• Published 7th Feb 2014
  • 2,185 Views, 51 Comments

The mare in the mirror - tut895

Can Diamond Tiara change her ways, starting with just something as simple as an apology?

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I'm asking her to change her ways

inspired by this cover of the amazing Micheal Jackson song:

I put my head on the desk, trying to hide my tears as I begin to cry. Silver Spoon had just left me, saying I was too cruel to those used-to-be blank flanks.

I had never meant to make Scootaloo kill herself. If I had known that she would've done that, then I wouldn't have ever even made fun of her flight problems.

I only needed some way to make myself feel better. After the abuse my father had put me through, I thought that I could feel better by pointing out my positive traits, instead of all the negatives my mother would talk about. My father was never around nearly enough for his encouragement to help counter my Mother's harmful words.

How could somepony like you even make a friend? I wish you had never been born, you know that? Don't play with those toys, they're too good for you.

My tears begin dripping down onto the top of my desk and puddles, as my breathing becomes shaky and audible. I feel the ponies around me turn their heads in my direction, probably looking at me sideways, as they'd never seen me cry.

I hear hoofsteps, and a hoof touch my back, slowly caressing my spine in a comforting way. Cherilee's voice breaks the silence, surprising be a bit as I hadn't expected her to talk.

"Diamond Tiara, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Do you need to take a break and go for a short walk to calm down?"

I've begun crying so hard, that I begin sounding like a foal who had just been physically hurt, and badly. When I breathe in, it sounds more like a wheeze, making me slightly choke as I transition from breathing in and out, stopping me from speaking.

I just nod my head, getting up and slowly trotting out the door as I try not to make myself look like even more of an idiot than before.

The cool breeze of Spring greets me as I walk out of the School Building. The heartless wind blowing endlessly, as if to mock me through it's own ways.

I look up to the clouds, currently blocking the sun as it tries to break through the cloud's white blanket. My mind skips to the times when I had an actually pleasant life. When Daddy was actually around, and my Mother was a happy Mare, not focused on conning and copying from anypony foolish enough to fall into her traps.

I collapse into sobs on the School's porch, hoping none of the other ponies see me. I really do wish I could make some form of amends, but I sincerely doubt the two living CMCs will accept me after how horrible I've been to them, and their late friend.

I hate this feeling. The feeling that you know you did something wrong, but you don't know how to fix it. Silver Spoon was so upset when she had found out that we caused Scootaloo's death.

"You went way too far this time!" She had shouted at me, fear and anger had filled her body, and her mouth had formed into a scowl, forcing me to feel the power that each of her words carried, smacking my face in a way that made me want to curl up into a ball. "Why in Equestria would you EVER make fun of somepony for not having parents!? You just don't do that D.T.!"

Tears had formed in the corners of her eyes, as she began thinking about what her future could be like should she stick with me.

"Listen," I tried to retort, beginning to cry myself. "I never wanted things to-"

"WELL THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT WHAT YOU WERE GOING TO SAY!" She had cut me off, leaving me with my mouth open as she began to turn around. What she said next was quiet, but carried the weight of the world for me.

"Don't call me your friend anymore." After saying this, she just ran.

My tears had begun forming a puddle on the Porch, as I hear the School Bell ring, followed by a plethora of my Schoolmates. I look up, hoping to find Applebloom and Sweetie Belle- or at least Silver Spoon- so I can apologize for the pain I must've caused them.

Applebloom comes out with a small group who had stayed behind to make sure Cherilee didn't need any help with her things. Sweetie Belle soon comes out, following in suite as they begin trotting towards where Scootaloo's body was found: the swingset.

I begin to trot over to them slowly, trying my best not to let my sadness get the best of me again. Before I'm able to reach them, Applebloom notices me and begins to get Sweetie Belle so they can get as far away from me as possible. I need to get their attention before that happens though.

"Wait." I say, hoping it'll make her stop and listen. Instead, it makes her move a bit faster as she mutters something to Sweetie Belle, who looks back at me with an angry look before they begin moving away from me. I need to get their attention before they get out of earshot.

"I just want to apologize!" I shout, making them stop in their tracks as their ears perk up. They turn around, Sweetie Belle looking depressed now, and Applebloom giving off a face of complete anger. I decide to begin, now that I have their attention.

"I know you're beyond furious at me, and you have every right to be, but just hear me out right now. I never meant for Scootaloo to feel depressed, much less kill herself. I just needed some way of making myself feel better. I see now how horrible my methods were." My tears begin coming back, stinging my eyes as they mix with the dirty air, all the while blurring my vision. "I just-"

I begin to choke up, as it gets harder and harder to breathe when you begin to sob like I am now. "I just didn't have the- the best experience at my own home, and it was constantly putting me down.

