• Published 29th Jan 2014
  • 1,889 Views, 20 Comments

You are the cheese to my sandwich - Poisonian

Cheese sandwich comes to ponyville only to plan a party but somepony comes up and makes him stop dead in his tracks

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The Planners

"I Smell" *SNIIIIIFFFFF* "A party..." Cheese sandwich a crazy random tall orangeish pony with a curly puffy brown mane woke up after a long nap. "Bo Veaner, I sense a party brewing up. Cheese's pet bird cocktail cocked his head to the left as if he didn't understand a word of English . Cheese quickly grabbed his poncho, saddle with a rubber chicken attached to it (don't ask) and his "dusty hat". "Bo, come!" Cheese commanded his bird to come and recline on his back while he traveled. "We have to head to....Ponyville!" Again the bird just cocked his head again. So Cheese headed out the door to proceed to the illusive ponyville.


"WELL IF IT AIN'T THE PARTY PLANNER HIMSELF CHEESE SANDWICH! WELCOME BACK TO AAAAAPLEOOOLSA" Said Breaburn in one of his loudest welcomes ever. Cheese sandwich had to pass by Appleolsa in order to get to ponyville. Cheese sandwich just kept his eyes closed and kept walking as if he was annnoyed, he spoke in that type of tone.
"Oh it's you... The 'loud' one"
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing... Just that I didn't 'like' planning the annual 'peace of species' ceremony..."
"Oh I see how it is," Braeburn replied in an agitated tone. "Well if you're gonna be a sour puss then you can just GIT ON OUT!"
"You didn't let me finish, mr. Apple..." Cheese paused and then out of no where like a meteor from space he said. "I LOVED IT!"
"Ah haha, so where ya' headed for planing today?"
"Well my cheese senses told me to head to ponyville because a pony will be having a party."
"Hmm ponyville huh? OH YEAH my cuz applejack sent me a letter to come to her friends party." Breaburn paused to think. "I think her name was Rainbow Crash or something like that."
"Well then i guess my senses were right, as always."
"Well Cheese there might be a problem for you..."
"And what would that be?"
"Well in the letter Applejack sent me her friend Pinkie Pie was planning the party."
"HA how could that be a complication?"
"Well she might take up your space or something like that?" Braeburn gave a sheepish look.
"Well if she is already planning it then i will simply have to help!" And with that Cheese Sandwich and Bo headed to Ponyville.

Back at Ponyville

"OOH I am so, so, so excited for today because I'm planning the birthday bash ooofff!" Said Pinkie Pie as she pointed up and gave Rarity a nuggie. "RAINBOW DASH!!!"
"YEAH" Said Rainbow Dash as she blended in with the banner that Pinkie Pie put up for her. Pinkie Pie then grabbed her by the hooves and pulled her to the ground and said with a very serious look on her face. "Rainbow Dash."
"Yes Pinkie?"
"You realize that by enlisting me as party planner that i can garuntte that this is going the funnest! most fantablous, superbly party in Ponyville?" Pinkie looked down on Rainbow Dash.
"Uuh yeah..I guess?" Pinkie put her hoof over Rainbow's mouth.
"No guesses, Parties are no picnic!" Fluttershy then spoke up and said.
"Ooh i like a good picnic party." Pinkie Pie glared at her. Then out of no where a pony in the shadows blew on one of those, ya know party blowing thing that LITERALLY NO BODY AND I MEAN NOBODY knows what their called. Pinkie Pie poked her head out.
"Who are you, stranger?"
"Names Cheese sandwich," Cheese then spat out that party favor thing-a-mi-gigger "I plan parties" He said in his most serious of voices
"What an amazing coincidence, I'm Pinkie pie and I'M planning a party!" She put extra enfaisis on the I'm.
"Ooh its no coincidence my little pony, my cheesey sense was a tingling, telling me a party was in the works..."
"A Cheesy sense? AH double amazing, I have a Pinkie sense!"
"Yes i sensed you did." Cheese strutted past Pinkie. "And I happen to be the Premiere party planner in all of Equestria." Cheese looked at pinkies banner. "If there's a party in need there'll I'll be. Be it wingding, hoedown, hootenanny or shindig...I'm your pony." Pinkie gasped.
"Wait are you here for..Rainbow Dash's party???"
"If that's the pony that is having it then I'll plan it ."
"Oohh this is so exciting, cause i happen to be planning it too!" She gasped again. "Maybe we can plan it together!" Pinkie grabbed his front hooves. Cheese didn't know why but he gave the slightest hint of a blush on his face. Pinkie looked at Rainbow Dash and said. "What do you say Rainbow Dash? Should me and Cheesey,"
"Cheese if you would please." Pinkie pie giggled.
"If Cheese and I would plan your party together?"
"I'll tell ya what, making this party EPIC is what you should do!" Rainbow Dash took a prideful stance in the air as she was about to announce something big. "Cause this isn't just any birthday, IT'S also the anniversary of when i moved to ponyville!" Rarity butted in.
"Good heavens Rainbow Dash!" She looked towards Applejack "It's your birth-aversiry!"
"EXACTLY!" Rainbow Dash flew down to Pinkie and Cheese and put her hooves on their shoulders. "So what do you say party planners?"
"OH I think we can do it!" Said Pinkie Pie.
"Oh I don't think so.." Replied Cheese, Pinkie and Rainbow both gasped at this. Then Cheese took off his poncho hat and saddle with a rubber chicken on it to reveal a yellow polo,he stood up on his hind legs. "I KNOW SO!" He was about to break into song randomly. "After all..>" "The super-duper party pony that pony is me! I always knew that was the kind of pony i would be!
"Me too!" Said Pinkie Pie.
"Come on ponies who here likes to party?" So Cheese and Pinkie pie both sang together when a crowd of ponies joind in with all the fun and laughter. After the song the party planners both sat down for a rest at sugar cube corner. "So let me get this straight, You plan parties ALL over Equestria?"
"Yep, from Canterlot all the way to Appleousa."
"OH OH OH do you want a cupcake?!?!"
"Is a Tortise slow?" Pinkie paused as she was clueless to the analogy. "Yes i would love one."
"okey dokey!" Pinkie trotted back to the counter to grab yellow and pink cupcakes. Cheese got a good look at her flank though, she looked quite fine from the behind (Imagine i just did a ghetto voice there).
"Here's your cupcake Cheesy!" Pinkie Pie giggled.
"Thanks?" Cheese didn't know why Pinkie gave him that nick name. But there was something Pinkie wasn't showing, she secretly developed a crush on the equally random party pony.

