• Published 29th Jan 2014
  • 7,851 Views, 430 Comments

The Weight of Responsibility - Calm Wind

Responsibility can be heavy, and accepting it can be tough. But even those used to it are not free of fault.

  • ...

Chapter 8

The Weight of Responsibility
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 8:

As he promised, Thunderlane kept tight lip about the encounter in the tool shed. For two reasons: One, he didn’t want Applejack to rip his head off. Two, he felt he had gained a certain amount of trust with her and he wanted to honor it.

The moment they shared marked another step for Thunderlane. Not only did he get her to accept him, he also got a brief insight into what she was thinking. Sure she kept up the stubborn wall and threatened him multiple times about telling anypony, but she still went through with it. She was clearly comfortable enough with him to let him get close and keep her warm, but she was still very reserved about anything related to him.

They both learned something about themselves that afternoon. But were either of them willing to take the dive off the cliff? Neither of them was quite sure what to do next. Was the tool shed scene a moment of trust or moment of affection? Was there REALLY a difference? Or were they just both thinking too hard.

Whatever it was, at least it seemed to dispel Applejack’s random nervousness around him. As the weeks went on, she had mostly warmed up to him and spoke freely. They had continued their night work successfully, never a question rising from the rest of the Apple family.

Although as the days counted up, the lack of a full night’s sleep was starting to take its toll. The two of them felt more and more tired by the day, but at the same time the bits were coming in twice as fast. They couldn’t stop now. They were both determined to save the farm and would support each other till the end.

Neither of them spoke about the tool shed. It was both on their minds, but they let it be for the sake of focusing on work. It didn’t mean however, that they had forgotten about it. You don’t share a tender moment with another pony you only got to know recently and call it a coincidence.

Thunderlane looked at Applejack with concern as the two made their way out to the barn for another “night shift”. It was his fourth week on the farm now and the effects of their smaller sleep schedule were beginning to show. He felt alright, but she didn’t look quite as good. She was pulling carts during their night work after all. He was just flying and picking apples. The stress on her body was probably three times his. Her steps were wobbly and uneven, but as usual she didn’t show any discomfort in her expression. Keeping up the illusion of toughness even when physically taxed, that was Applejack through and through.

“Hey, how are you doing?” He finally asked her. She blinked and turned her head towards him, giving a smile.

“I’m fine,” she stumbled, “Whoa, heheh, don’t worry, ain’t the first time I’ve worked tired.” She grinned sheepishly at him. At least she stopped hiding her face from him with her hat.

“Still, don’t overdo it okay?” He repeated. Applejack found herself very “smiley” around him lately. She had gotten used to him showing concern. For a while she kept retorting, claiming to be alright in a snapping tone. It was typical of her. She never liked a pony thinking she was incapable. But as time went on, she picked up on his tone and manner. He was just looking out for her.

Thunderlane had always looked out for ponies in the past. He may have been lazy before, but if there was one thing he always made sure of it was to watch out for Rumble, Flitter, and Cloud Chaser. They never ACTUALLY needed to be watched out for, but he always did it regardless. He just felt like it was the manly thing to do with them, but as with everything else, it was different with Applejack. It had less of a family or posse feel like it did with his friends. It was more for well-being with Applejack. He wanted to make sure she didn’t hurt herself above all else.

They made it to the barn and before Thunderlane took off he checked one last time.

“You’re sure you’re okay?” He asked while putting a hoof on her shoulder. She barely walked straight the whole way from the house.

“It’s mighty sweet of ya to keep askin’ Thunderlane, but trust me, I’m fine.” She said with a smile, bending the truth slightly. She was EXHAUSTED, but the farm was in jeopardy. No way she was gonna rest until it was all seen through.

“Alright, just let me know if you want to take a break okay?” He said as he flew off.