"Now I want some way to change things, to sew the gaping hole I must've left in your hearts. I want to change, to become more friendly, and to find better ways of cheering myself up."

What Applebloom says next brings about a pain worse than Losing somepony close to you, and it makes me feel like a nail went through my heart.

"I don't want your apology," She mutters, before ascending into a shout "Your apologies don't mean anything to anypony. You're just a wast of time, space, and air!" Her eyes begin to tear up, as she quiets down and says one more thing before turning around and trotting away "I don't want to see your face ever again."

Sweetie Belle gives me a small look of sympathy, before walking away with Applebloom and dipping her head until she's staring at the ground while she walks.

I lay down on the sand of the play ground, and begin to cry. Not the kind of crying where it's a single tear, or a sniffle and a few minutes of heavy breathing, or even the sobs you have after witnessing the death of your favorite pet. The pure, depressing type of crying caused by something as damaging as losing somepony you love, or the cries you give when you've lost all hope.


Second suicide of a student from Ponyville High this week

As of Yesterday, 10:30 PM Honor student of Ponyville High, Diamond Tiara was reported missing from her home. She hadn't been seen by any of the local neighbors that night. After further investigations, her corpse was found the same way as the student who had committed suicide two days ago: Hung, by the neck, on the swing set within the Playground designed for young foals behind the highschool

The parents and Neighbors of Diamond Tiara have gathered at the grave yard today to pay their respects, and to console the grieving mother and father of the well known student.

Silver Spoon dropped the News Article, tears forming at the corners of her eyes as she began to think she had caused this, that she shouldn't have left Diamond Tiara, and pushed her into the sadness that had caused her death.

Author's Note:

I am currently debating a rewrite of this story.

Comments ( 50 )

Yea, I don't really know why I thought Diamond Tiara would have any redeeming qualities.

When one really gets to know a bully, they would be surprised to see how many redeeming qualities they truly have.

While true, what we've seen from the show is "Bratty bratty want it all" stereotype who'll do a lot of cruel things to get to the top

Then, you do see a smidgen of gratitude towards Pinkie Pie, in Pinkie Pride. I think there might be more background to her story in cannon, something simple so kids can understand it though.

I liked this story quite a bit, due to personal experiences, it did get some emotion from me.

Really? I have yet to see Pinkie Pride so I wouldn't know. But really?

Really, it's quite comical in some ways. I'll be honest though, I was not expecting that. Do you want a link to the latest episode?


Found this short clip though.

Well, that was unexpected.

So sad. And now it looks like Silver Spoon may be feeling the same way. I just hope she doesn't commit suicide as well. :fluttercry:

3911118 D.T. has a really good singing voice.

I dont plan on making a sequel yet so, I dunno if she will


I think you had a good idea here, but the execution of it seems a bit wanting, I'm afraid.

First off, it's far too short; there's barely any time to get any emotional investment in the characters or situations, and then *bang*, story's over. 1,000 words is a minimum, love, not a goal. This really needed to be four or five thousand words, at least, to give the concept some room to breathe and to really get down into Diamond's state of mind and her back-story. Too much of it is just told -- and indeed, barely even hinted at -- rather than being shown.

Second: dialogue. Diamond Tiara's (and to a lesser extent, Silver Spoon's, though she doesn't get as many lines) is far too stilted, and not at all natural for a child her age. Grade-school kids just don't say things like "I see now how horrible my methods were" or "sew the gaping hole I must've left in your hearts." That's what's called "purple prose"; it's excessively flowery and overdone, and makes her come off as just an actor reciting lines from a play rather than a living, breathing, three-dimensional character of her own.

It's an okay start, but... it needed more. Sorry.

Its good, it is short, but the song, and having met MJ personally, and listening to this song while reading this story.... It made me tear up... Like the loss of a pet, not nearly as much as snowdrop of my little dashie.... but not simple tears..... It was good, but like said below.. Need more emotional qualities

Why is this getting put into so many groups? :rainbowhuh:

you...you did a good job...:ajsleepy:

Yea, it's more of a scene than a story. Quite frankly, I just wanted to test my luck with a one shot. While I'm not the greatest author out there (not by a long shot) I'll take your words into mind, and fix up what I can should I do this again

I hope Apple bloom feels happy that she no longer has to see Diamond Tiara's face ever again. I hope she feels that justice has been done. I really hope she's happy now. I hope she is glad that the bully that caused Scootaloo to commit suicide, killed herself out of guilt and despair.

Shhhhh, we don't talk about guilty pleasures here, not yet.

3911946 What is that suppose to mean? Please explain your statement.

Applebloom's secret joys of what doth happened

3911343 Perhaps even better then Sweetie Belle.

I prefer the original Micheal Jackson vocals.

Far as the story goes, it seemed promising despite the usual. DT wants forgiveness, distraught because all hate her, lost her best friend(normally stated as her *only* friend), asks for forgiveness and A) Gets it and eventually mends ways with the CMC or B) Lost everything must end life.

