• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 10th

Gabriel LaVedier

Just another University-edicated fanfiction writer who prefers the cheers and laughter of ponies to madness and sorrow.


Comments ( 150 )

I... uh... I'm just going to walk back outside and pretend this never happened.... :unsuresweetie:

Whoo, man that is some spicy porn. I'll give it a look and a brief review for ya later. :scootangel:

Well, that was extremely hot. Cute little ending too. Though not too surprising. Thanks for writing yet another great clopfic.

Also, I have a feeling the two downvotes the story currently has are from users who didn't read the story and just read the list of triggers/fetish's in the description.


I hope you enjoy it when you get to it :yay:


My pleasure. I know what I like and what I can do decently. I always have to have that sort of end.

Vexy #10 · Feb 5th, 2014 · · ·

"Ooh, a DarZotl clopfic! Let's see... list of fetishes... Bondage, Rape... eh, they aren't so bad—wait a minute... there's a "read more" button... Okay, that's a lot more than two fetishes... oh my... oh my... OH MY..."


Ok, I'm going in. If you don't hear from me within the next couple of days, destroy my hard drive and inform my relatives. In that order please. :trollestia:

Wow, ball worship. Now there is a fetish I haven't seen in sometime. For a second, I thought it would've been a scent fetish instead.

So... Will their child be an anarchist that overthrows a dictator? I mean, he's El Hijo del Ahuizotl. LOOOOL! Get it? Get it? I'm such a comedic genius. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!! I need friends.

This isn't my thing, but I like it, as it is really well-written, and you obviously put lots of effort into this.


-Slow clap-

-Clap speeds up a little-


-Fast clap-


-Claps as hard and fast as he possibly can-

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!!!

I actually quite enjoyed it. The ending was quite heart warming too.

I gotta say that when I saw the title I had to do a double take.


I hope it pleases you. The fetishes are not done in the usual way, and the ending is very... me.


I'm not much of a scent man. I tend to downplay scent and some taste when sensual details are concerned, focusing on sound, touch and sight.


Huh. You might need to explain that one. I didn't study very many Aztec myths. I barely know what an ahuizotl is, and the difference between Ahuizotl and ahuizotl.


I like doing those endings. Happy endings are my bread and butter.


I'll inform your relatives after cleaning up your dessicated corpse and the dried fluids :rainbowlaugh:


Yeah, but there are badly executed happy ends and well executed happy ends.

You've done a great job making a well executed happy end! ^_^


Huh. You might need to explain that one. I didn't study very many Aztec myths. I barely know what an ahuizotl is, and the difference between Ahuizotl and ahuizotl.

Ahuízotl was a mexica emperor, and ahuízotl (small "a") is a water creature. The ethymology is "A" (from "atl", water) and "huízotl" (from "huiztli". Literally meaning "water thorn" or "river thorn"). The joke is a play on the title of a Mexican revolutionary newspaper, El Hijo del Ahuizote, made by the anarchist Flores Magón Bros. during Porfirio Díaz's dictatorship. It was a joke in itself, since Díaz made a newspaper back in the 1870s when he tried to run for president (and failed) called El Ahuizote, which denounced Lerdo de Tejada's reelection ambitions and ran as an opposition newspaper. When Porfirio Díaz was made president in the 1880s, El Hijo del Ahuizote (Son of Ahuizote) ran as an opposition newspaper against Díaz. The newspaper was more or less a satirical comic strip filled with cartoons that denounced the horrible social conditions of the time (and was a precursor of propaganda). The joke is that Ahuízotl's son is going to grow up into an anarchist and make a newspaper.

The existence of this comment justifies the story (which, I'm sorry to say, I have no desire to read; not my kinks).

In the interests of giving your stories a fair shake, have you got anything less, er, rapey?

other than the weird crotch boob fetish (no clue how that started) was a decent clop

Be there a sequel?

Congrats, Gabriel, you are at the top of the Feature Box! :moustache:

3903075 Well, that's the anatomically correct place for the boobs on a horse/pony.

3903655 have you looked at a horse before there are no boobs there

I can always count on Gabriel for the queerest fetishes.

In a good way.

Huh. Well, that just happened. Honestly, I can't adequately describe how this makes me feel. Therefore, I'm gonna go to sleep.

3903708 ..... That's because they only start producing milk after giving birth.

The fetishs list started out alright, then became thought inducing, then became things I hadn't seen before, then became an angsty teenager who ran away from home to become a successful carbon rod door to door seller on a broken bike infussed with the soul of their great great grandfather...

There are words on that list I'm steadily becoming more and more terrified to look up...

So this is what you were talking about? :trixieshiftleft:

If you want a fucking weird ass fetish, ask me. I'll scrounge something up for you.


I'm honestly tempted to make a giant-ass clop story with tons of fetishes in it, just to see how you respond.


Might I suggest 'The Hero's Journey' or 'He Never Had So Sweet A Changeling'? Gabe's my best friend, and I like to think I know his work well. The former has some nods to 'Dante's Inferno', and the latter is an interesting exercise in interspecies romance.

Extremely well-written porn, you made Ahuizotl interesting, and pregnancy? This gets a fave. :pinkiehappy:


A fascinating lesson on Mexican political history. I love learning things like that! And I sort of knew that about the name. I checked the etymology on Wiktionary.


Pregnancy is very, very big with me. Usually my clops have some hint of impregnation, and typically interspecies, like this.


This is the one. It's a lovely romance... and a weird, fetish heavy clop.


Which ones do you mean? I can define them and save you from having that in your search history.


Thanks for letting me know! It feels good to know my hard work gets love from the fans.


No plans so far. I had an idea for a short comedy about Rainbow Dash being a creepy stalker fan and tracking down Daring/Yearling to find out why she stopped writing.


For clop that is far, far less rapey try these: "Crystals and Diamonds", "Bejeweled Love", "Every Spike has his day", "Iron Will makes a Porno", "Iron Will vs. The Penile Code", "Bad Moon Rising" and just to top it off, "Clop, Clop."

I've read far more rape-y things. If anything, I feel that it hints that Daring had an attraction to Ahuizotl she denied to herself before all this. But that could be me misreading the subtext.

collab with Bronystories

Aaaaaand I think we're done here. If you don't mind, I'm just gonna 'nope' out of this one.

3904870 I would appreciate that

3903736 exactly thus no boobs -shrugs- tho they would still have nipples down there

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