Applejack sighed as she watched him fly off. What a sweet stallion. Always looking out for her. How long had she pushed away ponies who were just trying to help? Most let her be after one retort from her. After he kept at it again and again, she saw it for what it really was. If they made through this and saved the farm, she made mental note to do something for him. He was giving a leg and a wing to help them out. He deserved some special thanks.

Applejack shuddered as she pulled two carts out, feeling a little dizzy and stumbling a few steps. No. She was fine. She had to fight through it. She could do this. She hooked herself up and heaved the carts out of the barn.

Thunderlane was much more worried than he showed. Applejack didn’t look fit to work at all. He could tell she was fighting to not show it, but her inability to just WALK without almost tripping over herself was a clear indication that her body was stressed.

As he began picking apples he contemplated suggesting taking a break for a day or two. She would undoubtedly fight him on it, but he would hold firm. Her well being was just as important. What was the point of saving the farm if she killed herself in the process?

“Load ‘em up!” Applejack called as she approached the path. Thunderlane broke from his thoughts and quickly flew over to the baskets, loading the apples into the cart. After he dumped the last one in, instead of tapping the carts to signal them being full, he glided down to her. She didn’t even look at him at first, noticing him a moment or two later. “Huh? What?” She shook her head and asked.

“Applejack,” he said sternly with a serious expression and flattening his ears, “you’re tired.” He pointed out. She looked away and bit her lip. She wasn’t doing a good job of concealing it. She sighed.

“Yes Thunderlane, I’m tired. But we need to work.” She argued. She took one step before Thunderlane stepped around and stopped her with a hoof.

“Not if you’re on the verge of collapsing.” He gave her his best glare, but it’s not like HE could stop her if she tried to out muscle him. “I just don’t want you to hurt yourself.” He added. Applejack looked down and shook her head.

“Again, it’s sweet of you t’care Thunderlane.” But she was tired. Maybe he was right. Maybe she was overdoing it. “Tell ya what,” she looked back up, “I’ll take this load around the loop back to the barn, and then we’ll do one more and call it for the night. Maybe we’ll take a day or two off.”

“Did I really just hear you say that without me arguing it?” Thunderlane lifted an eyebrow. He was expecting a long battle with her on it, but she brought it up before he did.

“This ain’t the first time I’ve overworked myself.” She admitted shamefully, “I ain’t gonna make the same mistake.” She smiled.

“Alright.” Thunderlane agreed. “One more load, then we get some sleep.” He got out of her way and she started down the path loop back to the barn.

The sooner he got the baskets filled, the quicker he’d be able to load them up when Applejack came back. Thunderlane was ready and waiting soon after she had left initially. He was glad he didn’t have to fight her on resting. Maybe his kindness towards her had finally led her to trust him and know what was on his mind just through his simple concerns.

Applejack had taught him a lot. He learned what it meant to work for something. He knew what it felt like to care about something. Those were both very valuable lessons he was sure he would never forget, nor would he forget who taught them to him: a pony he had come to care for as well.

But suddenly he began to worry. It NEVER took Applejack this long to get around the loop. After a good five minutes went by after her usual pace, Thunderlane stood from his spot and trotted out onto the path to get a good look down it. She was nowhere in sight.

Don’t worry, he told himself. She’s a strong pony. She probably just took a quick break. He was confident in her toughness, but he couldn’t shake the feeling something was wrong. He instinctively took to the air and flew down the path the direction the carts usually rolled in from. He kept his eyes peeled and searching. The moon was full that night, so he wouldn’t fly over her by accident.

Nothing. No sign of her along the entire trail, at least from the barn to the orchard. Maybe she was in the barn. He touched down and trotted inside. The carts were still out of their spot, and Applejack was nowhere to be seen. Upon close inspection, the apple pile looked exactly the same as it did before they started.

Which meant…

“She never made it back!” Thunderlane exclaimed out loud. He quickly leapt out the back door of the barn and fired down the path that looped around from the orchard.

