• Published 26th Mar 2012
  • 7,082 Views, 548 Comments

Mischmasch - SpiralWriter

Come and hear the tale of an out of place creature in the seemingly perfect land of Equestria.

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Princess Luna slowly trotted through the halls of Canterlot Castle, shaking off the day. It had been a big victory celebration, one that spanned across the entirety of Equestria. Even a few neighboring countries wanted in on the joy. She had been lost in it, simply loving the fact that she was not made of stone anymore and that her subjects were unharmed. Amongst the balloons and cheers and happy greetings, she had seen so many happy faces, all except a few. One was one of the cowpony types almost like the element of honesty, Applejack. She had seen him on a train leaving. A zebra bore the same face, taking an opposite rail towards the international train station, possibly one that would lead her to Zebrafrica. And last . . . a diamond dog. He was very strange, pure white in color, so he must've been an albino. She did not see his face, as he had dug deep into the earth and away from any who would follow.

She approached a chamber door bearing the insignia of the sun upon it, the two guards standing at attention on either side of it saluting at her approach. She knocked three times and entered Celestia's private study.


The blue alicorn looked around to see her older sibling's sleek form standing on the balcony just outside her study, one that gave her a perfect view over the castle grounds and most of Canterlot. Luna approached her and nodded.

"Greetings, dearest sister. Did thou enjoy the celebrations?"

"I did." The golden ruler of Equestria replied, her voice monotone and far off, as if lost in thought.

"Does something bother you, sister?" The Night Mare asked in concern. She could always tell when Celestia was troubled our worried. Her brow furrowed in the slightest of ways, her mouth slowly tuckered downwards, her her mane was ever so erratic.

"Do you see that?" She nodded her head downwards to point with her horn at the gardens below. It rested upon one of the garden's newest acquisitions.

". . . The minion of Discord?" Luna said through gritted teeth.

"Yes." The sun alicorn said with almost no emotion. Her horn glowed golden for the briefest of moments as she mentally grabbed a book in her study and brought it over to hover between the two. It was old and wrinkled, torn and barely legible, but they both knew it well. It was leatherbound, bearing the face of an equine upon it. The Ancient Book of Equestrian Prophecy, a tome that would of what was and is to come. One of the tokens left behind from their parents.

"What bothers you, sister? Is this about Twilight's destiny again?"

Celestia shook her head. "No, but that is a concern for later. What I want to show you is this."

She opened to a certain page around the middle of the large book. It was written in ancient equestrian, so very few could understand it. The two alicorn sisters would be able to, seeing as how they invented the language.

" . . . The Prophecy of Deliverance?"

The alicorn of the day nodded grimly. "Look." She motioned towards a picture on the page. It appeared to be a jumble of parts trying to make a coherent form. A dragon's head, a bird's body, a bear's arm, just a small bit of pony, and a kangaroo made up the fading image.

"What does this look like?"

Luna did not need to answer, for they both already knew.

"Surely this is not to signify the beginning of this prophecy."

"What else is it?"

"We have been wrong of what was in the tome before, Celestia."

"But what if we are correct? We must prepare now."

". . ."

They both looked down at the smiling statue of the jabberwocky, and thought of what destiny might have in store for it.