• Published 25th Jan 2014
  • 1,674 Views, 36 Comments

Spectacular Spider-Mare - spideremblembrony

Pinkie Pie loves being the Spectacular Spider-Mare. However, because of her responsiblity, she will have to face some of the most dangerous foes of all time.

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Terror from the Skies Part 1

The five stallions scurried through the jewelry store, being cautious not to raise an alarm .They moved around to the small fuse box. One of them lifted the crowbar and prided the fuse box open. It was littered with wires that connected from one end to the other, overlapping and twisting in a confusing manner.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” one of the stallions asked through his ski mask. He turned towards the smallest of the group as he approached the fuse box.

“Of course, I do,” the smaller one stated. “It’s simple.”

It was anything but simple. One wrong move, one wrong wire and they could have the authorities down their throats. He set his travel sack on the ground and unzipped it. He pulled from it a pair of wire cutters. He steadily lifted them to the fuse box, his shaking movements betraying his lack of confidence.

As he slowly inched towards the collection of wires, the group grew impatient.

“Come on! Just cut the wire!” one of the stallions growled, trying not to yell.

“Hey, did the Kingpin put you in charge of this?” the stallion with the wire cutters asked. There was a pause. “No? Then shut up.”

One of the stallions stepped forward. “Will you both shut up?!” he snapped. “We do this and we can consider ourselves a million bits richer.”

Seconds passed, the small stallion to lean forward, studying the wires carefully. A simple magic security system and for a unicorn that was trained in such things easy. But for an earth pony, it was a delicate process and it incredibly complex. One wrong could have spelled disaster. They would have the authorities swimming on them faster than a school of piranhas on a carcass.

Finally, the stallion cut one of the wires. The stallions waited in suspense, as if they were afraid something was going to happen. A few seconds passed and nothing happened. Finally, the stallion with the wire cutters got to his feet. He smiled though his ski mask. “There goes the alarm.”

The group smiled, not that anypony else could tell through their ski masks. They made their way down to the main display of the jewelry store. With the fear of alarms gone, the stallions smashed into the glass cases that separated them from the priceless trinkets. The stallions grabbed the rings, necklaces, and other jewels and placed them in the saddlebags at their sides.

After several minutes of looting, the group made their way to the back room where they found a locked safe. One of the stallions was holding a stethoscope to the safe lock, hoping to hear the clicks on the lock.

The stallions were, again, growing impatient. “How long is this going to take?”

The one kneeled down to the and safe glared at the other. “If you keep talking, probably all night.”

“Just get the safe open.” The other replied.

Just then, one of the stallions was pulled off his feet and into the other room. He screamed as two strands of sticky string attached to his hind hooves and hoisted him into the air. The others turned around to see their companion hanging upside down and only a few feet from him was a pony, hanging upside down as well.

This pony was a mare, that much was sure, but all other details about this mare was covered in a bright red and blue costume with big white eyes on her mask.

“Hi, guys!” the mare said in a cheery voice. “Doing some late night shopping? You know that business hours are from 11 am to 7 pm, right?”

The group looked up in alarm. They had heard rumors over the past few months about a mysterious figure that stalked criminals in the night. A figure that would swing from a thread and could crawl on walls like a giant spider. But that is all they ever thought they were, rumors. However, none of them could deny what their eyes gazed upon. The Spider-Mare was real.

Spider-Mare turned her gaze to crook hanging by his hind legs. “You know you look like a piñata!” The crook swung his crowbar as fast and as hard as he could, hoping to catch her off guard. Spider-Mare, however, let go of her web-line, causing her to drop. As she fell and the crowbar flew passed her, she aimed her forelegs to fire two strands of webbing at the stallion’s front hooves. The web continued until it stuck his front hooves on the ceiling as well as his hind legs.

Spider-Mare landed on the ground and looked up to her attacker. “And I love piñatas!”

The stallion struggled against his prison, but could only helplessly flail.

Spider-Mare spotted another one coming with a baseball bat at the ready. He swung at her, but she was able to leap backwards in the nick of time, landing on her front hooves, causing the bat to hit the ground. As the stallion lifted his bat to swing again, Spider-Mare sprang forward and wrapped her hind legs around the stallion’s torso. Using the momentum, Spider-Mare rolled forward with the thug still in tow, and tossed him into an oncoming assailant. The force sent both of the thugs to the ground.