Why did he let her keep going? He should have stopped her right THEN and THERE! He flew as fast as he could, glancing back and forth for signs of her until,

“Applejack!” He yelled out as he saw the apple filled carts sitting motionless. Applejack was still hooked up to them, but her body had slumped into the harness, hanging limply with her front legs flat against the ground. Her head hung upside down and her hat had fallen off. “Dammit!” Thunderlane dove down, slamming his hooves down roughly to the dirt and skidding to a stop in front of her.

“Uhh?” Applejack weakly opened her eyes and tried to look at him, but she could barely move. She was covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Thunderlane quickly reached for the harness to let her down from it. He unhooked it and caught her as she fell out of it.

“Oh shit...” Thunderlane cursed. Applejack’s body was incredibly warm. Upon putting a hoof to her forehead he nearly had to pull it away. She was burning up with a fever. He had to get her help.

Now there was a dilemma. If he took her back to the house, game over, they were found out. But even if he took her into town and tried to find a doctor, the fact that they most likely would not be home the next morning also meant game over. The problem was quickly answered for him though when he tried to pick her up.

“Whoa!” His eyes widened as he slowly hoisted her up. She was heavy. He had never lifted up an earth pony before. He had picked up Flitter and Cloud Chaser plenty of times but they weighed almost a fraction of Applejack! Earth ponies were built bigger and sturdier than pegasi, the extra body mass really made a huge difference in weight. By nature pegasi were lighter for flight capabilities.

There was NO WAY he could fly her all the way into town. He could get her up in his arms and fly, but he definitely wouldn’t manage for very long. That meant the house was his only option. He picked her up in his arms and pumped his wings hard to force them into flight. He was tired from work, but Applejack needed him. She depended on him and he wasn’t going to let her down now.

Pushing his wings harder than he ever had before in his life, he flew her as fast as he could back towards the house.

Thunderlane landed roughly on the front porch, nearly dropping Applejack as he stumbled to a halt. That flight wasn’t easy. He gently set her down and shook his arms out while panting. But there was no time to lose, he had to get her in the house and get help. He quickly scooped her back up despite his tired limbs and used a wing to smack the door open.

Slowly lifting off once again, he sped through the house and angled up the stairs. After nearly hitting the ceiling with his extra momentum from Applejack’s weight, he set down in front of her room and shoved the door open with his head. It made a loud thump as it hit the wall beside, but he wasn’t worrying about sneaking.

Thunderlane made his way through her room and over to her bed, laying her down in it and propping her head with a pillow. Now what? He had to get help. Big Macintosh. He had to get Big Mac.

“I’ll be right back!” He said to Applejack before turning and galloping towards the door. But right before he reached it, something large stepped around the corner and he ran RIGHT into it. Whatever it was, it didn’t budge and Thunderlane fell back on his flank. He looked up to see Big Mac looking down at him with sleepy eyes and wearing a white and blue striped night cap.

Mac’s expression quickly became one of confusion as he wondered what the hell Thunderlane was doing in his sister’s room making so much noise. He glanced over to Applejack and his eyes widened. His sister was sprawled on her back… in bed… panting and sweating?!

“Big Mac! Thank Celestia! Applejack isHURK!!!” Thunderlane choked on his words as Big Mac suddenly thrust a hoof to his throat and smashed him against the wall. The force rattled the house, knocking a picture frame off the wall beside them. Mac was glaring at him fiercely and applying so much force to Thunderlane’s neck that he could barely breathe.

“WHAT DID YA DO T’MY SISTER?!” He roared into Thunderlane’s face, blowing his mane back. Thunderlane was instantly terrified. He fought to respond, but Mac was in such a fit of rage that his grip prevented Thunderlane from speaking. This went south FAST. Thunderlane wanted to help Applejack, and now he was on the verge of being choked to death.

