• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 3,421 Views, 118 Comments

Ex-Wonderbolts new job - Jetto

Soarin needs a new job. But what can an ex-celebrity playcolt do in Ponyville?

  • ...

Teaser: Thunder...


The weather was great. Sun was shining, there wasn't a single cloud in the sky and the temperature was just right. It was a perfect day for a picnic, or a trip to the beach or swimming pool. Sadly, Ponyville had none of that, unless you count that little lake by the woods, emphasis on little. Not that it made him any difference, since he was stuck in his desk, working and stuff. By stuff we mean doing absolutely nothing, since there wasn't anypony visiting for almost entire day and there were no appointments today. Monday wasn't exactly the busiest time of the week. In fact, it was one of the worst workdays thus far. Sure, he only started it two weeks ago, but his track record so far was awful and it didn't pick up until late afternoon. He considered changing the working hours to avoid it, where all he does is lie on his desk face flat, being bored and waiting for his birthday, which was in several months away. He couldn't just leave the place, there could be an emergency coming any time now. He waited patiently for it, maybe then he won't die from boredom.

His ears perked as he heard the knocking on the door. After thanking heavens for something happening, he called the guest in. He half expected it was just Cloud Chaser visiting with a deck of cards to alleviate their mutual boredom. And he half expected Caramel again, with another soul crushing experience. It was none of them, but it ended up being a pleasant surprise.

"Hey," Thunderlane waved, as he entered the room. Soarin was about to jump happily, but his friend didn't seem right. He was still a tall, black coated pegasi with gray-ish Mohawk for sure, but something seemed off "do you have a moment?"

"Sure, sit down," Soarin motioned his very comfortable sofa, which usually helped anypony relax and cheer up. Thunderlane sat down and sighed. This seemed like a bad sign "so, can I help you?"

Thunderlane hesitated before answering.
"Soarin... you know mares a lot, right?"

Soarin blinked. So did Thunderlane, before realizing how stupid his question sounded, especially when said out loud.

"A thing or two." Soarin deadpanned.

"Right, sorry, I just... can I ask you for an advice?"

Right there, Soarin's heart started pounding harder. All this time, despite being best friends in the entire world (might be a slight exaggeration), Thunderlane always kept to himself and struggled with his odd relationship with Blossomforth alone, but not anymore. Soarin smiled widely, finally being able to delve into a territory he was never allowed to enter, but which always intrigued him to no end. He leaned over his desk and joined hooves, while a stray beam of sunlight (a thing that didn't exist outside narrative) flashed over his glasses.

"Please, do go on..."

Author's Note:

Soarin: Please talk, while I practice my best Gendo impression.

To be continued in:

"Thunder & Lightning"

Comments ( 15 )

Oooh, can't wait for it!

I CAN'T WAIT! YAY THUNDERLANE CENTRIC STORY! Oops, sorry Caps Lock. Let me try again: I can't wait! Yay Thunderlane centric story! :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

There was no Dary! We'll have to wait until the next story for it! :pinkiegasp:

Will be one hell of a brick joke. :pinkiehappy:

Well, I got through the first two sequels today. Still great stories, and I noticed far fewer typos and grammatical errors in this one. So congratulations; you're improving! YAY!

Just one question though. Where did that scene with Sunny Rays in the first chapter come from? Because I know that I've seen that exact same scenario somewhere, but I can't remember where. Was it some episode of "How I Met Your Mother" or something?

4699668 That... is a very good question. I know this scene was influenced by "HIMYM" in some way, but most of it was my idea. So yeah, if I copied it from somewhere, it was subconciously. In other words, yes, I am that good :moustache:

I just checked with my brother, who knows HIMYM, and TV shows in general, much better than me. He says that there might have been an episode of HIMYM where something like that happened, but the scene I was thinking of was actually in Psych. So mystery solved.

4699818 I have never seen a single episode of Psych. I'm still that good :moustache:

Really? Wow. Either you're brilliant, or the idea came from somewhere else. I wonder if the scene in Psych might have been a reference to something similar that you might have seen, but I haven't been able to find any evidence to support that theory. My first guess after HIMYM was actually that it came from an old Sherlock Holmes story, so there might be something there. Or I might have just jumped to the wrong detective.

4700412 Well, Soarin IS designed after Barney Stinson, so maybe I was catching the same vibes. If you find any particular scene, send it to me.

If you want to see the Psych scene, watch the episode "From the Earth to Starbucks" (season 1, episode 10). The scene starts about a minute into the episode, and the resolution happens at 6:50. I still haven't found it anywhere else, and I am now pretty certain that Psych is the only place I've ever seen it.

5614304 Considering who is one of the main characters in the sequel...

Interesting to note, that gingers are impossible for me as well IRL... DAMN YOUR BEAUTIFUL CRIMSON HAIRS!!

Very fun story! Keep Jetto'ing, Jetto!

*plays ukulele* What? Is there anything wrong with a "PONY" playing one?

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