• Published 24th Jan 2014
  • 836 Views, 3 Comments

Kissed by Moonlight - KiwiFreakinBlitz

Derpy has always been a little different, but it's never bothered her too much. One Nightmare Night, however, her heart is broken and she runs off in tears. As she cries at the cruelty of others, she feels a presence...

  • ...

Prologue - Bubbles and Kindness

"Mrr...okay, almost gots it...' the tiny grey pegasus with the blonde mane squeaked a grunt to herself, as she hopped about her room with one hoof raised, trying to slip a brown paper bag onto it. The little filly was quite a sight, as she gripped the edge of the bag in her mouth, her mismatched google eyes narrowed in determination as she tried to get it on properly. She was positioned in front of a big old mirror that her Mommy, Bright Eyes, once used to apply her make-up for formal events and dinner parties. Derpy Hooves smiled a bit at the thought. Her Mommy was the prettiest, most nicest pony in all of Ponyville and she loved her very much. She made a small giggle of delight as she remembered back to earlier in the day, when her Mommy had brought the large reflective object into her room.

"Here you go, twinkle of my eye' she had said to Derpy, gently cupping her little face in her hooves, and kissing her tenderly on the forehead. "May you find the perfect costume to wear tonight!"

"Hee hee~!" Derpy closed her eyes and made a sound a cross between a purr and a gurgle, her little wings fluttering with love and happiness. Mommy always treated her very good, and always made sure to tell Derpy she loved her and how much she meant to her. Though, her concentration was now lost and she was still hopping about. The grey pegasus blinked as she wondered what she was doing again, before she promptly tripped on the edge of her throw rag and fell over with a 'thud!'

"Oof....oh no, fall down and go 'boom', she noted to herself aloud, momentarily confused as to how she ended up sprawled on the floor, heels over head. She blinked her bright, clear yellow eyes and caught sight of something on her foot. She gasped in delight, oh now she remembered! Derpy was trying to get dressed in her costume! "Yay! I dids it!"

She sprang to her feet, and hopped about the room, each of her little hooves now clad smartly in a clean brown paper bag, with a larger bag upon her beautiful blonde mane. She hummed and giggled to herself in a happy tune she made up on the spot, smiling big and ecstatic as she danced in mid-air. Her little wings buzzed with the effort to keep her aloft, sounding like a hummingbird. Derpy knew she could do it herself! Daddy had offered to help her with her costume, but Derpy was a big girl and knew she could do it, and she did!

"Ooo! This is gwonna be so much funs!' she chirped to herself, lost in the joy and anticipation of a free night of candy. "I'mma gonna get sooooo much candy, and I'mma share with Mommy and Daddy and Ms. Sweetie and Lyra and Bon Bon and Vinyl Scratch and Carrot Top, and ooooooo!~"

Derpy gurgle-purred again, as thoughts of her family and friends and her favorite toy filled her little filly mind with pleasure and peace. She stopped her hopping dance and looked to a spot by her window. Underneath her view of the wonderfully orange and purple sky of the setting sun sat her oldest and most favoritest toy in the world, Ms. Sweetie! She was a little ragdoll pony made of a faded gold fabric and had been in Derpy's family for years, passed down from mother to daughter for a long time. She gasped in delight upon seeing Ms. Sweetie, as if she hadn't seen her in a long time, and ran clumsily across the room to her best friend. She snatched the little plushie up in her mouth and tossed her head about, shaking and wiggling Ms. Sweetie in the air in a bought of elation.

Depry giggled and tossed Ms. Sweetie in the air, diving forward to catch her as she plummeted to the floor. The little pegasus foal laid gathered her toy up in her bagged-hooves and hugged the tiny dollie to her chest tightly, spinning around on her back hooves before the bags made her slip and fall onto her bed. She gurgle-purred in delight as she and Ms. Sweetie bounced lightly on the her bed once or twice before coming to a stop. Derpy loved Ms. Sweetie the bestest out of all her toys, and even thought she never said anything, she was sure Ms. Sweetie felt the same about her.

"Ooo haha yeah!' Derpy declared as she tossed the faded yellow ragdoll into the air and caught her, repeating the action a few times, lost in her own little world of playtime. She smiled at her doll, thinking she could see a glimpse of a smile in the shiny black button eyes on the toy's face, and it only encouraged her to hug Ms. Sweetie again and roll about her bed. "It's almost time, Ms. Sweetie, it's almost time!" She giggled to the doll.

Stopping her rolling and flailing about, Derpy laid on her back, sitting Ms. Sweetie on her tiny torso. The dolls head slumped to the side, in a silent question.