“What the hell’s goin’ on in here!?” Braeburn turned into the room from the hallway. His mane was everywhere, severely messy from his pillow. He quickly glanced between Applejack and Mac. Thunderlane was struggling, and looked like he was trying to say something. Braeburn had no clue what was going on, but he knew for certain that if Mac didn’t let up soon, Thunderlane would suffocate. “Mac! Let ‘im go!” Braeburn grabbed Mac’s extended arm, but Mac shook him off with a quick shift of his body. Braeburn tumbled off of Mac, but landed at the green hooves of a pony that WOULD get through to him.

“MACINTOSH!” Granny Smith’s voice boomed to the corners of the room. Mac’s eyes widened and he instantly dropped Thunderlane, but he kept glaring at him.

“Haaaack gaaaahhh!!!” Thunderlane grunted and coughed as he grabbed his throat. “Ahhhhpplejack!” He managed to sputter out. Braeburn got to his hooves and galloped over to Applejack. He quickly noticed something was wrong.

“What happened?” Braeburn put a hoof to her forehead, “she’s burnin’ up over here!”

“She… collapsed… while… pulling… carts…” Thunderlane gasped in between each word. Braeburn snapped his head around, looking at Thunderlane with confusion. Mac perked up as well. The two looked towards Granny Smith as Applebloom appeared behind her holding a teddy bear by the arm in her mouth.

“Wait, pullin’ carts? As in… just now?” Granny Smith questioned. Thunderlane nodded, finally catching his breath.

“I’ll explain everything later! Help her! Please!” He leaned over and grabbed Mac by the hoof that had him pinned a moment ago, shaking it in desperation. Mac reclined slightly, but glanced at his sister again. He sighed and snorted before turning back to Thunderlane. Braeburn approached both of them and put a hoof on Thunderlane’s shoulder.

“We’ll do what we can, but somepony should go fetch a doctor.” He suggested as Granny Smith tried to nudge Applebloom back along to bed. Thunderlane was on his hooves in an instant.

“I’ll fly into town and get one!” He readied to leave, but Mac still barred his path. Thunderlane took a step back as Mac’s glare was set upon him once again. Thunderlane swallowed, stood his ground and looked directly into Mac’s eyes. “Please! I can get to town and back quickly!” He pleaded.

“Macintosh, let’em go.” Granny Smith ordered. Mac sighed and stepped aside. Thunderlane’s eyes lit up and he started out the door, but Granny Smith extended a hoof to stop him. “But once she’s checked out, you have some splainin’ t’do young man.” She said sternly. Thunderlane blinked and nodded in compliance. “Now git out there!” She pointed down the hall.

Thunderlane was down the stairs and out the door instantly. He knew exactly where to go and flew as fast as he could, but in the back of his mind he now hopelessly wondered how he was going to explain everything to the Apple Family without Applejack there to back him up.

He pumped his wings even harder than he had before. They were tired from doing extra work, much like Applejack was tired from the extra cart pulling, but he completely ignored the stiffness and soreness. His mind was set and he was blazing a trail into Ponyville. He hadn’t been in town for almost a whole month. Glancing around from above, he located Nurse Redheart’s house. She lived near the edge of town and was by far the closest option. He dove down and landed outside her front door.

Ponyville was mostly clear of activity. The time was going on 9:30 PM and most were at home for the night. Thunderlane hoped that Nurse Redheart was still up and about. Her lights were on, but she could be heading to bed. He reached up to knock on the door,

“Hey!” A voice pierced through his ears before he could knock. He looked to his left and Flitter had landed beside him. He was surprised at first, but then remembered he and his friends used to always stay up way past midnight. She looked overly excited to see him and was almost bouncing up and down. “Did they finally let you off the farm? Yay!” She leapt at him and hugged him.

“Uh.” He did not envision this scenario at all. If Flitter was there that also meant,

“Well it’s about damn time.” Cloud Chaser landed beside him. She let out sly whistle as she looked him up and down. “I don’t wanna sound like it was good those freaks had you tied down, but that farm work sure did some good for you,” she approached and slid a hoof over his chest.

