• Published 29th Jan 2014
  • 1,115 Views, 4 Comments

The letter - zoruatrainer66

Chrysalis sends a letter.

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Late night

Luna's moon hung high in the sky, it was close to eleven at night, the wind gently carried fallen leaves as though they were its children rocking and swaying them to its mournful lullaby as it blew through the trees, the moonlight was bright tonight, there was a sense of calm and peace in the air, ponies could be heard from afar as they walked home or enjoyed a night time stroll. The moonlight shone ever so brighter through the window of a building unlike any other in Equestria, the beam of light shined into a study of sorts, onto the desk of a mare. That mare was writing a letter that would be sent in the morning, as she finished her letter, she thought of how the recipient would react to her telling of her experience during the changeling attack last week.

The changeling queen's plan was perfectly executed and thought out, she was about to secure victory for her changelings, she had every thing under control, until her disguise was torn to pieces, that is. She and her changelings were violently expelled from Canterlot by a love spell, the real wedding took place three days later.

Now, four days after the wedding, the mare was about to leave her study to go to her bed when suddenly a flash of emerald green and sweltering heat filled the room, she whipped around with her horn glowing, ready to attack the changeling she thought was there. Only to find a scroll on her desk. This scroll was old and weathered, it had tears and holes around the edges, but what caught her attention was the bindings of the scroll, it had a tattered black silk ribbon held in place by a teal wax seal of a pony split down the middle by a line, the left half, was what appeared to be a Alicorn, and the right half appeared to be a Earth Pony.

Still wary after the attack, she checked for curses, finding none she cracked the seal and began to read, it was in shaky horn-writing, she thanked Luna for making the moonlight bright tonight.

To you Dear Reader,

I wish I could tell you this in person, but in my deteriorating state I can barely hold this quill in my magic, let alone travel. I ask you to not destroy this letter, and to take this letter at face value, with an unbiased opinion, until you are done reading anyway. In this letter are my apology for my actions and the story of the changelings origins, as well as why I attacked Canterlot.

First off, for what it's worth, I am sorry for the actions I took last week, I was blinded by power, I had every thing I needed, everything I wanted! I was finally full...

That haze of power and the knowledge that my plan was going perfectly caused me to get lost along the way, I turned arrogant and cruel, that arrogance and cruelty made for my downfall by Twilight Sparkle, she saw through my ruse immediately, the others were fooled into thinking that was just pre-wedding jitters, but not Twilight.

I was exposed at the last second. I had Equestria in my reach and in come Mi Amore Cadenza and Twilight Sparkle. I was shocked, I had imprisoned them both in the Crystal Cave below Canterlot! We argued and then we fought, every thing was under control until Cadance got to Shining Armor. They were carried into the air by their combined magic, they released a spell fueled by love and hate. Me and my changelings were launched out of Canterlot, when I landed I was carried to the Nest. Then I found out I was poisoned with hate.

Being poisoned by hate is like having cancer, my body is so weak, the only way for me to heal is with enough love, my changelings have already used all that we have trying to save me, but it is to late...

I am going to die, so I might as well apologize and get some weight off my back.

My story begins three-thousand twenty-six years ago, I was born in the middle of the worst blizzard since the founding of Equestria, I was born a Flutter Pony, a race that disappeared along with Flutter Valley, I had a silver coat, and turquoise mane and tail. My wings were those of the Blue Morphos and my eyes were turquoise. When I was eight my father passed away, a month after that without warning, the three volcanoes that surrounded Flutter Valley erupted...

We gathered as much food as we could and evacuated to Willow-Wisp Caverns, these caverns were the home of an ancient and powerful flame that was green as a emerald and never went out. Every decade this fire would birth a will-o-wisp. This fire also provided warmth and warded off sickness, it was deep underground in the middle of a lake on an island big enough to hold our entire population. My mother, the queen at the time, was grieving the loss of the city, and praying for our survival. Me and the other children were scared and we were grouped together and put closer to the center of the island, we were mesmerized by the flames, when we looked into it we forgot about our troubles and fears. We got lost in a trance that lasted for minutes, the adults were just thankful that we weren't scared anymore.

What the adults didn't know was the danger that fire posed...

Author's Note:

This is my first fic, if you like it you know what to do!