• Published 28th Jan 2014
  • 3,042 Views, 88 Comments

The Spears of Chaos: Wrath of Screwball - Discorded SheepcityUSA

A cult of Discord worshipers learn of his reforming, and are disgusted with their god. Now they obey another spiritual deity...None other than Discord's spawn, Screwball...and she plans on finishing what her Daddy Discord won't.

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Screwball's Awakening

Author's Note:

This idea came into my head yesterday, and when i get an idea, I can never leave it alone.

The scenario here is that now that Discord is reformed (though he is still a bit of a troll), what happens to Screwball? Screwball is basically the manifestation of all that is unholy about Equestria, so she pretty much cannot be reformed.

Think about it.

It was the middle of the night in Equestria. A few hours ago, Celestia had lowered the sun to make space for her sister to raise her moon. The light of the shining orb in the sky covered all of Equestria in a beauteous aura that only the night can produce. However, all is not well on the kingdom’s capital…

In Canterlot’s gardens, several statues had been placed throughout the lush landscape. Many of them representing some sort of harmonic value, whether it be friendship, teamwork, kindness, the central message was the same. But one stood out from the rest of them. This one in particular had been a replacement for another certain statue that represented something much more sinister than all the rest. Not that it’s replacement was much better in the aspect of harmony. Huddled around it, four pony-like figures stared at the thing, cloaked in black hoods with small horns attached to their heads. They appeared to be bowing to the statue. Moments earlier, these ponies had taken down eight royal guards, and managed to avoid the frightful gaze of Princess Luna, who appeared to be watching Canterlot from her balcony.

“Take it all in my brothers. THIS is our new god.” One of them said, motioning his hoof to the statue.

The other three ponies looked upon the stone figure in awe. It depicted a small Earth Pony filly, with a cutie-mark of a screw and baseball, and a beanie atop her head. The most noticeable feature of the statue, was her face. While her eyes looked swirled and twisted, her brow had lowered in fright, and her mouth was frozen in the middle of a silent shriek.

“Are you positive that she is suitable for such a task brother? She is but a child after all.” One of them asked.

“Do you forget who exactly you are look upon? This is the daughter of Discord. If she’s anything like her father once was, she’ll do just fine.” The stallion answered.

The other ponies appeared to grow angry at the mention of the Chaos God.

“To think I once kissed the ground he walked on. Now I wouldn’t even spit in his direction” one of them grumbled.

The stallion’s accomplices murmured in agreement.

“Believe me, I am just as angry as you are at Discord. But we cannot waste any time in being bitter. Chaos must be restored to Equestria. Without Chaos we’ll most certainly die off. Doomed to the eternal damnation of being forgotten in the pages of history. We require somepony with the same ability to bring disorder to carry on the way of disharmony.” The ringleader said.

He turned back toward the statue.

“That being said, shall we begin?” he asked, removing his hood, revealing a horn planted on his forehead.

The rest of the ponies removed their hoods as well, also revealing themselves as unicorns.

Simultaneously, the four ponies’ horns all glowed a bright orange, focusing all of their magic on the statue, causing it to also glow the same color, and start to shake. Many more seconds of this occurred, and pieces of the white statue started to fall off of it’s body, revealing a dark purple coat. Eventually, the pieces of the mouth broke off, turning the frightened, screaming filly, into a pony with a large, insane smile. The sound of giggling could be heard behind it.

“Just…a little…more…” The ringleader groaned.

Eventually, a white flash of light engulfed the unicorns entirely, taking the notice of Princess Luna.

“What on Equestria?...” she said to nopony in particular.

She positioned her telescope in the direction of the explosion, and spotted the unicorns laying on the ground in the garden, obviously very fatigued.

“Wait…those uniforms…” Luna recognized those cloaks all too well. These unicorns were members of the Spears of Chaos. They were a group of terrorists that indulged in Chaos and Disharmony, worshiping Discord as their god.

“But, what do they want? Discord is reformed. They should have dispersed…unless…” Luna focused her gaze onto the pony that stood before them. She was a little, purple filly, with swirled eyes, and a truly insane grin spread across her muzzle. Luna could just barely make out what they were saying.

“How does it feel to be awake, my liege?” the ringleader unicorn asked the pony.

The purple pony held onto her head in pain, and she appeared disoriented and dizzy.

“Trippy. It’s like getting out of a really hot bath on a cold day. To scalding to stay in, to freezing cold to get out. Makes my wittle head ache.” She mumbled

Upon realizing who she was looking upon, Luna gasped and recoiled away from her telescope.

“Oh my sister no…” she whispered.

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville, as was the usual. Everypony was happily going about their business, especially a certain orange cowpony who had just slammed her hind hooves into another apple tree, causing every last one of the apples to fall from it’s branches. Feeling quite tired from her work, she wiped a bit of sweat from her brow with her trademarked hat.

“Phew. That outta do it. Big Mac, I got another load over here!” Applejack yelled to her brother.

The muscular, red stallion wheeled a wagon over to her sister’s position, and started loading the buckets of apples onto it.

Applejack looked up at the sky, taking a moment to admire the glorious scenery.

“Mighty fine weather today ain’t it?” she asked.

“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh responded with his usual, one-word answer.

Applejack continued to stare off into space, until she noticed something really out of place. In the middle of the sky, there sat a large, pink cloud. Applejack hadn’t seen one of those since…well, you know.

“What in tarnation?” she whispered.

Suddenly, the cloud exploded with the sound of thunder, and a downpour of brown liquid emerged from it. Several more clouds of the same nature rolled in and followed suit.

“Big Mac are you seein’ this?” she asked her brother. She turned her head toward him, only to find that all the apples she had harvested had sprouted arms and legs and were wrestling the squirming stallion to the ground.

“What the-“ Applejack wasn’t even able to finish her sentence, as a red lightning bolt had erupted from one of the clouds and struck her right in the flank, singing her tail, and causing her to yelp in pain. Behind her, several of the tree’s large, busheled head of leaves were inflating, and exploding when they reached their capacity.

At this point, the cowpony had begun to get very angry. Her face had scrunched up in rage, her eyes narrowed, and she was starting to foam at the mouth. She had experienced this kind of crap before, and she could only blame one person for it.

DISCOOOOOOOORD!” Applejack yelled into the endless sky of Equestria.