“Er…” Thunderlane blinked, his thoughts swirling and trying to get back on track.

“C’mon, big colt, let’s go flying, we’ve missed you.” Cloud Chaser said seductively into his ear. Thunderlane grunted and shook his head as only ONE thing came to mind upon hearing that.


“No!” He thrust his wings out and pushed them both off. He quickly reached up and knocked on the door. “Nurse Redheart! Nurse Redheart!” He called. Flitter and Cloud Chaser glanced at each other in confusion. “NURSE REDHEART!” He yelled louder, the door opening soon after.

“WHAT?!?!” Nurse Redheart belted as she glared out the door. As Thunderlane feared, she looked like she was just about to get in bed, wearing a robe and holding a cup of what smelled like chamomile tea. Thunderlane didn’t waver.

“It’s an emergency! I was helping Applejack in the orchard at Sweet Apple Acres and she suddenly collapsed with a fever! The Apple Family sent me!” He quickly relayed the situation, Flitter and Cloud Chaser staring at him in disbelief. Nurse Redheart lifted an eyebrow at him, and then looked at Flitter and Cloud Chaser behind him.

Shit. Thunderlane hadn’t thought of this. He and the pegasus sisters were well known around town for being pranksters and punks. He didn’t think he’d have to CONVINCE Nurse Redheart.

“Is this another one of your practical jokes?” She asked with a stern look in her eyes. Thunderlane panicked, quickly crouching down to beg.

“PLEASE! It’s REALLY an emergency! I’ll fly you there myself! Just please hurry!” He pleaded. Cloudchaser scowled and approached Thunderlane.

“Oh cut the crap Thunderlane, what do you care about that farm bitch anyway?” She grabbed his arm and tried to pull him up. Thunderlane never thought he’d do this to Cloud Chaser, but he swung his arm out to throw her off of him.

“Dammit! BUZZ OFF! Applejack needs help!” He snapped at her, Flitter gasped, throwing her hooves over her mouth. Cloud Chaser’s jaw dropped. This however, seemed to convince Nurse Redheart.

“Let me get my things,” she said before heading back inside. Flitter shuffled up beside her sister, who was still frozen.

“Thunderlane… what are you doing?!” She asked. Thunderlane shook his head.

“I’m NOT done working at Sweet Apple Acres, the Apple family ponies are NOT freaks, and Applejack is NOT a bitch!” He yelled in their faces, making Flitter recline with each statement. “So lay off!” He finished as Flitter fell back and Cloud Chaser looked at him as if she didn’t even know who he was. Nurse Redheart emerged carrying a medical bag.

“Ready.” She nodded. Thunderlane quickly crouched down so she could get on his back. She was also an Earth pony, but unlike Applejack, he didn’t have to hold her in his arms. Having nurse Redheart on his back wouldn’t be as bad. She was also lighter due to not having a body built up from farm work. It didn’t matter how heavy she was though, Thunderlane was on a mission and he would carry four doctors on his back if he needed to.

Applejack needed him. That’s all he could focus on.

Flitter and Cloud Chaser watched as Thunderlane took off with Nurse Redheart. Flitter turned and looked at her sister, mortified. Cloud Chaser just shrugged, unable to explain anything she just saw either.

“How is she?” Braeburn asked as Nurse Redheart worked.

“I just got here, give me a minute.” She replied. Braeburn sighed and walked back over to where Big Mac and Granny Smith were sitting off to the side. Thunderlane was sprawled out on the floor beside them, on his back and gasping for air. He was convinced he had never flown harder or faster in his life and on top of that, he did it with another pony on his back.

Nurse Redheart went through her motions. She checked Applejack’s temperature, her heart rate, and looked for any symptoms. She seemed unsatisfied. She then took her hooves and carefully felt around Applejack’s arms, shoulders, chest, and legs. After a few minutes she nodded her head and turned to the rest of them.

