• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 1,727 Views, 7 Comments

The Unicorn Caper - My Little Scribbler

Twilight must capture a thief stealing unicorn horns before she becomes a victim herself.

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Chapter 2

The Unicorn Caper
Chapter 2

With the last of her apples packed up into her saddlebags, Applejack went off in search of Twilight. “Hey Twi, I’m ready to go. Where are you?” From off into the trees, she noticed a soft light. Thinking it was Twilight, she headed toward the direction of the light until she saw her in the clearing...with a spinning ring headed toward her.

“Look out!”

As Twilight turned her head, she saw the spinning blade. She telekinetically caught the weapon, suspending it in midair a mere five inches from her face.

“Hang in there, Sugarcube. I’m a comin’.” Suddenly, a long cord of some kind snaked out from the darkness, tripping Applejack.

Applejack fell face first into the grass, causing her apples to fly out of her saddlebags and spill everywhere.

Twilight wrestled with the assailant, even though the two were far apart. She telekinetically pulled on the weapon with the assailant tugging in turn. It was a duel of magic on magic as if the two were tugging on a rope with the chakram in the center. Twilight could not see the thief because she was just outside the dim light of Twilight’s horn. All Twilight could make out was the silhouette of a four-legged animal.

The ring was wrenched out of Twilight’s grasp and flew back toward its owner. The thief let out a loud hiss and sprinted off.

Applejack, who had removed her saddlebags, ran after the assailant. “Get back here.”

“Be careful, Applejack,” said Twilight. She pursued Applejack and the thief. However, as Applejack wondered aimlessly into the darkness Twilight was focused on the ground, searching for evidence of the thief’s identity. She was looking for tracks, but instead of hoof prints, she saw paw prints, much to her surprise. What was even more perplexing was lying near the prints was a discarded mask. The mask depicted a creature with bright orange skin, a stretched and grinning mouth, eyes resembling lemon slices, frilly hair along its edges, and dagger teeth. The mask was nothing like Twilight had ever seen. Thinking it was important, she picked up the mask with her teeth.

Cautiously curious, she followed the paw prints, but as the trail went on, the prints began to change little by little with each succeeding print. The pads of the paw prints gradually got thin and narrow. By the time the trail abruptly ended, the prints had changed into what appeared to be bird prints. As Twilight lifted her head, she saw a crow in the trees that flew away as soon as it was spotted.

“Hey Twi,” shouted Applejack as she ran up to her. “I can’t find the thief anywhere. What in tarnation is goin’ on here?”

Twilight put down the mask. “Applejack, I need you to come with me to the police station and start searching through their wanted postures.”

“Uh...okay, but what are we lookin’ for?”

Twilight stared at Applejack with a stern look. “Shape-shifters.”

Twilight gathered her friends into the library. As she dug through all of her books like a mad mare, forcing Spike and Owlowiscious to frantically collect every book she dropped, the other ponies stared at the mask as it lay on the table.

“This is really strange,” said Rainbow. “It looks like a kid’s mask.”

“I think this is no ordinary mask,” said Twilight as she withdrew another book, “but I have no idea what’s it for. The police didn’t confiscate it as evidence because they thought it was just inconsequential.”

Rainbow cocked her head in confusion. “What?”

“It means that they thought it wasn’t important.”

“Oooh, why didn’t you say so?”

Fluttershy hovered over the mask. “It’s a really scary looking mask. Why would a thief need a mask like this and who is the thief?”

“I think I know who it is,” said Twilight as she hastily read through a page in a book. “This book I’m reading is a dictionary on rare magical creatures, and I think I know what our perpetrator is.”

“Well don’t leave us hanging,” said Rainbow. “What is it?”

The ponies were dead silent as they anxiously awaited Twilight’s answer. Although they were initially surprised when they heard it.

“It’s a bakeneko.”

“...A what?” said Rainbow.

“A bakeneko. It’s a magic-wielding, shape-shifting cat.”

“You mean my horn was stolen by a cat?” shout Rarity.

“Yes. According to my book, bakenekos are rare and not native to Equestria. If the thief is a bakeneko, then she can change into anyone. That’s why we never see the thief strike; she’s always hiding in plain sight in disguise.”

“We went to the police station and found this,” said Applejack. She withdrew a rolled up piece of paper from her saddlebag and unrolled it onto the table. “This was the only shape-shifter they had a warrant for.”

The ponies gathered around the wanted poster, crowding each other like a pack of dehydrated wolves going after a puddle of water.

In the photo was a dark blue and white striped cat whose sharp claws were flying toward the camera as if she was attacking the cameraman. She bared her teeth mid-hiss to further highlight her anger. Her eyes were large and golden orbs, almost gazing at the ponies through the picture. On the top of the poster was the name Izanami written in bold, black letters.

“Izanami,” said Applejack as she read out the name. “If this ain’t our criminal, then I don’t know who is.”

Twilight read the description on the bottom of the poster. “Izanami is wanted for several accounts of theft and breaking and entering. She is a crafty shape-shifter who will frequently use her powers to infiltrate homes and public places to steal valuables.