Another thug quickly came from Spider-Mare’s right and started to swing his crowbar wildly. Spider-Mare was able to quickly move out of its path at every turn. “Ooo, you are a good dancer!” Spider-Mare quipped.

She leaped backwards and fired two strands of webbing from her hooves, connecting with the stallion’s front hooves. She pulled forward only slightly, but the force caused the stallion to stumble to the ground with a thud. As the thug landed on the ground, she leapt into the air, spinning her body in a forward motion, still clinging to the web-lines. The thug followed her path until she finally let go of the webbing, thrusting him forward.

The thug’s back slammed into the wall, his head pointed to the ground. Before he could slide down it, he was assaulted by webbing, sticking him onto the wall. He struggled and fought against the webbing, but he could not escape its sticky grip.

Spider-Mare turned to notice the two thugs that had been forced against one another had risen back to their feet. The two rushed towards Spider-Mare, as Spider-Mare prepared her hooves to web them. That’s when she felt a tingling going straight up her spine.

Spider-Mare ducked quickly, causing the baseball bat to miss her head. She used her front legs to propel herself backwards, wrapping her hind legs around the stallion. She rolled on the ground and tossed the criminal into the air, firing a strand of webbing to keep him off the ground. The stallion struggled against the net, fighting violently against it.

Spider-Mare sprung back to her feet and fired another strand of webbing from her front hooves, tying up the oncoming stallions’ hind legs. As they tried to move forward, before realizing what had happened, they fumbled to the ground. As they attempted to rise to their feet with their front hooves, they were stopped immediately by another net of webbing that wrapped themselves tightly around them.

Spider-Mare looked around the room as every single stallion struggled against their restraints. She smiled underneath her red mask. “Thanks for the dance, guys!” She made her way to the window, opening it. “We should play again sometime!” She leaped out of the window before anypony could say anything.

Firing a strand of webbing, she swung off into the night, shouting with joy. “I love being Spider-Mare!”


Atop the private suite of the famous actor, Spotlight, a mysterious figure raided a locked safe with a strange firearm. The figure was clad in a green metallic suit with a harness on his back, covering his pale yellow coat. The suit only revealed the front of his face, leaving the rest of his body protected. He lifted his weapon to the safe, pressing down on the trigger. The weapon fired a beam of energy at the safe and its protective case started to melt.

He turned towards the stallion tied in a chair just a few feet from him. The stallion moaned and yelled through the cloth wrapped tightly around his mouth.

The green figure smiled. “There’s no need for teary despair, my friend. I’m sure you have more where these came from.”

The stallion struggled against the ropes wrapped around his limbs, but was unable to escape their grasp. He fought with all his rage, but still they refused to move. He growled under the gag staring straight at the green clad figure.

The metallic figure turned back towards the safe and his eyes beheld a small mound of jewels and crystals. They shined brightly as his eyes took in the glorious sight. His horn glowed as the contents of the safe flew into the air. He then pulled a small bag out of his suit and held it open with his magic. The jewelry fell into the bag, making a jingling sound as they fell atop each other. “Ah…” he moaned in satisfaction. “Sweet opportunity.”

The stallion in the chair roared as he thrust forward, only to be stopped by his binds.

The metallic figure only gave a chuckle. “You should have gotten a better security system. Maybe some pony would have come running.”

He made his way to the ledge of the balcony. He smiled as he turned back to his victim. “Well, good sir. I must be off.” He stood up high on the balcony with his forelegs stretch out to his sides. With a glow of his horn, two razor sharp wings appeared from the harness, stretching out far from the reaches of his hooves. With his wings spread, he leaped off the building and soared through the sky.


The sun shined through the window of Pinkamena Diane Pie, or Pinkie Pie as she preferred, glimmering to the brand new day that was starting. She leaped out of her bed with a joyous spring as the sun’s rays hit her eyes. “It’s the first day of school!” she cheered as she landed on her feet.

Her gaze went straight to the small green alligator sitting on her nightstand. She picked him up and started to spin around the room with him. “It’s the first day of school, Gummy! And I’ve never been so excited!” She tossed Gummy into the air with boundless energy and caught him before he could touch the ground.

Gummy seemed unaware of what was happening around it, showing no sign of concern, fright or any kind of emotion for that matter. It seemed like it would be a lifeless puppet, if not for its occasional blinking.

