• Member Since 12th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen May 27th


I'm a 28 year old Texas brony, who enjoys meeting new people here on Fimfiction.


Many ponies think that Discord was the ultimate evil until his reforming. What they don't know is that there is an evil out there greater than Discord. And ever since the Elements of Harmony were taken from the Tree of Harmony, they have been slowly chipping away at their prison. For the Moon held much darker secrets than just Nightmare Moon.

This story is the result of a conversation I had with Wave Blaster here. After bouncing ideas back and fourth for his own story, I said I wanted to give it a try and he was like 'go for it'

Creative consultant: Wave Blaster
Proofreader: CogWing
Editor/proofreader: SaraSantiago

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 16 )
Comment posted by nodamnbrakes deleted Mar 2nd, 2014

Congratulations for publishing it, a good introduction and a nice final touch with the plot twist at the end. Looking forward to see what happens next.
Thumbs up.

Thanks Wave. I couldn't have done this story without you. :eeyup:
The next chapter will be getting everything ready because the shit is gonna hit the fan in Chapter 3. :pinkiecrazy:

You can count on me but remember that the writer of this is you.:ajsmug:

And now I really can't wait for next chapter.:pinkiehappy:

Don't worry, I'm not selling myself short. You helped to spark this idea, but I'm driving this bus. (And I'll soon be taking us off a cliff.)

It's beginning to appear that chapter 2 will be my longest chapter in this story.

Okay, so we got our Suicide Squad which is composed of expies of Lady Shyva, Deadshot and Bane.
The BADASS! levels are about to hit the floor.

Yep. The badass levels are rising and they're about to explode. :rainbowwild:

my badass sensor is going off like crazy:eeyup:

That it should; because this chapter is tame compared to what I've got planned for future chapters.

4144419 from that im getting at but not sure that maybe that big macintosh now dont hold me against this.......but.....just maybe..that big macintosh.....is.............................................Batman just sayin

Batman pony-ing is Wave Blaster's thing. (As is staying away from Batman in his Mare-Do-Well story.)
Big Mac is actually more like Sam Fisher.

I look my Mare-Do-Well more like Green Arrow than Batman.

4144678 I just got batman from the stealth I dont think you will but I feel like your gonna have big mac pull a batman

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