• Published 5th Feb 2014
  • 1,949 Views, 59 Comments

My Last Letter - Silver Melodies

Silver Melodies just can't go on. Her pain keeps her from moving, from pushing ahead. So she gives up. She doesn't know what went wrong, but she leaves her final thoughts for everyone to see in her last letter.

  • ...

Never Again

Silver Melodies sat with the pencil hovering in her green aura of magic. In front of her, a blank paper. She just sat there, reflecting on the days past, on what brought her to this decision. She couldn't live like this anymore. She couldn't handle any more hurt. She didn't want to go on.

The days of her past were long and torturous. She lived in constant fear of upsetting her friends and family that she never took time to just enjoy herself. She had been a great singer, but no one ever listened to her sing, or they told her to shut up when she did, so she stopped. She used to be funny, but no one appreciated her jokes or humor, so she stopped. She used to be kind, but every kind act was met with hostility, so she stopped giving her love.

Now, she was a shell. She was alone, with no one to turn too. She had been betrayed by those she loved most, those she thought she could trust. Her own family, beating her down until she couldn't move.

She touched the pencil to the paper. She had to do this, or she might die from the stress. She didn't even know what would happen after she went through with this, but she would cross that bridge later. The pencil left elegant streaks of lead on the paper, forming words, which formed sentences as she poured her feelings out into the paper before her.

Dear family and friends,

I know you probably won't take the time to read this, but I just want you to know what I’ve done. I can't live here anymore. I'm always cut down and left alone, with nopony to talk to, or with anypony to care. How do I live life without somepony who I can know truly cares for me? One that won't try to beat me while I'm down?

So I've decided to leave. I know you all don't care, but this is better for me. I just need to be away... forever. I can't come back. I mean, why would you leave a bad place, just to come back? That's silly.

In case you are reading this, and actually have the heart to read this through, please let me explain my feelings.

Abandonment, rejection, fear, pain, loneliness, humiliation, sorrow, depression. Those are just a few, but the main ones. I haven't had a single friend my whole life. No one to just hang out with, or to play with, or talk with, or even just sit in silence. No one. Not even my own family. My own father, treats me like trash. My own mother, like I'm not even there, or she can't concentrate long enough to just talk to me, she's always doing something. My brother treats me like he wants to kill me. My sisters like they don't want to ever see me again. Everypony I've ever known doesn't ever want to just hang out with me. I'm alone in this world.

So now my heart lies shattered, in pieces. I can't mend it. I tried once, but you all just smashed it again, then again, then again. I had my heart locked away for so long. I kept it under watch, never once letting it out. Then I thought I could trust a select few of you. I gave you my heart, I tried to open up. What did you all do? You threw it on the ground! You crushed it! Rolled over it like it was worth shit!

Silver Melodies took a moment to breathe. Her anger was welling up inside her. Once her breathing stabilized, she continued.

I'm tired of being used. You all act like my life is worth nothing more than a rock. If you want something from me, you'll use me. If you want me to do something you don't want to, you'll use me. You'll use the fact that I just want you to all be happy as an excuse to make me do you work, or give you my stuff. You have no regard for my own life, or my own needs, only your own. I can't help the fact that I want to make you all happy, I just want you to see I need to be happy to. But no one cares.

When problems arise, I'm left on my own. Everypony will team up to take me down, no matter if I’m right or wrong. Nopony wants to know my side, they just want to show me what a terrible pony I am. Who knows? Maybe I am terrible.

By now most of you have stopped reading this. Okay, if you are still reading this, I just want to say... I’m sorry. I don't know what I did wrong. I tried my best, but my best was never good enough. I just wish I knew why you guys didn't like me. I wish I knew what I could differently.

Just know, if I could, I would do this all over again in hopes of finding out what I did wrong, but now it's too late. I can't continue, so I'm going to leave. So... I'm sorry. You'll never see me again, so I guess you'll be happy. I'm sorry...

Silver Melodies felt a tear roll down her cheek and stain the paper as she scrawled down the last few words amidst trying to hold back sobs.

Your loving sister, daughter, and friend,

Silver Melodies

She folded the paper up and placed it on her shelf. Chances were it would go unnoticed, but she didn't care anymore. She just had to get out of here. She opened the front door and stepped outside. She gave one last look towards the house. Nopony was home, so they wouldn't see her leave. She looked lovingly at the house, the decor, the toys... she would never see them again.

With a sigh, she closed the door and stepped out onto the street. She was never seen again.

Nopony mourned.