“You know why, Gummy?” Pinkie Pie asked as she locked her gaze with Gummy’s. There was a moment of silence as if Pinkie was waiting for a response. Despite the silence, Pinkie Pie answered. “Because everything is going to be different!”

Pinkie set Gummy on her bed and rushed into the hallway. After taking a quick shower, she started to make her way downstairs, humming a tune while she skipped. However, a voice stopped her in her tracks and ended her joyous humming.

“I’m not sure what we’re going to do.” Pinkie Pie recognized that voice instantly. It was the voice of her mother, Cloudy Quartz. Pinkie knew it wasn’t nice to snoop, but she couldn’t help but stay put and pressed her ear to the wall. Literally. “The bills are piling up and I’m not sure how much more my salary can hold out.”

Another voice came from within the room. Pinkie Pie knew it as Mrs. Cake, a friend to her mother and her family. “Well, surely Igneous must have left you something.”

Pinkie felt her heart sink a little at the mere mention of her father. It was only a few months ago her father was taken from her. She hadn’t forgiven herself for what happened. How could she? After all, it was all her fault that he was gone.

“Igneous Rock was many wonderful… wonderful things.” Cloudy’s voice was broken by a sigh as she attempted to continue. “But a financial wizard he was not.” Pinkie Pie wasn’t in the room, but she could almost see how much pain her mother was going through. It seemed like she hadn’t fully healed either. She wondered if they ever would. “I’m really worried about Pinkie and Limestone. I’ve had Marble over several times, but…” She paused as her head tilted to the table. "These past few months have been hard without him.”

Mrs. Cake then spoke. “If there is anything I can do to help.”

Pinkie finally decided to make her presence known, hearing enough. She faked skipping from the top of the stairs as she made her way down the last step. She didn’t want her mother to know she had overheard. Pinkie knew it would only make her worry more. That she didn’t need.

“Morning, mom!” Pinkie Pie cheered as she poked her head into the kitchen. “Hi, Mrs. Cake!”

“Hello, Pinkie Pie,” Mrs. Cake greeted with a smile.

Pinkie was welcomed by her mother’s smile as she made her way towards her. “How is the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria this morning?!”

Cloudy giggled as she hugged her daughter. “Pinkie, you silly goose.” The two embraced for a moment. Cloudy then pointed towards two brown paper bags with a P and an L marked on them. “I’ve got your lunches ready.” She then looked towards Pinkie. “Would you mind waking up your sister? She needs to get ready for school.”

Pinkie Pie saluted with her front hoof giving a big smile. “Okey dokie, lokey!”

Pinkie Pie rushed up the stairs and across the hall from her room. She opened up the door to see a lump hidden beneath the sheets of the bed. Pinkie Pie darted to the bedside and flung the sheets off the bed, revealing a light grey filly within.

The filly rolled over and moaned as the sun’s light tackled her body.

“Wake up, sleepyhead!” Pinkie Pie shouted in her joyful voice. “Time for school!

Limestone moaned as she rolled towards Pinkie. “It’s too early for school.”

Pinkie Pie shook her head with a smile. “No, it’s not silly. Today’s going to be the best first day of school ever!”

Limestone finally sat upright, rubbing her eyes and giving a deep yawn. “I wish summer lasted longer.”

Pinkie Pie made her way to her sister’s side. “But then fall and winter wouldn’t come as fast.”

Limestone smiled. She then took a deep breath and placed herself upright on the floor. Her eyes were still narrowed, still trying to wake herself up.

After getting ready for school, Pinkie Pie and Limestone headed down to where Pinkie last saw her mother. She was in the kitchen scrubbing the dishes. There was no sign of Mrs. Cake however. Pinkie assumed she went off home to get her own children ready for school. Pinkie liked the Cake family. In fact, her family and their family had always been really good friends.

Cloudy turned towards the dining room to see her two children coming down the stairs.

“Morning, mom!” Limestone greeted her with a smile.

“Morning, sweetheart,” Cloudy removed the rubber gloves off her hooves and picked up Limestone with a hug. She then set the younger daughter down and turned towards Pinkie. “Pinkie, would you make sure your little sister gets to the bus stop on your way to school?”

Pinkie Pie smiled. “Can do!”