"Oh, don't be a silly muffin, Ms. Sweetie!,' Derpy said happily. "I means Nightmawr Night, ofcourse, silly!"

The doll seemed to consider this, and leaned more forward now.

"I wish I could, Ms. Sweetie, but I can't, sowwy,' Derpy apologized to the little doll. "My Mommy says toys and candy don't mix well, and that I needs ta leave you here at home..."

Ms. Sweetie slumped further down, until her head touched the filly below her.

"Don't cwy, Ms. Sweetie!' Derpy sat up, worry and concern on her face. She hated to see her friends cry, and right now her left eye was pointed directly at the weeping face of the toy. She hated to see the little button doll eyes so sad. "I'll make it up to you! I pwomise! I'll-I'll share my muffins with you! You like Mommy's special muffins, right? I'll give you all of mine! That sounds good, right? Pwease don't cwy!" Derpy's lilting filly voice threatened to burst into tears in her panic at her friend's distress. Muffins made everything better! Specially Mommy's muffins! They were so super yummy and delicious and Derpy sometimes wished she could eat them all the time!

Unfortunately, the sweet promise of the baked goods didn't do the trick, and Ms. Sweetie seemed to really be upset! Derpy sniffed back her tears, determined to be strong for her friend, because if she cried while Ms. Sweetie was crying, then they'd both be crying and sad, and Derpy didn't want that. She stammered and desperately whipped her little yellow head around the room, looking for an answer to her dilemma, anything to cheer Ms. Sweetie up, anything at all!

Her eyes widened in relief as she found what she was looking for. An almost divine cylindrical object made of blue plastic sat on her bedside stand, and she rushed over to it.

"Bubbles!' Derpy declared, as if the answered had been so obvious. She felt silly she didn't think of bubbles in the first place! SHe nodded to herself, her googly eyes changing positions again, and she turned back to the paid, holding the container out for Ms. Sweetie to see. "Look, Ms. Sweetie! Bubbles! Bubbles!"

The doll seemed to pause in her lament, and Derpy took the initiative, unscrewing the lid with her teeth before the doll could start crying again.

"Dip in it once, dip it twice...' she said to herself, repeating the instructions her Daddy had told her when he gave it to her weeks ago. Satisfied that the bubble wand attached to the lid was thoroughly coated in the wonder suds, Derpy brought the wand out in a happy little rush, spilling a bit of the liquid on her bed. "Look, Ms. Sweetie!"

With an audible intake of breath, Derpy filled her little filly lungs as full as they could be, her chest puffing out comically, before she pursed her lips before the shiny circle at the end of the wand, and gently blew. In the waning light of day, mixed with the cascading luminescence of the rising moon in the sky, the floating spheres of joy twinkled as the gently rode the air, dancing a slow and happy waltz, falling freely over the little room, filling the grey pegasus and her doll with warm fuzzies and good feelings, that made them just want to dance and laugh and sing with love for the world. Such a calming effect the bubbles had, silencing Ms. Sweetie into awed wonder, just as Derpy knew they would. She gasped with giddiness as one of the bubbles came towards her, curiosity at the strange pony creature before it filled the little bubble's mind. Derpy smiled warmly at the bubble, trying to let it know she wouldn't hurt it and wanted to be it's friend.

The bubble seemed to understand this, and with a new found happiness at it's new friend, gently came to rest on Derpy's nose, making her giggle and sigh happily at the tickling feeling. She closed her eyes and simply enjoyed her time with the bubble, content in the silence of being near a friend. Life was good and Derpy was super happy, it was the bestest feeling she could think a pony could ever have!~

Sadly, though, the bubble couldn't stay long, for when she next opened her eyes, Derpy found that the bubble and it's family had to leave, nowhere to be seen in the room. Derpy didn't mind. Bubbles always left without saying a good-bye, but she didn't fault them for it. They were just bubbles, and it was in their nature to be silly bubble-heads about that kind of thing.

Derpy didn't know when she had laid back on her bed, holding a sleepy Ms. Sweetie to her side. All that crying must have worn the little doll out, Derpy reasoned. She always felt super duper sleepy after a good cry. She yawned, a quiet squeak at the end of a tired breath, and she felt her eyes drooping. She curled up into a ball, snuggling with Ms Sweetie, as they fell into the welcoming embrace of a nap. Thoughts of her happy life and the tasty treats she was going to get later tonight danced in her head, as Derpy's eyes closed finally, and she soon started to snore softly.

Derpy Hooves loved her life, and she loved it dearly.

Comments ( 3 )

Beautiful! I loved it! So much fluff! :heart::heart::heart: I wish this wasn't cancelled.

It is the same here.

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