“There are no symptoms of any sickness. But this isn’t the first time I’ve come across this with a farm pony.” She glanced back. “After checking her body I felt multiple swollen joints and muscle knots. It’s safe to say her fever is stress related. Her body just rebelled on her.”

They all looked between each other, except for Mac who just looked at Thunderlane as he continued to lie on the floor.

“Sorry to drag you out here then.” Braeburn apologized, but Nurse Redheart waved her hoof back and forth.

“No, it’s a good thing you played it safe. Just keep a cold towel on her forehead and make sure she gets plenty of water and rest. I’d say keep her out of the fields for a week.” She explained.

“That’s easier said than done.” Braeburn commented while rolling his eyes. Nurse Redheart chuckled.

“I know how she is, but tie her down if you have to. She needs the rest or else she may seriously hurt herself.” Nurse Redheart packed her things. Thunderlane saw her leaving and forced his head up. She quickly stopped him. “Don’t worry, I can walk home. We don’t need two stress fever cases.” Thunderlane fell back down and Nurse Redheart left.

Thunderlane lay still for a few seconds before remembering what was to come. He opened his eyes and flinched when he saw Mac, Braeburn, and Granny Smith all leaning over him.

“Oh…right…” He forced himself up. Thunderlane didn’t quite know how this was going to go, but it was unavoidable.

“What’s all this about pullin’ carts and collapsin’ in the fields after the rest of us have gone to bed?” Granny Smith chimed in. Despite being under Mac’s glare, Thunderlane felt more pressured by Granny Smith. She mostly took care of them after all, he felt like he owed her an explanation the most.

“Well, it’s like this…”

Thunderlane explained everything. How he heard the conversation about losing the farm, how he decided to do extra work while sacrificing sleep, how he ran into Applejack trying to do the same thing, and how they agreed to work together. His story was met with a mixture of expressions, ranging from confused, to surprised, to deep thought. He wasn’t quite sure what kind of response he was gonna get.

“Well,” Braeburn spoke up while turning to Granny Smith, “his heart’s in the right place.” Granny Smith shook her head.

“It’s all mighty kind of ya son, but getting’ enough rest t’work just as hard the next day is important,” she pointed at Applejack, “otherwise this’ll happen.”

“But that explains why we’ve had a mysteriously high amount of apples t’sell lately.” Braeburn said to Mac.


“And our funds have been climbing faster than expected…”


“But was it still wrong?”

“Eeyup.” Mac finished, still trying to figure out how he should feel. Thunderlane looked down. He was both ashamed and embarrassed. To him, it felt like it was his fault Applejack overworked herself. “That is,” Mac suddenly continued, “if ya keep doin’ it alone.”

“Huh?” Thunderlane and Braeburn looked to him. Mac’s expression hadn’t budged, but he was nodding.

“Yer, little secret work has been getting us closer to the bits we need to pay our expenses for the time being. I reckon if it keeps up, and we get the storage unit fixed, we could be right back where we were before this whole money problem started.” He smiled at the end.

Thunderlane was surprised for two reasons. First: Mac just said more than one sentence at a time. Second: did he suggest continuing?

“What’s on yer mind sonny, I ain’t gonna let ya end up like that.” Granny Smith looked at him sternly and pointed at Applejack. Mac shook his head.

“If we take turns in pairs, we can keep up the extra work and get a day of rest from it in intervals. Trust me Granny, I got it figured.” He explained.

“If ya say so Mac.” She sighed. “I hope yer right about this.” Mac looked back at Thunderlane.

“Sorry about bein’ rough.” He looked away and scratched his head. “Thanks for carin’ about the family so much, I don’t know what t’say.”

“You’ve already said more than I’ve ever heard you speak.” Thunderlane chuckled. “I’m sorry about the secrecy, but you know how Applejack is, always taking things into her own hooves.”