Author's Note:

Well... it's been a long time since i wrote a sadfic. Like... what, a month or so? So here it is. I hope i haven't lost my touch or what have you.

Comments ( 59 )

So, i know I already made a sad story about Silver Melodies, but I had to make this one. Unfortunately, and I know a lot of you will hate me for it, this story is more of a rant. Everything in this story is 95% accurate to my feelings and what I'm going through as I write these words, save for a few exaggerations. So... yeah, I'm sorry.

Oh hawt damn.
It was good, though. I love how you write. :3

my reaction throught out the story
I make Midnight Dash the same way....the feels, my keyboard is wet....

hey, idk if youd care, but would you like to collab with a story with our ocs?

3902712 Absolutely! As soon as you're ready, i'm ready!

oh, im quite surprised you said yes!:twilightsheepish::twilightsmile:

3902730 I'm always ready to collab with other authors. Especially when it involves our OCs. :pinkiehappy:

ok then, because im pretty sure midnight can relate to silver

Yikes this is indeed sad! I hope there will there be further chapters/sequels detailing her whereabouts after leaving. Of course I'm the type who hopes to see it eventually get, well un-sad.

3902851 Well, I it might be possible to do a sequel, or even a prequel, but I don't know. Also, if I did either one, chances are, it would end sadly. That's just how I enjoy writing, making it end sadly, with no happy ending...

I tend to be a depressing writer. :ajsleepy:

Jeez, you're a great writer and a consistent one two. I got to check out the rest of your stuff.

3912981 Thanks! Glad you like my stuff. :pinkiehappy:

I can relate to most of what you wrote here, so I know how most of this feels. :pinkiesad2:

This reminds me of when I was six and my mom married to an asshole. One who treated me like crap. Great story by the way. Brought back memories of all the times I've wanted to run away.

4174355 Um... is this sarcasm?

4174516 No it's not, but my mom got divorced from him. thank god

4174730 No, I mean, did you really think it was a good story? Or are you making fun of it?

4174800 I really did mean it was a good story

4174939 Okay. Thank you... sorry, I hope I didn't seem rude...

4175019 You didn't seem rude at all

Buck you, man. I was listening to Awake by Tycho while reading that and I almost teared up. *ahem* Manly tears, I mean. Still sad, though. :fluttershysad:

4194555 Of course... liquid pride... we all shed it... glad you liked the story!

It was great. Just upsetting. I wasn't listening to anything sad or I would have broke down

4243975 I'm going to start recommending songs to listen too while reading my stories to make you peoples cry...

Instead of disappearing into darkness, she could discover her destiny with your other oc

4345359 She ran away, because no one liked her and her brother was always gone...

I meant that after she ran away. Sorry if that offended you.

4345498 Hmm? Why wold it offend me? It's all good.

But her brother wouldn't be able to find her, because she ran far away from her home...

4345566 The reason I apologized is because at my home, almost everything I say offends people.

4345865 Ha, same here. But don't worry, I wont judge you for what you say... unless you say some really mean things... but you didn't.

Well depression isn't a feeling actually, it's an illness, having to do with feeling of sorrow, abandonment, pretty much all that you said. So depression is mainly a lot of feelings together. Sorry about this, I just can't stand it when people misunderstand the meaning of depresion. Good fanfic by the way, though. I wouldn't have done better. Sorry.

(I like to put this at the end of my comments since I am weird so yeah) :derpytongue2:

4563997 Ah, thanks for clearing that up... glad you liked it!

Silver Melodies: scapegoat for everyone on the f:yay:ing planet, evidently. Well, I've seen a couple people in high school who went through this sort of story, and as such, I can safely say that this is pretty accurate on both accounts (for both silver, and the world that's beating her down). With both cases (in my high school), the sg eventually ended up leaving (one for Andress, the other for the afterlife). When they left, however, the school simply found another scapegoat, creating an endless cycle. I always wondered what they thought before leaving, and this story gave me a pretty good answer. I'm glad I read this story. Good going. Cheers :pinkiesmile:

(PS: :fluttercry:)

4590513 Thanks! I know quite well what it feels like to be the scapegoat and what it feels like to back out and run away... I'm glad I was able to paint an accurate picture for you.

Ho-ly snot, that was a tear-jerker. Wow. :fluttercry:

9.5 out of 10. :pinkiesad2:
I'd be Silver Melodies's friend.:pinkiesad2:

I don't really like the format, but the story itself was really good...and easy to relate to...

5556709 Well don't be sorry! I understand people like different things, and not everyone will like everything about my stories. It's all cool :twilightsmile:

5557603 I can't help it....

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