“But mom,” Limestone moaned. “I can do it myself.”

Pinkie Pie made her way to her sister’s side. “Hey, how about a race to the bus stop? It’ll be fun!”

With that, Limestone completely forgot about her woes. Limestone was out the door faster than she had been moving the entire morning.

Pinkie Pie turned back to her mother, who was secretly thanking her. “Bye, mom! See you later!”

Cloudy waved to the two fillies. “Bye, girls! Have a good time at school!”

Pinkie raced after her little sister, the thoughts of what was said earlier still troubling her.


The morning did not start off well for Police Chief Silverstar. He had gotten a call at 5 A.M about a robbery in the home of Spotlight, a famous actor, who earlier that evening was taking an evening trot on the lanai. The maid had found him bound and gagged to a chair and the safe’s door at in the other room was melted, its contents missing.

The media had already caught wind of this story. Not that it came as a surprise to him. It was already on the early morning news and it wouldn’t be long before the news reporters from the various newspaper companies came knocking on Spotlight’s door. It was a struggle to keep them from interfering with the investigation, but he and his ponies managed.

His ponies were already there, gathering evidence and asking questions. He arrived only an hour later. He made his way down the hallway and onto the balcony. Spotlight was lying in his lounge chair, moaning and sobbing.

“I demand that you find that hooligan that robbed my safe!” Spotlight bellowed.

Silverstar made his way to his side. “Don’t worry, Spotlight. We will find the pony responsible for this.” Silverstar wished he was as confident as he sounded. This was the fourth in a series of robberies. All with the same pony. A unicorn in a green metallic uniform with a large pair of wings. At first, he thought it was perhaps an alicorn. The fear crossed his mind, but it was quelled when the witnesses said that the wings looked synthetic.

Silverstar made his way to the safe where two ponies were conducting a search for hoof prints. “Anything?”

A mare looked up and shook her head. “Sorry, sir. Nothing. He left no evidence.”

Silverstar took a look at the door to the safe. It was melted, making the twist lock coated in liquid metal that had just solidified. “What about the safe? Is there anything we know of that could have melted it?”

The mare stood up. “Aside from a blowtorch or a flamethrower, not much.”

Silverstar put his hoof on his chin. “But a blowtorch would take too long and it wouldn’t melt it like this, would it?”

“No, sir.” The mare then pointed towards Spotlight who was still being questioned by one of the officers. “And Spotlight stated that his assailant was wielding some sort of firearm. He said that it was the reason for the safe looking like it is.”

A voice then came from the hallway, outside the police tape. “Mr. Spotlight! Mr. Spotlight!”

A stallion with a red mane, accented with white streaks. His mouth was covered by his red mustache. He sported a dress vest and bow tie, and was carrying a brief case. He ducked under the police tape and made his way to Spotlight. “Mr. Spotlight, I heard about your recent robbery and I think I have a solution!”

Silverstar made his way to Spotlight, blocking the stallion’s path. “Please, step away, sir. This is a crime scene. Please, leave,” he asked his eyes glaring at the stallion.

The stallion moved his head to face Spotlight, as if he was just ignoring Silverstar. “I’m Flam from Flim-Flam Security Systems Plus” He pulled a white card from his vest and reached out to give it to Spotlight. “The best security system in west Equestria. I’d like you to take this opportunity to-“

Silverstar put his hoof on Flam’s shoulder. “I’m not going to ask again. Leave.” He guided Flam towards the exit.

Flam dropped the card as close to Spotlight as he could, as Silverstar led him to the door. “Call us.”

As Flam slunk back into the hallway, Silverstar made his way back to the safe in hopes of finding something new, however his hopes were quickly dwindling. He noticed Spotlight picking up Flam’s fallen card, looking at it as if he was considering that pony’s offer. Silverstar shook his head in disappointment. Flam was fully taking advantage of Spotlight’s fear to make a quick bit. But that was the way some ponies acted in the business world and Silverstar hated it.

Author's Note:

A special thanks goes to Lunar Avenger, Avenging-Hobbits, The Invincible Iron Brony, and Fedorasarecool for proofreading. These gentlemen have been a great help to me. Thank them by clicking on the links and checking out their work. Again, thank you gentlemen.

Please check out their work for more superhero action. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you all next time. Take care. :pinkiesmile: