wisdom and love, her crown shall be a carry the power needed to protect my children from the evils of this world!"

And it came to pass, that the horsemaster made mates for all seven of the mares, and pony kind began to spread across the face of this world. Many of the equine vessels that the horsemaster had made on the path to shaping the ponies, they in time became the zebras, saddle Arabians, and donkeys who people this planet.

But all was not well in the Horsemaster's creation, for the chaos that B'zekre had dispersed out into the world, a part of it mixed with order, and solidified into a force that the races of the world would come to call .evil'. This being would bring untold suffering upon pony kind throughout it's history, And pony kind would come to know this entity as the Tirac. It would speak into the hearts and minds of Pony generations to come, and bring great pains and suffering upon them.

So ends the story of pony creation.