Now, there is nothing to say that formula can't work, because a few have nearly pulled it off perfectly before (serious copout WD... SERIOUS COPOUT!) *cough* but the pacing here was express way level fast, like you couldn't see another car for miles so don't hold back on the gas type of fast.

DT is sad because—wait, WHAT?! She caused Scootaloo to KILL HERSELF? Well, dang. Well, maybe we'll find out later...

"DAMNIT DT you WENT TOO FAR! You don't make fun of ponies for NOT HAVING PARENTS!" :twilightoops:
*slap* :pinkiegasp:
"Don't call me friend anymore" :pinkiesad2:

News Flash, Diamond Tiara ace student bright future ahead of her COMMITS SUICIDE after one failed attempt at trying to garner symphathy for admitting her life sucked and wants them to help her find new ways to make herself feel better!

Silver Spoon now feels /the same sadness that drove Diamond Tiara to suicide/. Permanent cliffhanger.

Hmm, a cliffhanger in a fic where two ponies killed themselves over hanging. How poetic.

I dunno why I thought Diamond Tiara had any redeeming qualities

I don't know, pre-S4 she looked like she had potential for a fair amount of it. And with latest episode, it only reaffirms that possibility despite the obvious "Still can't let her be seen in a too good light or we have to make new antagonists" vibes the song had. Much of it trying to retcon s1 stuff like DT willingly inviting ponies over to her amazing party despite not having to.

But far as this story goes, it's full of potential. We could of gotten it started off with Scootaloo standing on the swing, enjoying Celestia's beautiful sunset, then hear something vague from her to be explained later or even no talking at all and just jumping off to end up hanging herself as all the reader would see is the small desciption of a chain or noose tightening around her neck before it switches to DT's perspective after reading that News Paper article that tells us Scoots actually killed herself. Hell, you don't even need a description of her jumping off that swing set since the News Paper would tell us how she died.

Would of been more tragic if you found out she wanted to live but accidentally slipped and couldn't fly up to take off the now too tight to breath noose and her tiring wings that can't lift her or hold her up much longer.

Then we could have DT being accused by AB for Scoots death, other ponies over hearing the accusation and a possible reason why Scoots would do that.

Do something where DT begins to get slowly ostracized and hated on by her peers and mother as rumors/news spreads. Silver Spoon wracked with guilt knowing she helped cause the death of a fellow classmate.

Build up to how much more worst things for DT was getting despite her own guilt KNOWING she caused it until we get the inevitable breakup of the friendship she and Spoon had, maybe Silver thought to blame it all on DT, it was HER idea, SHE didn't know any better, why should she take the blame of being a part of something that wasn't thought up by her? Give Silver some buildup.

All in all, I may as well right my own fiction most must be saying by now, but when I say this fic has/had potential, I meant it.

The Dialogue though, DT's parts anyways, were too forced. Is that how YOU would think or speak if YOU caused someone to commit suicide even though it was never your intention or thought it could ever happen? Not even hearing potentially of any such thing ever occurring before mind you. Scootaloo's death should of meant something. But in the end, despite how beautiful that hanging herself on the sing BESIDE the one Scoots died over, would be... you really didn't put much effort into telling a story beyond X did Y and Y did Z /because reasons/.

Might seem a bit harsh, but I actually liked the story till I learned it was "Complete" tag on it. I'm sorry you won't be fleshing this out or giving it a proper continuation of the aftereffects this new revelation that now puts AB and SB on the emotional side of things to know THEY could of prevented another death, maybe AB was happy, maybe SB would find that disgusting and make AB feel like crap. MAYBE Silver Spoon would meet up with SB and those two with AB would get together and talk about their loss and how they feel about it all, go into the final moments before the suicide for Scoots maybe. Give her a chapter through her perspective to tie us back to Chapter 1's intro that wasn't added of what led to her making the headlines.

I guess, if you don't care for the characters you write, there's no helping this. But you really could of done better than this if you had written with an open mind. Add some of what YOU would think or do in DT's situation on a more realistic level at the very least.

For what its worth, it's nice as far as fitting thousands of words into a 1k fic. But honestly these stories are why I hardly read many SAD or TRAGEDY fics that include the Diamond Tiara tag on them, most are either very contrived or very little thought or effort put into them despite some actually having a great idea to them. I'm more upset that you just wrote to the minimum and slapped it onto fimfic than any of the more obvious faults.

TL;DR: Put a little more effort into your stories beyond the minimum. This could of been amazing.

Well, those story ideas are quite marvelous. Perhaps I will do a rewrite in the future.

As for your talk about it's lack of good pacing, I did kinda rush through this one. My friend said I couldn't just sit down, be given a story idea, and write without having any ideas as to the plot. Taking that challenge backfired more than earned me a free slap.

