• Published 29th Jan 2014
  • 297 Views, 5 Comments

Tidings - Divide

Lyra tries to convince everypony that the end is nigh.

  • ...


I awoke with a fright, eyes glued to the ceiling;
It was the middle of the night, and I had the strangest feeling
Of destruction and doom and another dark tiding
From the midnight gloom shining on the bed of which I was residing.

I felt such strong trepidation towards this event of colossal magnitude
That I feared complete damnation and the presence of total solitude.
Where this onset of knowing came from, I hadn't the slightest;
Somepony else must've felt the showing and responded, like I, unbiased.

Immediately I leapt out of bed and traversed down the corridor
Searching for Bon-Bon to share this dread and hopefully respond with ardour.
She wasn't in her room, nor the study, so I went to the kitchen:
There I found her, in the cuddy, so I told her my fears with diction.

Bon-Bon laughed and dismissed my vision as a mere nightmare
Saying, "I hope your night terrors desist and give up this warfare
On you, Lyra; if they don't adhere
Then I outta give 'em something to fear!"

It was painfully obvious to me that I couldn't convince Bon-Bon
So I left, hearing her echoing plea radiate behind, saying I was foregone.
"Hear me out!" she implored. "This isn't the first time this has happened!"
The warbling voice I ignored as I carried on, though I still felt saddened.

Something was wrong here; something wasn't right.
All I felt was fear; I wanted to take flight.
If I couldn't convince others that my worries weren't misguided
Would we be smothered together or fall divided?

I narrowed my eyes, my purpose known:
I would apprise everypony; I couldn't postpone
These unrelenting, unyielding feelings of collapse and death
That my knowledge could be shielding. I would go until my last breath.

My fate was sealed the moment I decided, for a frightening chill ran down my spine.
"You can't stop it with a perspective so one-sided. Spread the word; the knowledge is not benign,"
Whispered a voice directly into my ear, stirring anxiety and terror deep within my heart.
The words were icy and clear, but I firmly believed that I must impart—

The knowledge bestowed unto me by forces unknown.
"Regardless," the voice forebode, "the end cannot be postponed."
Lies and slander! Misdirection of prose!
I sensed a distinct lack of candour in the information disclosed.

The being now silent and still, I made my rounds
Around the neighbourhoods of Ponyville that were abscond of sounds.
With speed, concentration, and a little bit of luck
I could prevent our termination and stop chaos from running amok.

Carrot Top, Noteworthy, Caramel, and Berry Punch
All looked at me soberly and said they had more than a hunch
That I was playing them for a fool and slammed the door with a simper—
These setbacks would only fuel me to not go out with a whimper.

Colgate and Roseluck responded much the same
Detailing that they had absconded from all participation in this 'game.'
Even Mister and Misses Cake seemed peeved;
"Lyra, for Pinkie Pie's sake, please leave."

"Pinkie Pie? What's wrong with her?" I questioned.
"She says she no longer belongs," they replied, "and is destined
To spread the word of a terrible catastrophe.
Oh, Celestia: I think she heard. Tell Pinkie it's not her 'destiny!'"

Looking into the normally cheerful, happy eyes of Pinkie Pie
And seeing sunken, mournful ones made me want to cry.
A small part of me had hoped that my qualms were not validated
But Pinkie's expression evoked the realization that they were indeed vindicated.

"You know, too," was all she said. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.
"I hope that we can stop everpony from being dead," Pinkie finished, tone bleak.
I made to say something hopeful, something uplifting, but
Our brief conversation made the Cakes fearful, and they slammed the door shut.

There were others that knew; it couldn't have been a coincidence.
Despite the fact that we were few, the knowledge gave me confidence.
I doubled my effort; I tripled my speed.
It gave me a minor comfort; others thought my proclamation a screed.

I tried many more homes over the course of the night.
Nopony else dared leave their tombs, suspended as they were with fright.
I hung my head in failure and made my way to my favourite spot:
An escape to nature in the form of a small hill with a tree on top.

I climbed and leaned against the soft bark, staring off into the distance.
The feeling that had once guided me, a single spark, had faded into nonexistence.
Sitting there, beside my own prelude;
I waited and prepared, watching the sun rise in solitude.

Forced to watch it all occur through a single pair of eyes, a single window;
Tired from all the work I was forced to do and alone except for the company of my shadow;
I mused how it used to be better; it used to be simple;
But now I was locked in fetters and simplicity had dwindled.

Nothing could stop it; all my attempts would fail.
Nervously I'd flit, stumbling out of the veil.
Kingdoms came and fell to strife; memories lasted until they faded to black;
I'd had a good life, yet despite all that, I refused to go back.

If the lies the voice was spinning were true—I didn't forget—
Then from the very beginning, this was all pre-set
And nothing, not a single thing could be done about it,
So I should just stop worrying and rest while I still had my spirit.

When it all ends, and I hoped it came soon,
I shan't make amends or come crawling to the moon.
The sky started darkening; the clouds turned into death.
I could feel the finale approaching and felt my last breath.

Comments ( 5 )

Hmm? Now what might this be, I wonder?

Damn, that's pretty powerful :fluttercry:.
Your writing is as good as always, and I would love to get more to read from you :pinkiesmile:.

An adaptation to the somewhat gloomy poem on your page... Either I'm too dense or there is some inherent deeper meaning to all this. My vote's on the former.

My guess is that this story is referring to the fandom and the glory days we all had.

I mused how it used to be better; it used to be simple.

Heh. Small world. I ponder this all the time, to be honest.

I'd had a good life, yet despite all that, I refused to go back.

But this right here confuses me. Relating to real life or the fandom, doesn't matter.

Forced to watch it all occur through a single pair of eyes, a single window;
Tired from all the work I was forced to do and alone except for the company of my shadow;

From a single window... I know I'm probably reading into this too much, but maybe a computer screen? Might the "work" be referring to storywriting becoming a chore, or real life work being strenuous.

The feeling that had once guided me, a single spark, had faded into nonexistence.

A single spark.... You did say once that you lost the spark that drives you to continue.

I got a few more, but that's enough speculation.
:rainbowlaugh: I just realize that I must look like an idiot right about now. Time to bow out respectfully.

Remember, Divide; I'm here to talk to if you need someone virtual, for what it's worth. Complete isolation ain't never done good for nobody.

It's great to see a story from you divide.
I'm kind of at a loss at the moment, and unsure of what I feel.
All I know for sure though is that this was an amazing read and think about afterwards.
I'll eagerly await your next story.

Heyyy, cool to see a poem from you, Dividesy! You know I love poems. And you. Radsauce!

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