“That sounds just like what’s been happening here in Ponyville,” said Rainbow. “Now that we know who she is, I say we hunt her down.”

“But how?” asked Applejack. “With her powers she could be anywhere...even in this room.”

The ponies suddenly began to look behind their shoulders as if they expected Izanami to pop out of the walls.

“That cat could be any pony,” said Fluttershy, fidgeting nervously. “She could even be one of us.”

“That sounds suspicious to me,” said Pinkie, glaring at Fluttershy.

“But I’m not Izanami.”

“Then prove you’re the real Fluttershy.”


Pinkie shoved her hoof into Fluttershy’s face. “Tell me how many fingers I’m holding up.”

“But you don’t have any fingers.”

“Just answer the question.”


Pinkie smiled cheerfully. “Correct. You’re the real Fluttershy.”

Twilight tapped the floor with her hoof to attract everyone’s attention. “Actually, I think Pinkie Pie has a point. Izanami could easily transform herself into one of us. What we need to do is set up some kind of password. If one of us is acting suspiciously, we should ask them for the password.”

“I think that’s a marvelous idea,” agreed Rarity.

“But first, we need to determine that we are who we say we are by asking each other questions,” said Twlight as she handed the book over to Owlowiscious for him to put away.

“Like what?” asked Spike as he slid a book on the shelf.

“For example, what was the title of that book you burned last week?”

“Look, I’m sorry I burned it. I just forgot my allergy medication and—”

“No, Spike, I want you to answer the question because only the real Spike would know the answer, and if you answer, that proves who you are.”

“Oh, I see. Well, the book was entitled Fire Eaters for Simpletons.”

“That’s correct, Spike.” Twilight turned to the other ponies. “Now, lets ask each other questions.”

One by one, each pony was interviewed. Once everyone was satisfied, Twilight said, “Now that we know who we all are, we should come up with a password. One that is not too obvious but is easy to remember.”

“Oh, Oh, I know,” said Pinkie, bouncing up and down while raising her hoof. “Sesame cake.”

“Sesame cake?” said Rarity. “Why ‘sesame cake?’”

“Because sesame cake is good,” answered Pinkie all bubbly.

“Hm, I think that’ll do,” said Twilight.

“Okay, now that we have a password, what’re we goin’ to do next?” asked Applejack.

Twilight put a hoof to her chin in thought. “I think all we can do is wait.”

“And what about the mask?” asked Spike.

“If this does belong to Izanami, then I know of a place where even she can’t get it.” Twilight’s horn glowed a bright purple light as she cast a summoning spell. Right before their eyes, a cage materialized in the corner of the library. The cage was almost large enough to fit a foal, but the bars were thin like a birdcage. It was built out of shiny brass, which was shaped into intricate curves onto the door of the cage. The door was wide open, but there was no visible lock on it. Small wheels were attached to the bottom.

Twilight telekinetically carried the mask into the cage and slammed the door shut.

“Pardon me, Sugarcube, but how is that cage suppose to keep Izanami out?” asked Applejack.

“Try opening it and see.”

Applejack curiously walked up to the cage and gripped the door handle with her teeth. To her surprise, the door would not budge even though there was nothing holding the door in place. She pulled on the handle harder, but only accomplished in dragging the cage along on its wheels. She put her right hoof onto the side of the cage, but a magical force field appeared in a blinding red light, repelling her away.

“What kind of cage is that?” asked Applejack, running her tongue along her teeth to make sure she was not missing anything.

“It was a gift from Princess Celestia,” explained Twilight. “It’s magically designed so nothing could get in or out because the only way to open it is with my horn.” Twilight put her horn against the cage door, and it opened as if a lock had been undone.

“But what if Izanami tries to steal your horn in the middle of the night?” asked Fluttershy.

“I can cast an antiburglary spell on myself at night so if any pony got too close, the spell will create a noise that will wake me up.”

“Wow, Twilight, you sure can think of anything,” said Pinkie.

“No, I’m just lucky to know a princess.”

Three days went by and Izanami still remained at large. Twilight continued to volunteer escorting the foals to and from school. On that morning, Rainbow and Applejack had accompanied her with Rainbow hovering overhead, watching for signs of trouble, and Applejack herding the foals.

“Come on, young ’uns, stay together,” said Applejack as she circled around them, keeping them in check. “How does everything look up there, Rainbow?”

“There’s no sign of trouble.” Rainbow was darting around in the air like an excited bee. In her frantic search for danger, she noticed Twilight who seemed oddly distracted.

Applejack noticed too. “Hey Twi, you look like your mind is anywhere but here.”

Twilight snapped out of her thoughts. “What? Oh, sorry. I’ve just been thinking about that mask. I looked at every book in my library...”

“Don’t worry,” said Rainbow, “if anyone can figure it out, you can.”

Throughout the day, Twilight was still frightened and worried, wondering when the thief would strike. Even long after the foals were escorted to their school, Twilight was still lost in thought. Once she got home, she tore up every book in the library, hoping to find the mask’s purpose.