The author comment bothered me a tad. She really doesn't have any such qualities on the show and probably will not unless they writers decide they want to stop using her and Silver Spoon as CMC foils. Therefore, if an author is going to look at Diamond Tiara as something more than that it's up to them to write those qualities and bring them out. If this was your goal and you couldn't find any then you might to go back and rethink your approach or make it clear that the reader is supposed to think she really doesn't have any such qualities. I've read quite a few DT redemptive fics precisely looking for what authors will do to give her those traits. No one has quite nailed it yet, though. Clean Slate is my active favorite.

I think Mix-tape is correct, but it's not just the dialogue that's awkward.

I've begun crying so hard, that I begin sounding like a foal who had just been physically hurt, and badly. When I breathe in, it sounds more like a wheeze, making me slightly choke as I transition from breathing in and out, stopping me from speaking.

I've never had the misfortune is being around a child who is actively being beat like that, so the simile falls flat. Without having gone through the requisite experience, I have to kind of guess of what it would sound like. I understand what you are trying to get across, but is it really necessary to go into that much detail about how she is crying? I don't think this level of description about her crying is needed because it doesn't convey anything meaningful. Simply describing how she is crying doesn't really, for me, convey how hurt she is.

What Applebloom says next brings about a pain worse than Losing somepony close to you, and it makes me feel like a nail went through my heart.

Like the physical beating a foal line, this doesn't really describe anything. You take a feeling that presumes the readers experienced and effectively tell them to feel that. It's a weak way to do description. You descriptions throughout the story are plagued by this problem.

I'm always glad when someone is willing to take DT and do something beyond what the show does, but for this type of story I think it'd be better to start from the beginning. That is, what does DT say (not just a general summary, don't simply tell us what it is, write the whole scene ). You also lose a lot when you go from Applebloom's refusal straight to a dead DT. I understand she is sad and all, but I'm not sure why she decides that's the answer so it's hard to feel anything.

It's a start, but it does need some work.

Thats exactly what the song is not about..... The song is ironic to MJ's death. The song is truly about changing yourself for the better, thru thick and thin, no matter if anyone accepts you as it or not. And if diamond tiara doesnt do that.... Well it is your story, but as people before me have said, suicide and forgiveness are hard to pull off together. I myself am recently getting over the loss of my best friends suicide, just because he thought everyone around him was an asshole. My sister did the same, she ended up drowning herself because our father was later found out to have been beating her. Suicide is not a thing to be taken lightly, but this is in fact a good idea, although it needs a lot of editing, then this will be a perfect story.

For those that think suicide is the way out.... Please don't:

Call this number, they will help you

Need help? In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

3911941 No, just... no...

4047300 No what? Do you think Apple Bloom should be happy Diamond killed herself?

4047831 Wait... were you being sarcastic?
Well, this is awkward...

4047880 It's pretty hard to hear the tone of your voice through the internet, belive it or not.

That whole comment should've been in a spoiler tag thing. :applejackunsure:

4048126 I always thought that it was given that comments contained spoilers.:ajbemused: Oh well, sorry.:ajsmug:

4048582 I know, it's okay :twilightsmile:


4048827 Here, have another one on me :raritywink:

Comment posted by Minemaster__X deleted Apr 21st, 2014

Well damn,thanks for the feel but one thing. For some reason I've always took Filthy Rich as a bad guy,but it's mainly because of this guy: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Hero541

There's something called hyperlinks bruh, use them.

"but can she truly be accepted after so many years of her putting them down"


then silver spoon commits suicide, then ab for not forgiving them, then sweetie belle, then the swings get removed and a bunch of kids got transferred.

Naw I'm just kidding. Great story! It really gave me the feels!

But if the swings get removed then people will find a way to use the slide for their deaths

4338795 Then remove the slide! (And how would they even use the slide like that??)

rope at the top and go down i dunno

4339373 Well then ban ropes too :pinkiehappy: :rainbowlaugh:

Okay wow...Just... wow!
Is there another work you based this off of where Scootaloo actually does commit suicide?

No... I actually haven't thought of that. Maybe I should write it

It feels really way to sudden. I my opinion I'd keep this story up and try to flesh out a multi-chapter version that better explores the psyche of those affected by Scootaloo's death. From the teasing (so we get an idea of Diamond's and Silver's characters) to the first death, to Diamond Tiera seeking redemption and not recieving it.

4329640 So you don't believe in redemption? You think Apple Bloom should feel no type of remorse?

I am currently debating a rewrite of this story.

Why? I like it just the way it is.


Mainly because I felt it was a bit too short. If I were to do the rewrite, I'd keep the plot the same, but add some more details and flesh out a plot hole or two, such as a more detailed explanation of Scootaloo's suicide and why she did it.

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