Okay so since the episode was released some of my ideas were changed so thats why it took so long for me to finnish this.

So the events of "Pinkie Pride" had taken place. Pinkie during the goof off started to loose interest in Cheese as he annoyed her with him winning and all. But during this Cheese started to re-develop his crush on Pinkie as he used to have one when he first met her all those years ago....."Just a little momento of my visit." Cheese sandwich slid a oak wood polished box towards Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash's Birth-averisery was going on in the backround. Ponies laughing and having fun whilst Rainbow Dash was wolfing down her cake.
"You're giving me your special rubber chicken friend?"
"Oh.. He's not the only one." Cheese pulled out a bonless with a number 2 on it.
"Come on Bone less 2. our job here is finished." Pinkie Pie saw Cheese Sandwich walk away, the pony she developed a crush on, lost it, and then re-developed it when he told her his past and that he only wanted to impress her. "Cheese, wait!"
"Hmm? What is it Pink-" Cheese Sandwich was interrupted by a kiss from the pink pony. Cheese embraced it and kissed back as he saw his chance.
"Pinkie...I didn't know that you...I mean I... But then you.."
"Same...." They just stared at each other for a good long 30 seconds before they kissed again. This time they broke tongue and it became a full out make out session, they kissed slow and passionately. They finally broke apart and Cheese had to leave. "Wait can't you just stay for one more day...Or week?" Pinkie Pie pleaded as she laid her head low, Cheese lifted her chin up with his hoof.
"Pinkie... I'm sorry but i have a living, and that is to plan parties all around Equestria."
"But your cheesey sense hasn't gone off yet...Has it?"
"Well no...but..I mean maybe."

6 Hours Later

"Okay okay i'll stay... but only for you."
"Yay! OH we need to plan a welcoming party for you!"
"Oh my gosh!" You're right!" So the two headed to sugarcube corner to plan Cheese's party.

3 Years later....

"Mom, dad?" Asked a small biege filly with a dark brown and pink mane.
"What is it Cheesecake?" Said a young pink mare with a curly pink mane who had just finished putting up a banner saying: Happy 4th anniversary
"How did you and dad meet?"
"It all started when i came to Ponyville..." Interrupted an orange young stallion with a a curly brown mane.
"Oh there you are Cheesy."
"Pinkie, I told you to not call me that."
"I know sweetie," Pinkie Pie kissed Cheese sandwich on the cheek. "I'm just teasing."
"Okay, now where was I? Oh yeah It all started when i came to Ponyville ready to plan your aunt Rainbow Dash's Birth-aversiery party..."


Author's Note:

Okay so i was the first to release a ship fic for these two and im sort of proud of this? I need reviews come on give them to me