By noon, she was sitting at her work desk with piles of books stacked up around her like a fortress. Twilight’s head rocked back and forth, exhausted from studying. So much so that she barely acknowledged Owlowiscious as he flew in through the open window and landed on his perch.

Twilight shook her head to wake her up. “Hello, Owlowiscious. Sorry the room’s a mess.”

“Who,” said Owlowiscious.

Spike came into the room balancing a tray on his right hand. On top of the tray were two cups.

“Hey, Twilight, I got some soymilk for you.”

“Thanks, Spike.” Twilight telekinetically lifted one of the cups and started drinking through the straw.

“So have you found anything?”

Twilight sighed in frustration. “I suspect that the mask is some kind of magical tool that is used with a specific spell, kind of like those pendulums you see in divination, but what kind of spell the mask is used for, I can’t figure out. If only there was some pony here in town I can ask. One who’s an expert with strange masks.”

Spike put a claw to his chin in thought. “Perhaps you can ask Zecora.”

“Why Zecora?”

“Well, she has lived outside of Equestria, and she’s got a lot of masks. Perhaps she might know something.” Spike grabbed the remaining cup on the tray and loudly sipped through the straw.

“You know, you’re right.” For the first time in days, Twilight was alert and confident. “Perhaps Zecora might know something. Owlowiscious, I know it’s early but can you watch the library for me?”

“Who,” said Owlowiscious.

Twilight took that as a yes.

Twilight had removed the mask from the cage and stuffed it into a saddlebag. With Spike riding on her back, she galloped into the Everfree Forest. As Twilight wondered through the forest, Spike was constantly looking in all directions, jumping at the slightest bit of movement. It did not help that the forest seemed unusually quiet that day as if the monsters were long gone, leaving even the smallest of sounds to become amplified tenfold.

“Spike, will you stop that. You’re going to fall of if you keep doing that.”

“Izanami can be anywhere. I have to be vigilant.” Spike continued his frantic survey of the forest until the two reached Zecora’s hut.

Twilight knocked on Zecora’s door. The door was unlocked, so she quietly stuck her head inside.

“Hello, Zecora...”

Zecora sat cross-legged on the ground, seemingly in a meditative trance. She opened her eyes and said to Twilight, “Come on into my humble abode...and rest your hooves from the dirty road.”


As Twilight entered the home, Spike slid off her back, fidgeting as if he expected to be ambushed. Rather than meet Twilight and Zecora at the table, he stood by the open door, watching the outside.

“Zecora, I need your help identifying something.”

“Is it an artifact comprised with danger? Or perhaps a gift from a total stranger?”

“No. I found this strange mask lying on the ground when I was attacked by the thief stealing horns in Ponyville.” She withdrew the mask from the saddlebag and dropped it onto the table.

Zecora observed the mask as if it was a specimen on a dissecting tray. “This is not an ordinary mask as you correctly deduce, although the answer is quite obtuse. It is an enchanted mask of a rare variety. Designed to subdue the strongest enemy.”

As Zecora talked, Spike saw some bushes rustling just outside the hut. Suspicious, he tiptoed toward the bush. As he closed in, he heard whimpering and whining as if there was a wounded animal. When he pushed the branches aside, he gasped in surprise...Lying on the ground was Zecora with her mouth gagged and her hooves bound in rope.

Terrified, Spike ran back into the house, bursting through the door. “TWILIGHT.”

“What is it, Spike?”

As Twilight turned around, Spike saw the chakram levitate out from behind the imposter Zecora.


Before Twilight could do anything, the ring came down on her. For the briefest of moments, the hut became eerily quiet. The only sound was the clatter of Twilight’s horn as it hit the ground.

Twilight put hoof to her head, feeling only a stump where her horn should be. She stared at Zecora in shock and betrayal, mouth agape at the sight of Zecora’s grinning face. Right before her eyes, the zebra transformed. Her black stripes became blue, her hooves became paws, her turquoise eyes became golden, and her tail grew long and whip-like.

“Thank you, for returning my mask,” said Izanami with a low hiss at the end of the sentence. “Since you’re so interested in me, how would you like to see something else I can do?” Like a vine, her tail stretched out and wrapped around Twilight.

Twilight tried to magically repel her, but nothing happened without her horn.

“You let her go,” ordered Spike.

Izanami extended her tail toward Spike, but Spike blasted a small fire blast at her, forcing her to withdrawal her tail.

“I don’t have time to deal with you,” said Izanami, her voice low and resentful.

With a single paw, Izanami put on the mask. Much like a unicorn’s horn, she channeled magic through her tail and into the mask, causing the eyes of the mask to glow a sickly yellow light.

Twilight could only watch helplessly as Spike took one look at the mask, and was put under her power. He stared at her in complete enthrallment, making it easy for Izanami to wrap her tail around him.

“Spike, run!” Twilight’s words fell on deaf ears as Spike gawked at the mask, not so much as flinching as he was wrapped in Izanami’s tail

Izanami looked upon her helpless captives and smiled. “Akin to blind mice / You scurry into danger / Right into my claws.”