“Trust me, we know.” Braeburn smiled.

“Well we’re all not getting’ enough sleep tonight already.” Granny Smith complained while looking at the clock. It read 10:30. “We’ll figure it all out tomorrow. For now, get some rest and let Applejack sleep.”

They all agreed and left Applejack’s room to let her get some rest. Thunderlane was beyond relieved. He never thought it would turn out like that. He was sure Mac was going to straight up kill him, but instead he agreed and now they were all in on the extra work. Why they didn’t do this in the first place, Thunderlane couldn’t say, but Applejack was stubborn like that.


Thunderlane stopped in the doorway to his room, glancing back over his shoulder at Applejack’s door. He thought for a moment, not quite sure why he had stopped, but he soon found himself floating back over quietly. He entered her room silently, so as not to disturb her, and walked over to her bedside. It was dark, but the full moon outside was filling the room with a soft twilight glow.

Applejack lay quietly in her bed, but was still breathing a little hard and sweating. The cold towel still rested on her head, but she looked like she was shivering. Thunderlane grabbed the blanket from the foot of her bed and carefully draped it over her, never taking his eyes off her face as he did. He realized her hat was still out in the fields.

She was never seen without her hat. He was more than certain it was special to her in some way. He didn’t know exactly why, but he was confident she would be happier if she woke up the next morning with it. He slowly crept over to the window and pushed it open, looking out towards the barn, after glancing at her one last time, he took off.

His wings were sore, but he managed. His mind wandered as he glided down the path to the loop where the carts of apples still sat.

Small gestures.

Little things to make another happy.

He really did care about her a lot. And caring about somepony else in a special way made him feel good. He had never had this before in his life and now he felt like he’d be hollow without it.

He set down by the carts and found the hat lying right where it fell off Applejack’s head. He scooped it up with his hooves and flew back towards the house.

Here it was: that warmth that he felt on the inside whenever it came to Applejack. Just the thought of her being happy when her hat was on her bedpost the next morning made him feel tingly. There was no mistaking it. She was special to him.

He glided carefully back through her window, landing gently on the wooden floor. He noticed that the towel had fallen off her head as he placed the hat on her bedpost. He grabbed it, feeling that it wasn’t so cold anymore. There was a basin with cold water on her nightstand. It had been brought in while she was being checked. Thunderlane dipped the towel in the water and squeezed it out before folding it neatly and placing it back on her head. She sighed comfortably and clutched the blanket with her hooves as he placed it.

He was worried he woke her at first, but relaxed when she continued to breathe steadily. His brain told him his task was done and he should head to bed, but his body didn’t move. He kept staring at her face. His arm moved on its own as he reached a hoof up and gently stroked her cheek with it.

What was he doing? He shouldn’t do this, but he was doing it anyway. She meant more to him than he could comprehend. How does a pony just work their way into another’s life like this. It felt unnatural, but at the same time felt so right. He found himself leaning his head down towards her. He stopped and held his place three times for a few moments as he edged his head closer and closer.

Who was he kidding? He had completely fallen for her.

He planted a very light, very gentle kiss on her cheek.

He reclined quickly, internally freaking out, and blushing. He really did that, HE REALLY JUST DID THAT. What was the big deal? He’d made out with BOTH of the pegasus sisters before… once at the SAME TIME! Why was this so… weird?! Why did it feel so… right?

He shook his head, face completely red. He quickly turned and headed for the door, but stopped in the door way. He glanced back at her one more time. Before he left for his room,

He smiled.

---To Be Concluded---

Author's Note:

Aw, somepony's in love ^_^

And as you may have noticed at the end... there is only one more chapter to go.

It's unfortunate because im having fun with this one too, but the outline for this story is set in stone. I'm not gonna just freely add to it like Flying Sky High xD That story was... different.


Thanks for reading! :)